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Jimmie Carter is an embarrassment of monumental proportions


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Somebody make sure he has some fresh Depends and wipe the drool off his chin.

At least they had the decency to keep Reagan out of the public eye as he continued to decline.

Jimmy Carter speaking out on racism?

"Welcome to CarterBucks, may I take your order?"

"Yeah - Double Irony, extra-hot, steeped in Hypocrisy, and let's hope America has a short memory."

While Wikipedia would have us believe Carter was a bellwether of racial harmony, they conveniently omit his pre-Gubernatorial political life where he employed shamelessly racist tactics to influence white voters away from opponent Carl Sanders, part-owner of the Atlanta Hawks NBA team, by printing up flyers with a picture of Sanders with 2 black players pouring champagne over his head in a post-game celebration.

The Atlanta Constitution noted, ‘In the context of the sports pages, it was a routine shot … But in the context of this political campaign it was a dangerous smear that injected both race, alcohol, and high living into the campaign.’ Carter’s senior campaign aides Bill Pope, Hamilton Jordan, and Jerry Rafshoon were behind the mailing; Pope was even spotted passing out the flyers at a Ku Klux Klan rally … The Carter campaign also produced a leaflet noting that Sanders had paid tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr."

Sanders... paid tribute... to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Oh. Em. Gee.

Don't know 'bout all you nigra-lovin' yankees, but that shit don't fly down here in JAW-JA.

Jimmy Carter, do us all a favor and go build some more houses.

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Jimmy Carter always was, and still is, a fucking buffoon. That man has no place in politics whatsoever, and is still tied for the worst president ever. For now, anyway... <_<

Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. The following Presidents IMO, all rank far below Carter:



Bush II

A. Johnson

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^That's 2 out of 5 of this list of the 5 worst Presidents of the United States.

So far I guess that Harding is considered to be the worst. He's known for the Teapot Dome scandal.

1. Warren Harding (1921-1923)

Before the end of Harding's short presidency, in which he summed up by stating "I am not fit for this office and should never have been here", he both supported and refuted the American sponsorship of the League of Nations following World War I. Harding was the most unfit president in American history, and sacrificed time needed for his presidential duties and instead gambled and took recreational golf outings. All the relaxation of golf wasn't enough to keep stress from overcoming Harding, who suffered from a stroke in office and died.

2. James Buchanan (1857-1861)

Though Buchanan religiously opposed slavery and its expansion, he would not challenge the constitutionality of slavery and even signed many compromises that would help to spread slavery into the western territories. Buchanan supported the decision found in the case of Dred Scott, disallowing states to ban slavery within their own borders. When finally threatened with the secession of the Confederate states, Buchanan declared that states had no constitutional right to break away from the Union, but also that the Union itself had no constitutional authority to go to war with the seceding states in order to prevent it. Buchanan failed to hold the Union together and avert the impending American Civil War.

3. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)

President Johnson was one of the few presidents who publically resisted the Republican policies aimed at providing civil rights for African-Americans following the Civil War. He showed a racist unresponsiveness to freed African-Americans seeking protection of civil rights. He vetoed a bill to renew the Freedman's Bureau and strongly voiced public opposition as he vetoed the first introduced civil rights bill. He was impeached though never convicted for entangling himself in bills that would reverse the effects of the Civil War, and failed to even receive the Republican nomination for his reelection.

4. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)

President Pierce took major steps to prolong, but never to avoid, the coming of the Civil War. His attempts to forge a compromise between slave-holding and Free states brought him to support the Kansas-Nebraska Act, a redrawing of boundary lines that would enter new Free and Slave states. Pierce also attempted to annex Cuba even if force was needed, angering northern states who believed that this annexation would upset the balance between North and South states in the Senate. These attempts at compromise only fueled the future-Confederate desire to split from the Union, drawing in the American Civil War.

5. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)

As the leading general of the Union army during the American Civil War, it was thought that Grant would have made a great president in piecing the nation back together after the disastrous war. Grant's presidency would be stained by the corruption within his Cabinet that, once exposed, morally endured the dishonestly among his aides while protecting them. Though only poor errors of judgment and "not of intent" Grant also suspended the habeas corpus, the writ that protects American citizens from unlawful detention in his attempt to stop the Klu Klux Klan. Considered to be an admirable move for African-American rights, he also violated the constitutional rights of American citizens during mass arrests.


