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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. I used to watch Dick the Bruiser with me grandma back in the 70's when I was a wee lad. She also loved Rollerderby. Now that I think of it, that old battle axe loved all kinds of violence themed entertainment. Too bad she was to late for 1 century bc Rome and too early for MMA & Jackass.
  2. As a huge Tori Amos fan I was more than thrilled when this dropped recently. Best Christmas album in recent history but only 4 songs long:
  3. Me thinks it a real shame Bon Scott died in the manner he did. IMO his cause of death was more due to hypothermia as a result of his "friend" leaving him in a freezing car, overnight, in February while drunk. I still want to know why his "friend" did not take him up to his flat they were outside of. Either his "friend" was a real piece of poo or there is more to his death than what was reported. What really bothers me beyond that is how Bon was never given writing credit for several of the songs on Back in Black even though his ex-girlfriend and then current girlfriend both said Bon wrote You Shook Me All Night Long and at least one other tune on the album. 1980 was a very BAD year for rock music: Professor Longhair, Bon Scott, Ian Curtiss, Tommy Caldwell, Bonzo, Lennon, & Tim Hardin just to name a few. Talk about a year the music died.
  4. Some of those noise solos were a real mess, literally the mind of an addict on display. A bunch of non-cohesive ideas strung together. However, when he could pull it together some of those noise solos were pure brilliance. After all, EVH's tune Cathedral was inspired by the toggle switch technique he used in his noise solo, so much so there are a few that sound amazingly similar to what EVH would later do himself.
  5. No worries. I try to look at things more positively especially in regard to things like this. As I mentioned above the public cannot handle the truth so the experts err on the side of caution, sometimes to an outrageous degree because they simply don't know. Unfortunately humans have been conditioned over millennia to look to and trust authority figures so when those figures are put on the spot they feel they need to say something to show the people they know. The most powerful human emotion is fear and the most dreaded fear of all is fear of the unknown. If these experts came out and said they don't know people would lose it bigtime. Its just a shame people fear what they don't know instead of embracing the unknown. Its kinda like when Bones on Star Trek is losing his shit and Spock says, "why worry, why fear, it will not change the outcome."
  6. The problem with epidemiology is it is not an exact science, yet the experts still must exist in the real world where answers are demanded and expected. If these people told the public the truth all hell would break loose. The truth is they really don't know. They can produce models based on evidence but those models are inaccurate at best. TBH I feel sorry for people like Fauci in that most people cannot, and will not handle the truth which is they don't know. The real issue is if people are told the truth they will do one of two things, either ignore any warnings or lock themselves in a bomb shelter with the majority choosing the former. Most adults are just very large children who have learned little to nothing and have almost zero impulse control in general.
  7. Hey bud, I never insulted you nor will I ever. I would appreciate the same respect. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
  8. It did break out among heterosexuals, either that or Magic Johnson and millions of others are secretly closeted.
  9. I think you may be reading a bit too much into the title Hot Dog. It's a joke song, lyrically its just a silly remake of Hey Hey What Can I Do and the title Hot Dog likely refers to a phrase which was used weekly on Hee Haw which was massively popular in 1978 when the tune was written. As the song is rockabilly, and Hot Dog was a popular phrase used in the country music industry I always assumed the song was just silly, just like the closing lines of Fool in the Rain where old Robert is waiting on the wrong corner.
  10. Rock for Kampuchea was organized by George Harrison and took place from December 26th to 29th 1979. Robert Plant was there performing with Rockpile (sang Little Sister), John Bonham (& I believe JPJ was there as well) performing in Paul McCartney's All Star Band for the songs Rockestra Theme, Lucille, & Let it Be. Jimmy was the only member of Zeppelin not in attendance.
  11. Is he on the board too? Who knew???
  12. The man is a philosophical god with the heart of a poet, the hands of a musician, and the mind of Groucho Marx crossed with Fred Hampton's biting outlook.
  13. Great player, very underrated guitarist and one of the few shredders who can convey real emotion in his playing. Saw him with Journey in 86' and during his guitar solo spot he played about two minutes of Dazed & Confused. The crowd went wild! Met him a few times. Nice guy but a rather odd duck.
  14. Crazy right, hard to decide between the NY run or the LA run, like them both but that NY run, especially the 11th - 14th is really strong.
  15. Some like Page & Richards can handle it and got very, very lucky. Others, not so much. It's like Jim Fixx dying of a heart attack while jogging at 52. Genetics plays a huge factor and even the best health practices can't save you sometimes. We are just pawns in great game of life
  16. On the 77' Tour? Probably either April 30th, June 11th or 13th, June 22nd or 25th, and July 24th. Though if pressed I would say June 11th.
  17. I would pay $41.89 to see Zeppelin today and what a bargain it would be. Heart charges $150 min for their tickets. Damn, Lez Zeppelin probably charges $50.
  18. Most likely, they just wanted to get outta Dodge. However, the performance on the 24th is very good though the encores are seriously rushed. Seems like the prior day's incident focused Jimmy and, very likely, he performed relatively clean as the band would have most certainly disposed of any party favors due to law enforcement being all over the place.
  19. Led Zeppelin: Over the Hills and Far Away/Black Dog [MSG 1977] - YouTube
  20. I have always been a dog lover, currently have an awesome Malti-Poo which is 18 months old and "talks" as well. Not actual words but I have never seen a dog with such a variety of vocalizations and she only does this during play or when she wants / needs something. She is a real sweetheart too, a lover, not a fighter. One of the things about dogs which is amazing is they are a direct reflection of their owner in most cases (rescue dogs being the exception due to getting the dog as an adult). Whenever I see a yappy dog, guess what, the owner is usually a loud-mouthed jerk. Aggressive dog, the owner is usually a prick. So if you ever want to know the true nature of a person, check out Rover (that is if they have a dog). Also, sad, depressed dog...likely an abusive owner. The older I get the more I come to realize the domesticated dog is the greatest gift the universe has given to human-kind.
  21. If the last two are from Melbourne, that sure looks like quite a bit more than just 14,000 people (quoted from above). Maybe its just perspective but that audience looks closer to 40k+. Was the 14k audience claim a typo?
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