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Whoever you are...STAY GONE. If you cant even know where you are or who you are. And leave me out of your dramas please?

Jen :angry:

I'm probably going to regret this but, peppermint isn't the one who sounds dramatic. In case you didn't know when you use caps in a most it means yelling, raising your voice. All of the posts of yours I've seen have been short and rude. Can you please try to come off nicer because I"m sure that if you did the forum would seem a nicer place for you to meet people.

(damned flood control)

LZ, you're lucky - I love freckles, but I don't have many. My daughter has loads, but she's very fair skinned. She doesn't tan at all in the sun whereas I do. I have to smother her in high factor sun cream or else she burns like mad!

I hate them. I never tan, my freckles just get really prominent. I just burn and then get freckles. You can't get rid of them either, I've tried.

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Damn, where's Katuschka and her precisely targeted, destructive sarcasm when you need her?

I think she left to join some silly exclusive club started by a few other members of this board. It's like the snob table in a high school cafeteria. <_<

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Heh, snob table, thats the first time I've heard that expression :)

Well, I'm quite happy amongst commonfolk :)

Same here, I think it's a bit childish to run off and act like a nazi just because a few people did a few things to upset you.

Didn't you have a table in your school cafeteria where all the snobby people sat and acted like they were better than everyone else?

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I think she left to join some silly exclusive club started by a few other members of this board. It's like the snob table in a high school cafeteria. <_<

Who all is in this club? I'm going to pm them and ask to join. What is needed? I am the third highest poster, so if it's a post count that's no problem.

And snob table, that's a good comparison. Are we the geek table that people sit at when they don't want to eat alone but they don't have anyone else to eat with?

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Same here, I think it's a bit childish to run off and act like a nazi just because a few people did a few things to upset you.

Didn't you have a table in your school cafeteria where all the snobby people sat and acted like they were better than everyone else?

Mmm, nope, I don't remember that.

Maybe cause the snobs didn't eat at the cafeteria which was really really bad.

Actually almost no one from our class ate there. Yay, those were the days of hot dogs and junk food at the lunch break. Later on it was beer, too.

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Mmm, nope, I don't remember that.

Maybe cause the snobs didn't eat at the cafeteria which was really really bad.

Actually almost no one from our class ate there. Yay, those were the days of hot dogs and junk food at the lunch break. Later on it was beer, too.

At my school we weren't allowed to leave campus unless we were in our last year and even then many people didn't go any where because the school was in the suburbs and there was nothing but houses around.

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At my high school we weren't allowed to leave at all. No matter what year you were in. And we had security guards, under cover cops, and security cameras to make sure we were in place. How's that for a prison! Oh, did I mention I did go to the most dangerous school in the state.

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At my high school we weren't allowed to leave at all. No matter what year you were in. And we had security guards, under cover cops, and security cameras to make sure we were in place. How's that for a prison! Oh, did I mention I did go to the most dangerous school in the state.

Well what can I say..Dangerous the States are..

Edited by Chien Noir
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Me and my friend used to leave for lunch and go over to her dad's. Usually we'd just sit around, smoking and drinking his wine or beer. Occasionally, the Crown Royal. Returning to school depended on whether we felt like it or not.

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Well what can I say..Dangerous the States are..

Well actually, there wasn't any real danger involved. I never witnessed any in my 4 years, or heard of anything really crazy going on. We just had a really honest principal who would report every single incident, no matter how insignificant, to the higher ups. Needless to say, he didn't keep his job very long!

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I think she left to join some silly exclusive club started by a few other members of this board. It's like the snob table in a high school cafeteria. <_<

Actually, I belive she hasn't been online because she's been busy at school.

I haven't heard from her in a while. <_<<_<

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Actually, I belive she hasn't been online because she's been busy at school.

I haven't heard from her in a while. <_<<_<

That could be happening too. I can sympathize with that. I'm about ready to start pulling my hair out over my school work. <_<:(

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