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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. One of my favs, and the sound quality is very good to me....with bootleg ears. That's an ass kicker !
  2. I don't think anyone was contending the part in Kashmir we are discussing might be strings. The contention was between recorders and mellotron on Stairway intro.
  3. New album and tour?? There are reams of cyber thread here about this futile discussion. 😖
  4. I like this analogy! Also, this thread was about Kashmir wasn't it? 🐒
  5. Hope he doesn't get shit canned for the tease. 🙄
  6. Have a similar situation going on over on the Bonham drum kit auction thread.
  7. What is your source regarding the Slingerland kit being used to record the first album??
  8. There is no question in my mind that the kit in those pics from the Marquee is a Slingerland, but where did you get the info that he used it to record the first album? Did you read it in a book? I never saw any reference to Zep using Yardbirds equipment early on, but I may have forgotten that from some biography of the band. Also, that BDP kit pictured with Plant has a matching wood snare, not an old metal drum. The bass drum most certainly looks like a 22 , not a 24, and both floor toms look like they are 16s, no 18. I own a 24, 13,16 Luddy kit and the bass drum definitely looks bigger in contrast with the 13 Tom. That kit Plant is standing behind doesn't seem to be the BDP kit you're describing. Gotta be different.
  9. Very cool little find. I never heard Blueberry Hill was recording by radio transmission?? I always assumed the old LP sources, TMQ and Rubber Dubber both came from tapes. Anybody know about Grant's claim here?
  10. Welcome , Blaize. I enjoyed your thoughts on this show. I read this title and thought...hey wait a minute , wasn't there a heated discussion recently about this show?? I like your comments about the show, and I agree with them, but I disagree with you about 73. Page's playing was usually excellent, consistently more fluid than any subsequent year....and I assume by recordings you mean dry sound boards because there are many very enjoyable audience tapes. Anyway, went off on a tangent there which as you'll soon find out happens all the time on the LZ Forums. Maybe this thread should be moved over into the original Montreal 75 underrated thread?
  11. Outstanding. Thank you do much not only for taping and sharing , but going through the effort to have it transferred carefully and shared again!! 😀
  12. I agree with you completely. Hearing the whole 9/29 show form a more balanced audience perspective would be awesome. Thanks for noticing the same disparity on EVs Rock Carnival. I assume the more recently discovered remainder of source 7 must've degraded , hence all the EQ and NR. What seems odd is they used the original source 7 for the first disc. I presume because it still reigns as the best tape for that night .
  13. Can't forget about Maurice White! One of the all time great vocalists who was a drummer.
  14. Give In The Evening Alternate mix another listen. Jones bass is much clearer in the mix and it's just incredible how great he plays on that cut. You can really hear the influence of Jamerson and Dunn Also, I've never been keen on Hot Dog but Bonzos drums on the alternate mix are up front which makes for fun listening.
  15. Very cool, some of these I've seen before but never Bonzos case. I assume this is the location of Swan Song offices as found in Google maps. Looks like a humble little place
  16. That's what I thought, thanks. Just curious, who actually owns the road gear, cases like this, stage equipment? Was some auctioned or sold off? Obviously each band member owns their own instruments but this stuff would have been property of Swan Song? Where are these touring items now?
  17. Cool find. Never saw that before. Would that have been used for clothing/personal items, or drum hardware?
  18. Just read an interview with Clive Coulson. This is a quote in which he describes singing on an encore with the band in Osaka on 9/28/71. Seems like more proof the whole board tape exists. In Japan in September 1971 Coulson was taken by surprise when Jimmy Page dragged him on stage. “I thought there was something wrong with the microphone when he handed it to me but then he said sing.” This happened in ‘C'mon Everybody’, which was part of an encore. “When I heard it back it was awful and I realised my singing career was over.”
  19. Nice shot, looks like Jimmy went record shopping at Tower !
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