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Roman Polanski FINALLY arrested....


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Here is my take on his mental state. He was horny, he had a vulnerable young girl who was partially dressed with him, he wanted to have sex with her, she wasn't willing, he ignored her plead to take her home, she was afraid so she let him do what he would, and he raped her. Pretty cut and dry. As i said, his mental state was of no consequence. I'm speaking about him, what transpired, and not about any other crime. As for her age, i have no doubt he knew how old she was. He admitted to it, and i don't see where that was in question.

One thing that does bother me. Why wasn't a parent or guardian with her at this photo shoot?

oh and just be glad BigDan isn't the judge and jury, lol. :) good posts, Danny!

Thanks Tangerine,

If i were the Judge and Jury he could expect no Leniency from me, that goes for all you Rapists out there, "Hang E'm High" is what it says over My Court Room, and don't you forget it, and for Sodomy i'll hang you twice.

Kind Regards, Danny

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Apparently Mr. Polanski approached the minor when her parents were not present, engaged her in conversation on at least two separate occasions, and directed her on how to pose for photos on more than one occasion. It appears that her parents were not aware of Mr. Polanski's presence or actions until he had already taken photos of their daughter.

Also, looking over the transcript, Roman Polanski testified that he knew that the minor was thirteen at the time of the incident.

It appears that he had agreed to a plea bargain with the court and thus entered a guilty plea.


Edited by eternal light
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Apparently Mr. Polanski approached the minor when her parents were not present, engaged her in conversation on at least two separate occasions, and directed her on how to pose for photos on more than one occasion. It appears that her parents were not aware of Mr. Polanski's presence or actions until he had already taken photos of their daughter.

So we might be able to stretch it and add stalking to the scenario.

I wonder how was she able to be out of the house and her where abouts being unknown to her parents. Maybe i can relate to her a bit too much. Maybe that is why i see him as the criminal he was in this case.

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So we might be able to stretch it and add stalking to the scenario.

I wonder how was she able to be out of the house and her where abouts being unknown to her parents. Maybe i can relate to her a bit too much. Maybe that is why i see him as the criminal he was in this case.

He approached her at her residence. Apparently her parents were absent on those occasions. Initially he photographed her near her home, then drove her to Jack Nicholson's house later. It seems that it was after the incident of rape occurred that he first spoke with her mother on the telephone.

It seems that her parents were not there until after the fact. She was pretty much alone with him. Fortunately he was not a killer. There are basically two kinds of rapists, the ones who kill and the ones who don't.

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Thanks Tangerine,

If i were the Judge and Jury he could expect no Leniency from me, that goes for all you Rapists out there, "Hang E'm High" is what it says over My Court Room, and don't you forget it, and for Sodomy i'll hang you twice.

Kind Regards, Danny

Your welcome Danny. :) I kind of get the picture you would mean business! Can't say i blame you for the way you feel. An eye for an eye is usually my feeling. It's unrelated to this thread, but i'm still hoping Michael Vick will wind up in a pit bull pit with no mercy shown to him. You do the crime you pay the time! As always, you make me laugh!

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He approached her at her residence. Apparently her parents were absent on those occasions. Initially he photographed her near her home, then drove her to Jack Nicholson's house later. It seems that it was after the incident of rape occurred that he first spoke with her mother on the telephone.

It seems that her parents were not there until after the fact. She was pretty much alone with him. Fortunately he was not a killer. There are basically two kinds of rapists, the ones who kill and the ones who don't.

He used poor judgement in pursuing such a young girl. He used very poor judgement in what came next. If his victim wanted punishment, i would be on her side. Since she doesn't, as i said, i don't care either way what happens. I haven't heard of any other incidents like this occurring in his past, so it's not a serial crime from what i can see. But i can't see defending what he did in any way, shape or form. Some men feel they can do such things. Some men would never consider such an act. Those are the men i respect. The others should be given the same punishment they apply to their victims. Yes, thankfully he didn't kill her. I don't think his intent was any more than taking advantage of her and not caring or not believing he would get caught. A young victim is easy prey. Unfortunately, it's a pandemic in the world around us.

