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the chase

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Everything posted by the chase

  1. I'm watching Brit Floyd Live At Red Rocks on PBS.. I'm not usually into tribute bands, but they are spot on... really good
  2. Yeah that's pretty odd.. Listen to Page's timing on the acoustic numbers John Bonham didn't play on.. He's right on the money.
  3. Happy 66th Birthday to the amazing Mr Tony Iommi.
  4. What OzzyIsDio said... I wish Bill Ward was involved too.. But he backed out... yet again...
  5. Very good and interesting documentary.. Thanks for posting it kingzoso.
  6. I am. I saw the original band back in 1980 on the infamous Black and Blue Tour. Fire Of unknown Origin and Cultosaurus Erectus are my 2 favorites.. I think they really screwed up by firing drummer Albert Bouchard in 1981.. They were never quite the same after that.
  7. I don't know the answer to your question, but I loved what Jimmy did in 1977. For me it was one of the highlights of the 1977 tour. Going into ALS and Kashmir from his solo pcs was great. It was also cool that No Quarter (with Dazed and Confused retired) turned into even more of an epic in 1977.
  8. Happy 68th Birthday to the brilliant Mr.John Paul Jones. Living proof that music can keep you young. Best wishes.
  9. Yes it is.. Impressive and not at all surprising.. I don't think age has anything to do with it. He is a major artist, and a great guitar soloist,, He plays from his guts and he also has a pleasant singing voice. But (from all of the interviews I've seen and read) I find him to be very pretentious. I also think many of his songs are plain and boring.. The solo with The Allmans you posted was excellent. Just my honest opinion.. not stating it as an absolute ... as you tend to do..
  10. 33 years ago today we lost possibly the most important singer / songwriter in the history of Rock music. John Winston Ono Lennon October 9,1940 - Dec 8,1980. Today also marks the 8th Anniversary of another senseless murder. Pantera Guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott August 20, 1966 - December 8, 2004 I didn't know Dimebag shared his birthday with Robert Plant... Rest In Peace to both of these innovative musicians.
  11. From Blabbermouth.net... Yes I know it was posted before.. but I'm not positive it was all included.. and there's an actual compliment included about Robert from Jack Bruce.. . I was watching Beware Of Mr. Baker when I went on this search so maybe this post should have gone in the "what the famous say about Led Zeppelin" thread ....but close enough... CREAM's JACK BRUCE Says He Was Joking About LED ZEPPELIN — Or Was He? November 5, 2008 Jack Bruce of CREAM was in London Monday night (November 3) at the Marshall Classic Rock Roll Of Honour to accept the award for "Classic Album" for CREAM's "Disraeli Gears". Bruce told Classic Rock magazine at the event, "Everybody talks about LED ZEPPELIN, and they played one fucking [reunion] gig [at London's O2 in December 2007] — one fucking lame gig — while CREAM did weeks of gigs; proper gigs, not just a lame gig like ZEPPELIN did, with all the [vocal] keys lowered and everything. We played everything in the original keys. [becoming animated]: Fuck off, ZEPPELIN, you're crap. You've always been crap and you'll never be anything else. The worst thing is that people believe the crap that they're sold. CREAM is 10 times the band that LED ZEPPELIN is." This morning (Wednesday, November 5), Jim Johnson (a.k.a. J.J.) and Lynne Woodison of the Detroit rock station 94.7 WCSX called Jack at his home in London gave him an opportunity to clarify his comments. "I was just having some fun with the press gallery, really," he said. "[i was being] fairly tongue in cheek, but it's also the truth…. I mean, obviously, those gigs that we did are now three years ago, so it's ancient history now. And they did do that gig, but they also hijacked that gig 'cause that was supposed to be a tribute for Ahmet [Ertegun; the late founder of Atlantic Records and mentor to many music icons], and we were going to be playing it, 'cause it was gonna be at the [Royal] Albert Hall, and it was gona be all sorts of people — the [ROLLING] STONES and all sorts of people were going to be playing — but then they kind of hijacked the gig and made it into a ZEPPELIN gig, and Eric [Clapton; CREAM guitarist/vocalist] and me decided that we didn't want to be a part of it — 'cause it moved to the O2, which is a quite large venue in London. And we thought it had gone in the wrong direction for us as a tribute to Ahmet . . . 