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Robert Plant on his Led Zeppelin royalties...


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I do wonder that if he did in fact sell his royalties back to Atlantic, that if it the sale of his royalties was part of a bartering deal between Plant & Atlantic starting up Plant's Es Paranza label. Maybe he funded the label with the monies from it? It was in that time period. I may be completely off but it's thought. If in anyway that was the case I could see that as a worthwhile reason to sell the royalties off rather than buying some Morroccan rugs to hang in his manor. It would be a completely reasonable investment for his future.

If this is the case than I agree :)

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Hi MSG!!! :wave: :wave:

Yes, you're right, they might have invested their money in different ways and this can explain why Robert is higher on these "richest men" lists. :) Not that I care, really. And it doesn't look like Robert has any reason to be worried. He has done pretty well, even for a dumbass. :P

Hi Brspled!!! :wave:

Like you, I don't really care either how the Zep guys invest or spend their money. :) Just from what I've seen of Robert when he's played in a small city close to me and he's been out and about, he seems to keep a low profile and appears down to earth - he doesn't come with all the usual, fancy celebrity trappings that scream "look at me, I'm a rock star." He just seems really cool and laid back.

And it doesn't look like Robert has any reason to be worried. He has done pretty well, even for a dumbass. :P

:lol: Good one!

All the best to you and your family.

Edited by MadScreamingGallery
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None. I agree. It should apply to everyone though & not just a segment of those here. I think some people just feel this self entitlement to try & intimidate others for having their own opinions when they not in accordance with their world view of things, and here it's with Robert Plant for a certain segment that goes into a tizzy over the slightest critique of Robert Plant real or imagined. And I wasn't directing those last comments at you in any way :D .

They can also go into a tizzy when you take up for Plant, so don't take it personally. ;)

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I think some people just feel this self entitlement to try & intimidate others for having their own opinions when they not in accordance with their world view of things,

Which is EXACTLY what you are doing here but I guess that doesn't count, eh?

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Like you, I don't really care either how the Zep guys invest or spend their money. :) Just from what I've seen of Robert when he's played in a small city close to me and he's been out and about, he seems to keep a low profile and appears down to earth - he doesn't come with all the usual, fancy celebrity trappings that scream "look at me, I'm a rock star." He just seems really cool and laid back

I saw him at a concert last night and he is cool, laid-back and lacking the usual high-profile entourage.

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I'm interested in the TRUE details, cause, I'm a fan of the band and everything about them, I heard that he sold royalities, to finance his solo career, DONT know if I'm right, but that's what I heard, dont know if it's true, but would love to know details, cause again, IM NOSY ABOUT DAT ZEPPELIN, but why bash???? Why bash Robert cause he played with Alison, WHY bash Robert, cause he wont reunite, WHY BASH ROBERT????, I LOVE ZEPPELIN, but what a great SOLO Career! That's one thing I dont get about this forum, and, I LOVE THIS FORUM, BUT I'm allowed 2 read about current events on members of a band who ended in 1979! WHY bash the members in 2010, I mean, how great are Them Crooked Vultures?!? Hell I've seen Plant 19 times, love his solo work, loved what he did Bluegrass style, WHY BASH?????

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Which is EXACTLY what you are doing here but I guess that doesn't count, eh?

Not at all Chief Of Police. When someone is critical of a member of Led Zeppelin, particularly Robert Plant, there are certain members of the forum who feel they have to be the mouth piece for Plant or the other members & they become personal in their bullying attacks of other forum members. Speaking for myself Ive censored myself many times by not posting or replying to topics that may lend themselves to controversy simply because I don't want to argue or fight fights with certain board members & cliques who can't bare seeing anyone being critical of their hero. I've seen too many people run off this board because of that type of behavior of a few, not the many. I take responsability for censoring myself because ultimately that was my choice, but I'm not doing it anymore to placate the few. Once again I don't feel the "need" to defend or agree with everything that my musical hero's do. They are public figures & there is going to be a scrutiny that goes along with the things they do even when I don't agree with another members critique. I only feel the "need" to defend myself when someone feels the "need" to personally call me out, particularly when it's unrelated to the topic at hand.

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And I'm sorry, but if he lost all financial rights to the box set.... ohmy.gif

I've never seen or heard anything to suggest Robert does not retain full rights and creative control on all post-Coda Led Zeppelin releases. Jimmy admitted Coda was only released to fulfill their existing recording contract with Atlantic Records at the time. However, the subsequent releases were produced under new contracts.

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Y'know, I've re-read this thread twice now, looking for evidence of this bullying and intimidation you complain of, and all I see is people arguing a point of view. Not picking fights, not being personal, not being overly defensive of Plant, just discussing the topic. I thought that's what we were all here for. (How dumb was that, eh?)

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I've re-read it as well & if you don't see people getting personal, oh well, I guess it just depends on what side of the fence you're on if any. I was personally called out a page ago by someone who added nothing to the topic other than to critique yours truly. I'd call that personal. I also never said it was limited to this topic but across the board on the forum, with the usual small cast of characters at the fore.

