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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. Maybe we are arguing separate issues. But to say that Blue states do not subsidize Red states is very misleading, and it is not accurate. The link below is from the Rockefeller inst. as well as the AP. https://apnews.com/article/north-america-business-local-taxes-ap-top-news-politics-2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c https://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2021/12/what-would-happen-if-blue-states-stopped-paying-for-red-states/
  2. Thanks for your reply. Whether I agree with you or not, I know that I will get a well thought out response. Backed up with research. Have a great weekend John. Cheers.
  3. Thanks for your snarky reply. That was just one of many articles I’ve been reading. I’ll post as many as you would like. I’m fully aware of my states issues. And as I have said I’m not a huge fan of our current Governor. I’ll tell you what, just simply type into any server you want to use, and type in what states have the highest crime rates. Which states are the poorest, or most reliant on welfare, we can search anything you would like. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/13/most-dangerous-states-in-america-violent-crime-murder-rate/40968963/ http://www.usa.com/rank/us--crime-index--state-rank.htm https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/166274/economy-record-republicans-vs-democrats And because you will say that they are left leaning, let’s try this one. https://www.thebalance.com/democrats-vs-republicans-which-is-better-for-the-economy-4771839
  4. We have indeed lost some of our population, 0.3% or there about. There also has been the loss of Fortune 500 companies. I am very aware of our voting procedures in the State. I know that Dump made a ton of bogus claims, as he has always done. Let’s see, with Obama’s election in 2012 he was saying it was a sham, in the primaries he also said the same thing, in the Iowa Caucuses he claimed that Ted Cruz “stole it”. Also said that favorite line of his “it’s very bad”. He actually said “based on the crime that Ted Cruz committed we should have a new election “. Leading into the 2016 election when he thought he was going to be beat by Hillary he was crying foul play and sham elections. Although he was trounced in the popular vote he also claimed to have won that. Not that this matters but had the audacity to say he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever. That was actually hilarious to watch Mr. Spicer argue that. And then the 2020 election. Really nothing to see here. It really is strange that he has been trying this tactic for many years and has never had one shred of evidence. I am also very familiar with the political make up of our state and it’s past Governors. I’m also not a fan of our current Governor at all. He is a total ass hat. I’m not a big fan of a lot of our states policies, the absolute joke of our public electric utility company, there are many problems in this state. Just as there are in every state of this great nation. What I’m also not a fan of is watching a growing group of a political party do their best to destroy our Republic, to demonize anyone that doesn’t think like they do. The group of people who are beholden to a religious sect that is trying to impose their beliefs and practices on the entire country. Take a moment to read the article below. https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/166274/economy-record-republicans-vs-democrats
  5. That’s funny. Easy to read which states are the most reliant on welfare. As far as farming, I live in one of the richest farming areas in the country, Ca produces the most vegetables. Fruit, I believe that Ca is 3rd in Beef production. Certainly there is far more to farming then the 3 mentioned. But for you to try and deny facts is just ridiculous. The state that I live in is the 5th largest economy in the world. The top 10 poorest states are absolutely Red states. Crime is also based on a per capita rating. As an example East Palo Alto was the Murder capitol of the country in the early 1990’s, there are less then 10k people who lived there. Call it Community College, or just look at facts.
  6. Sorry to post this on the Deep Purple thread. I guess I just don’t get it with this band. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. Ian G’s voice literally makes me angry. I suppose if you like someone screaming with literally no vocal control and or talent. I suppose Richie B is a good guitarist. I have tried for years now. I’m 45 years old, I just can’t appreciate it at all. And for those who compare them to band which this site is dedicated too, I’m blown away. They are in different leagues, playing a different sport. Again, I know that there are several people on this forum who appreciate them. I really do apologize for this opinion. But to even mention them in the same breath is like mentioning Buck Cherry compared to Bad Company. And that isn’t as strongly as I feel about it. It would be like comparing The Darkness to Zeppelin. Again, I’m going to be hated for this probably, and for all of the DP fans I’m not trying to troll at all. I simply don’t get it. I will say to have gone onto this thread and to have posted this opinion I would absolutely understand the hate I will receive. Be well Zeppelin Friends and fans.
  7. That’s rich. How about just look at the article. You are absolutely incorrect. Just as all of the poorest states, and states that are most reliant on welfare are Red States. You can try and spin it anyway you want. Blue states take care of Red states. The absolute poorest, crime ridden, least educated states in the union are Red. How about you start posting facts. I easily can. My point is, it’s not red or blue. We are all citizens of the United States. But if we want to talk facts, look at economics, look at crime, and look at the actual facts, it is uncomfortable for people who lean to the right. I will also be clear, I’m not saying that the left/blue is better. I personally just feel the right is moving in a dangerous direction and like to put everything on the left and act like they are the cause. Let’s just for fun go back to 1990 and look at all that has happened. What metric would you like to use. I will gladly play along. How about we all try and do better for each other. Rather then have this team mentality. It’s not the responsible thing to do. Or stay in your corner and believe all the bullshit that you are being force fed from all of the shit blogs, news sites, publications and programs you consume. If you want to talk economics, social programs, crime, recessions, and really dive into into it. Let’s do that. It is easy to find and read.
