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Your Opinion of Rap


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You won't except for the usual two suspects: rap & punk. With rap the arguement it usually comes down to the videos on MTV & what's played on top 40 radio as if that's the only representation of the genre; with punk it comes down to what some punk said negatively about Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd in 1977 & the lack of long guitar solo's. Lol, that's ALWAYS the basis for the arguements. It's the image that truly annoys, the music is almost always secondary & when the actual music is commented on it's always with the same old cliched responses that you could set your watch to it.

Perhaps one of the funniest things I've ever read on this board is all the slander aimed at Plant for the Raising Sand record. People started throwing terms around like bluegrass, hillbilly, etc. which all proved they hadn't listened to even one note of the album. Meanwhile Jones is off working with nearly every progressive bluegrass band out there whether it be the Duhks, Nickel Creek, Sara Watkins, Uncle Earl or whoever but not one person here (at least that I'm aware of) aimed any of their vitriol towards him. On top of that, look at the myriad of genres that influenced Led Zeppelin. To slam Plant, Page or Jones for their various endeavors into all kinds of other music is proof positive that these detractors have little to no knowledge of the very broad palatte Zeppelin drew from. It's one thing to have an informed opinion of the music when critiquing it, it's quite another just to outright slam it because it's not the direction you'd like to see Plant, Page or Jones follow.

Edited by Jahfin
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Perhaps one of the funniest things I've ever read on this board is all the slander aimed at Plant for the Raising Sand record. People started throwing terms around like bluegrass, hillbilly, etc. which all proved they hadn't listened to even one note of the album. Meanwhile Jones is off working with nearly every progressive bluegrass band out there whether it be the Duhks, Nickel Creek, Sara Watkins, Uncle Earl or whoever but not one person here (at least that I'm aware of) aimed any of their vitriol towards him. On top of that, look at all the myriad of genres that influenced Led Zeppelin. To slam Plant, Page or Jones for their various endeavors into all kinds of other music is proof positive that these detractors have little to no knowledge of the very broad palatte Zeppelin drew from. It's one thing to have an informed opinion of the music when critiquing it, it's quite another just to outright slam it because it's not the direction you'd like to see Plant, Page or Jones follow.

That's spot on. I know it's off topic but for most here on the forum they would rather see Plant, Page, & Jones team up individually with someone who was in Deep Purple or Black Sabbath for 15 minutes, bands they didn't care for I might add, than someone who they actually admired like Joni Mitchell. It's hysterical the lack of reference. Jack White & Dave Grohl are now "approved" of by most on the forum because of their recent collaborations with Page & Jones but before that... the barrage of insults directed at the two of them for years was something to behold. Unfortunately Allison Krauss doesn't fare as well as either of them now because she's still not part of the rock world. It seems here that the one's who go on about "real" musicianship are also the one's who have the most narrow view of the broad musical landscape available.

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I thought the musicianship and professionalism of the Pounding Sand collaboration was impeccable. Saw a Crossroads performance too, again, obviously a very talented group.

I was also bored to death by it.

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Why it sucks to be a rapper- I

Definition of lousiness


Definition of coolness


Rappers need to show their ass


Rockers need to kick some ass


Rappers need two fingers


Rockers only need one finger


Rappers bang underage girls on stage


Rockers have the most stunning groupies in the world


Rockers use drugs to transcend mindsets and come up with great lyrical content


Rappers use drugs as lyrical content


Sir Mixalot like Big Butts in 1992


Queen liked Fat Bottom Girls in 1978


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Why it Sucks to be a Rapper- Part II

MC Hammer


Rappers have the worst fashion sense

Scott Weiland


Rockers invent the finest Fashion Lines

Motivational Poster about Rap Music:


Motivational Poster about Rock Music:


Rocker Chicks:


Hayley Williams

Could you be?

The most Beautiful Girl in the World

It’s plain to see

You’re the reason that God made a girl…

Rapper Chicks:


Gangsta Boo

Could you be?

The Ugliest Girl in the World

It’s plain to see

You’re the proof that God made a mistake…

Rap Funeral Songs!?


