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I've busted out my old Dragonfly vinyl For Badgeholders Only Vols. 1 & 2 for the 36th anniversary today (of course!)...I've heard this show a thousand times and, goddamn, the performance -and recording- still blows me away. As I've said before, in spite of the occasional technical whoopsie this could be the best Zeppelin performance of them all.

If I had a time machine, never mind killing Hitler or trying to prevent the JFK assassination, I'd settle just for going back and seeing this show. Strider and the others here on the forum who actually attended this gig were lucky motherfuckers one and all!


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Can anyone explain to me what Page is doing from 3:44 to 3:51?

Just a guess, Geezer, but it sounds like he went off ALS as he stepped over to fix that thing on the floor (don't know what it is called) and forgot what he was playing/doing.

since his rig was not tarted up for Knebworth, the only thing really available to him to step on was a boost he used for lead work (wah was not engaged) or an on/off switch. Stomped at it once, didn't like what he got... gave it another shot. Don't know if the switch failed or what happened, usually he gets a 6db+ boost and I don't hear any on that source- nada. Wish he would have got a boost on that... kinda needed it. No, it was sorely needed.

FYI if you are not familiar with the boost pedal reference it is on the photo below... a comparative photo for O2

Later era:


Modern era:


for those who like minutia that matters and do not already have it memorized:

Pedal Board Signal Path

> Guitars connected to Pete Cornish Input Selector and Line Driver (off stage) via Pete Cornish HD Guitar Cables

> Selected Guitar Signal to Effects / Amps Pedalboard via Pete Cornish Custom Signal Cable Loom (Loom includes Amp Feeds and Remote Mute Control)

> Pedalboard Input – Unity Gain

> Emergency Automatic Mechanical Bypass to Output #1 in case of Power Failure

> Send / Return to Spare FX #1 with Bypass Switch

> Roger Meyer Voodoo Fuzz – Removed in January 1996 – Replaced by Amp Lead switch for 2 off Fender Tone Master. [At the time the board was built, JP was using two Fender Tone Masters and two Vox AC30s (original T.Boost model), according to Cornish.)

> MXR Phase 90 with Bypass Switch

> Yamaha CH-10Mk II Chorus with Bypass Switch

> Send / Return to Spare FX #2 with Bypass Switch

> Boss CE-2 Chorus with Bypass Switch

> Jen Cry-Baby Wah with Bypass Switch

> Digitec WH-1 Whammy + Pete Cornish Linear Boost 0/+20dB with Bypass Switch

> Send / Return to Echoplex EP3 (modified by Pete Cornish) with Adjustable Gain and Bypass Switch

> Linear Boost all Outputs 0/+20dB with Bypass Switch

> Master Volume

> Local and Remote Mute All Outputs

> 3 off Outputs to Amps - Output #4 added January 1995

> 115V Output to Echoplex [older products require variaxe type power]

Edited by Dallas Knebs
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Believe me, I count my blessings that we just kinda RANDOMLY decided "Let's go to the third night" !!!!

Well, why not, it's just another Zeppelin gig at the Forum, right? :lol:

The thing about my time machine fantasy: if I did go back in time to see the gig -armed with the foreknowledge of how the night would play out- it would take all my self control not to freak people out by saying something like, "Keith Moon's gonna sit in" or "They're gonna fuck up 'Kashmir'" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Modern era:


I want to say the same guy who lashed together that effects rig for Page is the same chap who did Neil Young's; they look very similar. And, to give Jimmy and Neil credit where its due, in spite of those massive effects panels they're actually pretty subtle with their use, unlike some effects-crazy guitarists (The Edge, I'm looking at you!)

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No Quarter 6.23.77

Quite possibly the best '77 version. The blues bit in the 'boogie section' may seem a little WTF?! on first listen, but not a note is out of place in the whole twenty nine and half minute performance. Some of those long '77 NQ's can really meander in places (IMO even 21/6/77 is guilty of that) but not on Badgeholders night. And Bonham is pretty ferocious in places as well, which always gives the piece that little extra kick.

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Quite possibly the best '77 version. The blues bit in the 'boogie section' may seem a little WTF?! on first listen, but not a note is out of place in the whole twenty nine and half minute performance. Some of those long '77 NQ's can really meander in places (IMO even 21/6/77 is guilty of that) but not on Badgeholders night. And Bonham is pretty ferocious in places as well, which always gives the piece that little extra kick.

