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Anybody watch "That Metal Show"?

Led Zep Girl

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I was just wondering if anybody watches That Metal Show. It mainly covers metal (which I don't really care for) & Hard Rock. But those guys bring up Led Zep quite a bit. Which is cool. Even the metal fans love Zep.B)

Before the term "Heavy Metal" became commercially acceptable it pretty much meant "Led Zeppelin and lesser bands".

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Well they had a discussion about whether the 70's or the 80's had the best music. I think the 70's were amazing for hard rock. They said that themselves. I mean you had Zeppelin in the 70's as well as many other great rock groups. The 80's however are better known for the metal (in their opinion) I guess. I really don't care too much for the 80's at all. I prefer the early 60's through the late 70's. I mean the 80's didn't have Woodstock or Monterey Pop.

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I watch it every week, even the repeats. I'm not a huge Metal fan of any era but the panel is well versed in all things Metal, they're passionate in their discussions, the audience is just as passionate, the guests are well picked (Dio & Geezer Butler were my favorite), & the panel promotes current Metal releases & re-releases that don't really have another outlet elsewhere on TV. It's a worthy show.

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I watch it every week, even the repeats. I'm not a huge Metal fan of any era but the panel is well versed in all things Metal, they're passionate in their discussions, the audience is just as passionate, the guests are well picked (Dio & Geezer Butler were my favorite), & the panel promotes current Metal releases & re-releases that don't really have another outlet elsewhere on TV. It's a worthy show.

Your right there they do a lot to help the cause!

What about Stump the Trunk?

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Great show! Recent re-run discussion on Ozzy inspired me to pull out Blizzard Of Oz and Diary Of A Madman discs, which were my favorites when I was growing up. Good memories with those discs. Love when they go on location and interview or f*ck with different people.

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Watching That Metal Show tonight, new season debut.

Dave Mustaine is the guest.

Dave was asked "If you can collaborate with any musician, who would it be?"

He answered "Jimmy Page"!!! smile.gif

He said that "What Jimmy did with the guitar was very stark, and if you listen to it stripped down, its not like these wussies that play today and they got 40 rhythm tracks because they can't play rhythm. If you listen to Jimmy Page, you know that he was getting it, he had back then 'enormal' (enormous?) balls, to make a guitar that weak sounding that big, that is an art form. Plus I mean, you know, he's Jimmy Page!"

LOL, when he said enormal, he held his hands out, gestering a very large size!laugh.gif

Edited to fix my spelling of enormous! My mind was elsewhere when I was typing that, LOL!

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Edited to fix my spelling of enormous! My mind was elsewhere when I was typing that, LOL!

Thinking about Jimmy will do that to ya! ;)

I've never seen the show, but it sounds cool! Thanks for posting about it! I'm not a huge metal fan, but a show with music lovers talking about any kind of music sounds good, not to mention novel for this day and age in television. I mean, it's been a joke for over a decade that MTV has nothing to do with music despite its name, and I was over it, but it really bummed me out when VH1 started phasing out all their music programming, especially considering the total crap that replaced it. But I digress...that's old news now. Anyway, I'll definitely have to watch it!

(Edited because I spelled Jimmy wrong...that's just lame!)

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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Whenever I am flicking through the channels and I see "That Metal Show" is on, I will watch it. I cannot say that I have seen every episode, however, I am sure I have seen alot of them. I was an teenager in the 1980's so I grew up on most of those metal bands. I consider (like alot of metal fans) Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to be the best of the bunch. Solo Ozzy is right up there. I know that Rush is not considered "Heavy Metal" but they were another great band I grew up with (actually my first concert in 1985 or 1986 - Grace Under Pressure).

I know that I have seen at least two Led Zeppelin related "objects" in the background on the shelves behind them. One is a vinyl copy of Physical Graffiti and the other one I cannot remember at this moment. Anyway, Great Show.

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Watching That Metal Show tonight, new season debut.

Dave Mustaine is the guest.

Dave was asked "If you can collaborate with any musician, who would it be?"

He answered "Jimmy Page"!!! smile.gif

He said that "What Jimmy did with the guitar was very stark, and if you listen to it stripped down, its not like these wussies that play today and they got 40 rhythm tracks because they can't play rhythm. If you listen to Jimmy Page, you know that he was getting it, he had back then 'enormal' (enormous?) balls, to make a guitar that weak sounding that big, that is an art form. Plus I mean, you know, he's Jimmy Page!"

LOL, when he said enormal, he held his hands out, gestering a very large size!laugh.gif

Edited to fix my spelling of enormous! My mind was elsewhere when I was typing that, LOL!

OH...#*CK!!! Man! I didn't know they had come back with a bunch of new shows! I'll have to check it out. I don't really watch a lot of TV but it was a good one to see as I like the Rock and Metal stuff from the 1980's.

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I prefer the early 60's through the late 70's. I mean the 80's didn't have Woodstock or Monterey Pop.

Perhaps but the 80s did have Live Aid, USA for Africa and Amnesty International's Conspiracy of Hope tour. Of course, the role model for most of those projects were the huge festivals of the 60s and 70s. Personally I don't rank one decade as being musically superior over the other, each has their own qualities good and bad, including the much revered 60s and 70s.

