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Should they play after the O2 show?



224 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they do a tour after the O2?

    • Yes, they are Led Zeppelin!!!
    • No, they are 3/4 Led Zeppelin, and a kid.

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I really don't think they should. Don't be like the Rolling Stones. Know when to take a graceful bow and exit stage left.

But wait just a second here!

It may be the case that they blow the pants off of everyone at the O2.

Who knows what these guys are capable of at this point.

All I know is that when Jimmy Page says things are going very well then I believe him.

I'm sure depending on whatever happens at the O2, a lot people's hunches will be confirmed and a lot will be denied.

We'll just have to wait and see which way the tide will turn.

The question is, how many people on this site will be able to evaluate them as a rock act and not their favorite band of all time reuniting?

It can be very easy to get caught up in the hoopla and forget to check and see if something isn't going right.

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LZ have kept themselves better than Rolling Stones etc, so if they do a tour, they're going to make sure first that it'll be worth it. I think that Jimmy would love to and I remember reading that with all the demand it would be stupid not to. We all know it's Robert who is opposing, but maybe after touring with Alison Krauss he'll change his mind ;) .

As for 3/4 of Zep, well we have to face facts that Bonzo isn't here anymore. If Jason is going play for the O2 gig, then what's the difference between that and a tour. I think he has been very well accepted into LZ.

I think that touring as the New Yardbirds is a good idea too, ninthwave

Should LZ tour after the 02 show? Perhaps. I agree with Jimmy Page that it would be a bit selfish to do just one show. To put in the enormous amount of time, energy and commitment for one concert is questionable to say the least. I can understand why Robert Plant or anyone wouldn't want to get sucked into the whole machinery of it all. They have "been there and done that" and have paid a huge price on some levels. Artistically, Plant does not have to worry. He has proven himself with a stellar solo carreer of his own. The same goes for John Paul Jones and Page too. It's 2007 NOT the 1980's.

Selfishly for me I would love to have a chance to see them in concert. I'm puzzled why they didn't schedule at least one show here in the USA seeing as this is the place where they "made it" with an American record company allowing their vast American fan base a realistic chance to see them. Not everyone can afford the air fare, hotel and travel expenses in addition to the big cost of a ticket to see the o2 concert. On this issue I disagree with their approach. I hope they will film the concert for a release. I could settle for that.

What LZ decides to do from here is up to them. I hope Robert Plant realizes that at this point in time that there is no reason that he can't do BOTH his own thing and the occasional thing with his old bandmates. He can rest assured that the dignity of the band remains intact. They're NOT cashing in on the "comeback" trail that many older bands are doing. Plant, Page, Jones & Bonham can CELEBRATE the music and have FUN for themselves and share a little with the fans. As far as going out for a HUGE world tour?? Maybe not. Some shows here and there for a good cause?? Absolutley.

A final thought. There couldn't be a better show of respect to John Bonahm and his family than to have Jason fill in on the drums. How proud Bonzo must be. There are many drummers who could but there is only ONE who should. Kudos to Mr. Page, Jones and Plant. I have a feeling that Jason will do the old man proud and blow everyone away. Including the "other three".

Have a great show guys. I wish I could be there to see it.

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I can't believe I did but I actually voted no. I remember listening to Zep while riding in the backseat of my parents Dodge Challenger on the way to the lake when I was a kid. Loved them ever since and use them as the measuring stick for all other bands I listen to now. But in their prime is almost how I want to remember them.

It's kind of like when a parent or other relative grows old and eventually passes. You want to remember them young and vibrant , full of energy.

Trust me... I can not wait for the show and hope they blow the roof off the O2 just to remind everyone , especially some of the crap bands out now , what rock and roll is all about. But if they don't I'll always have that memory of Page in his dragon suit ripping away on his Gibson creating a sound that will NEVER be duplicated.

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Yes they should play but only if the rehearsals go well and the 02 show goes real well otherwise they should let sleeping dogs lie.

Their legend is almost impossible to live up to and I think Plant is probably feeling the pressure of it already, not so much the others but musically Plant has lost the most over the years.

Nobody wants it more than me but I don't want a half assed effort that will tarnish the memory either so all we can do is wait and see !!!


Edited by RjK
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I was hesitant in choosing but I went for no. And it has nothing to do with "3/4 of Zeppelin plus the kid" thing.

Zeppelin was a band that only comes along once in a blue moon. You don't stumble upon that kind of chemistry every single day cause if you did music would be in a better state than it currently is. There was a passion and a power that came along with the chemistry.

It's no secret that Robert Plant isn't a big fan of the idea of reforming. Personally, I think people need to give the guy a break. He is in the toughest position cause his voice has changed substantially since the early seventies. He can still belt it out, but those songs that require that high falsetto are difficult to sing. He also has had the most successful solo career out of the three. He has moved on and continues to move on, and perhaps he sees no need to add to what remains a pretty impressive legacy. I've heard interviews of Robert speaking openly and honestly about his Zeppelin days and him being hesitant of reforming doesn't seem to be because he wants to be an asshole but rather he sees no point in messing with a great past. Contrary to what many believe, he seems very respectful and proud of Led Zeppelin.

I only wish Jimmy would get that solo record out! I'd love to hear new material. Why must it take a Zeppelin reunion to get some new Jimmy Page?