I would say it is the best '77 version, hands down & probably my 2nd favorite No Quarter period. Still have to give the nod to 2-16-75 as the best overall, but maybe that's just me.

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since his rig was not tarted up for Knebworth, the only thing really available to him to step on was a boost he used for lead work (wah was not engaged) or an on/off switch. Stomped at it once, didn't like what he got... gave it another shot. Don't know if the switch failed or what happened, usually he gets a 6db+ boost and I don't hear any on that source- nada. Wish he would have got a boost on that... kinda needed it. No, it was sorely needed.

FYI if you are not familiar with the boost pedal reference it is on the photo below... a comparative photo for O2

Later era:


Modern era:


for those who like minutia that matters and do not already have it memorized:

Pedal Board Signal Path

> Guitars connected to Pete Cornish Input Selector and Line Driver (off stage) via Pete Cornish HD Guitar Cables

> Selected Guitar Signal to Effects / Amps Pedalboard via Pete Cornish Custom Signal Cable Loom (Loom includes Amp Feeds and Remote Mute Control)

> Pedalboard Input – Unity Gain

> Emergency Automatic Mechanical Bypass to Output #1 in case of Power Failure

> Send / Return to Spare FX #1 with Bypass Switch

> Roger Meyer Voodoo Fuzz – Removed in January 1996 – Replaced by Amp Lead switch for 2 off Fender Tone Master. [At the time the board was built, JP was using two Fender Tone Masters and two Vox AC30s (original T.Boost model), according to Cornish.)

> MXR Phase 90 with Bypass Switch

> Yamaha CH-10Mk II Chorus with Bypass Switch

> Send / Return to Spare FX #2 with Bypass Switch

> Boss CE-2 Chorus with Bypass Switch

> Jen Cry-Baby Wah with Bypass Switch

> Digitec WH-1 Whammy + Pete Cornish Linear Boost 0/+20dB with Bypass Switch

> Send / Return to Echoplex EP3 (modified by Pete Cornish) with Adjustable Gain and Bypass Switch

> Linear Boost all Outputs 0/+20dB with Bypass Switch

> Master Volume

> Local and Remote Mute All Outputs

> 3 off Outputs to Amps - Output #4 added January 1995

> 115V Output to Echoplex [older products require variaxe type power]

Thanks DK. I now know everything I ever wanted to know about the "thing on the floor." Geezer and I were intrigued by his actions on his guitar when he went over to fix that boost pedal. A person can become very knowledgeable about this kind of thing thanks to you, and others on this board.

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Inglewood 1977/06/26, my birthday show!

Happy birthday, Sue!

Will you be listening to 27/6/77 tomorrow, the one with yer favourite Noise Solo? I plan on it, since it's my favourite Forum '77 show...if I get the three and a half hours of uninterrupted peace in which to do so...

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Well, I've gotten my chance to listen to L.A. 27/6/77 on the 36th anniversary...good show to listen to with a couple of doobies and a couple belts of Johnnie Walker thrown in for good measure :lol: I think Plant's post "Sick Again" remark about how the band intends to play until they fall over sums up things nicely. It's as though, knowing it was the final night in their spiritual home, they deliberately set out to play an epic show. Nearly every song seems to be a little bit longer, a little more drawn out than usual (particular praise to the even-more-extended-than-usual solos in "Over The Hills" and "No Quarter"). I still crack up over the references to Jonesy's "Strawberry Tart", and did I mention how much I enjoy the acoustic set from this gig? They seem so laid back they are indeed on the verge of falling over, and, goddammit, "Dancing Days" would have made a nice addition to the acoustic set across the board, not just on this night and on 26 May in Landover (Page also made an attempt at it in Tempe but was clearly shot down by Bonzo). Other than the Pontiac gig, I believe this is the only '77 gig where Bonham neglects to do the hand drumming section of his drum solo. And, Sue, just for you, I actually played through the entire 25:53 Noise Solo (even though a friend of mine who'd stopped by and I did sit out on the deck for a few minutes to have another smoke...) Annoying little cut in "Achilles Last Stand"...I could be wrong, but I think this is the only cut in a Mike Millard recording I know of that actually misses music. Yet another "Badgeholders" reference following "Stairway", "Whole Lotta Love/Rock and Roll" and then out. Surprised they didn't do "Black Dog" or something as another encore, but what the hell, they were probably zonked by this point.

What a gig...I reckon when all is said and done 11/6/77 New York and 27/6/77 L.A. are my personal favourite '77 shows.

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