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Your welcome Danny. :) I kind of get the picture you would mean business! Can't say i blame you for the way you feel. An eye for an eye is usually my feeling. It's unrelated to this thread, but i'm still hoping Michael Vick will wind up in a pit bull pit with no mercy shown to him. You do the crime you pay the time! As always, you make me laugh!

Hi Tangerine,

Thats what you pay me for Mam, much obliged Y'all.

Kind Regards, Danny the Sheriff

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Itis true that we don't live in a perfect world. All the saints havedied and gone to heaven. Those who remain on earth tend to have a fewflaws.

And this wasn't true 40, 60, 100, or 1,000 years ago?

I laughed when Jimmy Kimmel made his joke about him tonight: "he knew he was in trouble when Chris Hansen announced himself on the airplane's intercom." :lol:

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Hi ET,

You are right, is not so hard to understand, so what is it that you're not understanding then?

The Fact that he has already admitted he "Raped Her" I say this because he knew how old she was when he was taking pictures of her, he knew having Consensual Intercourse with a Minor "IS" Statutory Rape, so he knew that having UnConsensual Intercourse would be much the same if not worse.

"This was not a violent crime"

Are you Fcuking kidding me, a Thirteen Year Old Child gets "Raped Anally" and you say its not Violent, NOT VIOLENT, i dont know how Slack You are but i can assure you she was "Violently Anally Raped" now stop all this Bull Shit about there being two sides to this story, "He" Raped "Her" Anally, he deserves to "Die" just for that in my book, or at the very least serve the rest of his life getting "Butt Fcuked" in Prison.

That Concludes the Case for the Defence, AMEN.

Regards, Danny

It was not violent compared to some of the rapes that are happening today in Sweden, where the women are left bloodied and obviously harmed.

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Hi ET,

You are awesome mate so i'll keep well away from saying something i'll regret in the next Topic. laugh.gif

As for your last point,

"That's the problem with men, they just don't think sometimes."

That would be appropriate, maybe, if we were talking about a "Teenage Boy" and not a 44 year old Man who knew exactly what he was doing. And we all know what he was doing by now dont we?

Yes, Teenage Boy have their Brains in their Dicks, but with Maturity the Brain Rises and Settles somwhere between their Ears, in most Case's that is, it doesn't stay down there forever, just incase you didnt know. wink.gif

And before you ask, no my Ears arent attached to my Hips. wacko.gif

Regards, Danny

Men are terrible. They lose all sense when they really have the hots for someone. This is why in the old days young women were accompanied by chaperones at all times.

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I'm not sure how the appeals process works, Del, I just thought that since there was tampering in the initial case, that it might not even be legal to proceed with it. Yes, he surely did benefit from that deal. There were, I think, five charges brought against him, and the plea deal meant he pled guilty for only one.

Yeah, that is what he and his lawyer keep saying, and I don't claim to be an expert either, but it would seem to me that unless the appeal is for actions by the prosecutor and judge which denied Polanski of his constitutional rights, the appeal could just result in a new trial. I honestly don't think Polanski would want that to happen under any circumstances.

My only point was that he left not because he didn't want to face the plea deal that was agreed upon, but because the original judge was going to change it. I think that was part of the indiscretion of the judge bit that Espinoza referred to.

It's not up to Polanski decide wether or not the process he agreed to enter into is ending up with the best outcome according to Polanski. As part of that "process" Polanski was supposed to spend 90 days in jail being evalutated for what he and his lawyer claimed were Polanski's psychological problems associated with his grief. He had to know that it wasn't going to be, "Alright, you're A-Okay and you can go home now." Part of that evalution may have even landed him in a state mental hospital, and even more time under lock and key. But he never completed the process, he fled the country. I happen to believe that was his plan all along.

I guess the point is that criminals, especially ones who have pled guilty, are not really in any position to dictate much of anything. He got a good deal with the prosecution, but in doing so he still rolls the dice, and of course the judge may be entitled to ammend the final disposition --- because otherwise, what is the point of the psychlogical evalutation? Polanski must have just figured that he could pay a fine, spend a few weeks away from home (with excused absenses to work on his films) and then it would all be behind him... and all on HIS TERMS.

The guy was just pretty clueless in my opinion. But most vile sex offending losers usually are.

