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Roger Daltrey Wants To Form Band With Jimmy Page


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Well, all I can say is that I've seen him perform numerous times and must have missed all the jumping around! (He was never that sort of performer even in Zeppelin days, in fact.) We'll just have to disagree about his voice--we seem to be hearing (and seeing) two different people. ;)

I was wondering the same thing when I read through this thread...

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i would not have thought of page and daltrey collaborating, but i bet it could be good. it sounds like more of a business deal to draw folks to shows, with the music industry being what it is these days. i'm sure they could come up with some cool acoustic songs. here i am waiting for outrider2, that double instrumental album page talked about, with one side rock, one side acoustic, one side blues, one side experimental...i guess thats not gonna happen haha. jeez been waiting since the late 80s for that record. anyhow, who and zeppelin fans together, that would be an interesting crowd.

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I love The Who, but Roger's voice is shot....kaput !

This won't fly and I bet Roger is flat broke, another victim of the Great Recession.

I would doubt he's broke - they've done some pretty big tours over the last few years and remembering what ticket prices were, I'm sure he's doing fine :)

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I was wondering the same thing when I read through this thread...

It's funny because people who aren't huge Zeppelin/Robert fans like I am tell me that his voice is shit now and I argue with them that it's not, that's he's just older and lost alot of his voice which in turn makes me wonder if I'm just biased because I love him so much and maybe his voice really is shit. Then I come here and people are saying that his voice is better than ever lol. Idk, I think it's pretty obvious that he can't sing like he used to, he even says so himself.

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It's funny because people who aren't huge Zeppelin/Robert fans like I am tell me that his voice is shit now and I argue with them that it's not, that's he's just older and lost alot of his voice which in turn makes me wonder if I'm just biased because I love him so much and maybe his voice really is shit. Then I come here and people are saying that his voice is better than ever lol. Idk, I think it's pretty obvious that he can't sing like he used to, he even says so himself.

But why it is that just because he doesn't sing the way he used to, that means his voice isn't as good? That's where my confusion lies when people say that sort of thing.

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It's funny because people who aren't huge Zeppelin/Robert fans like I am tell me that his voice is shit now and I argue with them that it's not, that's he's just older and lost alot of his voice which in turn makes me wonder if I'm just biased because I love him so much and maybe his voice really is shit. Then I come here and people are saying that his voice is better than ever lol. Idk, I think it's pretty obvious that he can't sing like he used to, he even says so himself.

I, personally, has never said "better than ever". Of course he doesn't sing like he used to, he was in Zeppelin 30 years ago, you know what "30 years" mean? It would be scary if he sounds the same...his voice "changed", it's not necessarily worse.

I for one never think his ability is all about hitting the high notes, a lot of singers can do that, few of them become "great" singers.

Edited by glicine
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I didn't say you did lol. His voice did change but not for the better, in my opinion. Yes it's been 30 years but there are alot of singers who still sound very similar to how they did back in the day like Paul Rodgers, Steven Tyler, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel. I'm not saying he completely sucks now, his voice has just dropped in quality imo.

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I didn't say you did lol. His voice did change but not for the better, in my opinion. Yes it's been 30 years but there are alot of singers who still sound very similar to how they did back in the day like Paul Rodgers, Steven Tyler, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel. I'm not saying he completely sucks now, his voice has just dropped in quality imo.

Oh? You quoted me though. It depends on your definition of "quality", you think it's more about hitting high notes, I think it's more about the intepretation of the songs.

Well I'd agree with the Paul Rodgers part, but when you first said Roger Daltrey...hmmm, I do think Roger's voice is fine now, but it's not the same as 30 years ago, just like Robert. And once again, "not the same" doesn't mean worse.

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It's funny because people who aren't huge Zeppelin/Robert fans like I am tell me that his voice is shit now

I'm surprised that people that aren't fans of his even have an opinion. It's not like his latest records had a lot of airplay, and they sound nothing like Led Zeppelin so how do they even know what he can and can't do. Have they seen him live recently? Play them Kashmir from the 02. He can still let out a wail when he chooses to. Gives me shivers. I do agree that he's lost some of the higher end of his range and probably can not hit the high notes as he used to, and even if he could he wouldn't be able to do it night after night. Frankly, if you listen to some of the live recordings of early Zep, his voice wasn't consistently great then either.

Anyhow the thread is about Roger Daltry. Last time I heard him sing live was the at the Superbowl intermission. Wasn't great, but better than I expected. I'd like to hear his sing some straight up blues.

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Oh sorry I was referring to the "better than ever" comment that was posted here. I mean, I don't think the quality is just about hitting notes, his voice just isn't as powerful and dynamic as it once was. I know "not the same" doesn't mean worse but in Robert's case it does lol, in my opinion. I don't like to say it's worse though because it wasn't bad to begin with it's just not as great. I'm shocked I'm the only one here who thinks this lol.

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I'm surprised that people that aren't fans of his even have an opinion. It's not like his latest records had a lot of airplay, and they sound nothing like Led Zeppelin so how do they even know what he can and can't do. Have they seen him live recently? Play them Kashmir from the 02. He can still let out a wail when he chooses to. Gives me shivers. I do agree that he's lost some of the higher end of his range and probably can not hit the high notes as he used to, and even if he could he wouldn't be able to do it night after night. Frankly, if you listen to some of the live recordings of early Zep, his voice wasn't consistently great then either.

