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Jimmy's return to Beijing.


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Jimmy Page To Play 'Show Of Peace' Concert In China

An array of artists, including Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, will take part in the first annual Show Of Peace Concert, a globally televised event that will take place April 17 before an expected crowd of 100,000 at the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing, China.

More performers and other details will be announced at a Jan. 13 press conference in Beijing. The concert's official web site lists nearly five dozen target artists to be invited, including Prince, Green Day, Beyonce, Coldplay, Black Eyed Peas, Kenny Chesney, Mariah Carey, Justin Timberlake and many others.

The concert, which marks the 30th anniversary of the cultural exchange agreement between the United States and China, is billed in a statement as "a 'peace is green' awareness campaign designed to not only promote peace with each other but to promote peace with our planet." It's the brainchild of television and music producer Rick Garson, whose Las Vegas-based ZZYX Entertainment company is producing the show. Garson's co-producers include Live 8 and Live Earth principal Greg Sills and artists manager Trudy Green (Michael and Janet Jackson, Mick Jagger, Aerosmith). Other organizations involved in the concert include the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy, the United Nations' Pathways of Peace and the Captain Planet Foundation."

Garson is establishing the A Show Of Peace Foundation, whose board of directors will include environmental and peace-building experts. The foundation will distribute funds raised from the concert and other activities to organizations and initiatives. In a statement Garson said that "the passion and attitude of the Chinese people and the potential of this country made me realize that this was the right place to stage an event, as we watch the transformation of Red China to 'Green' China right before our eyes."

The concert's web site, showofpeace.com, will carry regular updates about the event.

source: billboard

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Chinese Democracy now!

It'll be great to see Jimmy again...it's just a shame this event is rooted in enviro-socialist propaganda.



It's fantastic that Jimmy will play

and China and USA are among the most polluting countries in the world, so it's always good, if some ''environment propaganda'' happens!! Especially with all the war activity USA is doing in the middle east, it doesn't seem it will reduce the use of petrol any time soon!! The Copenhagen global warming meeting brings some hope, it seems!!

And i don't see any socialist propaganda, it's just to celebrate the cultural exchange between China and the states!! I guess you Steve, imidiately see some sort of threat in this kind of events!! Typical!! Can't you see it's always good if countries cooperate and bond and exchange culture and knowledge!!??

And just to inform you, because you are a right wing american, Jimmy Page is politicaly left wing oriented, as he once said in an interview and so is Robert-just listen to album Mighty Rearranger!!!

Ofcourse i'm not saying they are socialists as you might misunderstand, because socialism is mentioned in my and your post, but they ARE left wing!!

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I don't see any socialist propaganda, it's just to celebrate the cultural exchange between China and the states!! I guess you Steve, immediately see some sort of threat in this kind of events!! Typical!! Can't you see it's always good if countries cooperate and bond and exchange culture and knowledge!!??

And just to inform you, because you are a right wing american, Jimmy Page is politicaly left wing oriented, as he once said in an interview and so is Robert-just listen to album Mighty Rearranger!!!

Of course I'm not saying they are socialists as you might misunderstand, because socialism is mentioned in my and your post, but they ARE left wing!!

"Cultural exchange" is the mask, enviro-socialism is the cause. I immediately see these events for what they are because I'm more than minimally educated, particularly in regards to history. It's being held on frigging Earth Day, by the way. Do a little independent research into Earth Day, the No War movement, and environmentalism. You might be surprised what you find. Then read up on carbon taxation (wealth redistribution) and you may become angry, unless you're enamored with enviro-socialism.

I'm well aware of Robert's misguided ecological concerns which culminated in an association with Green Peace, but Jimmy's not politically left-wing oriented, he's a Tory, making his participation all the more disappointing.

So I'm a right-wing American, you say?! Really? If you label me you negate me.


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Please leave this thread to people who want to see Jimmy involved in something musical, ok?

Political discussions and arguments have their place in the Ramble On section.

Apologies to all for taking a more than fleeting, superficial interest in this event. Carry on with endless speculation...

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The last time Jimmy Page appeared in Beijing, the Chinese government evicted people onto the street from their homes so they could build the Bird's Nest arena to impress the world.

No matter how much they claim to wish to promote peace, their agenda is to impoverish the unseen and keep them powerless. Nothing new there.

Jimmy Page and those like him buy into this because they want so badly to include China in their itinerary of places to see in the world.

But underneath it all is an indifference to the suffering of others, as long as you can't see them and they stay hidden.

