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Filler Zeppelin


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Hope I don't offend anyone with my reply but this is my opinion

LZ: I Can't Quit You Baby, Black Mountain Side

LZ2: None

LZ3: Celebration Day, That's The Way

Untitled: None

HOTH: None

PG: Black Country Woman, Sick Again

P: All but Achilles Last Stand and Nobody's Fault But Mine

ITTOD: South Bound Suarez, Hot Dog

How can you call yourself a Zeppelin fan and then say that classics like Celebration Day, Sick Again, and That's The Way are fillers. :o Led Zeppelin didn't do fillers, that's why I love them so much. They're the only group whose albums were complete solid pieces of work that can be listened to from start to finish. The Beatles did a few albums like this, but all of Zeppelin's work was genuis. They wanted to write albums rather than singles, and that's way we have no fillers, and that's what make them the greatest band in the world ever. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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How can you call yourself a Zeppelin fan and then say that classics like Celebration Day, Sick Again, and That's The Way are fillers. :o Led Zeppelin didn't do fillers, that's why I love them so much. They're the only group whose albums were complete solid pieces of work that can be listened to from start to finish. The Beatles did a few albums like this, but all of Zeppelin's work was genuis. They wanted to write albums rather than singles, and that's way we have no fillers, and that's what make them the greatest band in the world ever. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

Hi 'Magic Fills the Air'

You're not alone, i am of the same opinion, "Led Zeppelin" and "Filler" aren't even in the same dictionary, Gorgonzola Bonce doesn't know his Curds from his Whey in my opinion. :o;):lol:

Regards, Danny

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For me, filler is:

I. Your Time Is Gonna Come

II. What Is and What Should Never Be

III. Friends, Out on the Tiles

IV. Misty Mountain Hop

HOTH: Dancing Days

PG: Houses of the Holy, Night Flight

Pr: Hots On for Nowhere

ITTOD: In the Evening

All those songs sound forced, manufactured upon a recipe, lacking inspration. I just don't like them (in different degrees)

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Presence is full of fillers in my opinion,actually the whole album is a filler itself, the balance between softness and hard rock isn't really good in that album.

My joint favourite Zeppelin album. :D

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Pretty stunned by this opinion, in truth.

:) I should have mentioned that is was strictly my opinion, and my own pair of ears. But this is my feeling: that those songs are dragging and cannot lift to the highs, like the other songs. They just don't sparkle for me.

But I don't skip them either. I dislike them compared with the other Zep's songs. I still prefer them to most of surrounding music.

And , I LOVE Bonzo's Montreaux (that calipso sound puts me in a good mood; sometime I play it on queue for a long time.

And I love Presence the most (the "sleep inducing" album for me - in a good way)

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"Coda". The whole album. The album was meant to ful-"fill" the rest of their recording contract with Atlantic. I like all the songs but it's truly a filler album in everyway; examples being 2 live tracks from RAH 1970 that are deliberately misleading as one supposedly being from a soundcheck & the other being a supposed studio track that was overdubbed in the studio after Bonham's death. Also "Walter's Walk" with vocals from Robert circa 1981-1982. That's filler, regardless of how much one likes the songs or not.

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I hate when people start posts out like this. One of my single most glaring pet peeves when it comes to band fandom.

I have some sympathy with the perspective that peeves you so much (though I would never go after people on a forum with it).

Zeppelin were a very organic band and Jimmy was meticulous about what they released and how. You just need to think of the story of "The Ocean" on the DVD and how Jimmy was determined that it was the fifth song, as Bonzo sings "We've done four already...". EVERYTHING was thought out and every song was a representation of the band. I've not only heard Robert and Jimmy express similar sympathies regarding people liking or disliking their own songs, but even a "how can you like our stuff and like that other artist?" attitude. Some of the songs mentioned in this thread contain the very essence of Led Zeppelin - and it baffles me how you can love the band and not those songs, and I'm not the only one.

But I certainly wouldn't fight people or get aggressive about it. I can totally agree with you that THAT is a waste of time.

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I have some sympathy with the perspective that peeves you so much (though I would never go after people on a forum with it).

Zeppelin were a very organic band and Jimmy was meticulous about what they released and how. You just need to think of the story of "The Ocean" on the DVD and how Jimmy was determined that it was the fifth song, as Bonzo sings "We've done four already...". EVERYTHING was thought out and every song was a representation of the band. I've not only heard Robert and Jimmy express similar sympathies regarding people liking or disliking their own songs, but even a "how can you like our stuff and like that other artist?" attitude. Some of the songs mentioned in this thread contain the very essence of Led Zeppelin - and it baffles me how you can love the band and not those songs, and I'm not the only one.

But I certainly wouldn't fight people or get aggressive about it. I can totally agree with you that THAT is a waste of time.