Does anybody want the image of their dead body to remind people of Snoop Dogg and Eminem?

Percussion Instrument for Rap


Percussion Instrument for Rock


Analyzing” Rock Sound


Analyzing” Rap Sound


Take the sampling out of Rock music and we would have no Limp Bizcut


With no sampling, Rap would have no music


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I have no use for rappers or any other musicians who show nothing but T&A in their videos...if the words and music show innovation, skill and respect in relationships then the rap genre is fine with me.. even if the rapper is angry about something...express yourself...

Juliet :coffee:

PS Shakespeare was not afraid to deal with uncomfortable issues..His characters expresssed anger, hate, love, remorse...all the emotions...his method was the play and the stage...

Edited by Juliet
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The above posts comparing rap and rock are a fine example of the ignorance that runs rampant at this board, not to mention the racist overtones that are somehow allowed here.

I haven't been here long, but have been absolutely stunned at a lot of the closedmindedness.

My ironymeter has long since exploded, given Zeppelin's roots and their tendency to steal, borrow, be influenced by old blues/gospel singers, artists, lyricists etc. It wasn't just on the first couple of albums either.

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In their prime, cool! Unfortunately I've never seen them myself.

The first time was the best as it was in a small venue. It was 1990 and "Fear of a Black Planet" was about to be released.

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The above posts comparing rap and rock are a fine example of the ignorance that runs rampant at this board, not to mention the racist overtones that are somehow allowed here.

well i'm african american and i haven't seen an inkling of racism

i know most often......the intolerant extreme hide behind the banner of tolerance....

at first rap was different.....and people (esp. teens).....often seek out that difference as simply.....well.........a right of passage, or a stage in life.

i kinda give credit to a band like faith no more who first popularized that rap rock mix that now is mainstream

what is rap............?...........rage against the machine?..........kid rock?.......the "N-words With Attitude?

all i know is every 20 something punk i see come into the local bar with their baseball caps and earrings and baggy pants aren't rebels anymore.........they fell for it hook line and sinker

i'm the fuckin rebeltongue.gif

long live rockcool.gif

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First let me say I respect everyones opinion. I personally do not care for Rap. I rememeber going with my son to see Vanilla Ice- I knew every word to Ice Ice Baby, what was I going to do...it was my son, to this day we still laugh about it. But he also started to listen to IMO some Rap with really bad words and meanings. He was not allowed to purchase this while living under my roof and at such a young age. It was just to violent!

Rap IMHO may to some be music and thats OK, but it is not the kind of music I like.

By the way, if you can bear it listen to Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" and you hear David Bowie's "Under Pressure". :lol:

I still can't believe Vanilla Ice....what we will not do for our children :P

Edited by Deborah J
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What was the point of that, especially the last photo? You do realize that it's racist to compare a black person to an ape, right?

I'm an ape. You're an ape too. What is racist about comparing people to apes? We are all apes.

Is this racist?


Is this racist?


Or is it only racist when a black person is the butt of the joke?

And maybe you're racist for assuming that the ape in that picture is supposed to represent a black person. I don't think there is text anywhere that says, "this represents a black person." You made that assumption yourself. Shame on you.

Edited by MMAharaja
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Here's how it would be on Snoop Dog's site,



Reverse racism, kind of like affirmative action. Yeah, it's racist.

Afterall we are all of a particular race, so any observation of it it's now un-PC and we're supposed to be color blind. Yeah right. wacko.gif

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And by the way, I like the old school Hip-Hop type of rap.

It's totally racist, full of nigga's, honkie's, and spic's. If the rapper's weren't racist in their lyrics, rap wouldn't be worth a shit. Like Rock, if it ain't crude it ain't rockin' or rappin' !!

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And by the way, I like the old school Hip-Hop type of rap.

It's totally racist, full of nigga's, honkie's, and spic's. If the rapper's weren't racist in their lyrics, rap wouldn't be worth a shit. Like Rock, if it ain't crude it ain't rockin' or rappin' !!

not to mention "HOs"

where's NOW when you need em


i forgot


check please.............tongue.gif

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