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Rock Historian

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Everything posted by Rock Historian

  1. Ok, so how does this work...? Can ya buy it at Walmart, or just one of those herb Import /Head shops......?
  2. Hey, thanks Paul, Virginia and a few others that sent PM's. I appreciate it! Virginia, happy belated birthday to you. I hope you had a good day!
  3. I know this thread is for the NY premiere, and this vid below is from the London showing..Sorry-I just wanted to put this up, here as well.This was just posted on youtube approx. 55 minutes ago....Looks amazing!!
  4. Mini-Zoso, I am really sorry to have read this. My best to you and your family through this difficult time. I have no further words to express. Sometimes words aren't enough, but I hope these find you well.
  5. Been a long time coming for these guys...and much deserved-more than a few acts that have been inducted already. THIS will be something to watch.
  6. Hearing/seeing all of the new Zeppelin news coming at us at once....It's exciting! Reminds me of the buzz over the O2 rumors, or even the 2003 DVD/HTWWW release... "Days of old, when magic filled the air".......
  7. Major Major....c'mon-you couldn't guess that??? with all the crap that guy talked......endlessly. Anyway, you did kinda give that impression otherwise, which triggered my response. I guess you coulda expressed that to start...sometimes your a tough old bastard
  8. I don't think there's a single thing wrong with stopping in to make a simple little quote, post, comment, what have you-just to acknowledge the day.. Not saying everyone HAS to do that, but only 10 post...and half are from myself and LZG? I think it would at the least show respect for the events of that day (and this day), rather than just passing it up, ignore it, etc. I know a few (one in particular) Anti-American British D-Bag that is no longer with us here as of recently (thank god, finally!!!) that would have probably had a smart remark or two on the subject. I think it's just the proper thing to do, to post at least something in conjunction with the created thread topic- After all-it only comes ONE day a year...... As far as not being comfortable...Well, if you still feel that upset over it or for any other reason, you surely have that right NOT to converse. No need to go into theories, details, etc-just a simple "never forget" would suffice.
  9. Yep, you got it..! I'm sure half of this site is American based folks, so I'm curious to see how many people will at least stop by and make a short little comment on the subject. I know the 02 release is a huge buzz, but almost 50 views here and only 4 post so far. Anyway, take care LZG - enjoy your day.
  10. Led Zep Girl, I'm glad someone took the time to make this thread. I was just thinking about creating one myself, until I logged in to see this one. So thank you for doing this. And I agree, with all the excitement going on surrounding the 02 release, it's a little overshadowed (in a good way) but today is still a day of remembrance, even if it's just for a few minutes. It's an important day to recognize in American History, and for those people who lost family members, friends, etc in this tragic event. I think it's a little past due to start up on conspiracy theories, but it is necessary for every American to acknowledge this day.
  11. I think my New Orleans friend, big Al would bust ya ass for that one Ron, if he could somehow grab you through the computer ...... What kinda band calls themselves "Sexual Favors" BTW...?..Maybe it's a Burlesque show accompanied by music
  12. This seems to be your thread calling, Paul
  13. Man, this IS a great thread. It nice to see other members collections. Outside of this site, I know NO hard-core Zeppelin fans (like myself) Yeah, I know a bunch that appreciate em, but not to the extreme of collecting, bootlegs, etc, etc. Before Hurricane Katrina, I might have had the biggest collection of Zeppelin memorabilia (anything Zeppelin related) within the city limits (New Orleans) or metro area (just guessing). Sadly, all pictures (evidence) is lost of this fragment of time. I wish to God I had that one day to go back and do it all over again (take some other things with me, in a frantic rush).......but that's another story. I did not have any 8 tracks. I did have every official release on album, 45's, tape and CD. 40-50 magazines featuring LZ (from early 80's-2005) Hard to find (now) posters. I had a "Presense" limited edition poster along with a Houses of the Holy (full size door poster) just to name a few examples. A bunch of "black light" posters as well, among many others. (My room was covered with rock music posters/pictures-most were LZ). A tie-dye Levis jean jacket (with Led Zeppelin pins and patches) LZ baseballl hat, watch, clock. 30-35 LZ Bootleg albums....some from Germany and Japan. A few Robert Plant limited edition singles, some Firm "live boots", original/unreleased Lucifer Rising (vinyl), etc. Newspaper articles, clippings from various mags (that I didn't already have in my stack) Knebworth, Danish TV, various 1975-77 footage (alll on VHS, way before any official releases) VHS tapes full of LZ weekend specials, TSRTS, Robert Plant interviews, MTV Legends series, Golden Age of Rock n' Roll (with John Sebastian), Headbangers Ball (with Scott Ian talking with JPJ's)... 150 LZ bootlegs - CD You name it-I had it! Took me a long, long time to get over the fact that I'll never see most of this stuff again. This "stuff" possessed an extreme sentimental value. In a few short words..THIS WAS MY LIFE
  14. If anyone out there is questioning Beck's guitar work, I suggest they listen to this tune. One of the finest guitar instrumental (solo) moments on record. This style of playing is reminiscent in Page's work as well. Page/Beck have alot of similarities. http://youtu.be/2r4F8drkADE http://youtu.be/TGrFaEUbs6k
  15. Two men hunting in the woods. One goes to take a piss and gets bit on the "weenie" by a poisonous snake. He screams and asks the friend to go for help. (from a doctor, emergency, etc) The friend frantically goes to the nearest doctors office and explains what happened. The doctor tells the guy, the only way he will survive if if he sucks the poison out. The friend returns to find his buddy laying on the ground, and ask "Well, what did the doctor say..?" The friend replies..."He said your gonna die!"
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