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Can You Trust a Facebook Profile?


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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Been really busy lately.

Anyways, thought some of you might enjoy this. It's an interesting article, IMO. Could start an interesting discussion.



Do people display their actual or idealised personalities on social networking sites?

There are now over 700 million people around the world with profiles on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. In the US 75% of those between 18 and 24 who have access to the internet use social networking sites. And over the past four years, across all adult age-groups, their use has quadrupled.

But do these profiles tell us anything about people's real-life personalities? Online it is very easy to display an idealised version of the self to others so surely the temptation to exaggerate or even give a completely misleading impression is just too great?

Actual versus idealised personality

To find out psychologists recruited 236 US and German students who use social networking sites and had them complete personality measures (Back et al., 2010). These measured first their actual personalities on what psychologists call the 'Big 5' personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience). Secondly it measured their idealised personalities: who they would like to be.

Then independent observers were shown their real social networking profiles and asked to rate participants' personalities.

The surprising truth

After comparing the actual personalities with the idealised and observed, the researchers found that, on average, people were much more likely to display their real personality on the social networking sites rather than their idealised selves. Overall people were remarkably honest in representing themselves. People were honest—we don't read those words often enough.

In line with other findings, this study found that, when looking at a stranger's profile for the first time, some aspects of personality are more difficult to discern. Neuroticism in others is particularly difficult to gauge, whereas people find extraversion and openness to experience relatively easily to assess, even in strangers.

Lying online?

This study is another blow for that old stereotype that the web is some kind of scary hinterland, an untrustworthy place where anything goes and nothing is what it appears, peopled by adolescent boys pretending to be anything but adolescent boys. Contrary to the received wisdom, as well as academic theorising that the internet encourages people to project an idealised self, this research suggests that people are remarkably honest in displaying their true personalities online.

Whatever the cause, this fact may help to explain the phenomenal popularity of social networking sites: the truth draws people in.

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Yeah, I think the way Facebook lets you connect with your real-life friends keeps you honest because they know you don't look like a supermodel. I think people used to lie more in chat rooms, back when chat rooms were cool, because nobody in there had a clue of what you looked like and nobody you knew was there to call you on it. Plus, now that everybody has a digital camera and posts millions of pics of themselves on their Facebook, it's pretty hard to use somebody else's picture because you'd have to have like 100 of them for it to be believable.

Also, Facebook gives you a way to showcase your interests and talents instead of just displaying the ol' age/sex/location stats, so it actually encourages you to let your inner self show, and in a fun way (like with that silly Flair board...I love that thing, for some reason).

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I think I am the only person on earth who doesn't have a Facebook profile. I just don't like it. You can't get creative with it like you can with MySpace (I make my own layouts, graphics etc.). I did start a profile but after about 5 minutes, I was over it. I don't even think you can listen to music.

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Mine is authentic; I use mine partially for work in addition to personal use and since my boss and kids and some of their friends are on there, I keep it professional and family friendly (which honestly I would anyway). I am very careful about whom I friend also.

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I think I am the only person on earth who doesn't have a Facebook profile. I just don't like it. You can't get creative with it like you can with MySpace (I make my own layouts, graphics etc.). I did start a profile but after about 5 minutes, I was over it. I don't even think you can listen to music.

True that myspace allows more creativity in terms of layout and I think for musicians, it's a good tool to get your name/music out there. But Facebook is more interactive IMO which I like.

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One problem for extraordinarily attractive members of the human species - such as myself - is whatever we share via Facebook or Myspace inevitably leads to feelings of inferiority on the part of others who read it.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown; please don't hate me for being beautiful.


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One problem for extraordinarily attractive members of the human species - such as myself - is whatever we share via Facebook or Myspace inevitably leads to feelings of inferiority on the part of others who read it.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown; please don't hate me for being beautiful.


I do not have a facebook account yet for that very reason!!! :hysterical:

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One problem for extraordinarily attractive members of the human species - such as myself - is whatever we share via Facebook or Myspace inevitably leads to feelings of inferiority on the part of others who read it.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown; please don't hate me for being beautiful.



FB has been a very good experience for me. As an Army brat, I moved about 11 or 12 times. I've been able to re-connect with friends I lost touch with. Still trying to find someone from Europe, though...

