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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hey! Very nice............ Love those bare feet.
  2. Lovely to see you again my friend!!

  3. JAG is cool.

  4. ten man, I have to go crash. see ya's.
  5. Hi up there^. People were worried for you. Glad you are ok. Random: I recalled this when I saw someone's screen name, oziumrules... I am in bad need of new glasses, just procrastinate. Well one morning not long ago, I was looking for this mouth spray for parched throats....a medicine I have to take causes dry mouth. So, without my glasses on I reached for it, sprayed two shotslike it says.....OMFG!! I realized quickly I had not grabbed what I wanted, but a small cylinder of ozium. GAWD! It was horrid! Lesson: Always put your glasses on before reaching for anything. Well, except yer honey.
  6. Hi !!

    I just put you on my list too.

    Say hi to EV.

  7. Love your long Hair Klu!

  8. I couldn't figure it out at first either, so I just tried to PM someone and then added them. But right under your screen name you can click the 'arrow' and add, send PM, whatever....
  9. Hi Angi ! Good to see ya, yeah, it is great for people who like to snoop! LOL. And you have to move real quick if you know someone is "following you! One of the old boards was like this. I love the phrase: Last Seen..........
  10. I do. Oregonian right? Where is your spider?
  11. Beats me, and sadly someone snitched my copy, I'll be buying alot of Zep these next couple of months. Interesting though......
  12. Oh Yeah....keep those Depp pics coming. For somesuch reason my pics in the last hour I've TRIED to post....wouldn't!
  13. Like....OMFG!!!!! KLU!!!! So good to see you!
  14. Dang I was wondering when you would pipe up. Levee Cheers
  15. I have a weird fingernail on my right middle finger.
  16. Hotplant

    Criticising God!

    Well, Jimmy himself said he thought it would be selfish too. Robert HAD his commitment. As long as the talk of a bitchin' DVD keeps up, that will suffice until, if, and when they decide to come stateside.
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