It's another image-making opportunity for the Chinese government and the world's current rock stars.

I do not expect China to trade centuries of authoritarian rule for democracy unless it sees a practical benefit in the process.

As for music, the best music comes from the inner workings of the human soul, despite the world and all of its business.

Naturally, the Chinese are curious about this music because it is relatively new to them and different from much of what they know. It is a good opportunity to share, but how many people will the Chinese government step on to produce this event? They like to keep that part hidden.

Edited by eternal light
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The last time Jimmy Page appeared in Beijing, the Chinese government evicted people onto the street from their homes so they could build the Bird's Nest arena to impress the world.

...yet more recently attended a fundraiser for street children in Brazil (but did not play)...oh, the irony...


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This is the last political comment i write in this topic.

eternal light, i agrre that political freedom is in question in China, as it is a communist country and so it's probably also quite totalitarian!! But i'm shure all the people that builded the stadion got payed for it!!

And Steve I don't see anything wrong with earth day and ecological activism and Robert's lyrics are not just ecological, but they are also political in a left way!!

As far a Jimmy goes, I'm shure i read somewhere, that he said he if left wing oriented and i think he added that as a left wing oriented he is always on the side of the oppressed!!

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As I said, if you want to talk about political stuff, please go to the Ramble On section.

...but it's a political event!


What is the International Show of Peace Concert?

The International Show of Peace Concert will be the first ever-global peace concert featuring celebrities, musicians and world leaders in an effort to reach out and communicate to the rest of the world how we can all join together on the road towards peace and a more sustainable and cleaner environment. “The Show of Peace” on April 17, 2010, live from Beijing, China, will be broadcast worldwide thru both television and new media to a potential audience of over two billion people. The concert will honor Peace and Harmony as well as the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with support for green initiatives.


This will be an international event that will help continue the goodwill and branding of the “New China” created by the highly successful 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Show of Peace Concert, live from Beijing will establish China as a world leader for Global Peace and a Healthier Planet. Earth Day is observed in 175 countries and is now the largest secular holiday in the world celebrated by more than one billion people every year. Environmental groups have sought to make Earth Day into a day of action, which will change human behavior and create policy changes that benefit our current and future existence.

For the first time ever, thru the universal language of music, people from around the world will unite under the banner of Show of Peace and in the spirit of Earth Day for a globally televised live concert from Beijing. The event will feature top international and Chinese artists, along with special celebrity guests discussing the importance of protecting the planet and fostering peace.

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...but it's a political event!


What is the International Show of Peace Concert?

The International Show of Peace Concert will be the first ever-global peace concert featuring celebrities, musicians and world leaders in an effort to reach out and communicate to the rest of the world how we can all join together on the road towards peace and a more sustainable and cleaner environment. "The Show of Peace" on April 17, 2010, live from Beijing, China, will be broadcast worldwide thru both television and new media to a potential audience of over two billion people. The concert will honor Peace and Harmony as well as the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with support for green initiatives.


This will be an international event that will help continue the goodwill and branding of the "New China" created by the highly successful 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Show of Peace Concert, live from Beijing will establish China as a world leader for Global Peace and a Healthier Planet. Earth Day is observed in 175 countries and is now the largest secular holiday in the world celebrated by more than one billion people every year. Environmental groups have sought to make Earth Day into a day of action, which will change human behavior and create policy changes that benefit our current and future existence.

For the first time ever, thru the universal language of music, people from around the world will unite under the banner of Show of Peace and in the spirit of Earth Day for a globally televised live concert from Beijing. The event will feature top international and Chinese artists, along with special celebrity guests discussing the importance of protecting the planet and fostering peace.

Exactly. When I ponder the way that China silences its own citizens, I believe even more that I need to address the issues that others would prefer to ignore.

Fast-growing Christian churches crushed in China


LINFEN, China — Towering eight stories over wheat fields, the Golden Lamp Church was built to serve nearly 50,000 worshippers in the gritty heart of China's coal country.

But that was before hundreds of police and hired thugs descended on the mega-church, smashing doors and windows, seizing Bibles and sending dozens of worshippers to hospitals with serious injuries, members and activists say

Today, the church's co-pastors are in jail. The gates to the church complex in the northern province of Shanxi are locked and a police armored personnel vehicle sits outside.

The closure of what may be China's first mega-church is the most visible sign that the communist government is determined to rein in the rapid spread of Christianity, with a crackdown in recent months that church leaders call the harshest in years.

