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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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Hey there. I'm usually the one posting encouraging words, now I need a few. An I just found out tonight that an old friend of mine died a few days ago from an agressive, rare form of Luekemia. I went to see her last week in the hospital and it was so sad. She was only 56, with a 25 year-old daughter. She was one of the most unselfish giving people I've ever met, and I will miss her so much. It really sucks when you get to an age when your friends start to die young from cruel diseases.

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^^^ Planted I am so sorry to read of this. Life is a very fragile thing. No one can ever really accept death, or the death of someone they used to know. People rarely come to terms with things like this. Just so you know, I spare a thought for you at this time. And everyone needs some encouraging words at times. You are good at dishing them out so have some of mine in return. You come across as a great person on the boards and I am sure you will be fine. Don't think about it too much. :kiss: You're in my thoughts.

Yes ReR= Genius, and it seems as if, yet again, I missed my chance to chat. :(

But alas, I am amazed by your beer cooling mechanism :P

The beer cooling mechanism does work, I tried it yesterday. haha! I also tied some string around the bottle and attached it to the window just in case an unusual gust of wind tried to rob me of my beer. The string would stop it plummeting to the unforgiving earth. :lol:

Richard, I miss you too! I haven't talked to you in long long time :(

I miss you too Noora. I seems like ages doesn't it. It is a shame. I am sure I will catch you again at some point.

I love you guys like hell. :)

I love you too Minelle. Keep on rocking.

Dearest people and friends of the fan club:, ReR has had a hell of a lot of personal problems to deal with recently, and is not in the best of health. Also internet connections are being a bit sporadic at the moment. I will try to be on here often but please understand my absense if I am not around. I love you all. :kiss:

B) Redeyedrichard

Edited by redeyedrichard
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^^^ Planted I am so sorry to read of this. Life is a very fragile thing. No one can ever really accept death, or the death of someone they used to know. People rarely come to terms with things like this. Just so you know, I spare a thought for you at this time. And everyone needs some encouraging words at times. You are good at dishing them out so have some of mine in return. You come across as a great person on the boards and I am sure you will be fine. Don't think about it too much. :kiss: You're in my thoughts.


Sorry things are still a mess with your mom. Your kind words mean even more when you're going through such a difficult time. I am a caregiver for my 77 year old father with Alzheimers. He lives with me and my family. The best thing I ever did was to join a caregivers support group. Even if you are not your mother's primary caregiver, you are still a caregiver. Unfortunately, us caregivers tend to take care of ourselves last, which is very unhealthy. Please take care of yourself, Abig ug and kiss right back at you. :kiss::thanku:

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Sorry things are still a mess with your mom. Your kind words mean even more when you're going through such a difficult time. I am a caregiver for my 77 year old father with Alzheimers. He lives with me and my family. The best thing I ever did was to join a caregivers support group. Even if you are not your mother's primary caregiver, you are still a caregiver. Unfortunately, us caregivers tend to take care of ourselves last, which is very unhealthy. Please take care of yourself, Abig ug and kiss right back at you. :kiss::thanku:

Thank you so much. And that statement is very true. We often neglect ourselves...and I must say I am in grave disrepair. :( Anyway, enough of the negative talk...I'm in the mood for a whiskey. :lol:


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Yay, thanks Rich :)

So let this be my formal introduction to your ranks.

The names Yulia which is a form of Julia, whatever's easier on your pronunciation skills (writing it requires none or so I was informed).

by my guess I'm the only Israeli in this place (since no one else has come forward), which is both unique and lonesome...but I know that there are many Led Zepp fans here in the holy land, 20 such lucky bastards were granted permission to the O2 gig (I hate them all, I was in the Army than in a remote base in the deep south, stuck with only sand and my tears...watching the press coverage on a TV at a local seven-eleven) and I'm not bitter about it at all, can you tell? lolz.

So it's nice to be here, and rock on!

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Great to have you with us. Israel eh? Wow, Led Zeppelin certainly have touched the world everywhere haven't they. No need to feel lonely though, because it is all fun and games when ReR is here. :lol:

You will get to meet other cool people here like Rabia, Alicia, Vannis, Kiran, Minelle, Noora etc etc etc. You will enjoy it.

For some reason the club only attracts girls....not that I am complaining. :wub::lol:

Great to have you with us.

B) ReR = Happy.

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ReR= loved :kiss:

Planted, are you feeling better?

I ain't feeling so hot, got in a tiny fight with a friend yesterday. Tiny or not, it still hurt me, you know. I don't get it, I wear my heart on my sleeve, yet I still get treated with scorn and disrespect. :( At the moment, I have left with as much dignity as I could have.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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It's a great place with good people, Richard being one of them :D

Awww, thank you. Are you a member of the fan club? You need to add the slogan to your sig and tell us your first name. I can't be calling you Planted all the time. :lol:


ReR= loved :kiss:

:D Thank you Rabia. I hope you feel a tad better soon.

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In a word "CRAP". :lol:

Yeah, I ain't been too well, but I won't get you down with that. That's all I want to say about it.

I am going away for the weekend to see some friends that moved away a few months ago. I love their little girl. She is about 18 months old now and she is the most adorable thing on the planet. Last time we went to visit she had a cold and I took great delight in following her around and wiping her snotty nose all the time. :lol: Her smile just brightens my day. I am really looking forward to going because I really need a lift, something to boost my spirits. So you won't hear from me over the weekend.

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