Anyhow the thread is about Roger Daltry. Last time I heard him sing live was the at the Superbowl intermission. Wasn't great, but better than I expected. I'd like to hear his sing some straight up blues.

They are fans but, as I said, not huge fans like I am. And they did see the 02 performances and were saying he sounds horrible. Now I thought he sounded pretty good, not like back in the day, but good enough for me to want to go see him.

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I for one loath this idea. Daltery has proved to me in recent performances he's done, vocally. His pitch is gone, he's either flat or just too weak to really put any emotion into anything that isn't spoken. I love The Who but it's time to hang it up sir.

i am a huge who fan but i have to agree-i don't think daltry has it anymore and he hasn't developed any phrasing techniques that allows him growth as a vocalist. i hope you and i are wrong and that all he needs is new and different style songs, but i doubt it....

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To each their own I guess lol.

Was it the wrong opinion to have?

It's funny because people who aren't huge Zeppelin/Robert fans like I am tell me that his voice is shit now and I argue with them that it's not, that's he's just older and lost alot of his voice which in turn makes me wonder if I'm just biased because I love him so much and maybe his voice really is shit. Then I come here and people are saying that his voice is better than ever lol. Idk, I think it's pretty obvious that he can't sing like he used to, he even says so himself.

Will you be able to run faster in forty years time?

It's completely unrealistic to not only expect Robert's voice to be in the same shape as it was in '68, but to actually think he can't sing at all just because he's aged. I name drop her way too much, but I'd be fucking heartbroken if I ever expected 2003/09 Stevie Nicks to sound like 1975 Stevie Nicks. Her voice has deepened/aged. I know this. I expect this. I enjoy her music because of this. People age, and depending on what you've done in that time span, voices won't be the same. Robert wasn't happy with his voice on the first record, never mind the rest of it. He's had vocal surgery, he's aged, he's smoked, etc. Of course he'll sound 'shit' when you think about it like that. He'll only sound poor if you expect him to sound young. But he doesn't, and he isn't. I still recognise his voice, not matter what record it's on. And that's good enough for me.

Now, back to Daltry...

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It was me who said I thought Plant sings better than ever, and I do--his voice is much more controlled, he uses it in much more interesting ways, his phrasing is much better. In the early Zeppelin days he was sometimes just screeching and wailing (not all the time, obviously), and the fact that he's lost the top end of his range (he does acknowledge this himself, which is very different from him saying his voice isn't as good as it used to be!) seems pretty minor to me, since I don't judge a singer by how high he can sing. I thought he was pretty heart-stopping at the O2, personally!

Now, BACK TO DALTREY--I'll be seeing him on the Clapton tour very soon, too, so will be able to judge better the, not having heard him live for years. I'm not expecting him to sound like he did then, but I'll be surprised if he doesn't sound pretty darn good.

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lmfao keep cool, all I've been saying here is that Robert's voice has dropped in quality but that he is still good. And it's actually not that all unrealistic because as I've stated before, many singers still have relatively the same voice as they did 30 years ago. I wouldn't expect it to sound exactly the same, absolutely not, but for it to be close to the same level as it was way back when isn't too far fetched.

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Now, BACK TO DALTREY--I'll be seeing him on the Clapton tour very soon, too, so will be able to judge better the, not having heard him live for years. I'm not expecting him to sound like he did then, but I'll be surprised if he doesn't sound pretty darn good.

I'm so jealous, they aren't playing near me! Although I shouldn't be complaining since I did just see EC with Beck at the Garden last Thursday which was fab. I've seen Roger when he toured with Pete as The Who a few years ago and I thought they were absolutely amazing. They were two of the best shows I have ever been to!

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lmfao keep cool, all I've been saying here is that Robert's voice has dropped in quality but that he is still good. And it's actually not that all unrealistic because as I've stated before, many singers still have relatively the same voice as they did 30 years ago. I wouldn't expect it to sound exactly the same, absolutely not, but for it to be close to the same level as it was way back when isn't too far fetched.

Who's not cool? You obviously have a higher expectation of Robert than is realistic and I merely pointed that out. Where we think he can sing, you don't think he can.

I think it's unrealistic to expect his voice to have the same range/pitch/tone, etc, as it did way back when. If I drink a lot, smoke a lot, take a lot of drugs, have surgery on my throat, etc, are you gonna expect me to sound the same 40 years from now? Robert's voice in '73 wasn't the same. Never mind now.

Before this becomes the Robert-bashing band wagon again, I'm out. Back to Daltry (again)...

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lmfao keep cool, all I've been saying here is that Robert's voice has dropped in quality but that he is still good. And it's actually not that all unrealistic because as I've stated before, many singers still have relatively the same voice as they did 30 years ago. I wouldn't expect it to sound exactly the same, absolutely not, but for it to be close to the same level as it was way back when isn't too far fetched.

Nobody's getting angry - seems a pretty calm discussion, just people sharing their opinions without attacking :) Some singers who sound similar to how they sang thirty years ago could be due to a variety of reasons. They may not have smoked for one thing. Depends on how much they toured, what singing style they had. Someone like Billy Joel (I think he was mentioned before) didn't push his voice the way Robert did in the early days.

I guess my feeling is as was mentioned above, I don't expect Robert or anyone to sound the same. I think what's great about Robert is he's learned how to use his voice in many different styles. Trust me I've seen him many times, especially within the last couple of years and his voice is still powerful, just because he's not hitting those top notes hasn't changed the power.

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