  8. John, I truly do dig a lot of what you have to say on music, your thoughts and opinions related to it. I think you are stretching here. Is everything in your life red or blue? Is it all dark, is someone is out to get you. I really encourage you to start looking at life from another perspective. Get off of Zero credibility, and start looking into things that make you uncomfortable. For example, the the thread from and Article from { The Hill } that I posted. We can all grab statistics from many different publications and come to different conclusions. This ideology that one party is better than the other, and that some orange man had your back and was for you is utter crap. I would absolutely love to have a serious debate with you, to present actual facts and not alternative facts, as they do not exist. You are on a Covid thread talking about space pictures. I get where you are coming from. But when you post these types of stories from the least credible Blog site it doesn’t look good. Zero Hedge/creditably regardless of the story is leaning on way, and has literally no credibility at all. That is like someone from the left posting a story from Huffington Post. Except they actually fact check shit. But if you read an article that I posted from that publication you would immediately call bullshit. Even if it had relevance, and truth, and facts. I understand what you are going for with this post, it is just out there as you implied and not relevant. Maybe I am reading too much into what you posted, I just can’t help but go back through your posts and see all the shit that comes from that site. It’s a blog, you could be a blogger for them. Please show me any credible publication that says they are fair, or balanced, and that they report their staff and correct their mistakes when made. Even if what you posted is accurate, it is far worse then any far left publication that you are so quick to call out. Be well. Have a great weekend.
  9. This is one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read. Just so we are very clear, Deep Purple isn’t in the same league as Zeppelin. They are not in the same stadium, and they wouldn’t be playing the same sport. Comparing Deep Purple to Zeppelin is actually disrespectful. Deep Purple would be like a pretty good bar band compared to Zeppelin. But I respect your conviction, and dedication.
  10. Man, the right can sure conspiracy. They are also without a doubt the best at calling the other party out for what their own failures are, as well as claiming responsibility for the successes of the other party, and they are 100% the best scare tactics, fear mongering. Just so we are clear Murder rates and crime rates are higher in Red States. Below is a small snipped from an article from The Hill. But I suppose in a segment of the Right truth no longer matters. Just spread crap and blame the other side. For the last two years, the nation has been awash in news accounts about soaring violent crime and murder in cities and states run by Democrats. That narrative is ubiquitous, particularly in conservative media, where Democratic mayors are routinely called out and excoriated for turning a blind eye to crime. That story is half right and half — to be charitable — lazy and wrong. Let’s dispatch with the part that is correct. We have a murder problem in America, Now, for the rest of the story. In a report Third Way recently released, we found that murder was much more prevalent in red states than blue states. That’s right. In 2020, homicide rates were a stunning 40 percent higher in the 25 states that former President Donald Trump won compared to the 25 won by current President Joe Biden. Of the 10 states with the highest 2020 per capita murder rates in America, eight of them not only voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, they voted Republican in every presidential election this century. Mississippi — a state that neither conjures up weak on crime images nor Democratic officeholders — topped the charts with a 2020 murder rate twice that of blue Illinois, thrice that of bluer California, and four times that of bluest New York. The red states of Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama and Missouri rounded out the top five and each had murder rates at least six times Massachusetts, four times New Jersey and just shy of twice that of Michigan. These blue states are home to the “crime-is-out-of-control” cities you read about daily — Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Boston, Newark and Detroit. They generate the headlines, the outrage and the political backlash. Yet, media coverage is essentially mum about Lexington, Kentucky, which has set back-to-back murder records, has a homicide rate twice that of New York City and has a Republican mayor. Tulsa and Oklahoma City have Republican mayors, a Republican governor and murder rates that dwarf that of Los Angeles. Jacksonville was the murder capital of Florida in 2020 with its Republican mayor, governor and a stratospheric homicide rate that if it were matched in New York City would’ve added more than 1,000 murders that year. And to top it off, the homicide rate in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) San Francisco was half that of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) Bakersfield, the largest city in Kern County and one with a Republican mayor — with overwhelming Trump support and not a whiff of flirtation with defund the police movements. In fact, the murder capital of California for six years running is sleepy Kern County, 130 miles from Los Angeles and 306 miles from San Francisco, the two California locales most often associated with the crime-is-out-of-control national headlines that have dominated U.S. crime and political coverage.
  11. I agree with you. I have been a long time forum reader, and joined a few years ago. The past members who have left for various reasons are missed. There are some people in this thread and this site who seem to thrive on getting a reaction out of others. I honestly need to do a better job at just moving past it. Have a great day. Be well.
