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Rock Historian

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Everything posted by Rock Historian

  1. He-Man, oh-Master of the Universe...You forgot about TEELA!
  2. Happy Birthday Mr. J P Jones (Baldwin). Cheers to one of the most underrated musicians in rock n' roll history, and greatest bass players....... http://youtu.be/WGAKeHQUx-U http://youtu.be/gfIj9_-fGQk
  3. Over the last 2 weeks, I've purchased 5 magazines featuring Led Zeppelin. (Mojo, Guitar World, Rolling Stone (2), DRUM/John Bonham) I went searching for THIS one, after it was not found in time for Christmas. The local Barnes and Noble had ONE copy left, and it scooped it up. I have to say that out of all the magazines I purchased- this is a great read. Every page is Led Zeppelin. The entire catalog is discussed, and some in depth topics as well. This is worth every cent, if you are feeling the "Led Zeppelin fever" right now, I suggest you go out and buy this, if you can find it. Even if your not a fan/supporter of Rolling Stone, it's your loss if you don't pick it up.
  4. I'm going to dig through my collection and see if I have this concert. Curious to see if his "review" is accurate on any level.
  5. You can say whatever you want Knebby, it's never stopped you before. And I have no right to tell you not to anyway. But like I said..."here we go again"..Meaning, does it ever end, or do you NEED closure? Your last PM was denied an answer after it was filled with an un-welcoming tone and approach from the very first sentence, that- if you were "welcoming" me to respond, would have been anything but what it read. I don't respond to that. Friends don't come at friends that way. Furthermore, you should know me better by now. The first PM you sent a week ago, I wasn't able to get to yet...honestly. Sorry, I have a life outside this place too, like yourself. My apologies if it wasn't answered in the timely fashion you would have liked. But it was on my list. I went back and read the post you are referring to just now-to clarify. Basically, I explained myself, (since you and Slave read it wrong, then you wrongly questioned/accused me and ALSO didn't read my post above, complimenting Reggie-who lives in Australia) so I asked you for an apology, based on all that. I thought that was a fair gesture. However, your very next comment was something like "you don't get an apology".....so, here we are. I don't feel I need to resolve anything with you, because it's not a big deal to me. I was the one originally confronted and judged incorrectly, so my comments in defense to that were how I felt at the time of the "discussion". As far as I'm concerned, it's water under the bridge. You are not here causing a disturbance, and I have no future quarrels with you that I foresee. Maybe I will have to defend myself again (towards you), if need be, but I'm not planning on it, unless it happens. And then we will be back to this same place in time, if I'm misjudged. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well. Be safe.
  6. You come off so defensive son. If it wasn't meant for me, why couldn't you just say that just now and be done..Id understand. Why post all this other stuff? So WHO exactly were you referring to if NOT me?
  7. I think you'll have a harder time figuring out what alias you gonna go by or say your REAL name is this time around, than any game could challenge me. That must suck having to LIE about who you are, every time you bust back in, huh Nick? The names change, but the "personality remains the same" What happened, ran out of cool DeNiro pics for an avatar?
  8. Uh, yes sir, boss..I'm comin' boss. You the boss, Boss Led Tiki, give it up bro
  9. I know you agreed with a post quoted by Knebby, which suggested you read into my post the same way she did..I don't think YOU or Knebby are crazy Slave. But, I don't think it's fair to misjudge someone's post either. The worst thing about it was, I asked Kneb for an apology and she refused. All I got were more insults (assuming is was against "outsiders opinions) until she realized she read it wrong. I didn't appreciate that. Yes, I thought that sounded "crazy" Water under the bridge.
  10. AND YOU!!!! Where to begin. Old Shep, Major Major, Balthasar, Karma Electra, Bouillion...How many WILL you become.... You don't even deserve being addressed. Fraud.
  11. Strider, I will admit I did continue on longer than I would have liked, believe me-and I realize that now, but it's not gonna stop me from having my opinion and sticking to it, no matter how many disagree, and expressing it if I am questioned on it. Hell, in a matter of 30 minutes I was debating this with 5 different people, so what do you expect me to do...lay down? If someone ask me a question or wants to have a discussion, I'm down for it, and up until the last few post it was civil. As far as calling someone crazy, it sounded just as that..CRAZY. If you have two people (Knebby and Slave) read your post WRONG entirely and accuse you of not being sensitive/open to "outsiders" views-I WILL respond to that, because I clearly stated that I appreciated the outlook and comments from people across the globe. They failed to read above and witness that. I think Reggie for instance made some good points, and I complimented him on that. I don't give a rats ass where someone lives..an opinion is an opinion. If you would like to act so high and mighty Strider and pretend like you've never called anyone "crazy" or any other word...guess what buddy, you better wake up - because the phrase I used in that heated moment was..."Go sell crazy somewhere else"!! Hmmmm, sound familiar??? It should, because YOU have made that phrase famous here-and it's the ONLY place I've heard it used. I thought it went perfectly in that situation, and I thought of you-So thanks for adding to the vocabulary. Secondly, if someone wants to continuously make as statement about the MAJORITY of cops being BAD, blah, blah, blah and make it as a fact-I will say that is ignorant. because it's not true, and if it was, how can you prove that anyway? Disagreements get out of control here and I don't think you are free of that either. You just chose to opt out of that particular thread. So before you JUDGE someone, look in the mirror.
  12. I just bought this book today and read through it twice. It's great. The comments and short interviews with each of these drummers is compelling and exciting. It makes you realize again and again that John Bonham was and will probably always be considered the quissential rock drummer. Some of the write-ups were more informative than others, but all offering good insight into the man who made them want to play drums in the first place. The only thing missing was a lack of photos of John himself. Maybe one or two- the rest were the notes from each player. Vinny Appice talks briefly about preparing/planning to play the Hammersmith 4 nights back to back and that Iommi told him that Page and Bonham would probably be coming down to guest jam....! That never happened because Bonham dies two months before the shows take place..so Vinny never meets him. Sad stuff but interesting.
  13. Rock Historian


