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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Another for you guys from my surfing page...minus the xmas ornaments from Surfline.com
  2. Ladies, long time for de men ..... Danny Fuller...surfer dude Jim
  3. He will be here at The Depot w/Myles on Jan 29th. As usual SLC doesn't appear on itinerary Only 30.00 now there's a concert bargain. Should I go? hmmmmm I heard he'll be at Sundance as well, playing in some Park City "Hard Rock" deal.
  4. Happy New Year Zeppers!

  5. Made me laugh today...all the snow in NC!!! And all the East coast. While here no snow, just green lawn and my tulips are thinking it's spring! Oh we'll get ours, but for the most part the snow has been in them thar hills where I love it just fine. Another funny thing, not happy but funny, I found these live webcasts while looking for snow/weather cams....and OMG....there is this one called JTV...just in tv...and there is this guy from Florida who "lifecasts" 24/7. Franks Life from Hollywood Florida. My gawd he has like 5 million hits. Last night he was driving in the snow with a cam, on his way back from a trip to NC. I'm gonna go see where he is before I hit the hay. It is so funny. Some of them are just plain stupid, people just sit in front of the computer. No nasty stuff though there are a bunch of "420" type channels, this guy in Canada smokes a huge bong and sits there rocking out to tunes. It's crazy and people put links on their page for donations for all kind of things,,,kind kinky. Funny when there's nothing to do .
  6. Anyone from my generation hates the prices. Like Redrum said. Personally it makes me ill. Especially the way TM has taken over. I saw that article nine posted too, along with one from Rolling Stone, I hope it's true. I gave up on shows since the Petty fiasco this last tour. It was so frustrating I said screw it. I only have been to One show this summer because I got in free. I too prefer small venues and theaters...where you can SIT. GA sucks . Oh and Mandy ^ we Do get "big acts" here....I just don't go myself anymore. I've saved enough from not to take a nice tropical trip next year. We've had.....Paul McCartney, Eagles, Elton John, Metallica, Pearl Jam, Kiss, U2 coming after they had to cancel, Bon Jovi, BB King and Buddy Guy, Dylan, James Taylor, Alice Cooper, I could go on and on. I just don't get MY faves half the time.
  7. Hiya David, thanks. Too funny I can count on you to help my memories. Like I just said in the Page book thread, they should have consulted you for his book. I know of no one else who chronicled alllll those pics better than you. Seriously. hey...Happy New Year!
  8. I'm glad you spoke up and told the truth Steve, many are reluctant to express that. And it well should be brought up. And I totally agree. With Jimmy's past projects being known to be required to be perfection, this is very puzzling and I'm sure upsetting to fans. Some more than others, but when we crack our brains here to find exact info, especially you THE archivist, it is inexcusable. DavidZoso could have had all that at his fingertips.
  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. I was reading some articles about this and many legal eagles said that a pardon was the same thing as dropped because an expunged record stays on file, whereas a pardon dumps it for good. If that's true, I find it odd Doors and family would be upset. As people pointed out, if the Doors or Morrison's wanted it expunged they could have gone through the proper channels, they didn't.
  11. That's so cool. Glad you save those files Sam. I can't believe how long it has been that you have devoted time to Zeppelin. When I first got on a computer and learned about search engines one of my first searches was Led Zeppelin, which took me to Electric Magic. Loved it from the start. ps: Happy Belated Birthday!
  12. My solution.....F^&k Facebook.
  13. Best wishes to all here on "Dot Com" as I wish for my own I wish for you too. Good health, Happiness, Joy, and yes Robert-Laughter! And that is for ALL. Friend or 'fowl.' No matter our silly fights........the Fact Remains The Same.....We All Love Zep! ps: to heck with "tonight"....just shared bubbly on webcam with mein son and family in Germany. *hiccup*
  14. Wishing all a ho ho holiday!! XXOXX

  15. Kelly Slater........mmm

  16. I think she is home and posting she feels great. I sure hope so.
  17. COOL! ^I have a couple of rolls of negatives from that week. They are of course OLD. I want to find someone who could develop them using some sort of better technology to bring out the best of them. Admittedly I was an amateur, shooting from the 17th row....sneaking up when the goons weren't looking. My ticket stub was torn in the wrong spot, so it doesn't show the date or anything, maybe they did that with "comps" dunno, but it was DavidZoso who figured out which date it was. Jimmy in White Dragon, Robert with the purple shirt. When....(that's a long when) I get around to it, I'll post them for sure.
  18. note to "zepdad" I myself am not moaning I was only relating what I have read across the web. Personally I could care less.
  19. Hi Magic, Well at least you have something to hold till it arrives. And...you WILL enjoy that Keef book for Xmas to tide you over.
  20. One of the announcers at the Vans Triple Crown surf was wearing a 02 tee-shirt :)
  21. Finished Keef's book. I LOVED it and have a new view on Keef. For all his "hard-ass words" and such, he is really an ol' softy, with a huge heart and a terrific sense of humor.
  22. This was bound to happen. Someone said there were eight # 666's held back. And of course only Jimmy has (or will when THE BINDERS get it on) those to give to whomever he pleases.
  23. Love the hair on your new one ocean, really nice. Here's hoping he can sign that one too.
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