Btw, Steve Cooley the Los Angeles D.A. is pretty hot on seeing some punishment come out this. I think they want to make sure that Polanski just doesn't get away with this scott free.

t looks like it'll get dragged out, though, because Polanski is fighting the extradition.

I'm sure he will pull out all the stops. People like that have a way of believing that they are special and not subject to the same rules as everyone else. I'm sure he thinks he is the victim.

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Is that you my friend ZeppFanForever :) Hi Patrycja, i'm good, and hope you are, too!

I will read the thread as soon as i can. I will let you know what i think!

Hi ~tangerine~ :wave: I'm much better, thanks. The fever seems to have broken through the night and my whole body feels less constricted. A big relief. Will get out of the house today. Cabin fever. Have a great day :)

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Yeah, that is what he and his lawyer keep saying, and I don't claim to be an expert either, but it would seem to me that unless the appeal is for actions by the prosecutor and judge which denied Polanski of his constitutional rights, the appeal could just result in a new trial. I honestly don't think Polanski would want that to happen under any circumstances.

Agreed. It'll be a far less predictable can of worms if it does. There's definitely something to his not wanting to face this case on U.S. soil. Even Espinoza implied that Polanski had a strong case, but had to come to U.S. to get it resolved.

Edited by Patrycja
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Hi ~tangerine~ :wave: I'm much better, thanks. The fever seems to have broken through the night and my whole body feels less constricted. A big relief. Will get out of the house today. Cabin fever. Have a great day :)

Hi Patrycja, Good Morning to you. :wave:

Have you visited the "ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics" Topic yet? I'm sure your input would be most welcome.

I didnt know you were Poorly, i have studied Aromatherapy for some years now and i have some very Good Remedies that might help you without causing you any Discomfort or Side Effects and it wont Kill or Poison you either. :lol:

As to this Topic, i will have to read up on Californian Law and report back.

I cant believe that Women are the ones more likely to find a Reason for Polanskis behavior than the Men on here, when it was a Girl that was Defiled.

You have a PM from me unanswered, just incase you didnt know. :wub:

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Patrycja, Good Morning to you. :wave:

Have you visited the "ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics" Topic yet? I'm sure your input would be most welcome.

I didnt know you were Poorly, i have studied Aromatherapy for some years now and i have some very Good Remedies that might help you without causing you any Discomfort or Side Effects and it wont Kill or Poison you either. :lol:

As to this Topic, i will have to read up on Californian Law and report back.

I cant believe that Women are the ones more likely to find a Reason for Polanskis behavior than the Men on here, when it was a Girl that was Defiled.

You have a PM from me unanswered, just incase you didnt know. :wub:

Kind Regards, Danny

Hiya Danny :wave: Too bad I didn't know about your aromatherapy skills. Feeling much better now, but I'll know who to ask next time, thanks.

Yeah, many laws and bylaws in play here, especially since it's an international case, too. And I don't think it's women reasoning for Polanski so much (in my case) trying to figure out all the factors that the law looks at in making a final decision.

I did in fact get your PM, thanks. I'm just catching up on three days' worth of work stuff so I'll respond tonight after work. Until then, :beer: to you, Danny

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I laughed when Jimmy Kimmel made his joke about him tonight: "he knew he was in trouble when Chris Hansen announced himself on the airplane's intercom." :lol:

I liked Jay Leno's joke, comparing the time frame of his capture to the search for Osama bin Laden.

Edited by Gospel Zone
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Maybe it's me....why aren't we hearing more testimony from Angelica Houston? Why did she knock on the door? She must've heard something. Why did it take Polanski 10 minutes to get in his car after Ms Geimer??Hmmmmm? Maybe he has some 'splainin' to do. Disgusting. She (Houston) knows more than she's telling.

And what's with all these bitches signing some lame petition? Woody freakin Allen? yeah, there you go. Debra Winger? Oh, yeah, interrupting filming on her latest blockbuster, I'm sure. Please.

Either throw him in jail, or, if it were my daughter, let the male members of her family "take care of business".

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Angelica Huston has already been questioned, years ago. If they had needed more information from her they would have gotten it. That part of the case is settled. They have long since moved on to the penalty phase, which has remained unresolved and up in the air for years.

As for "taking care of business", that in itself would be a crime, and two wrongs do not make a right. And if anything like that were to happen, the male members would be in jail, too.

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