Edited by eternal light
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I'm so curious to know when "George W. Bush" will no longer be the liberal knee-jerk response to all criticisms of Democratic leadership.


So is George W. Bush. Where's his thread?

When, as an ex-President, he starts "bloviating" and making ridiculously hypocritical and untrue statements to try and grab a steadily fading piece of the spotlight, he'll get one.

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Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. The following Presidents IMO, all rank far below Carter:



Bush II

A. Johnson

It would be really interesting to hear what you think made his Presidency good, or better than ANY other individual President, including those you listed.

Because the list of what made his Presidency bad is pretty substantial:

Panama Canal

Iranian Hostage crisis

21% inflation

Kissed Queen Elizabeth on the lips after admitting in Playboy “I've lusted in my heart for other women.”

Leonid Brezhnev lied to me!

Halted research and implementation of the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel

and an unnatural affinity for Marxists - to include Daniel Ortega, Robert Mugabe, and of course...


No wonder so many people subscribe to the notion that Obama is “channeling” the Carter Presidency.

Carter will forever be the wimpiest President of any before him, and so far, all of them since as well.

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It's interesting that Hoover was the Secretary of Commerce during the Harding administration.

Looking wan and depressed, Harding journeyed westward in the summer of 1923, taking with him his upright Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. "If you knew of a great scandal in our administration," he asked Hoover, "would you for the good of the country and the party expose it publicly or would you bury it?" Hoover urged publishing it, but Harding feared the political repercussions.

He did not live to find out how the public would react to the scandals of his administration. In August of 1923, he died in San Francisco of a heart attack.

Son of a Quaker blacksmith, Herbert Clark Hoover brought to the Presidency an unparalleled reputation for public service as an engineer, administrator, and humanitarian.

Born in an Iowa village in 1874, he grew up in Oregon. He enrolled at Stanford University when it opened in 1891, graduating as a mining engineer.

He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they went to China, where he worked for a private corporation as China's leading engineer. In June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion caught the Hoovers in Tientsin. For almost a month the settlement was under heavy fire. While his wife worked in the hospitals, Hoover directed the building of barricades, and once risked his life rescuing Chinese children.

One week before Hoover celebrated his 40th birthday in London, Germany declared war on France, and the American Consul General asked his help in getting stranded tourists home. In six weeks his committee helped 120,000 Americans return to the United States. Next Hoover turned to a far more difficult task, to feed Belgium, which had been overrun by the German army.

After the United States entered the war, President Wilson appointed Hoover head of the Food Administration. He succeeded in cutting consumption of foods needed overseas and avoided rationing at home, yet kept the Allies fed.

After the Armistice, Hoover, a member of the Supreme Economic Council and head of the American Relief Administration, organized shipments of food for starving millions in central Europe. He extended aid to famine-stricken Soviet Russia in 1921. When a critic inquired if he was not thus helping Bolshevism, Hoover retorted, "Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed!"

After capably serving as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge, Hoover became the Republican Presidential nominee in 1928. He said then: "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land." His election seemed to ensure prosperity. Yet within months the stock market crashed, and the Nation spiraled downward into depression.

After the crash Hoover announced that while he would keep the Federal budget balanced, he would cut taxes and expand public works spending.

In 1931 repercussions from Europe deepened the crisis, even though the President presented to Congress a program asking for creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to aid business, additional help for farmers facing mortgage foreclosures, banking reform, a loan to states for feeding the unemployed, expansion of public works, and drastic governmental economy.

At the same time he reiterated his view that while people must not suffer from hunger and cold, caring for them must be primarily a local and voluntary responsibility.

His opponents in Congress, who he felt were sabotaging his program for their own political gain, unfairly painted him as a callous and cruel President. Hoover became the scapegoat for the depression and was badly defeated in 1932. In the 1930's he became a powerful critic of the New Deal, warning against tendencies toward statism.

In 1947 President Truman appointed Hoover to a commission, which elected him chairman, to reorganize the Executive Departments. He was appointed chairman of a similar commission by President Eisenhower in 1953. Many economies resulted from both commissions' recommendations. Over the years, Hoover wrote many articles and books, one of which he was working on when he died at 90 in New York City on October 20, 1964.

