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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Right now I'm re-reading Bebe Buell's autobiography 'Rebel Heart'. Some interesting stories, but some moments where you just want to at her.
  2. New day. A text from a friend that relieved my stress level for an upcoming weekend.
  3. Long Cold Winter - Cinderella
  4. Yeah most people I know have tattoos, and they've all said the same thing. I guess once you get over the initial pain, it's not too bad. And also depending on the size of the tattoo and where you get it.
  5. This pic needs to be posted on the "Robert Getting Old" thread. He don't look like no 60 year old... lemme tell ya.
  6. Yeah, not the greatest show unfortunately, but at least it's a full '77 video. I'm also hoping for another complete 1977 show to appear on video some day soon!
  7. His introductions for Bonzo were always so nice and funny. Genuine love and admiration there!
  8. That's a pretty amazing list you have there No.1ZeppelinFan! I've only recently started collecting myself, but I'm limiting myself to the good sound quality ones. I've stopped, but after seeing your list, I'm thinking I may have to start again, since I'm missing so much!
  9. There's a California show from 1972 (either Long Beach or L.A) with a great version of Rock And Roll IMO. He nails this long note, and the crowd goes crazy. I believe right after the song is where he goes after a guy in the audience who's causing trouble. "Hey big man, big man...".
  10. So that's all it takes to meet him... just a bump. I may have to try that.
  11. Very nice! Love the new video gallery on the homepage too.
  12. That was pretty cool. I think it should be mandatory that every performer should incorporated a Zeppelin medley into their set.
  13. Word of the day is: dandified. Also, my mission today is to find that Robert picture. I'm certain there's a woman beside him in it.
  14. Ahhh so much "gold" that most of us will never get to see!
  15. Yeah not really a fan of the above look. But I have pics of myself with plaid pants and red socks from the 70's, but I believe I was 5. Ha! But he definitely redeemed himself in other pics for sure. There was one picture of Robert I was trying to find from around 1975, and he was wearing a fur vest, and a scarf if I'm not mistaken. Would've been perfect for this thread.
  16. It actually might be a better idea to get a tattoo when you're older. It would be probably be more meaningful. I'm mid-30's, and have always wanted one, but was too scared about the pain when I was younger. But I still might get one sooner or later depending on the design.
  17. All the managers being out of the office today, so it was basically just one big party. Perfect for a Friday!
  18. Love these... Page/Plant through the years.
  19. I was hoping for those also at the recent shows I saw. But I guess they've taken them out of the set.
  20. Go Jimmy go! Sorry, was listening to NFBM live, and I believe Mr.Plant just said the same thing. But I feel it's appropriate.
  21. I'm a HUGE Prodigy fan. Amazing band to see live.
  22. That coincidently is my fave song by them.
  23. Roxie

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I LOVE this part in TSRTS when Jimmy laughs at Robert getting hounded by the autograph seeker.
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