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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. Great choice with Rodney. Absolutely one of the greats. He helped so many young comedians get their breaks. Plus, one of the funniest people to have ever lived. Thanks for that. Love Rodney.
  2. Very well said 98. The music is why we are here. And they were and are simply the best in my opinion. I suppose that is why we have so many contributors on this forum. But I agree that being focused on their greatness and not bickering would be better for all. Great đź‘Ť post.
  3. I agree with a majority if not all of them, Odenkirk has been around since the early 90’s, same with James G, one of my favorites, as well as most of that list all came from the 1990’s with the exception of a few who were from the 2010’s. Really Emile Clark being the lone 2010. My point was, with all of the new services it seems as if it has diluted or crowded the space we once had. I don’t know if you are wanting to argue against my point, but everyone of those actors with the exception of a few were in many things in the late 80’s and 90’s and also have contributed to great shows in the 2000’s. We have never had so many choices in shows, and movies. I don’t know that it is a good or bad thing. Maybe it is allowing for young aspiring writers, directors, and actors to flex their talents. We also have a tremendous amount of crap at our disposal. I suppose everything goes in cycles. But the sheer amount of product at our disposal doesn’t make it a good thing. Cheers.
  4. Indeed, Rest in piece Mr. Russell. What a great human being! He was a civil rights advocate, a person of honor, respect, morality. Just a great man.
  5. Honestly I have been waiting for someone to say this. I certainly don’t believe we all have to think the same way, or believe in the same things. But I too have thought about the thoughts of the three surviving members, and what their thoughts would be on a number of these topics. And not that they would be right or wrong. I’ve just truly wondered what a group of musicians who were certainly ahead of the times, and of the time. To each their own I suppose, but I like that you posted this.
  6. Thank goodness you hate Kiss. Their music does suck.
  7. A black guy, a white guy, and a Mexican walk into a bar! Waite, wrong thread. Also an amazing pic.
  8. You are so right. How many kids have been read to by drag queens in demonic dress, verses how many children have been raped/violated by priests. My point is, being so upset over a kid being read to by a dude dressed in drag is sort of silly. It’s outlandish really. How about don’t let your kids in that situation. You may find that appalling, some may find it equally appalling that they sent their children to a safe place to practice spirituality and they were totally and utterly ruined. I thought my country was founded upon separation of Church and state. I agree, kids should grow up and get to make their own choices. Meaning I shouldn’t be allowed to decide if they get to see that. There are some who feel the same way about religion, or spiritual practices.
  9. Are you speaking English?! What the hell are you trying to say. Drag queens/demons. Get it together man!
  10. Roy S was an amazing actor. Such a class act, one of my childhood favorites. It’s funny, with all these new streaming services, we do not have the same caliber of actors anymore. I don’t know that it is better or worse. But when I grew we had real movie stars. I feel like now with Netflix, HBO-Max, Showtime, Amazon, Hulu, all the other crap, we don’t have the same level of movies stars. Maybe the world will right itself soon.
  11. Great point. When I see sources such as Zero Hedge, and others that are like it, it’s not that I don’t believe it, for me it is the same as someone posting something from what is perceived to be a liberal bias. Pre 2015 we did not have this division. It just did not exist. We then had an administration that told its cult followers, and people that were on the fringe, if I say it is a lie, I’ll it is a lie, even if you heard me say it. It is absolutely crazy to see what we have devolved into. On the far left, and the far right.
  12. That is absolutely amazing! Really like seeing John ripping it. Goddamn that guy is beyond talented!
  13. All great choices Sir. Also, for those who haven’t seen “ Grizzly Man “ that is a great documentary. Herzog has a great style to his movies. No exaggeration, I’ve probably watched Good Fellas a couple hundred times. My wife and I will still put it on when we are going to sleep. What a cast, story, the acting, everything about it is brilliant.
  14. Gene was and is a total badass. Great movie. One of my favorite actors ever. He could do it all. Drama, comedy. I miss that guy in films. He has been my favorite character in many movies.
  15. My wife and I just finished the Documentary, Girl in the picture on Netflix. Very good doc. As far as actually going to the movie theater. I don’t know that I’ve been in the last few years. I need to change that.
  16. Hey John, great answer. I should not assume that you are part of the Trump Cult. My Bad. However, he is not my boogeyman. I’ve said before, when he was a character on the Stern show, or his TV show he was entertaining. That was a life time ago. Have a great weekend. I hope that you, and yours are well.
  17. Man, I haven’t listened to this in a long time. Jimmy is on fire. Obviously Jonesy and Bonham are always locked in. I want to go back and read the Nit-Picks on this specific show. Very impressive. Musically/Instrumentally 73 was a banner year. Despite what my screen name is, I don’t have a favorite band member. It changes with the concert, time, whatever I’m into at that moment. But I personally really like Robert’s voice in 73. Some of the raw power has left, but the phrasing, the emotion, the vulnerability of his voice is something I really dig in this period. Jimmy’s tone, style, and attitude in 73 is probably my favorite time period of the 70’s. Just the way the songs had developed. I will say that 98 was a very special time for Jimmy, and something that I go back to often. But I digress, this show/performance is spectacular. Thanks for posting this
  18. You are right, because Trump had the best words! What a joke.
  19. You never disappoint Steve. I don’t know how I missed this.
  20. I agree, I have the Studio Daze Boot, as well as Studio Haze. I have not put them on for well over a decade. Maybe more. Great call. Cheers, I’m going to put these on now, I just received an old console stereo. We have a guy local that rebuilds them, he outfits them with new speakers, makes them blue tooth compatible, upgrades the turn table, and adds a CD player. He does amazing work, he is in the Mountains in Boulder Creek, company called Swag. Such an impressive artist. I just received an old Sylvania that he rebuilt as a Fathers Day gift. My wife has been doing a great job on the gifts lately. I received an old Harmon guitar signed by all members, as well as a Led Zeppelin III album signed. She has been on an amazing streak. Thanks again.
  21. Hahahahha! Great catch. Yeah man, just a classy dude. We are blessed to have these guys around.
  22. You can’t possibly be arguing that climate change is a hoax. That’s absurd. It is for sure, no one argues it except QAnon whack jobs. Yes the weather has always changed. And there was a dust bowl in the 30’s. What that has to do with today, and what we are experiencing on a global level is beyond comparison. The people who don’t believe it can keep saying it until they are blue in the face. Not everyone, and everything said is from a leftist agenda. It’s not to ensure that the Clintons continue to eat babies in a Pizza parlor. When did a massive portion of the population stop reading, and or believing everything that is happening in the world? It’s insane. Oh, I remember when Fake News hit the streets, and the biggest liar who ever existed started telling people that everyone other then him was lying. Goddamn. I know, the world is flat, we never landed on the moon, Jesus is a white guy with blue eyes and cool blonde highlights, Trump is the tallest, toughest, coolest, most successful businessman who started with a loan of 10.00, he has the biggest dick of any man ever, and the highest IQ and created Mensa! Barack is a terrorist who was born in Kenya, Joe Biden is dead and we are watching a weekend at Bernie’s, Trump is waiting for Hugo Chavez to come back from the dead and admit that all the voting machines were made by him, the Vax is a micro chip program so Bill Gates can control the planet and consume all the worlds resources. Did we catch them all?
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