Jimmy Carter aspired to make Government "competent and compassionate," responsive to the American people and their expectations. His achievements were notable, but in an era of rising energy costs, mounting inflation, and continuing tensions, it was impossible for his administration to meet these high expectations.

Carter, who has rarely used his full name--James Earl Carter, Jr.--was born October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia. Peanut farming, talk of politics, and devotion to the Baptist faith were mainstays of his upbringing. Upon graduation in 1946 from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, Carter married Rosalynn Smith. The Carters have three sons, John William (Jack), James Earl III (Chip), Donnel Jeffrey (Jeff), and a daughter, Amy Lynn.

After seven years' service as a naval officer, Carter returned to Plains. In 1962 he entered state politics, and eight years later he was elected Governor of Georgia. Among the new young southern governors, he attracted attention by emphasizing ecology, efficiency in government, and the removal of racial barriers.

Carter announced his candidacy for President in December 1974 and began a two-year campaign that gradually gained momentum. At the Democratic Convention, he was nominated on the first ballot. He chose Senator Walter F. Mondale of Minnesota as his running mate. Carter campaigned hard against President Gerald R. Ford, debating with him three times. Carter won by 297 electoral votes to 241 for Ford.

Carter worked hard to combat the continuing economic woes of inflation and unemployment. By the end of his administration, he could claim an increase of nearly eight million jobs and a decrease in the budget deficit, measured in percentage of the gross national product. Unfortunately, inflation and interest rates were at near record highs, and efforts to reduce them caused a short recession.

Carter could point to a number of achievements in domestic affairs. He dealt with the energy shortage by establishing a national energy policy and by decontrolling domestic petroleum prices to stimulate production. He prompted Government efficiency through civil service reform and proceeded with deregulation of the trucking and airline industries. He sought to improve the environment. His expansion of the national park system included protection of 103 million acres of Alaskan lands. To increase human and social services, he created the Department of Education, bolstered the Social Security system, and appointed record numbers of women, blacks, and Hispanics to Government jobs.

In foreign affairs, Carter set his own style. His championing of human rights was coldly received by the Soviet Union and some other nations. In the Middle East, through the Camp David agreement of 1978, he helped bring amity between Egypt and Israel. He succeeded in obtaining ratification of the Panama Canal treaties. Building upon the work of predecessors, he established full diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and completed negotiation of the SALT II nuclear limitation treaty with the Soviet Union.

There were serious setbacks, however. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan caused the suspension of plans for ratification of the SALT II pact. The seizure as hostages of the U. S. embassy staff in Iran dominated the news during the last 14 months of the administration. The consequences of Iran's holding Americans captive, together with continuing inflation at home, contributed to Carter's defeat in 1980. Even then, he continued the difficult negotiations over the hostages. Iran finally released the 52 Americans the same day Carter left office.


Edited by eternal light
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Jeez. Leave President Carter alone. Surely you can find something to do with your time besides cutting on an aging president....

You know get a fricking pooper scooper and gather turds or something.

Since you're apparently his designated protector, tell him to keep his morally bankrupt hypocritical and shamelessly partisan political hackspeak to himself, and I'll stop "cutting" on the drooling pantload.

Here's an even better idea - if you can't contribute anything useful to a particular thread, why not stay the fuck out of said thread?

Here ya go.

Here's what my pooper-scooper gathered for ya.

I particularly love Yoko's "2 cats fucking" screeching that begins around 2:12.

Just for you, since you're such a fan.


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I'm so curious to know when "George W. Bush" will no longer be the liberal knee-jerk response to all criticisms of Democratic leadership.

I'm no liberal, but I like how so many are quick to defend Bush 43 when people still have legitimate beef with his fucktard policies for 8 years which seriously fucked this country up more than...your "Jimmie" Carter ever did. :rolleyes:

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Somebody make sure he has some fresh Depends and wipe the drool off his chin.

At least they had the decency to keep Reagan out of the public eye as he continued to decline.

Jimmy Carter speaking out on racism?

"Welcome to CarterBucks, may I take your order?"

"Yeah - Double Irony, extra-hot, steeped in Hypocrisy, and let's hope America has a short memory."

While Wikipedia would have us believe Carter was a bellwether of racial harmony, they conveniently omit his pre-Gubernatorial political life where he employed shamelessly racist tactics to influence white voters away from opponent Carl Sanders, part-owner of the Atlanta Hawks NBA team, by printing up flyers with a picture of Sanders with 2 black players pouring champagne over his head in a post-game celebration.

