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Which bands or artists are you thankful for influencing your musical taste?

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Being old has its' advantages. Personally speaking, The Who and Cream. Both of these bands showed that pop music could be more than the three minute song. Both helped create the genre of "rock music".

Both bands opened many musical doors for me and many many others. Other bands took what they started and ran with it. For me though, it all started with these two groups.


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Well Zeppelin the most in popular music back in the early 80's, but things from the funky guitar in Sister Sledge songs to Yes and 20 min epics help form my influences. I do like a little of most geres but nobody had a more an impact then Zeppelin even if as a guitarist I am more influenced by others.

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The first music I ever heard were the Beatles, and I still respect them.

After that phase came Kiss who showed me how to put on a great rock show (and yes, indeed, i also wanted to be as cool as Ace, haha, guess I'm not the only one here)

My late teen years were mindfucked by people like Slayer, Anthrax, Metallica and Celtic Frost....somehow that kinda metal gave me the right "fuck you" attitude.

Then came Led Zeppelin who gave me the magick and the Hammer of the gods.

Also big thanks for their influences to:

The amazing Jeff Buckley, wherever he may be....

Huun Huur Tu and Yat Kha for their otherworldly vibe

Ziggy Stardust, Deep Purple Mk 2 and 3,and (the drugs years)Aerosmith

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

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My mom for introducing me to folk and classical music and my brother and sister for rock. Hard to say what band was the first I really was taken to but I remember listening to Zep as a five year old and being pretty blown away even though I didn't "get" it so to speak. Nowadays I would say Robert has been a big influence on what I listen to as far as introducing me to a lot of genres I wasn't that familiar with which just opens some fantastic journeys once you discover one artist, suddenly a ton of others you hear.

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I grew up listening to old fashioned country, as a result of my parents listening to it constantly.

It seems that the farther back you go with country music, the more it sounds like the blues. If you can get past all the yodeling that Jimmie Rodgers does, you'll hear chords and verses that were implemented by many of the blues based musicians of the 60's and 70's. The influence of black blues musicians is well known in this way, but usually "country" has been associated with white performers.

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It seems that the farther back you go with country music, the more it sounds like the blues. If you can get past all the yodeling that Jimmie Rodgers does, you'll hear chords and verses that were implemented by many of the blues based musicians of the 60's and 70's. The influence of black blues musicians is well known in this way, but usually "country" has been associated with white performers.

True, which makes it not so surprising for Robert to have done the album he did with Alison :D

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You may want to rethink that. The 80's were chock full of great music, seriously.

Yeah, I missed out the 80s at first. I do listen to some 80s stuff but it doesn't take much space in my collection. Come to think of it, Nirvana started in the 80s, so did Dream Theater.

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True, which makes it not so surprising for Robert to have done the album he did with Alison :D

But I would have been really suprised if he used the same album cover layout, had he collaborated with Vassar Clements or Papa John Creach?!?!?!

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  • 1 year later...


For me, the three bands who made me fall in love with rock and roll and music in general were : Queen, The Jimi Hendrix Experience and The Ventures.

Queen was the first ever rock and roll band I listened to. I heard my first Queen song when I was barely 5 years old. It was Seven Seas Of Rhye. I remember listening to Queen vividly when I was a little girl, more than any other band. Listening to Queen, I gradually began exploring the works of other progressive rock bands like Genesis. Also, due to the fact that Queen incorporated Opera styled music in their very early works, that led me to actually take an interest in Classical and Folk music. Thanks dad for introducing me to Queen, in the first place!

At the age 6, I was introduced to the fascinating world of psychedelic rock when I heard Purple Haze for the first time. When I first got to hear that song, I was blown away. My dad recalls that I was just starring at the stereo after the song ended with my mouth wide open! :lol: But can you blame me for reacting that way? Even now, at 23, after expanding my music tastes way beyond just artists from the 60's and 70's, I still am fascinated by Jimi Hendrix and what he had to offer! I still can't thank my dad enough! Hendrix made me get into bands like Cream and The Doors. Hendrix also made me take an immense interest in the blues by checking out works by Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, etc.

The Ventures happen to be my mom's favourite band of all time. The first track I remember listening to when I was little was "The Guitar Boogie Shuffle". My mom has a really huge collection of records containing instrumental hits by bands like The Ventures. My late great grandmom was also a fan! My mom also loves other Garage Rock bands from the 60's like The Sonics. Her tastes in music played a major role in influencing me to explore the amazing genre "Garage Rock".

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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In no particular order......





THE BEATLES (to some degree)
























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have posted in here a few years ago, but Musical tastes and thankful for is led Zeppelin, they got me to listen to blues and Jazz, so went and discovered "Wes Montgomery" and his octave bebop playing, they got me into listening to "James Brown" and all the sould and funk greats, they got me into listening to Folk and "Fairport Convention" etc....Yes and prog Rock, alot of the Classical composers, and metal bands from Ozzy to Megadeth, love something from every genre even if alot of them are naff.

But Deep Purple/ Zeppelin/Rush and Yes I am thankful for with Floyd/Queen etc

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Well I've started listening to the music through rock music from a very early age. Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple were one of the first bands and artists I discovered. Of course before that I had been listening mostly to pop music on the radio but soon after that I discovered rock music. That was the music I really liked. And then The Beatles came and all other bands I'm still listening to.

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