'Cause we were really happy to be doing it, and it was going to be fun, because Ginger [baker; CREAM drummer] was going to come from South Africa. And then Eric called me up and said, 'What do you think about doing this now that they're moving it to O2?' And I said, 'Well, I'm not very happy about doing that.' Because I don't really see CREAM in a place like that. We are more of an intimate sort of a band. We don't like playing vast places. The Garden is about our limit." Bruce continued, "The thing about ZEPPELIN is that obviously it's a little bit of jealousy on my part — or more than a little bit — because the audience was created by CREAM and JIMI HENDRIX… this sort of very large audience… Then ZEPPELIN came along and had a very easy ride in that way. We were the pioneers and pioneers don't always get the recognition they deserve, maybe. But, on the other hand, it was true that they didn't play [the songs at the O2 concert] in the original key, and let's face it: Jimmy Page ain't no Eric Clapton… no matter what anybody thinks. . . I mean, the only decent guy, the one good guy in that band is dead… so what are you gonna do? [Laughs]" He added, "You know my sense of humor… I have a terrible sense of humor. . . I was just having some fun. The trouble is if you say anything about the establishment… In Britain, you mustn't criticize the Queen or LED ZEPPELIN, basically." When asked for his opinion on the possibility of LED ZEPPELIN going out on the road with someone other than Robert Plant on vocals, Bruce replied, "Well, I always thought Robert Plant used the wrong kind of fertilizer, anyway, so I think he might be an improvement… I'm just joking. Robert is one of the all-time, if not THE all-time, great rock singer — I'm not in that league; I'm more of a blues-type singer — and good luck to him." Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/cream-s-jack-bruce-says-he-was-joking-about-led-zeppelin-or-was-he/#M1ZYbdea8hEKjID9.99
  12. The late Rod Price. One of the all time great slide guitarists, was a wonderful person as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX7WtBxZDCY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e2xmCXCI2k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USf42k1Ldvk
  13. I guess iconic is in the eye of the beholder. I'll take the "irrelevant" any day.. In The Evening Fool In The Rain I'm Gonna Crawl Who's To Blame The Chase 1984 Satisfaction Guaranteed Emerald Eyes Over Now Whisper A Prayer For the Dying Wonderful One Please read The Letter Domino among many others.
  14. More artistic control and better all around production. Having a musician the caliber of John Paul Jones in your band able to write string scores was a huge benefit.. I love The Who as well, but I think Zeppelin had a lot more going for them in the studio. Page and Jones' studio knowledge imo put them in a different league than most ... if not all.
  15. To Eric Clapton's credit, he hated the "Clapton is God" hype and tried his hardest to downplay it.
  16. One other thing in Zeppelin's favor is they had 2 seasoned studio veterans in Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones.. ... and the best producer in the history of hard rock in Page and arranger in JPJ... Nothing wrong with using outside producers like The Who,,, but LZ had the best in the business in their own band...
  17. Very much so.. nicely done! I never quite knew how Jimmy got that sound.
  18. I pretty much agree with this.. but you missed the main ingredient of any great live band which is of course the drummer. John Bonham was the rock, the foundation that the rest of Zeppelin played off of.. Keith Moon was great, wild, erratic and played off the solidness of Entwistle, Townsend and even Roger Daltrey.. He was in full react mode ... whereas Bonham listened as well but drove the band hard.
  19. Excellent photos Steve.. Looks like Kiss mania is in full swing in Japan.. But, I must say, I have a hard time watching Tommy Thayer singing Shock me. That was Ace's signature song.. Not the Spaceman character's song ... but ACE FREHLEY'S. Is Eric Singer singing Beth too?
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