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Fool In The Rain 60

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the United States Marine Corp!


thats my kid there...tall one in the back with the glasses

(note: way better looking than Big Dans kid :P )

hope you all have a safe christmas wherever you are serving guys B)

Yes indeed..Oorah !

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the United States Marine Corp!


thats my kid there...tall one in the back with the glasses

(note: way better looking than Big Dans kid :P )

hope you all have a safe christmas wherever you are serving guys B)

Oi Oi Beetleron,

Not in a Month of Sundays me ole mucker, and you know where you can stick your tongue don't ya? you cheeky fcuker, I'll have you know I have to sweep away the girls from my front door when my boy comes home on leave, and my boy has a bigger nose, just like his Dad (whoever He is :o) and that means a BIGGER TODGER, just like His DAD HAS. :D

Now we are over the pleasantries I extend my best wishes to your son and all the serving boys and girls and warmest regards to their families who I know are always aware of the risk that their loved ones take each and every day while doing their DUTY, may GOD (who ever he/she is) keep them safe and well and return them home as they were sent out to wherever they have served.

Beetleron, you must let me know where your boy has served and how he got his medals, he is a credit to you and yours,

Kindest Regards, Danny

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I just had a look at BIGDAN'S son and the lads are both scrummy looking :blush:

Merry Christmas Mr & Mrs Ally.

And best wishes for the new year :beer:

PS I think I'm just a sucker for a man in uniform

Thank You :) and right back atchya :beer:

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the other side of america


By blackglove at 2010-12-25


By blackglove at 2010-12-25

By blackglove at 2010-12-25

:threadjacked: You are way :offtopic:

And your post are not at all :welcome2: on here.

Its about time you stopped spoiling other

peoples enjoyment, if you want to start a

new topic feel free but you should not be

allowed to continually post inappropriate

material in someone else's topics, as I've

told you before if you keep it up I will report

you to admin, you got it bozo?

Not Very kind Regards, Danny

PS, Thank you America for candy bars. ;)

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There's a difference between patriotism and exceptionalism. I don't necessarily believe that being proud of being from whatever country you call home is a uniquely American thing, I just think we unfortunately, have too many people who become completely asinine and ridiculous about it, which is why when people think of "patriotism", they immediately think of us. When you think of a patriotic American, you probably picture some moron whose face is covered in red, white, and blue paint, whose house is festooned with more flags than a war cemetery and whose car is draped in more bunting than the Capitol during the Inauguration.

That's not patriotism.

Edited by Electrophile
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There's a difference between patriotism and exceptionalism. I don't necessarily believe that being proud of being from whatever country you call home is a uniquely American thing, I just think we unfortunately, have too many people who become completely asinine and ridiculous about it, which is why when people think of "patriotism", they immediately think of us. When you think of a patriotic American, you probably picture some moron whose face is covered in red, white, and blue paint, whose house is festooned with more flags than a war cemetery and whose car is draped in more bunting than the Capitol during the Inauguration.

That's not patriotism.

Several years back when Steve Earle was under attack from the right for his song "John Walker's Blues" he was quoted as saying, "“The most important thing to remember is, no matter what anyone tells you, it is never ever unpatriotic or un-american to question ANYTHING in a democracy.”

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If you're talking about the famous Native American, he wasn't an actor. He was an actual living, breathing person.

I know, :hysterical:.

But without GERONIMO the living breathing person, there wouldn't have been films about him would there.

So thank you america for the many FAMOUS NATIVE AMERICAN's :D

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I know, :hysterical:.

But without GERONIMO the living breathing person, there wouldn't have been films about him would there.

So thank you america for the many FAMOUS NATIVE AMERICAN's :D

Sitting Bull


Crazy Horse,

Red Cloud,

Chin Hatch Cook,

Hi A Wother,

Chief Joseph,

Two Dogs Fcuking,

Big Bufallo Balls,

and many many more.



PS, Hi Ya Ya Ya Hi Ya Ya Ya.

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There's a difference between patriotism and exceptionalism. I don't necessarily believe that being proud of being from whatever country you call home is a uniquely American thing, I just think we unfortunately, have too many people who become completely asinine and ridiculous about it, which is why when people think of "patriotism", they immediately think of us. When you think of a patriotic American, you probably picture some moron whose face is covered in red, white, and blue paint, whose house is festooned with more flags than a war cemetery and whose car is draped in more bunting than the Capitol during the Inauguration.

That's not patriotism.

Indeed, TRUE patriotism is when you LOVE your country, but you are ready to knock it whenever it does something wrong to you and to other fellow citizens and gets away with it...I kow, it takes GUTS to do that but THAT is TRUE patriotism :)

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Why would you thank America for famous Native Americans? That sounds almost absurd.

Hey Girlfriend you need to lighten up, you seem to take everything to serious.

In answer to your question, I thank the natives because at least they have given your country some History.

I am yet to see anything YOU would like to say thank you for? :wave:

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I already did, in my first post in this thread. Looks like someone didn't read it.

So you did, I do apologize, is that all you wanted to say thank you for. ?

I am not going to get into some silly bickering with you.

As you seem to do with a lot of other posters :)

IM :offtopic:

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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:threadjacked: You are way :offtopic:

And your post are not at all :welcome2: on here.

Its about time you stopped spoiling other

peoples enjoyment, if you want to start a

new topic feel free but you should not be

allowed to continually post inappropriate

material in someone else's topics, as I've

told you before if you keep it up I will report

you to admin, you got it bozo?

Not Very kind Regards, Danny

PS, Thank you America for candy bars. ;)



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