Sanders... paid tribute... to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Oh. Em. Gee.

Don't know 'bout all you nigra-lovin' yankees, but that shit don't fly down here in JAW-JA.

Jimmy Carter, do us all a favor and go build some more houses.

Only through kindness and love can peace of mind be achieved. You cannot win battles over anger and ignorance with anger and ignorance.

Love and knowledge are my weapons for this.

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I'm no liberal, but I like how so many are quick to defend Bush 43 when people still have legitimate beef with his fucktard policies for 8 years which seriously fucked this country up more than...your "Jimmie" Carter ever did. :rolleyes:

Actually, nothing in my response defended Bush.

Here's a quick rundown:

Jimmuh Cahtah opens his idiotic hole and spews a bunch of harshly partisan rhetoric.

I create a thread pointing out the hypocrisy of his actions.

On cue, lib whines "What about Bush?"

I like how so many are quick to defend Bush 43

I like how you only seem to notice conservative "apologists", and rarely bother to notice the liberal apologists, even though you're "no liberal".

And from your posts, I don't doubt you.

I know you've said what a historian you are, but I'm not buying Bush 43 fucked the country up worse than Carter.

And I think Obama's fucktard policies will fuck this country more seriously than 43 EVER did.

On a side note, I find it kinda funny how although I very rarely misspell words (other than intentionally, like "kinda") and pretty much never point out or make an issue out of misspelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. in my responses, I've already been called twice for misspelling Jimmy.

I'm thinking I misspelled it like I did because my boss's name is Kim, and I often fuck with her by calling her "Kimmie".

Shoulda just went with his own pronunciation - "Jimmuh Cahtah".

Contributing to a worthless thread designed to attack others?


We will see you get your congressional medal of honor there Jethro :hysterical:

Especially for that last contribution.

YOU say worthless.

And you are, apparently, the LZ forum Thread Grader?

Maybe I'd rather discuss/debate current events rather than "What body part are you scratching right now?"

It's a thread responding to a political event by a public figure that made national news.

You've done nothing but troll the thread with responses directed at me rather than the topic.

Why dontcha stop ridin' my dick and go post a Yoko video, or tell everyone what made you unhappy today.

Because all those threads I find worthless, pointless, silly or whatever, I don't go into them and tell everyone that I feel that way, because they don't care to hear that.

I just don't post in them.

Show the same consideration, asshole.

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BTW, maybe some Rhodes Scholar here can point out for me how I was "making excuses" for Democratic leadership when Jimmy Carter is no longer a Democratic leader. He's a former President, not a member of the cabinet or a current member of Congress.

The thread title stated: "Jimmie Carter is an embarrassment of monumental proportions" and I responded with "So is George W. Bush. Where's his thread". You know what that means? THIS IS NOT NEWS. That was not me trying to say "Oh well I'm a liberal and Bush sucks wah wah wah." If that's what you think I was trying to say.....sucks to be you.

Edited by Electrophile
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Actually, nothing in my response defended Bush.

Here's a quick rundown:

Jimmuh Cahtah opens his idiotic hole and spews a bunch of harshly partisan rhetoric.

I create a thread pointing out the hypocrisy of his actions.

On cue, lib whines "What about Bush?"

I like how you only seem to notice conservative "apologists", and rarely bother to notice the liberal apologists, even though you're "no liberal".

And from your posts, I don't doubt you.

I know you've said what a historian you are, but I'm not buying Bush 43 fucked the country up worse than Carter.

And I think Obama's fucktard policies will fuck this country more seriously than 43 EVER did.

On a side note, I find it kinda funny how although I very rarely misspell words (other than intentionally, like "kinda") and pretty much never point out or make an issue out of misspelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. in my responses, I've already been called twice for misspelling Jimmy.

I'm thinking I misspelled it like I did because my boss's name is Kim, and I often fuck with her by calling her "Kimmie".

Shoulda just went with his own pronunciation - "Jimmuh Cahtah".

YOU say worthless.

And you are, apparently, the LZ forum Thread Grader?

Maybe I'd rather discuss/debate current events rather than "What body part are you scratching right now?"