I say let's wait for Dec. 10. Let's see how the gig goes. Don't forget that the Live Aid and Atlantic 40th weren't what anyone would call 'successful.' If they do poorly they'll be ripped apart. Therefore would a fullblown reunion be worth it?

I love Zeppelin as much as all of you on this board, and if I need a Zeppelin fix I put on my Zeppelin DVDs and am transported to that time. Zeppelin- Bonham, Jones, Page and Plant are very much alive in those legendary performances. That will never change.

Let's just wait until Dec.10....

Holy shit that was a long rant....

Edited by the queen without a king
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Long time Zep fan- this show should be the last. It's not Led Zeppelin without John Bonham. If the other 3 continue after this they will be making Zeppelin just another 'old man' band like the Stones. The WHO, as an example, have destroyed much of their greatness by continuing on as old men after losing vital parts. Page, Plant and Jones would be doing the same. Leave it as it was. Jason Bonham is good for this one show, but he isn't John and to go out and try to recapture something that cannot be recaptured is to do a disservice to Bonham and what Zep means to us. It's not the same - it can't be the same. It can't be better than it was. Leave it alone.

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Long time Zep fan- this show should be the last. It's not Led Zeppelin without John Bonham. If the other 3 continue after this they will be making Zeppelin just another 'old man' band like the Stones. The WHO, as an example, have destroyed much of their greatness by continuing on as old men after losing vital parts. Page, Plant and Jones would be doing the same. Leave it as it was. Jason Bonham is good for this one show, but he isn't John and to go out and try to recapture something that cannot be recaptured is to do a disservice to Bonham and what Zep means to us. It's not the same - it can't be the same. It can't be better than it was. Leave it alone.

But think of the huge young audience who must be rooting for them.I very often bump into such fans and they just want to see A band which they ,and they alone,have found out and want to support in the present tense .Sure for this old Zep nutter it doesnt matter one way otr the other.

I saw P N P twice and they were the most electrifying events I ever attended,So I say after this show they should take stock and truly consider an adequate response.

Thanks for the Comment :)

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I don't think they should. Personally, no matter what anyone says, the band playing on 12/10 is NOT Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin is Page, Plant, Jones and Bonzo, this is 3 out of 4 and is really not the same. I think the classiest thing the band could have done was to follow through on their promise to never play again after Bonham died, but of course we all know they didn't. Their few small reunion "shows" really weren't that great and I think this show at O2 is their chance to fix that and end on a high note. They should go out like Pink Floyd: make one last great stand with the closest you can get to the original band. Make it a hell of a show then end it on top. I understand people saying they never got a chance to see Led Zeppelin in the 70's but hey, I never got to see the Beatles, but I'm sure everyone would be up in arms if 1/2 of the Beatles went back on tour with 2 new members. Face the facts: you never got to see the true Led Zeppelin and never will. If Led Zeppelin tour and show the tiniest bit of rust, the criticism will be enormous. Do you want Led Zeppelin to go out as the greatest band in history or just a bunch of dinosaurs like the Stones?

Edited by Zephyrus
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I really don't think they should. Don't be like the Rolling Stones. Know when to take a graceful bow and exit stage left.

the stones are still great. i saw them a couple years ago and loved it. there's a reason their tours still set records.

and they were never even half the band led zeppelin is.

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I think they should i missed them when john died and i think they should give it one last go!!!

To let the rest of the world only wonder what it was like to see them live and on a stage again would be a total let down for those people.

My friend had the chance to go but i didn't and that sucks! So please do the tour and let the rest of the world know what it felt like!!!


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I think they should i missed them when john died and i think they should give it one last go!!!

To let the rest of the world only wonder what it was like to see them live and on a stage again would be a total let down for those people.

My friend had the chance to go but i didn't and that sucks! So please do the tour and let the rest of the world know what it felt like!!!

I just Googled STH Led Zep 02 and thanx to some cellphone camera bootlegger I now have it.John would have been proud of Jason.

I think on each continent at the most appropriate venues say a 3 night run should do it.

Thanx 4 the comment


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How can anyone say they are not Led Zeppelin...The (kid) was taught to play drums by his dad when he was very young. It can't get any closer to the original Zep........Joe

I was at the O2 and I was at Knebworth and they were BETTER at the O2. Jason was fantastic - every bit as good as Bonzo. Yes they are Led Zeppelin! THEY WERE DEVASTATINGLY GOOD. THEY WERE MAGNIFICENT!

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  • 3 weeks later...
With all the momentum and excitement from the O2 show, it would be great if they did tour again so all the newer fans who weren't even born or too young to see them back in their heyday (like me) would be wonderful to see.
thanks for that I am hoping there will be official DVD of the gig even if a tour :P never happens I kinda think that Robert and this Allioson Krauss is more than just making music!!
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thanks for that I am hoping there will be official DVD of the gig even if a tour :P never happens I kinda think that Robert and this Allison Krauss is more than just making music!!

Yes, he already had commitments with Alison to support their CD before the O2 concert and even if Zep don't tour in 2008, maybe early 2009 if they are still up for it. Hey, I would even settle for a DVD of the gig and wouldn't mind even catching him with Alison if they come to my area!

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