As for That Metal Show, the spectrum of discussion is just wide enough to interest me. If it were the least bit narrow I probably wouldn't be a very avid viewer. As it stands, I try to catch the show whenever it's on.

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Perhaps but the 80s did have Live Aid, USA for Africa and Amnesty International's Conspiracy of Hope tour. Of course, the role model for most of those projects were the huge festivals of the 60s and 70s. Personally I don't rank one decade as being musically superior over the other, each has their own qualities good and bad, including the much revered 60s and 70s.

As for That Metal Show, the spectrum of discussion is just wide enough to interest me. If it were the least bit narrow I probably wouldn't be a very avid viewer. As it stands, I try to catch the show whenever it's on.

I agree, but I'm not a huge fan of the 90s if you see what I mean.

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Well, you can say that the hard rock bands from the 1970's like the Cheer, where for-runners of the early/mid 1980's Metal.

They where more of a Hard Rock or, like Led Zeppelin, Heavy Blue's when you get right down to it.

They also claimed to be the loudest band in the universe, and after seeing them at the Fillmore I'd say they were right. :o:D

'We Conquer Chaos'

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Your right there they do a lot to help the cause!

What about Stump the Trunk?

I like "Stump The Trunk". I relate to him because my friends, always in a group, will always try to stump me on music trivia from any genre & they're so pleased with themselves when they do :D So, yes I like Stump The Trunk & I do like it when he fails. It's entertaining & interactive which always a great thing when a show caters to it's fans.

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I like "Stump The Trunk". I relate to him because my friends, always in a group, will always try to stump me on music trivia from any genre & they're so pleased with themselves when they do :D So, yes I like Stump The Trunk & I do like it when he fails. It's entertaining & interactive which always a great thing when a show caters to it's fans.

You got to like Eddy but he does get stumped a lot! I think he just like to see Carri come out on the stage :rolleyes: Also got to admit she is hot! :veryhot:

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Whenever I am flicking through the channels and I see "That Metal Show" is on, I will watch it. I cannot say that I have seen every episode, however, I am sure I have seen alot of them. I was an teenager in the 1980's so I grew up on most of those metal bands. I consider (like alot of metal fans) Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to be the best of the bunch. Solo Ozzy is right up there. I know that Rush is not considered "Heavy Metal" but they were another great band I grew up with (actually my first concert in 1985 or 1986 - Grace Under Pressure).

I know that I have seen at least two Led Zeppelin related "objects" in the background on the shelves behind them. One is a vinyl copy of Physical Graffiti and the other one I cannot remember at this moment. Anyway, Great Show.

Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson were on the show as guests. On another show during their "Throwdown" segment they had a discussion on what was the better drum solo "Moby Dick" or "YYZ". It was put to a vote and "YYZ" won.

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You got to like Eddy but he does get stumped a lot! I think he just like to see Carri come out on the stage :rolleyes: Also got to admit she is hot! :veryhot:

I'm pretty sure the producer's plant hard questions for Eddy to get stumped so Carrie would come out. She's gone now though. There's some new hot blonde in her place who's way more friendlier.

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I'm pretty sure the producer's plant hard questions for Eddy to get stumped so Carrie would come out. She's gone now though. There's some new hot blonde in her place who's way more friendlier.

Hi kaiser,

I saw at the end of the Dave Mustaine show last week that they had a message that said "In Memory of Keri Lee".

I forgot about it until I saw your post, so I just now googled it.

Apparently, Keri Lee, Miss Box of Junk on That Metal Show, died on December 7 in NYC. sad.gif

That's why they have the new blonde.


Another link

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Hi kaiser,

I saw at the end of the Dave Mustaine show last week that they had a message that said "In Memory of Keri Lee".

I forgot about it until I saw your post, so I just now googled it.

Apparently, Keri Lee, Miss Box of Junk on That Metal Show, died on December 7 in NYC. sad.gif

That's why they have the new blonde.


Another link

Wow, didn't know that until I watched the 4th session show at VH1's web site last night. Sad....She was to young to be going away.

The new girl (Jennifer) is great looking but too perky for the Metal type girl. We'll miss Keri!!! RIP!!

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  • 1 year later...

I watch it every week, even the repeats. I'm not a huge Metal fan of any era but the panel is well versed in all things Metal, they're passionate in their discussions, the audience is just as passionate, the guests are well picked (Dio & Geezer Butler were my favorite), & the panel promotes current Metal releases & re-releases that don't really have another outlet elsewhere on TV. It's a worthy show.

That's one of my favorite episodes too. That's the best show around for Metal and Rock music (for discussions) that I've run across since the Headbangers ball back in the late 80's and early 90's. I still have a bunch of videos from those days on VHS that I transfered to DVD. Anyway, speaking of the late great Dio, I've been looking around to find any write ups on his thoughts of Led Zeppelin or vice versa. I would like to know if Plant and Co. ever admired his work. ( I would guess not=speaking of Plant) since he usually didn't say too many good things about alot of Metal bands. I'd be curious to know either way.

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