It's a thread responding to a political event by a public figure that made national news.

You've done nothing but troll the thread with responses directed at me rather than the topic.

Why dontcha stop ridin' my dick and go post a Yoko video, or tell everyone what made you unhappy today.

Because all those threads I find worthless, pointless, silly or whatever, I don't go into them and tell everyone that I feel that way, because they don't care to hear that.

I just don't post in them.

Show the same consideration, asshole.

You were the one who dragged a woman into it when you had no clue on how to back yourself up.

Yoko Ono.

I know two of them and I never drag them into simplistic psychobabble.

You wanna curse, good for you perhaps you will be graded on that too. Reminds me of a 2nd grade class..

Fine you can clap the erasers...

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Same ol crap here, nothing new.

Have you ever taken the time out of your busy, self-righteous day to consider just how many threads this could apply to?

Top 5 Zep songs.

Top 5 Zep albums.

How many fillings do you have in your teeth?

The vast majority of threads here I find utterly pointless.

But I keep it to myself.

I don't go into those threads and proclaim, "This thread sucks, we've all listed our favorite whatever so just give it a break, already!"


Because that would only agitate those who DO wanna discuss their Top-5 whatever.

And that's cool, because that's what this forum's about.

Nobody cares that any particular member (including me) doesn't like certain threads or topics.

And for the benefit of the general atmosphere of the board, I personally choose not to go into those threads I find ridiculous and attack those posting in there for being ridiculous.

Too bad you and many others don't practice likewise.

It's simple consideration.

You know if you're so hung up in bashing... oops I mean "debate" :wacko: there ARE other message boards just for politics.

IMHO Type O is a monumental embarrassment. :hysterical:


How ironic you would post this directly after I just addressed people posting in threads just to bash someone in that thread, as opposed to participating in the topic.

This portion of the forum is designated as follows...

Ramble On

General discussion of other non-zep topics.

Much as we'd all love to defer to your opinion of what we can and cannot discuss here, we are still free to post our own topics.

Much like the free-market, threads will succeed or fail on the basis of the topic.

So again, if you don't care for the topic, why not just stay the fuck out of it?

Much as you'd like to believe the enormous weight of your personal opinion will affect the popularity of a topic, it still comes down to what people want to talk about.

If nobody gives a fuck about a topic, it'll be on page 4 in a day.

BTW, maybe some Rhodes Scholar here can point out for me how I was "making excuses" for Democratic leadership when Jimmy Carter is no longer a Democratic leader. He's an ex-President, not a member of the cabinet or a current member of Congress.


Y'all claim him in a minute when he says something that works for your POV.

The thread title stated: "Jimmie Carter is an embarrassment of monumental proportions" and I responded with "So is George W. Bush. Where's his thread". You know what that means? THIS IS NOT NEWS.

If you actually bothered to read posts first, you might find I addressed this immediately.

The title of the thread was in reference to Carter's comments that were being discussed nationally on all the news media outlets.

So sorry, but I'm afraid it IS news, and I chose to discuss it.

That was not me trying to say "Oh well I'm a liberal and Bush sucks wah wah wah." If that's what you think I was trying to say.....sucks to be you.

What you were TRYING to say is your problem.

What you said is plain to see.


  1. Carter inserted himself into current national debate by making foolish comments.
  2. I made a thread discussing it.
  3. You immediately played "the Bush Card".

Pretty obvious when it's looked at objectively.

As I said before in response to your whiny "Where's the thread about Bush?"

When, as an ex-President, he starts "bloviating" and making ridiculously hypocritical and untrue statements to try and grab a steadily fading piece of the spotlight, he'll get one.

Your unvarnished bias is so apparent in your responses, Electro, because even though you actually agreed Carter was out of line, you were unable to leave it at that. You had to drag out the Bush card and prove that, despite your claims otherwise, you really were just whining "Oh well I'm a liberal and Bush sucks wah wah wah."

Sucks for you to be so transparently predictable.

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You were the one who dragged a woman into it when you had no clue on how to back yourself up.

Back myself up on what?

You only made comments deriding me for making the thread.

Jeez. Leave President Carter alone. Surely you can find something to do with your time besides cutting on an aging president....

You know get a fricking pooper scooper and gather turds or something.

Nothing you've said in this thread is discussing the topic, only making personal remarks about me.

So fuck off.

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