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No Line On The Horizon

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I bought the new U2 album earlier this week, and I think it's a very interesting album - a very different sound. Has anyone else heard it? What do you think about it?

Hi ms_zeppelin 94! You already know i'm a U2 fan :) I find that each song sounds like they could have been on a previous U2 album (some remind me of Zooropa, Pop, and All That You Can't Leave Behind in particular). I love only one song so far.... "Moment of Surrender". I like a few others songs, including "Get On Your Boots" which sounds like it could have fit nicely with "Elevation" on All That You Can't Leave Behind. It may take me a little time, but i think i have pretty much heard the new album enough to make my decision. I am not overjoyed with No Line on the Horizon, but since millions of other fans are, that's the good news! I am still very excited about seeing U2 this year.... and can't wait for the next record, which i know will blow away Achtung Baby (finally)!!!!! :)

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I absolutely fucking love it.


In my opinion it's the best thing they've done since Achtung Baby. Bono has gotten the power in his voice back, and the band sounds invigorated. Actually. "Get On Your Boots" is the weakest song there. For those who haven't warmed up to it yet, give it time. It'll grow on you.

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Great new disc! A few of the songs (Breathe, Stand Up Comedy, Magnificent, Moment of Surrender) are already on my all-time fav. U2 songs list. Can't wait to hear how the songs come across live!! Seeing them in October, just bought tix yesterday. B)


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For those who haven't warmed up to it yet, give it time. It'll grow on you.

It grew on me!! The first time I was listening to it, NLOTH (song) went off & I told my friend "Well...this is interesting..." Magnificent came on "And kinda creepy..." It took me a few listens to really start to like it. NLOTH, Magnificent, & Breathe are my faves now.

Hey Walter, What venue did you get tickets for?

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It's really good, its what i expected after hearing the reviews...more of a guitar record and thats great for this band.

Of course since the Edge said he was influenced by Pagey while making this disc, all the better!! :thumbsup:

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After my first listen - brilliant :cheer:

It's a great album- gets even better with each listen. I read somewhere where a reviewer thought some of the fuzz reminded them a little of Zeppelin (referring to 'Get On Your Boots').

They also seem to manage channeling The Beatles energy really well too. 'Pop's 'Staring at the Sun' is one that comes to mind, and on the new album 'Stand Up Comedy' has a bit of that too.


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It's a great album- gets even better with each listen. I read somewhere where a reviewer thought some of the fuzz reminded them a little of Zeppelin (referring to 'Get On Your Boots').

They also seem to manage channeling The Beatles energy really well too. 'Pop's 'Staring at the Sun' is one that comes to mind, and on the new album 'Stand Up Comedy' has a bit of that too.


I'll be giving it many more listens that's for sure. I like the feel and mood of it a lot. Bummed I didn't get tickets to see the tour but hopefully they'll add more dates and I can manage to get some then. I hear a lot of different things happening influence wise but I need to spend more time with it to pinpoint.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think u2 are legend but in my opinion there new album is their weakest album yet

There are a couple of songs, I must admit, that I do skip. That is the great thing about them, different parts of discs come to you at different times - sometimes it takes seeing it performed live. The only exception is their Pop disc, which I still haven't gotten into. I feel the majority of No Line On The Horizon is some of their strongest material ever. I can't wait to see them live this fall!! :)

I must agree with Ninelive and Knebby.


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There are a couple of songs, I must admit, that I do skip. That is the great thing about them, different parts of discs come to you at different times - sometimes it takes seeing it performed live. The only exception is their Pop disc, which I still haven't gotten into. I feel the majority of No Line On The Horizon is some of their strongest material ever. I can't wait to see them live this fall!! :)

I must agree with Ninelive and Knebby.


Pop is a great album - it took me a bit to really get into it but once I did, it became a favorite.

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  • 1 month later...

No line on the horizon's the best I've heard lately...not only individually but as a whole composition, it realyy thrills me.

I've been passing for a terrible moment in my life (the loss of my mother), and, among other things, this album helped me out to overcome my sadness, or to justify it.

When Bono's father passed away, the grief appeared in "Sometines you can't make it on your own", from "How to dismantle..........." it talks about their bad relationship, how many things have been unsaid.... :(

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In my opinion it's the best thing they've done since Achtung Baby. Bono has gotten the power in his voice back, and the band sounds invigorated. Actually. "Get On Your Boots" is the weakest song there. For those who haven't warmed up to it yet, give it time. It'll grow on you.

I couldn't agree with you more. I love how there is more guitar presence on this album. As always, they put out a great album. I find that they are a bit of a similarity in Zeppelin regarding their albums. They are all great albums, successful, some vary differently in sound/style than others, and some albums appeal more favorable at times depending on the listener's mood.

I would have seen them this tour, but opted for AC/DC, as I figure they would more likely to retire before U2.

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  • 1 month later...
No line on the horizon's the best I've heard lately...not only individually but as a whole composition, it realyy thrills me.

I've been passing for a terrible moment in my life (the loss of my mother), and, among other things, this album helped me out to overcome my sadness, or to justify it.

When Bono's father passed away, the grief appeared in "Sometines you can't make it on your own", from "How to dismantle..........." it talks about their bad relationship, how many things have been unsaid.... :(

im so sorry BlackCountryWoman, im sorry for your mom, i send you a lot of embrace :)

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