  12. You are very welcome. Have a wonderful day.
  13. Perhaps, I personally love the band in this year. However, I believe that they got better thought the next couple of years. The thing about Robert’s voice is, it was and is magical throughout their time together, as well as now. Certainly there are notes he could hit at the beginning of their time that he was not able to later on, as well as notes and phrasing, and octaves that he hit later on that he would not have been able to do earlier in his career. They were learning, developing, growing, changing and reaching their peaks. Much like an athlete does in my opinion. And to me they all did it together. Jones being the exception, he was always just brilliant. Getting back to the point, their songs took on new life with each tour, they expanded, and became more creative. They often played two sets a night for their first few years and up until 70, and a few times played 3 sets in one night. By 70 they had been touring non stop throughout 69 and 70 in the USA and Europe. It wasn’t as if they went back to their rooms and drank tea. Robert didn’t go back and not talk to rest his voice. They were going for it, smoking, drinking, maybe a few other things, playing several shows, then sitting in with other bands. I have rambled on way to long. I apologize, it could be the shows that you are listening to, it could be the quality of the recording? I often think about the technology of the gear being used back then compared to what is available now and wonder what they would sound like if you dropped them into today. Not that they would use and or have tricks, just the stage set up, the quality of the mics, speakers, PA systems. Thanks for posting that. I’m going to go put on some shoes from 70.
  14. These are my favorites so far. Excellent man. I’m impressed. I may have asked this, but have you seen the movie called The Indian Runner. Great movie, something about those two tracks remind me of it. Not that you lifted from it all. It sounds like it would belong in that movie. If you haven’t seen it and you have a few hours to kill, and you want to trip out it’s a good movie. Viggo Mortensen, Patricia Arquette, Charles Bronson, Dennis Hopper, Sandy Dennis, Benicio Del Toro. Directed by Sean Penn. it’s a trippy movie. Really good. Slightly depressing. However there is a real shot of a live birth in it. If someone was interested in that. Thanks for sharing that Red. Very cool man.
  15. The end is my favorite part. She asks if they are kidnapping her?
  16. You bet! Glad to share. Hope you got the point. Going from dumb tribal thinking to being open, inclusive, respectful, starting and running a successful business and helping to provide for families.
  17. I remember as a kid being able to watch it on the tv. It has made a comeback where I live, there are some women leagues that have a decent following. Have you been able to create any new music lately Red? Looking forward to hearing some.
  18. 👍we do indeed need to show each other more respect.
  19. These two ladies. Hmm, I can see the Vodka on the nightstand. I’m going out on a limb and I’m guessing Russian? Maybe Eastern Europe? Pee tape? For the right, lap top. Either way. Great 👍 pic
  20. The only things I see you post on the Random thread is propaganda. You act like everyone, and everything that doesn’t come from the “ Trump “ doctrine or far right is nothing more then leftist crap. To deny climate change is an absolute joke. There are no credible scientific studies that show otherwise. The problem is the religious right controls the right. And their beliefs are straight out of this world. All the utter bullshit that I see spouted on these threads, the back and forth, my team is better than your team, we are going to win the big game. What did Trump or the Right do for the coal industry? How many jobs did he creat in manufacturing? How many new mines were opened and how many people went back to work under his admin? Or the right. You can talk all you want, and I’m not a Liberal, however, going back generations, under a democratic president with the exception of Carter, all democrats have had far better economies. It’s not even close. We can look at any graphics you would like to. It won’t be close. Dems have had to clean up messes far before Obama had to clean up the cluster that Bush left. And I actually like Bush. If you want to post facts, let’s do that. I can go back to Roosevelt. You post yours, and I’ll post mine. The last time we had a balanced budget was under baby eating Clinton. You, John O, Crying Blueballs, and a couple of others can spout bullshit, let’s see you back it up with historical facts. I’m ready too at anytime. And again, I’m in the center. I could care less about the bloods and the crips. And I was in gangs growing up. By the way, I dig tons of your thoughts on music, and Zep in general. Be well.
  21. Canelo Alvarez is also a Hispanic/Mexican Ginger. Doesn’t happen often. That was not what I was thinking when I posted that. But it fits. Thanks for all the great posts. Keep them coming.
  22. I used to live very near the beach with little pollution. I would see some interesting things, over the last 10 plus years I have lived in the Redwood forest, it is hard to see things in the night sky unless we get on our roof and check it out. Cheers Slave, hope you have a great week.
  23. Bernie Mac! What a Pimp! That guy was just as funny as a man could be. That voice, the cadence, and the topics. I have to say Paul, you post a lot of stuff that makes me think we are of the same age group, certainly a very similar taste in music and comedy. And then your Beautiful girls pics. Between you and Green Grass. Can’t be touched. Thanks for the Bernie Mac vid. Also, the wrestling, and STP, and I believe you are a Baseball nerd as well. Cheers, thanks for the awesome video. Sad that guy went way to young.
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