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Obviously Robert Plant selling his Led Zeppelin royalties to whomever or the reasons why is his own business but it is Led Zeppelin related. I don't see any harm in people discussing it whether they're in support of his decision, against it, or somewhere in the middle. If Robert Plant had sold his car for example, it's also a matter of his personal finances but I would fail to see how that it's Led Zeppelin related outside of Robert Plant being a former member of Led Zeppelin. This thread is on topic in regards to Led Zeppelin. I don't see people having a problem with a thread discussing why Jimmy Page sold his bookstore the Equinox. It was a personal financial business decision of his & it wasn't Led Zeppelin related at all outside of the fact Jimmy Page was a member of Led Zeppelin yet people are curious about it so it's discussed. That thread had less to do with the business side of Led Zeppelin than this one.

Edited by kaiser
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Obviously Robert Plant selling his Led Zeppelin royalties to whomever or the reasons why is his own business but it is Led Zeppelin related. I don't see any harm in people discussing it whether they're in support of his decision, against it, or somewhere in the middle. If Robert Plant had sold his car for example, it's also a matter of his personal finances but I would fail to see how that it's Led Zeppelin related outside of Robert Plant being a former member of Led Zeppelin. This thread is on topic in regards to Led Zeppelin. I don't see people having a problem with a thread discussing why Jimmy Page sold his bookstore the Equinox. It was a personal financial business decision of his & it wasn't Led Zeppelin related at all outside of the fact Jimmy Page was a member of Led Zeppelin yet people are curious about it so it's discussed. That thread had less to do with the business side of Led Zeppelin than this one.


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I know. I missed it the first time around as I had limited computer access at the time but I'm sure the topic will rear it's head again, as it just did.

So you basically want people to get into an argument over an article that is nearly 3 years old? Oooookay. It was 3 years ago, it's been discussed ad nauseum already.

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So you basically want people to get into an argument over an article that is nearly 3 years old? Oooookay. It was 3 years ago, it's been discussed ad nauseum already.

No, where did I say that or even imply that? I didn't post the link, I commented on it saying I have my opinion on the subject which I kept to myself & that it would for another thread. I would hardly say I was looking for an arguement. A bit of a projection on your part.

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So calling some one a siren and someone else the chief of police isn't personal?

We must be parallel universes then :slapface:

Sure it's as personal as someone calling me out personally first. I never said I wouldn't swing back if someone got personal with me. I'd rather not go there at all but I'm not going to sit back & have someone have a go at me either. It happens all to frequently. Just the fact that the last few posts are about discussing that instead of the royalties matter only goes to show. I'm not quoting people questioning their motives unless it's done to me first for example. I'm trying to keep it on the topic of the sale of the royalties.

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Not at all Chief Of Police. When someone is critical of a member of Led Zeppelin, particularly Robert Plant, there are certain members of the forum who feel they have to be the mouth piece for Plant or the other members & they become personal in their bullying attacks of other forum members. Speaking for myself Ive censored myself many times by not posting or replying to topics that may lend themselves to controversy simply because I don't want to argue or fight fights with certain board members & cliques who can't bare seeing anyone being critical of their hero. I've seen too many people run off this board because of that type of behavior of a few, not the many. I take responsability for censoring myself because ultimately that was my choice, but I'm not doing it anymore to placate the few. Once again I don't feel the "need" to defend or agree with everything that my musical hero's do. They are public figures & there is going to be a scrutiny that goes along with the things they do even when I don't agree with another members critique. I only feel the "need" to defend myself when someone feels the "need" to personally call me out, particularly when it's unrelated to the topic at hand.

You ARE doing exactly that though. You are be-littling Aqua's contributions and indeed anyone who takes Robert's side with this "mob" "siren" and "clique" nonsense. You are attempting to intimidate anybody - like myself - who wishes to make a similar contribution to this thread by de-valuing their opinions with the allegations that they are over-defensive, mob-motivated, only here because of a "siren call" and just people getting in a "tizz". Actually, they are members of this forum who are EQUALLY as entitled to express their opinion as any f***er else here. As for the "Robert's a big boy he can defend himself" stuff - that's a moot point as you well know, as Robert doesn't come here so he's not gonna do that. Besides - what I have read is not even so much people defending Robert as defending their opinion of him - which again they are entitled to do. And they can come here in groups of two, five, a dozen - as many as they like, without having consulted each-other first. Gosh - a number of people on a Led Zeppelin forum who wish to stick up for Robert Plant - there's a novelty! Who would have thought it - they must be part of some big "clique" conspiracy eh?

I didn't see ANYONE in this thread attempt to speak for Robert - they spoke for themselves. And you know what - those people who have that kind of opinion of Robert will repeatedly come to his defense if they wish to participate in this forum. Because that is their belief and their opinion. And you have the audacity to attack them under the guise of some sort of crusade to allow people here to express their opinions? The only opinions you appear to feel are welcome here are the ones that match yours. Laughable.

*edited for spelling*

Edited by Knebby
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