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RIP Walter Cronkite


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Cronkite was great. He always had that calm demeanor when reporting the news, good and bad. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. May you rest in peace, Walter Cronkite. :(

Edited by Fan_S.
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Oh Lord. You're not one of those nutters who think Cronkite lost the war in Vietnam, are you? Newsflash, if an anchorman's opinion is enough to ruin the "war", then we had lost it long before he opened his mouth. I would really like for this not to turn into a "bash Cronkite because he was against Vietnam" thread.

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It saddens me that a thread on the death of Michael Jackson gets more attention than one on the death of arguably the greatest newsman of the 20th century.

The hell.

Michael was popular and his death was sudden... but more then a handful of people should care about Walter Cronkite's death after a few hours. Sad indeed.

Forget greatest newsman... I believe there was a poll where more Americans had faith in Walter Cronkite then in Nixon (before Watergate and such). It was like 73% to 51% or something like that. That kind of a statistic will never happen again in an age of watered-down 24 hour news. What Walter Cronkite did in 30 minutes was 10x what CNN+MSNBC+FOX could put out in a day.

The point is, he was the consistent voice of a nation that went through the turbulence of the 60's and 70's. One of the greatest Americans of the 20th century.

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Michael was popular and his death was sudden... but more then a handful of people should care about Walter Cronkite's death after a few hours. Sad indeed.

Forget greatest newsman... I believe there was a poll where more Americans had faith in Walter Cronkite then in Nixon (before Watergate and such). It was like 73% to 51% or something like that. That kind of a statistic will never happen again in an age of watered-down 24 hour news. What Walter Cronkite did in 30 minutes was 10x what CNN+MSNBC+FOX could put out in a day.

The point is, he was the consistent voice of a nation that went through the turbulence of the 60's and 70's. One of the greatest Americans of the 20th century.

I know Jackson's death was sudden; hell, I was shocked by it. However, what bothers me is that someone as influential as Cronkite was will get completely glossed over by MY generation, because he was 92 and a news anchor, not 50 and a singer. I was born the year after he retired from CBS News, but even I understand the impact he had on TV news and how it is disseminated to the people. His was the first news broadcast in color!

I do know the poll you are talking about; it was a poll to find the most trustworthy man in America and he won in a landslide. If Cronkite went on the air and said the aliens were invading, people would have been digging bunkers. I don't know what that says about the people watching at home, but in an era before internet and 24 hour news cycles, and when most people got their news from the paper still.....he was monumentally important.

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I know Jackson's death was sudden; hell, I was shocked by it. However, what bothers me is that someone as influential as Cronkite was will get completely glossed over by MY generation, because he was 92 and a news anchor, not 50 and a singer.

Truth indeed

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" And that's the way it is " The calling card of quite simply the best American news anchor my generation has seen

RIP Mr. Cronkite. We've truly lost someone special

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Cronkite is vividly remembered by many Americans for breaking the news of the death of President Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963. (Wikipedia)

For me walter cronquite is a complete stranger.

¿How one man who gives the new most controversial and urresoluble of all the times is one of the most trusted figures of the united states?

He must have done many things after this episode. (I think...)

92 years at the service of truth...

congratulations. =)

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Walter Cronkite HATED today's style of news anchors. He hated the 24-hour news cycle. There's no way in hell he was what he hated. I've seen enough interviews with him and read his book, and even though he was against Vietnam, he always reported on the war according to what Johnson and then Nixon's stance on the war was. He didn't do anti-war broadcasts. What he had said was that he saw the war "mired in stalemate". He never said we lost, or that we'd lose or that it was wrong or that the President was a fool or that our troops were killers or anything else the wackaloons on the right would have you think.

He reported what was there, even if he didn't agree with it. And that was his job. All these wannabe revisionists want to put him in the same bunker as Hanoi Jane and that's just insulting.

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Walter Cronkite HATED today's style of news anchors. He hated the 24-hour news cycle. There's no way in hell he was what he hated. I've seen enough interviews with him and read his book, and even though he was against Vietnam, he always reported on the war according to what Johnson and then Nixon's stance on the war was. He didn't do anti-war broadcasts. What he had said was that he saw the war "mired in stalemate". He never said we lost, or that we'd lose or that it was wrong or that the President was a fool or that our troops were killers or anything else the wackaloons on the right would have you think.

He reported what was there, even if he didn't agree with it. And that was his job. All these wannabe revisionists want to put him in the same bunker as Hanoi Jane and that's just insulting.

What, you think he was a friggin' General or something? Cronkite wouldn't know the difference between a "mired in stalemate" and mired in liberal media assclownery.

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RiP Walter Cronkite.

Sadly, 'that's the way it is...' indeed.

Even if some folks want to cast, and thereby dismiss, Cronkite as one of the 'liberal nutters' and 'liberal media', IMO, he was way beyond what we have today. When he did an editorial, you knew it was an editorial. He reported the news, whereas many media outlets today seem more like the National Enquirer and seem to put a lot more emphasis on 'entertaining' us rather than reporting the news.

I'd take Walter at his worst anyday over his successor Dan Rather.

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I miss Roosevelt's fireside chats.

Kidding aside, Cronkite was history. For better or worse re: Nam, he's still and always will be a face of America. He went into places no one wanted to go to bring us the news, and when we went to sleep at night it was his voice that resonated in our heads.

Unless you'd been watching Carson. Then the apple was off the tree! ;)

When we were teens, we made up a song to Ozzy's Mr. Crowley:

Miiiister Cronkite

Won't you give us the news

Oooh Mr Cronkite

Barbara Walters refused

Your broadcasts to me seem so plastic

With the thrill of it all

Reality seems so fantastic

Yeah we're giving Dan Rather a call

Guitar solo~

Sorry Wally. I take it all back! Rest in peace old man. :beer:

Edited by Evster2012
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