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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics. I'm busy here at work as usual but I'm e-mailing all of you during my lunch. Believe it or not ZEPPELIN fanatics, I'm skipping my regular happy hour at the bar during lunch time to converse with all of you. However, I feel that this subject would be an interesting source for a good thread and a good topic of discussion. So as the saying goes, "and away we go!"

As we speak, a fast-moving conficker computer worm, a scourage of the internet that has infected at least 3 million PC's, is set to spring to life in a new way tomorrow (Wednesday) on April Fool's Day.

What will happen is that many of the poisoned machines will get more aggressive about "phoning home" to the worm's creators over the internet. When this happens, the bad guys (Hackers) behind the worm will be able to trigger the program to send spam, spread more infections and clog networks with traffic resulting in bringing down many websites.

If anyone's PC machine becomes infected, there might be a need to either do a complete Recovery or re-install the operating system.

Lets just hope that none of this happens to any of us tomorrow, PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND BE ALERT! ROCK ON!

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Don't know if this is true or not but some are saying the best thing to do is turn off your internet completely. I'm looking for advice here not giving it :D

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Last-minute Conficker survival guide


How's it going "ally" and "eternal light?" Forgive me for not giving you the proper information. Thank you for your post "eternal light." The information I got is a lot so please key in www.symantec.com. On the opening page of the Symantec (Norton) website, at the bottom left hand corner under the heading "FOR HOME," click the first link entitled "CONFICKER WORM ON APRIL 1." There is some very interesting information there, it is highly recommended that you read it. ROCK ON!

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You're welcome!

This next link comes from Microsoft.

Take steps to avoid April 1st computer virus

Conficker to ramp up its efforts to use infected computers for cybercrimes


I noticed the link posted on MSN to the Conficker Working Group was broken.

Here is the link that I googled.


Edited by eternal light
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Thankfully my OS is updated, as is my firewall and anti-virus/anti-spyware software. Turning your computer off won't help you, changing the date on your computer won't help you, unplugging the internet won't help you. If it's already in your system, it'll merely activate whenever you do come back online.

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Oh yes! This one is absolutely fabulous! And virus updates are 70 to 80% effective on a good day. For any real nerds out there this is a fascinating case study. These guys really have everyone by the balls. The only way your 100% safe is if you are not running Windows. However, we don't really know what will occur tomorrow, it could just be adding to the army, nothing at all or a massive DOS. Will be interesting. I actually don't think anything will happen because it will be the best shot to track these guys down if they do make a move tomorrow. I suspect it will be just a strategic maneuver.

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I've read this stuff, and I've run all of my anti-spyware and virus stuff.

I guess only time will tell.

I'm quite happy that I spent the amount of time that I did the other day, updating everything and being sure that everything was up to date on our computers.

Now I know that if we get a virus, it's not because I was a dope. ;)

Edited by manderlyh
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Are you saying my new Norton anti virus wont do the trick? I have gone into Windows and have the updates.

From the link that Eternal supplied, it looks as though you should be able to update a patch through Symantic. As long as you receive the patch your about as protected as you can be.

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I did a spy sweep with Webroot Spy Sweeper and I have Norton anti-virus protection, hopefully this will stop that worm from having infected my computer.

I read in one of the links provided that if you could access an anti-virus website you most likely don't have the worm hopefully thats true.

If they are tracked down can something be done if they are from a country like China for example?

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It says on the news that since it's April 1 now, you should be able to tell whether you have the virus by simply going to a Microsoft update website or trying to access a website run by an antivirus website.

It also says that if you have your automatic updates run, you should be okay, Microsoft fixed the "hole" in the security system in October.

I read the first news article link in the thread for that information.

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It says on the news that since it's April 1 now, you should be able to tell whether you have the virus by simply going to a Microsoft update website or trying to access a website run by an antivirus website.

It also says that if you have your automatic updates run, you should be okay, Microsoft fixed the "hole" in the security system in October.

I read the first news article link in the thread for that information.

So far it appears that any actions are harmless but that article simply isn't true. There are so many ways to spoof an IP address. You may THINK you are at Microsoft or an antivirus site and it could be a complete fake. Domain controllers and hosts files can be used to divert traffic.

And Microsofts says they fixed this in October? MmmmHmmmmm...and I have a bridge to sell <_<

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Does anyone know of anyone who got the worm?

I checked my antivirus software and my spybot anti-malware software several times last night. I ran about three scans on each program on both of our computers. So far, so good, (knock on wood).

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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics. I'm busy here at work as usual but I'm e-mailing all of you during my lunch. Believe it or not ZEPPELIN fanatics, I'm skipping my regular happy hour at the bar during lunch time to converse with all of you. However, I feel that this subject would be an interesting source for a good thread and a good topic of discussion. So as the saying goes, "and away we go!"

As we speak, a fast-moving conficker computer worm, a scourage of the internet that has infected at least 3 million PC's, is set to spring to life in a new way tomorrow (Wednesday) on April Fool's Day.

What will happen is that many of the poisoned machines will get more aggressive about "phoning home" to the worm's creators over the internet. When this happens, the bad guys (Hackers) behind the worm will be able to trigger the program to send spam, spread more infections and clog networks with traffic resulting in bringing down many websites.

If anyone's PC machine becomes infected, there might be a need to either do a complete Recovery or re-install the operating system.

Lets just hope that none of this happens to any of us tomorrow, PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND BE ALERT! ROCK ON!

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I apologize for not being able to post a comment or response since I just hooked up my computer yesterday and did a complete Recovery. I would like to thank all of you for your comments and for making April Fool's Day a more easier, pleasant, safer and enjoyable day. After all, we survived it didn't we? Have a great day and ROCK ON!

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Why didn't they just call it 'Confucker?'


How's it going "redrum?" Perhaps the Hackers had a conscience and decided that Conf*c*er would be an inappropriate word for the young ones to learn although the young ones learn the word off the Pre-School and Elementary school bathroom walls. That's how I learned it! ROCK ON!

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