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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. This is very good as if Mr. Weasel continues his idiotic behaviors, you will have the know how, and ability to dig a nice, deep hole.
  2. Holy shit is that guitar heavy, some parts that's all you can hear. In this case though, Jimmy is sounding great so there is that. His tone, man he had one wicked tone early on.
  3. IMO pretty much everything he did on Presence & ITTOD. Those are two brilliant drum albums.
  4. Let's see if Homer learns his lesson. Probably not as people like that tend to think the whole world is wrong and only they are right.
  5. Ah yes, lets see...Hmmm, I will have two McWeed's and 50 orders of large fries. Oh and a diet coke.
  6. Your a good man Red, sticking up for your neighbors like that and doing the right thing. It's a rare commodity these days.
  7. Them North Korean honeys are rather sexy 🙂 Too bad they crazy too. Never sleep with crazy, it always ends up bad.
  8. I too worry about the South China Sea and everything surrounding the area being subject to a grab by China. They will start small, disputed islands and the like but the real kickoff will be if they go after Taiwan. If that happens China is sending clear intent that everything in their general vicinity is theirs. The big questions is will China favor the position of world economic leader over expansionism at the possible cost of its economy? War is usually good for business but not in China's case as all they have to gain is mostly useless land and territory. I could be wrong but I believe China wants the cash, door #1 please. However like any good bunch of despots they still need that shiny military to show the world they are the big dog on the block, F-off. Time will tell.
  9. Right on Brother, Slack is BACK!!! We will defeat the Pinks and their ridiculous philosophies based on human subjugation! Let there be a Bob in every driveway and a Connie in every house. UNITE!!!
  10. Well, to be fair Hitler was right, the problem was Hitler. If Hitler would have let his generals command the invasion without his multiple interference, Germany would have taken Moscow and conquered the Soviets by early October. That is not in dispute as every single historian agrees with this. Russia was a rotten house, but it was a rotten house saved by two things: Hitler's stupidity in overriding his generals and changing established plans mid-stream, plus splitting his army groups not once but three times! The second was lend-lease. Lend-lease is what won WWII. Even with Hitler screwing up, without lend-lease the Soviets would have lost. The irony is even though the US did less fighting and had less casualties overall then many of our allies, it was logistics, and manufacturing which won WWII. American logistics and manufacturing to be precise. Russia's military is designed for theatre combat only in regard to conventional forces. Only their nukes have offensive capability beyond a few hundred miles and most of their conventional forces, technology wise, are a good 30 years behind the US & NATO. Russia has only been a threat to the US and greater world as a result of their nukes, in a conventional war China would defeat them before the Russians could say Nyet. The only exception to this is their submarine fleet as they are fielding two new subs (one a ballistic missile and one an attack sub) which are two very good subs, particularly the attack sub. Problem is, Russia can't afford them so most likely only a handful will ever make it to completion, nowhere near in enough numbers to make any difference. Check out this article, explains it much better than I ever could: Not So Scary: This Is Why Russia's Military Is a Paper Tiger | The National Interest
  11. Sorry, you are correct, I should not have generalized. I am focusing on the Chinese and Japanese in particular. The reason Japan came out the other end in such good shape was because they begrudgingly allowed the American occupation of mainland Japan for over seven years plus the complete re-organization of their governing model. The Japanese were not stupid and they foresaw the future better than most other nations at the time and realized America could be a very valuable partner. The Chinese were a whole different situation. We backed Chang but then Mao won. We ignored Mao will helping Chang set up shop on Taiwan which REALLY PO'ed the Chinese and still does. Now China is the absolute worst mix of socio-political-economic models. They are a completely dictatorial, oppressive state but allow a free-market society driven by payoffs and corruption. Out of all the nation states the US has to worry about, especially long-term its China. Russia is a paper bear so to speak, take away their nukes and NATO could kick the shit outta them within three weeks. China however has announced and is actually implementing policies to make China the dominant super-power by 2035. They have seriously increased their military spending and doing it now in a very focused, very intelligent way compared to the US policy of the same. They have developed and fielded a long-range air to air missile which completely negates the effectiveness of the F-35, make the damn plane useless and this is only the beginning. China is mostly focusing on expanding their navy in a big way as they lay claim to all of the South China Sea. We do need to have a unified, heavy hand regarding China otherwise we may regret it.
  12. Um, no. I did not Google anything as I am former military and have experience in such matters and have a good, working knowledge of the capabilities and possibilities of technology. I also understand physics which you obviously do not. I simply cannot engage in dialogue with someone who calls all inconvenient facts "fake news" and pretty much knows little to nothing about what is being discussed. Have a good day
  13. Hmmm, not big on reading or comprehension are you. I suggest you re-read my post as you obviously missed a whole section where I explained this. You are obviously not an engineer either.
  14. I thought you blocked me? Darn it. No worries, I shall do it for ya. Bye
  15. I agree and for a few reasons. One is called physics which cannot be overcome, or even subverted with current or even tech we could develop within the foreseeable future. A human being can endure up to about 20 g's for extremely brief periods (about 1-2 seconds). Anything much beyond that results in the instant liquification of all internal organs. Humans can endure up to 9g's for periods up to around 10 seconds if acclimated before passing out. Even unmanned drones can only pull (projected) around 40g's as again, anything much greater that that would either destroy the internal mechanics or make the craft disintegrate. It's kind of like high-Mach aircraft. Its actually super easy to reach hyper-sonic speeds the problem is in the materials as they will melt anything beyond Mach 3.5, unless the leading edges are made from super expensive carbon nanotubules which is currently not practical. Simply put, there is no way this tech is from contemporary or even foreseeable future human designs or tech. This does not necessarily mean they are aliens, humans from the future, or inter-dimensional visitors though it could be. These sightings can be tricks of the environment, or possibly some undiscovered natural cause. No one knows one way or the other. I like to keep all possibilities on the table and as hard evidence comes in, develop a logical theory. Just because trained people are now coming to the forefront and talking about these incidents does not automatically lead to some silly government plot or media agenda. It is simply a case where mostly retiring pilots who no longer have anything to lose are speaking out. However to some everything leads to satanic baby-eating overlords conducting their evil schemes out of the Pizza Hut basement or whatever.
  16. and there ya have it, when all else fails, revert to the old gaslight. You sir are a Maestro!!
  17. Good points John, movies with actual stories and character development are just silly. Next time, I suggest we talk about something more easily mentally digestible such as Ernest Scared Stupid or Babe, Pig in the City. Thoughts?
  18. Please show me solid, provable evidence of your claim(s) otherwise you are simply shouting nonsense to the wind. I am defending no one, I am stating facts, something you seem to have a real issue with. Here is a more accurate reporting of the FACTS: Fact-checking the Paul-Fauci flap over Wuhan lab funding - The Washington Post Ps. Should you post a link to some dope posting as Tyler Durden, it only makes your claims even more nonsensical. That site has been debunked as 100% BS years ago.
  19. I believe Simulation Theory is possible. Makes sense to me and about as good an explanation as any. Ready player one? I really need to level up 🙂
  20. Facts matter PolitiFact | Conspiracy theorist spreads false claim about Fauci, patents and COVID-19
  21. Ah yes, on the old, slow boat from China 😉
  22. Kind of like Journey's Feelin that Way & Anytime combo
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