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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Lol, coffee what thou wilt (I already had 5 of them, but I can imagine how you must feel like)
  2. It seems that is indeed considered to be a relgion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thelema
  3. Seems Jimmy borrowed the logo for his bookshop from Crowley. (picture from Crowley's The Equinox)
  4. What I dislike most about my country is the xenophobic movement called PVV and their Führer, Geert Wilders. Fascists in disguise.
  5. Anybody remembers these guys? Since I was very into metal when I was a lot younger than today.....here's the second albums my parents and neighbors learned to hate, or something like that.
  6. Have a great birthday, Ev...........if my headache that I woke up with this morning is over I will have a beer on you. Rocking regards from Holland.
  7. Uhh, he is a zombie now, which counts as undead.
  8. Since you state you saw Manzarek/Krieger in Belgium I wondered if you are going to see them In Tilburg, Holland In July.

  9. Lol...Socciopath.....A lunatic that loves soccer? Quite a cool word indeed for....uhhm....football hooligan ?!? Why is everybody here in this politically incorrect thread not willing to use the word FUCK btw? Fucking is a wonderful thing, if there was more fucking going on right now, there would be less silly arguments and hurt feelings here.
  10. He got it out of an ancient grimoire, a magical textbook called "Le veritable dragon rouge" Have a look for yourself, this is page number 91, of the French edition from 1521. The symbol repesents the spirits of Saturn.
  11. The live cd that comes with the reissue is actually quite good, better than Tribute or SOTD. Try find a download just as I did, it's a lot cheaper (And it makes no sense IMO to have those albums on vinyl twice) Another Ozzy album that I personally like a lot is "No More Tears" one of the few that rocked as hard as the first ones.
  12. That would create some really odd situations, like beeing a member of the Koventry Kountry Klub.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUcZyW1ghkM
  14. Let's not forget the original: For those who may have never seen it............. Cool that both Nosferatu's get mentioned here anyway, here's our local ghoul who still digs Kinski and Schreck (And believe it our not, he is a super babysitter) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0OxNdhkUhI
  15. Ian Gillan Steve Morse Ian Paice Roger Glover Don Airey
  16. I meant Cesta, it suits your voice and your emotion better than any song other's have composed. Stay true to your own inspiration, rock on and unfold your wings.
  17. I just heard your own composition and must admit that it is well done! Fuck playing covers in English trying to sound like someone else, cause that is NOT your strong point, but rather focus on the things you are really good at, which is writing material in your own language that fit your own vocal range. Good luck on your gig, may the force of inspiration fill you.
  18. Hope you get well soon, thanks for all the amazing stories.

    Sending you lots of cozmic energy, and regards from the Netherlands.


  19. In the words of John Cleese and Terry Jones: "My answer's a bit roundabout here, but the very first showing of the film was in a theater in Soho for about 200 people. We had all our investors there: Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and various other rock groups." http://dir.salon.com/people/feature/2001/06/16/jones_cleese/index.html Ni peng!
  20. Thanks Strider for this amazing story, told in a very gripping way. This gives so much more colour to the vibe of that show which I (and many of us here) only know from bootlegs. You are an amazing writer.
  21. 1)What was the original title for ''The Song remains The Same''? [ the song, not the movie.] The Campaign/The Ouverture 2) When was ''Night Flight'' recorded? 1971 3)Why was ''Wearing And Tearing'' recorded? As a Knebworth souvenir single 4)Who is ''Living Loving Maid'' addressed to? An annoying groupie, don't know her name 5)During a concert, why Peter Grant ''crashed'' the head of a canadian officer? Because he saw him waving with a microphone and thaught the guy was a bootlegger
  22. Your site looks cool indeed Dave, and I absolutely like the idea. At the moment we are putting a fragment for your film together but we gotta wait for a new firewire cable to import the fragments. PS You have good taste: I also LOVE Alberta Cross, they ROCK HARD.
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