Hi Knebby,

Certainly the most balanced view I've seen so far on this topic. I'm in total agreement with you, i would like to add that Electrophile is first and foremost a Pink Floyd Fan so she can be forgiven for not liking certain Zeppelin Songs as i can be forgiven for not liking certain Floyd ones, as for Zepp tunes, there are none that i don't love and even less are there that i skip or don't play at all, I'm a "Fanatic of the 99th Order", not just a "Fan" :notworthy::lol:

Thanks again Knebby for keeping it real, Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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I don't think theres any filler on the first 6 Zep albums personally, Hats off to Roy Harper was more of an experiment but we know page had alot of other material he could have used instead.

Dyer Maker and The Crunge arent great tracks but the latter is again just an experiment where they could have used say The Rover instead. The Crunge was a great track live but the studio version was overproduced IMHO.

PG has some varieble material but all of its of a good standard for me.

Presense is I'd say where some material starts to sound a bit like filler to me, most of the album is great but Candy Store Rock and Royal Orleans are a bit questionable. Not poor tracks but not inspired either and unlike some of the previous lesser work you can't really class them as a failed experiment either. Its understandable I spose when you think about it as the albumw as recorded on short notice a year after releasing a double album.

Its hard to judge with ITTOD as it was such a new direction.

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I have some sympathy with the perspective that peeves you so much (though I would never go after people on a forum with it).

Zeppelin were a very organic band and Jimmy was meticulous about what they released and how. You just need to think of the story of "The Ocean" on the DVD and how Jimmy was determined that it was the fifth song, as Bonzo sings "We've done four already...". EVERYTHING was thought out and every song was a representation of the band. I've not only heard Robert and Jimmy express similar sympathies regarding people liking or disliking their own songs, but even a "how can you like our stuff and like that other artist?" attitude. Some of the songs mentioned in this thread contain the very essence of Led Zeppelin - and it baffles me how you can love the band and not those songs, and I'm not the only one.

But I certainly wouldn't fight people or get aggressive about it. I can totally agree with you that THAT is a waste of time.

Very narrow-minded opinion, a Zep fan isn't obliged to like every Zep song,by the way I think that Hats off, carouselambra and tea for one are fillers, I hope you are not baffled, if you are, wake up,it's only music.

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I have some sympathy with the perspective that peeves you so much (though I would never go after people on a forum with it).

Zeppelin were a very organic band and Jimmy was meticulous about what they released and how. You just need to think of the story of "The Ocean" on the DVD and how Jimmy was determined that it was the fifth song, as Bonzo sings "We've done four already...". EVERYTHING was thought out and every song was a representation of the band. I've not only heard Robert and Jimmy express similar sympathies regarding people liking or disliking their own songs, but even a "how can you like our stuff and like that other artist?" attitude. Some of the songs mentioned in this thread contain the very essence of Led Zeppelin - and it baffles me how you can love the band and not those songs, and I'm not the only one.

But I certainly wouldn't fight people or get aggressive about it. I can totally agree with you that THAT is a waste of time.

Of course the band themselves aren't going to think they did any filler. I doubt Jimmy Page would say something like "Oh The Crunge? Yeah, that's a pile of wank. We just stuck it on the album because we were bored." All artists are going to defend the merit of their work, even the stuff some fans may not like. Filler to one person might mean something totally different to another. To me, filler is songs on the album that are alright, but not strong enough to be singles/radio hits. In my opinion, Zeppelin did songs that fit that definition. Someone else here may think filler means songs that are utter garbage, and then list songs they think fit that definition. Who's right and who's wrong? Well, it's all subjective so we both are.

Hence why I said I hate when people say "how can you call yourself a fan" or "what kind of Zeppelin fan are you" or "you aren't a Zeppelin fan if"......no one here gets to make the determination about who is a fan and who is not, or what degree of fan another person is. It doesn't work that way. We're all here because we're all fans of their music to one degree or another. Some are more devoted than others, but we're all fans. Saying someone is less of a fan or not a fan at all because they don't share the same opinion about a group of songs as you do, is IMO extremely arrogant.

Although I do agree with you that arguing with people and fighting with them is totally pointless.

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Coulda sworn I heard a time or two that certain bandmembers may have considered "Living Loving Maid" as filler.

Or was it just 4-bit chump change and a purple umbrella?

Was the term "filler" applied then? I don't believe it was.

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Very narrow-minded opinion, a Zep fan isn't obliged to like every Zep song,by the way I think that Hats off, carouselambra and tea for one are fillers, I hope you are not baffled, if you are, wake up,it's only music.

