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Congratulations, Sen. Scott Brown - Mass. (R)


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This is the best I've felt about American politics in over a year.

Now that's what I call CHANGE!

“I’m hoping that it gives a message to the country,” said Marlene Connolly, 73, of North Andover, a lifelong Democrat who said she cast her first vote for a Republican on Tuesday. “I think if Massachusetts puts Brown in, it’s a message of ‘that’s enough.’ Let’s stop the giveaways and let’s get jobs going.”

November is gonna be very interesting.

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Congratz to Ted Kennedy though as he's approaching five months sober


WB, thass jus' SO wrong.

...but don't kid yourselves, the Republicans are equally corrupt...

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^

I'm a conservative, but I am anything but satisfied with the republican party.

I'm just glad this forces Obama and Pelosi to HAVE to deal with the GOP, instead of steamrolling along with no accountability.

However, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the midterms go.

Republicans win in New Jersey, and now Massachusetts?

November could be a bloodbath.

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However, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the midterms go.

Republicans win in New Jersey, and now Massachusetts?

November could be a bloodbath.

...the socialists/liberals controlled it all and have nothing to show for it...

...how agonizing it will be to the Messiah to become a lame duck so early in his first term...

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You stayed up all night to watch a vote for the status quo ? The same status quo that will have you losing your precious health care benefits thru erosion within 10 years ? You are already paying 20% more than you were, and that's just a start.

My problem with Obama is that he's not liberal enough. He ought to be slamming thru his agenda just like a good Republican would....the same party that just voted 100% against any kind of financial reform or regulation, and what a surprise that was. :blink:

Again....I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that 99% of the people against the plan already have a health care plan provided to them by their employer. Those same folks will be 99% against any plan. No reason for you to stay up nights....it's a gimmee. :P

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^If you don't think Obama is liberal enough, then you and I need to agree to disagree and move on.

There have been endless discussions on this board about this topic, and they all spiral out of control. Not going there today.

This thread was to congratulate the new Senator-elect. It was historic, and I feel lucky to have been part of it. Period.

p.s. Did I mention that Scott Brown carried Hyannisport, MA. You know, where the late Ted Kennedy came from?

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My problem with Obama is that he's not liberal enough.

That sentiment is shared by many socialists and progressives who are now starting to turn against him. For example,

Code Pink is protesting at the White House as I post this. Poor Obama is a politician who is running out of friends fast.

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You stayed up all night to watch a vote for the status quo ? The same status quo that will have you losing your precious health care benefits thru erosion within 10 years ? You are already paying 20% more than you were, and that's just a start.

My problem with Obama is that he's not liberal enough. He ought to be slamming thru his agenda just like a good Republican would....the same party that just voted 100% against any kind of financial reform or regulation, and what a surprise that was. :blink:

Again....I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that 99% of the people against the plan already have a health care plan provided to them by their employer. Those same folks will be 99% against any plan. No reason for you to stay up nights....it's a gimmee. :P

finally, someone says exactly the same thing that i feel. Of course, both being from Detroit/SE Michigan, we've seen the devastation firsthand. Unemployment double and even triple the national average. The city of Pontiac is at 35% and growing. Yea, that's right. I think they made cars there once. And to think, the Republican candidate was in favor of letting 2 of the big 3 go out of business, but was in favor of rescuing fat cat bankers so they can award themselves big ass bonuses.

I agree that Obama has been pussified and i'm dissappointed as hell that he didn't get this health care plan wrapped, packed and shipped by now. He needs to take a lesson from his predecessor and just do it and not worry what in hell anyone from the other side of the aisle thinks. No matter what he does isn't going to be right or satisfying to them, so might as well piss them off.

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don't be so sure. Remember 94, gingrich and his contract with America? didn't do a whole hell of alot of good in 96.

Clinton benefited from an economy which recovered from the early '90s recession, and a relatively stable world stage.

Obama inherited a nation at war and campaigned on a socialist agenda that has accelerated a global economic tailspin.

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Other than sticking it to Obama right now, Brown serves no purpose for the future plans of the Republican Party. You know, because he's a moderate and all. rolleyes.gif

Um.. it's not simply electing another Republican to a major office. The Democrats no longer has a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. That's a pretty HUGE purpose if you ask me.

Are the Republicans going to gain back seats in November? Of course they are! But a lot can happen in 10 months that could affect the total number of seats the GOP regains in both houses of Congress.

If President Obama wants to have any shot at getting reelected in 2012, he's got to try and stake the middle ground starting NOW, which was what Clinton did. After his healthcare plan got shot down, Clinton staked out the middle ground, and as a result got re-elected in 1996. If President Obama do something similar, he has no shot in hell at getting re-elected unless the GOP screws up huge.

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Oh no, my cliche' conservative homophobic sensibilities are being challenged, however will I respond so as to assure my masculine/heterosexual image remains intact???

Ooooh, those crafty libs!

Do you have a poster of him in the nude over your bed?


Yes, I do.


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