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I read just earlier this week that MySpace is losing members in large amounts, while Facebook is ever-increasing (not that it's necessarily picking up the same people). I think actually the fact that you don't need to be creative with it is part of the attraction--many people don't have the time for it, and just want to stop by briefly, check in with friends, etc.

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I think I am the only person on earth who doesn't have a Facebook profile. I just don't like it. You can't get creative with it like you can with MySpace (I make my own layouts, graphics etc.). I did start a profile but after about 5 minutes, I was over it. I don't even think you can listen to music.

you can post a playlist, on mine you can anyway, i just got bored of myspace. after all i am addicted to Facebook Mob Warsrolleyes.gif

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The only people I friend on Facebook are people I've met in real life, either because I grew up with them or went to school (grade/high/college) with them. Because of that.....why lie? These people know me. What sense would it be to put up someone else's picture or lie about your birthday or where you're from....that's so dumb.

I love Facebook, primarily because I've "ran" into people I haven't spoken to since kindergarten or the 1st grade. It was great.

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The only people I friend on Facebook are people I've met in real life, either because I grew up with them or went to school (grade/high/college) with them. Because of that.....why lie? These people know me. What sense would it be to put up someone else's picture or lie about your birthday or where you're from....that's so dumb.

I love Facebook, primarily because I've "ran" into people I haven't spoken to since kindergarten or the 1st grade. It was great.

That's exactly it. If there is someone that I haven't met in a long time, or haven't had the opportunity to meet (like people on here or family from overseas), I know I'm not in any danger of embellishing anything to them since the rest of my friends are people I live/work/went to school with. I can't act the shit without someone telling me off, and I don't feel the need to.

Facebook is invaluable to me since I have a small portion of my family who are deaf. I can't call them up on the phone and ask how they are, and until Facebook, it was a lot more difficult to communicate with them.

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I think I am the only person on earth who doesn't have a Facebook profile. I just don't like it. You can't get creative with it like you can with MySpace (I make my own layouts, graphics etc.). I did start a profile but after about 5 minutes, I was over it. I don't even think you can listen to music.

ok so facebook doesnt allow as much creative design, but to echo others comments its much more interactive and doesnt limit or censor much (unless you want to post nudity, there is an adult facebook for that if your that way inclined)

i have a few my space accounts which i never use

you sure can listen to music, there are hundreds of apps for music, or you can start a group and post as much music as you like, you can even link sites like youtube to it

also you can have control over the look of your facebook, using programs like chameleon

FB is also great for playing games like poker and blackjack and Lex(scrabble)

the instant chat is good too

the downside is the annoying pop ups and ads, which drive me up the wall.. no worry though as ABP will block any nasties,

and ads

very few bugs and viruses aswell

the long and the short of it is, if you want to find friends and get yourself noticed or you want to promote your work or groups its the best, if you want t remain anonymous I strongly recomend you dont sign up B)

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I still prefer Myspace to facebook any day. The problem is that not very many people use it anymore. While facebook is nice in the fact that you can find people easier, I really dislike the fact that it is full of constant status updates and update comments. You have people who update their status every five minutes with the most boring ramblings on, and then 10 people will have to comment. I don't need or want quite that much attention myself, and I don't need to know when so & so went to the grocery store, drank a beer, spoke to Aunt Edna on the telephone, etc.

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I still prefer Myspace to facebook any day. The problem is that not very many people use it anymore. While facebook is nice in the fact that you can find people easier, I really dislike the fact that it is full of constant status updates and update comments. You have people who update their status every five minutes with the most boring ramblings on, and then 10 people will have to comment. I don't need or want quite that much attention myself, and I don't need to know when so & so went to the grocery store, drank a beer, spoke to Aunt Edna on the telephone, etc.

You have control over this using your privacy settings

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I still prefer Myspace to facebook any day. The problem is that not very many people use it anymore. While facebook is nice in the fact that you can find people easier, I really dislike the fact that it is full of constant status updates and update comments. You have people who update their status every five minutes with the most boring ramblings on, and then 10 people will have to comment. I don't need or want quite that much attention myself, and I don't need to know when so & so went to the grocery store, drank a beer, spoke to Aunt Edna on the telephone, etc.

I never took to Myspace - I find it almost too big and difficult to search. I have discovered some good music but I like the interaction of Facebook.

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