I am baffled - but I won't be losing any sleep over it. ;)

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Of course the band themselves aren't going to think they did any filler. I doubt Jimmy Page would say something like "Oh The Crunge? Yeah, that's a pile of wank. We just stuck it on the album because we were bored." All artists are going to defend the merit of their work, even the stuff some fans may not like. Filler to one person might mean something totally different to another. To me, filler is songs on the album that are alright, but not strong enough to be singles/radio hits. In my opinion, Zeppelin did songs that fit that definition. Someone else here may think filler means songs that are utter garbage, and then list songs they think fit that definition. Who's right and who's wrong? Well, it's all subjective so we both are.

Maybe that's where this differing viewpoint begins then - as I see "Filler" as being a very definite term, meaning one thing and one thing only - weaker songs put on the album to fill the space - that's what the term was invented for. This thread isn't called "What Zeppelin songs are garbage?" - that's for other threads.

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Moby Dick

Four Sticks

Hots On For Nowhere

Fool In the Rain, Hot Dog, and the biggest waste of half a side of vinyl known to man: CAROUSELAMBRA.

Whoever said Dancing Days and Sick Again are filler should be fed, slice by slice, to Paul the Octopus.

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I didn't mean to come across as arogant, I was just stunned by some of the songs cited by the member I responded to which a lot of people here consider to Zeppelin classics, and the sheer quantity of songs listed. I expected to see songs like Hats Off to Roy Harper cited many times which weren't really fillers, but experiments in music which may not to be everyone's taste, but not long lists of songs including, what I consider to be great songs. It's like a Beatles fan saying I love the Beatles, but Elanor Rigby was a filler track. Of course we're all fans here, but there are varying degrees of being a fan. As BigDan stated, 'I'm a Fanatic of the 99th Order, not just a Fan'. And no it's not just 'music', it's music that a lot of people here are very passionate about; music that is an integral part of their lives.

This is a really thorny topic for me because of a BBC programme that was on here in the UK a month or so ago (other British members who saw the programme will know what I'm talking about). The progarmme was about the world's greatest rock bands. One of the panel members on the show was defending the band Queen, and he said, and I quote, 'Zeppelin did a few good songs, the rest were just fillers'! :angry: He couldn't have been more wrong! Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this doesn't mean to say he is right. I hate the word filler when used in relation to Zeppelin. Maybe I should just stay away from this thread. :(

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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As BigDan stated, 'I'm a Fanatic of the 99th Order, not just a Fan'. And no it's not just 'music', it's music that a lot of people here are very passionate about; music that is an integral part of their lives.

This is a really thorny topic for me because of a BBC programme that was on here in the UK a month or so ago (other British members who saw the programme will know what I'm talking about). The progarmme was about the world's greatest rock bands. One of the panel members on the show was defending the band Queen, and he said, and I quote, 'Zeppelin did a few good songs, the rest were just fillers'! :angry: He couldn't have been more wrong! Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this doesn't mean to say he is right. I hate the word filler when used in relation to Zeppelin. Maybe I should just stay away from this thread. :(

Hi 'Magic Fills the Air'

Thanks for the recognition mate, it seems the other two members that i was directing my thoughts too are either unaware of my existence or will not respond to my post due to some sort of disrespect or hatred they have of me, now i know how John Paul Jones must have felt. :o:lol: I'll just park the car then shall i? ;)

Knebby is right though, "Filler" was, is, and always will mean "weaker songs put on the album to fill the space " Electrophile just doesn't get this so i can see the argument going on for quite a while. :yesnod:

As for what anybody says or thinks about Led Zeppelin or their Music, just remember this, its their Loss not yours and if they don't get it then they wont be climbing the Stairway to heaven anytime soon. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, I think i just got to that special position of "Fanatic of the 100th Order", "Jesus gonna make up my dying bed" i just hope its not some time too soon. :lol:

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Hi 'Magic Fills the Air'

Thanks for the recognition mate, it seems the other two members that i was directing my thoughts too are either unaware of my existence or will not respond to my post due to some sort of disrespect or hatred they have of me, now i know how John Paul Jones must have felt. :o:lol: I'll just park the car then shall i? ;)

Knebby is right though, "Filler" was, is, and always will mean "weaker songs put on the album to fill the space " Electrophile just doesn't get this so i can see the argument going on for quite a while. :yesnod:

As for what anybody says or thinks about Led Zeppelin or their Music, just remember this, its their Loss not yours and if they don't get it then they wont be climbing the Stairway to heaven anytime soon. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, I think i just got to that special position of "Fanatic of the 100th Order", "Jesus gonna make up my dying bed" i just hope its not some time too soon. :lol:

Thanks Danny for your your comments and support. I just wish people here wouldn't keep refering to Zeppelin tracks that they're indifferent to as 'fillers'. It's not the same thing! :rolleyes:

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How about you just let people call the songs whatever they want, and you call the songs whatever you want and we all just agree to disagree? This is music, not life or death. There's no need for everyone to get their hackles up over it.

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