    ^In three years, he would be recording the first Led Zeppelin album, and the rest is history.
  14. I admire your taste Paul....... No need for Dolly Parton here
  15. I recieved my Deluxe copy about a week ago in the mail from Amazon. I have anxiously watched the Blu-Ray 3 times through and listened to the CD's twice. For some reason, I am not sold on the performance yet, not completely. And being a Zep superfan/fanatic to this day, it bugs me to say that. I think personally, the hype of this show being released was greater than the output strength of the product itself. And that's just me being honest. I've always been moved by Zeppelin's music and never really got caught up in any hype or myths surrounding them. (although it does add mystery) The music was/is REAL and to this day, I can put on a certain Zep tune and it will give me "Goosebumps" The beginning intro to Achilles Last Stand does that to me. The solo in For Your Life is another one. But there are countless others. It's that magic that they created that gives the songs such life....I was really, truly hoping this DVD/CD would give me some of that same feeling or something close......Don't get me wrong, the vibes were good. It did have it's great moments in IMTOD, Trampled Underfoot (even though Robert sang like he was limited to words), Black Dog, No Quarter, Kashmir and WLL to name a few. However, I'm a little "Dazed and Confused" about the mix. In the first two songs, the bass was not nearly as present as it was for Black Dog and beyond. Ramble On, is a stand out bass track, yet it was buried. This couldn't be brought out in the mix of the release somehow? Page's guitar sounds really muddy in a few tunes, especially GTBT and TSRTS. The drop tuning might have had a little to do with that. Also, some of the edits, I felt should have been left in. For example:The improv between Robert and Jimmy during the "Let that Boy Boogie" segment of WLL is classic chemistry between them-yet those 30 seconds were cut. Also, some of the chatter/conversation directed to the audience by Robert between songs, was cut on the CD. Why? Was this a timing issue - alloted to each CD? I also think Page downplayed (in a good way) a few of the songs (solo's) not to get too caught up in things, make things too complicated, risk being to sloppy with things he may not be able to play as well any longer. (and he did break his finger a month or two earlier) In other words, he played it safe (for the most part) on some of the solo's. I believe he must realize it's not 1973. The solo on STH was just about the length of the album cut. He could have extended it, sure. But he didn't. He could have had a marathon run at it, and nobody would have complained. Good points: It was a triumph on many levels, just for them to be together and finally do it "right" after the slumps of Live-Aid and Atlantic 40th. I thought that was a success in itself. Plant's voice sounded really, really good and proved he can still sing-even if it's in a different key/register than 30 years ago, which is expected being that he is human. Jason Bonham can play the drums....even though there is NO replacing his father. Jimmy Page had a handful of "magical" moments-like the one note he holds during the intro solo of "Since I've Been Loving You" , the Theramin action of WLL or brilliance of Kashmir. JPJ is still as good as ever and it showed. For Your Life, was great musically, performed for the first time (yet Robert's vocal approach was timid in spots and limited to words , much like Trampled- lyrically, he sung to the minimum) So what are your opinions. Honest opinions, regardless of possible negativity from members because of your thoughts, whether they be good or bad-on the movie. Does anyone else feel that even though this was a triumph on many levels, that the performance left something to be desired, mix included? Thanks in advance for anything you want to add on your personal thoughts of the sound and performance of this greatly anticipated release.
  16. I appreciate most of the contributions to this thread. It has been an interesting read so far.
  17. It's funny someone made a topic of this...I didn't think to post it, until now. On my Blu-Ray edition, it freezes for a second or two on three songs, and if I remember No Quarter was one of them.
  18. I remember as a kid, watching Mork and Mindy. I used to have the bubble gum cards from the show....good ole' days. Good Morning America and Awakenings are two great Williams movies too.
  19. I recently watched The Wrestler again for the 5th time. I posted that movie here way back when. Some love it, some hate it. I thought it was great. Gives a good inside look at how strong the human spirit is. It's dark, deep and real. Anyway, on Netflix I watched a B flick (grindhouse movie) called "Hobo with a shotgun":....loved it!
  20. Watching my little 5 month old son eat cereal.
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