Authorities describe the actions against churches as stemming from land disputes, but the congregations under attack are among the most successful in China's growing "house church" movement, which rejects the state-controlled church in favor of liturgical independence and a more passionate, evangelical outlook.

While the Chinese constitution guarantees freedom of religion, Christians are required to worship in churches run by state-controlled organizations: The Three-Self Patriotic Movement for Protestants and the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association for Roman Catholics.

But more and more Chinese are opting to choose their own churches, despite them being technically illegal and subject to police harassment. Christians worshipping in China's independent churches are believed to number upwards of 60 million, compared to about 20 million who worship in the state church, according to numbers provided by scholars and church activists.


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Exactly. When I ponder the way that China silences its own citizens, I believe even more that I need to address the issues that others would prefer to ignore.

I believe I have stayed on topic in the issues I have discussed, yet it was not my intent to be perceived as bashing or

passing judgement on anyone. I simply don't condone enviro-socialism. I realize Jimmy has always enjoyed his travels through the Far East & China but it would be interesting if he would articulate his motivation for being amongst the first to confirm his participation, given the underlying nature of this political event. 'Nuff said.

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Maybe this is Jimmy's warm-up concert, maybe he needs some publicity for what he's going to do next year, maybe we'll see what that embryo is really going to turn into. Maybe I've said maybe to many times maybe...

That is a great way to get noticed, 100,000 people, plus it's televised. The internet will no doubt be all over it.

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i think this is very cool that -jimmy page is going to play at this show. if he has some songs like the one he played with -michael lee at live aid, that will be awesome. hey if -jpj is kicking ass w/them crooked vultures and -plant is doing a platinum follow up with -alison krauss, then you'd expect -jimmy page to do something...this is cool and a cool platform too. i saw jimmy page with the black crowes in 99 and i guess that was jimmys small gig tour and statement at the time. hey if he has written some good songs, then its good to hear them on a big stage. god bless him and just nice to hear any new music.

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Chinese Democracy now!

It'll be great to see Jimmy again...it's just a shame this event is rooted in enviro-socialist propaganda.


I totally agree with you on this Steve.

As much as I LOVE Jimmy, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to spend money on this concert if it was supporting the enviro-green-climate change BS. And to be held in China, the greatest environmental offender of all is so hypocritical.

If it was just a global celebration for people of all countries to commemorate the world peace and cooperation that occured at the summer Olympics of 2008 in Beijing, then all is fine with me. But to get on that "politically correct" bandwagon and to promote the propoganda of a "green" agenda, then I am not interested.

And since it is a political concert promoting the "green" propoganda, then it is appropriate to discuss it in this thread, in my opinion.

And I am thrilled that Jimmy is performing in 2010. I hope that he has a great time in Beijing and blows the roof off of the place with his fantastic playing. smile.gif

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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I think that Jimmy Page is attracted by the prestige of the event.

Also, I believe that people are genuinely curious about China and would like to visit.

China, for its part, wants to impress the world with its attributes.

There is pride involved.

But you should really notice the lady who said that property rights in China are very important.

Jimmy Page may have never been evicted, but he knows what it is like when someone invades his property.

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Maybe this is Jimmy's warm-up concert, maybe he needs some publicity for what he's going to do next year, maybe we'll see what that embryo is really going to turn into. Maybe I've said maybe to many times maybe...

That is a great way to get noticed, 100,000 people, plus it's televised. The internet will no doubt be all over it.

I agree. After all, he is hardly likely to put together any kind of tour until he tests the waters. Maybe this is the sort of event he is willing to appear at. He gets top billing and doesn't have to carry the whole show. As far as China wanting good publicity from this event, I don't think it will change a lot of peoples' minds. I wish I could see it live, I said in another post that I would go anywhere but China is a bit beyond my budget...

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I agree. After all, he is hardly likely to put together any kind of tour until he tests the waters. Maybe this is the sort of event he is willing to appear at. He gets top billing and doesn't have to carry the whole show. As far as China wanting good publicity from this event, I don't think it will change a lot of peoples' minds. I wish I could see it live, I said in another post that I would go anywhere but China is a bit beyond my budget...

it's funny, when Jimmy declines an opportunity to jam in public people theorize that he has stage fright. Now we have people theorizing that a mega-gig in front of 100,000 people and a worldwide audience constitutes a "warm up gig" of sorts!

I guess that means he's still as mysterious and enigmatic as ever...

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