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Jahfin, anyone?


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He'll be back. His track record is to occasionally take a couple month break from the board. It gives his over-active sphincter muscles a chance to relax. We could use this thread to dedicate some songs to him.....let him know how much we care.

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After doing a little board research, I've concluded there's a correlation here. Jahfin used to chastize ZepFanForever.  ZFF's last post was October 21, 2009, and he seemed VERY popular. He gave a farewell post. Jahfin's last post was October 26, 2009.  I bet there's more than coincidence in this. PLUS, Jahfin's profile says PRIVATE as far as visiblity.  It used to never say that, in my experience. Whaddaya think?

Edited by LarryD
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I wish that Jahfin and ZeppFanForever would both come back.I miss them alot.It gets a bit boring here without them.I hope that both are doing well.I think that I mentioned in another thread that they both are on my top favorite members list, along with dzldoc

I'd bet the farm they're reading this.

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I know personally ZFF hasn't been back here since his farewell post. I don't know about JAHFIN.

TBH, I alway's felt that I was on friendly terms with both Jahfin and ZFF and would like to think that I still am.

One guarantee about life is that people will fall out with each other from time to time. One of lifes other guarantees is that it's too damn short !

Personally, I'd love to see both of them back here doing their sidewalk thing

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There's no great underlying conspiracy, I've simply had a shift in priorities that has kept me from being an active participant here (same for many of the other boards/lists I used to frequent). All is well, thanks for asking.

Good to hear Jahfin. Nice to see you smile.gif

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There's no great underlying conspiracy, I've simply had a shift in priorities that has kept me from being an active participant here (same for many of the other boards/lists I used to frequent). All is well, thanks for asking.

:wave: Just glad to know you're ok Jahfin.

Come around when you can.

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Hey bud you ever been to the NO Jazz Fest?

Helluva line up this year. Last year I think one of your favs Drive by Truckers made an appearence.

Haven't gone through the entire line up for this year but just the big ones would make it worth the trip.

If I get my full land legs back in time I think I'll make at least one weekend

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Hey bud you ever been to the NO Jazz Fest?

Helluva line up this year. Last year I think one of your favs Drive by Truckers made an appearence.

Haven't gone through the entire line up for this year but just the big ones would make it worth the trip.

If I get my full land legs back in time I think I'll make at least one weekend

Yeah, I believe they appeared with Booker T. as "Booker T. & the DBTs". I never have been but I've always wanted to. Hope you're feeling shipshape enough to attend come festival time.

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