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You are going to call me a retard because you don't know your history? They have been charting wars according to astrology for aeons.

As usual Rose you are going right over every bodies head, the Dimwit Brigade will always resort to Insults before doing research.

Nice to see you back, its been a long time, Regards, Danny

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Can someone else please come to my aid here? I don't want to be the only guy who calls this person a retard. Thank you.

I'm not going to call them a retard. I will say I don't think they're residing mentally on this plane. Physically they're here, but I can't attest to everything else.

Edited by Electrophile
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As usual Rose you are going right over every bodies head, the Dimwit Brigade will always resort to Insults before doing research.

Nice to see you back, its been a long time, Regards, Danny

Hi Danny. Nice to see you too. Seriously. You have refined your sense of humour. You've had me cracking up big time a couple of times already in the past couple of days. Anyhow, I am used to those kinds of insults, both from people who don't really know what's been going on and from people who are worried that I know so much.

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Why on earth would anyone be worried about what you know, to the extent of being worried that you know an abundance of whatever it is you know?

That makes absolutely no conceivable sense.

Because there was alot going on in the Zeppelin world that was kept hidden. And contrary to popular belief, it wasn't Jimmy's doing.

Edited by grasphinx
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Because there was alot going on in the Zeppelin world that was kept hidden. And to the contrary of popular belief, it wasn't Jimmy's doing.


You still didn't answer my question, though. Why should anyone care about what you know or don't know? We don't know you.

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You still didn't answer my question, though. Why should anyone care about what you know or don't know? We don't know you.

I didn't say all of you. Some people. Anyhow, I don't want to talk about it too much. I don't want to piss off the admins. I'm looking for answers before anyone else gets hurt, okay?

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Actually, you know what? I'm glad I don't have a cobswarkin' clue what the hell you're talking about.

I'm gonna go back to studying for my exams tomorrow and just pretend like you're speaking English and I understood what you said.

Good luck with your exams, and just ignore me, alright? There's a few people that need to read my posts and they will. Don't worry, I won't be offended by being ignored.

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Was that retard comment really necessary?! :huh:

I agree Kiwi, there's no need to make nasty personal comments to other members. :unsure: I don't believe in psychics, but I would never say anything like that to Grasphinx or any member here. I'm interested in hearing her side of things and making an informed decision whether I agree with her or not.

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I agree Kiwi, there's no need to make nasty personal comments to other members. :unsure: I don't believe in psychics, but I would never say anything like that to Grasphinx or any member here. I'm interested in hearing her side of things and making an informed decision whether I agree with her or not.

I couldn't agree more Magic! :unsure: I mean this is a discussion board after all where people are allowed to have their opinions and express themselves no matter how "dumb" their opinions might seem to some of the so called "quality posters" around here! And quite frankly, disagreeing with someone is ok, but, there is no need for some people around here to roll their eyes and scoff at each and every single post which does not coincide with their own opinion and make personal remarks about other members! It is just not done!! :angry:

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Was that retard comment really necessary?! :huh:

Yes. Why? Because I thought we were having a conversation about the validity of astrology, which the poster was challenging, and then I get a reply saying "they use it to plan wars". Ok. So where does this answer come from and what does it prove?

First the poster is badmouthing astrology, and then comes back with a random comment that has no place in the discussion, which actually works against the person's point. I mean, if "they" use astrology" to plan wars, it must have some validity, doesn't it?

And like using something to plan a war somehow makes it bad..............nice logic. Ok. War is bad+Astrology used to plan a war=Astrology is bad/not valid.

I could have used a nice explanation like Electrophile used, but using the word "retard" saves me time.

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My mother went to one in the early 1980's and asked about me. The psychic said "I see the city of San Francisco". As it turned out, my future and ex wife lived there at the time. So who knows? Maybe there is something to it?

Oh man, sorry about that! Guess it was not all that informative. I don't see anything wrong will some one's going to a fortune teller. As long as we don't become to much like this...

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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