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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Chilly but not freezing and finally raining. Fall and winter in Northern CA is my fav time of year. It's typically very dry out here, and in the summer it can get a bit hot (110 and up on some days here in Sac). You get used to it, but still - f all that, I like it cooler. If it was 55 all year round, I'd be good with it.
  2. But Bob, I was talking about Chicago 1-22 ..? 😛 Just playin. You make a great point on how important Jonesy and Bonzo were to keeping Page in time. They were the anchor. I listened to 3/27 quite a bit in the late 80s. At that time in my life, I really thought the LA 75 shows MUST have been the be-all end-all for the band. After all ... they always played great in LA, right? And just look at all those cool pictures! Hearing 3/27 for the first time (in fairness, it was a pretty bad quality boot) was underwhelming, to say the least. And the second time. And the third time. It wasn't a bad show necessarily (or was it) .. it just didn't "wow" me the way I thought it would. I kept listening, and it never clicked for me. Fast forward to 2021, and I'm into Led Zep all over again, listening to new shows, rediscovering old shows, etc. I listened to the NQ from 3/27 3 times all the way through (a test in endurance lol) when putting together my list of favorites for that thread - and it didn't make the top 15 for me. It honestly just sounds tedious to my ears. I think how we connect to music is a very funny and subjective thing, and there is no right or wrong. Lots of people love that show. Since it's been so many years since I've heard the show in its entirety, I'm gonna play it today while working and try and hear it with fresh ears. It's entirely possible you and others are hearing something I'm not. If I have some kind of epiphany, I will report back! 🔎
  3. Montreal and Chicago 1/22 (been on a kick with this one lately) are both great. Per any show from 75, they each have their warts but the high points for each show are fantastic.
  4. That's a good way of putting it. To my ears, it's always sounded self-conscious and veering on treating the lyrics as precious. My guess is that they knew they had something really special with Stairway and were trying their best to replicate the sound/vibe from the original LP for a potentially huge BBC audience (i.e. reaching casual radio listeners who maybe had never even heard of the band in early 71). I don't dislike this version - it's uniqueness makes it interesting; but at the same time don't listen to this show too often, aside from WLL,
  5. Oh damn, didn't even catch that! He also wore "the whites" in "A Few Good Men", another fav of mine.
  6. Great metaphor here. Landover's little brother St. Louis is a happy drunk. Never been a big fan of Landover NQ but maybe I should give it another listen. I've always felt this way about the 27th, nicely put. Pagey is clearly 'feelin hisself' it 's obvious, but his fingers aren't doing what his brain is asking. But the passion and spirit of the thing can be felt in the performance which is probably why it's so hugely popular among hardcore fans. Nice to see 2/7 NQ get some love on here from someone other than myself lol.
  7. Man, Duke Johnson really showed up today. He wanted to prove his value and did. What a game. Dolphins barely winning against the Jets is nothing to brag about, but the win still feels good, Their defense was just white hot in the second half (first half ... not so much lol). Next 3 games are teams that are actually worth a damn tho - soon it gets interesting. Tua threw 2 interceptions and really it was almost 4. He got very lucky those other 2 bad throws weren't picked, So if they squeak into the playoffs (which I unfortunately don't think is realistic this year), it will be a miracle.
  8. I actually think the best NQ are from 75, but that's just me (username a giveaway lol) 🙃
  9. Yeah I've always suspected the same thing. They def have dirt on him or he would have left a long time ago. Travolta, too. Sad, really, I thinkScientology is dying a slow death because of the internet haha, But your theory also makes sense, I'm sure that's a factor. I don't know if you're a Kubrick fan or not, but in Eyes Wide Shut, there are a ton of nods to Cruise's homosexuality in there. That movie is meta on so many levels, it's crazy. He def picked Tom and Nicole for some very specific reasons.
  10. Nothin wrong with that! There's a time for Mexican, and a time for a frozen dinner with oatmeal on the side, which is what I had last night.
  11. Haha, yeah but you gotta admire the balls to wear it in front of thousands of people.
  12. Yup lots of money on the table! Gotta give em points for being creative tho 😛
  13. In fairness everyone who isn't masking up and avoiding people is 100% getting omicron in the near future vax or no vax,, sucks but that's real life. However, they're still lots of knuckleheads in the NFL no argument there haha
  14. I - Communication Breakdown II - RambleOn III - Immigrant Song Fourth - Four Sticks HOTH - SRTS PG - Kashmir Presence - Candy Store Rock ITTOD - South Bound Suarez Coda - We're Gonna Groove
  15. I don't like JPJ jacket from Earl's Court with all the shit hanging off it. Every time I see it, I wanna just pick off whatever those objects are lol. It's distracting.
  16. Right now, a vegan chocolate protein shake with cold brew mixed in. BUT - tonight, the gf is making street corn chicken tacos with avocado salsa.... fuckin YEAHHH. Can't wait.
  17. I tried to crack you up with that last pic of Tom lol ...nah? As soon as I saw that pic from my google search, I was like "this is the one" 😂
  18. Holy Christ. We getting wind gusts of up to 50 mph out here which is nothing compared to that.Would not want to drive in that,
  19. Totally agree, love Providence NQ from 73 with Seattle 7-17 a close second
  20. 5-17 and 5-18 EC are actually pretty decently recorded, you might wanna give em a shot. Both shows have a lot to offer, to say the least. Montreal 75 is very listenable as well and has one of the best NQ of 75.
  21. Ohh yeaahh ..!! Early Xmas. Listening now, sounds like a hot one! Many thanks ZepHead315 - to you and everyone involved.
  22. Yeah, it was a theme for them last night lol. That has to be demoralizing, especially after having a nice sized lead for a while. I've actually been somewhat out of the loop with football this year, just watching Dolphins on the weekend and the occasional Thursday night game and then playing "catch up" with reviews on the other games. It was nice to see that particular game, as I was looking forward to watching that match-up for a while now.
  23. I should probably add that Fishbone in their prime were something else. They gave zero fucks, and anything could - and often, did - happen. Those are shows that are burned into my memory forever.
  24. Like everyone else, it's really changed for me over the years and also depends on my mood. We're talking hundreds of bands from all genres here. The music I visit the most these days (past 2 years) is from Paul McCartney, Captain Beefheart, Sinatra, Gerry Mulligan and Chopin. And of course boots from Led Zep. I've had a framed picture of Captain Beefheart in my house for many years now, if that tells you anything lol (the only music-related decor to be found anywhere besides fridge magnets).
  25. Touching on this ^^, last night's game was a great one. I didn't have a dog in that fight just loved watching a great game.
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