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Fool In The Rain 60

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Thank-you Magic

as usual something as you say could have been quite interesting, has been spoilt.

The trouble is some posters dig their heels in over one thing and will not budge, so if you disagree with them they have to result to insults.:( But true.

I sent Kiwi a PM, and just noticed that she has posted on make me laugh.

The way to deal with an " ignoramus" is to ignore then and not to give them the pleasure of a response, it only boosts their ego into believing themselves right :)

Keep on posting.

Fool (&Mr Fool) I'm :offtopic:

Hi Fool

You do speak a lot of sense, and I'm going to take on board what you have said. :)

So I'm putting to one side all the confrontations, and moving on. I want to get back to the interesting discussions on here with the good members such as yourself. ;)


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I dislike the fact that mentally ill people can buy a small armory's worth of ammo at Walmart. I understand the 2nd amendment and all that jazz, and I'm not looking for it to be repealed or otherwise tampered with, just that I'd like to see the mental health industry in this country get off its ass and start providing help for these people instead of waiting for another Congresswoman to get shot through the head at point-blank range.

Edited by Electrophile
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Is that the "Spearmint Rhino" by any chance? :o

Regards, Danny

PMSL I get over one wise crack, then I get to this and I am almost Pissing myself here, one of the guys at that Knebworth gig is just like you, he just has me in hysteric., Are you sure your not my old mate Degs in disguise, better go to FB and ask him or you ..keep it up my man and if you can't take some Viagra, the saviour to all Western men over 50 .

Edited by leddy
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PMSL I get over one wise crack, then I get to this and I am almost Pissing myself here, one of the guys at that Knebworth gig is just like you, he just has me in hysteric., Are you sure your not my old mate Degs in disguise, better go to FB and ask him or you ..keep it up my man and if you can't take some Viagra, the saviour to all Western men over 50 .

"The Degs Bollocks"? Na, but I have been called "The Dogs Bollocks" once or twice. ;)

I have little need for Viagra, not when I can Todger me Toes mate. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

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"The Degs Bollocks"? Na, but I have been called "The Dogs Bollocks" once or twice. ;)

I have little need for Viagra, not when I can Todger me Toes mate. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

Spearmint Rhino....kudos man

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Boom Boom....ahh have had a rt laugh on here, great, this place can get a bit series sometimes, a bit of light hearted banter is good for the soul......thats got be good for a line there Dan ??

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The current flood in Qld, NSW and WA.

After nearly a decade of drought the country has been deluged by torrential rain causing inland Tsunamis resulting in mass crop, homes and infrastructure destruction along with as yet unknown deaths.

One community has up to 100 disabled people still unaccounted for.

With all the money spent on building desalination plants it amazes that nothing is done about harnessing and harvesting all this water as it happens every year during the monsoon season and like this every 50 years or so.

Another sad thing is that parts of the Darling River was dammed up years ago by some and reduced a river almost as big as the Amazon to a trickle.

When the Tsunami hit Asia in 2005 our government donated $26 million but so far have only given $1m to Australian victims.

The general population and businesses have donated 10 times that amount and growing, just like in 2005.


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All of the guns, and the insanely lenient gun laws in the U.S. Did you know we're the most armed country in the world? 90 guns to every 100 people. Sigh. Yemen comes in a distant second, with 61 guns to every 100 people.


Guns weren't the issue. A crazy person was the issue. Don't start punishing legal gun owners for what a crazy person did. That's not a solution to the problem. If you really want to prevent this from happening again, work to make sure anyone who needs psychiatric care gets it.

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I agree we have to do something in regards to mental illness but it's going to be really tricky from a legal standpoint. If we make it easier to commit people against their will, you can imagine how many folks will freak out about that. Even if people's records are somehow "flagged" for mental issues, and that prevents them from buying guns... some people (NRA) will shriek about privacy and constitutional freedoms being violated. So we do nothing and just wait for the next massacre and are shocked all over again.

P.S. I doubt the kid in Arizona couldn't get/afford psychiatric help. He lived in a middle class neighborhood with his parents.

Edited by FireOpal
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There's no way he should have gotten a gun in the first place -- he was rejected from the Army for psychological reasons, which should have put a flag on his name. Any reputable gun seller would have seen that and refused to sell it to him. However there are enough sellers that are only interested in making a quick buck, not being safe.....so then this happens.

I do think that this could have been prevented though if this person had gotten mental help. His ramblings read like a paranoid schizophrenic, and someone with an illness like that should be on meds, with daily/weekly therapy sessions.

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Guns weren't the issue. A crazy person was the issue. Don't start punishing legal gun owners for what a crazy person did. That's not a solution to the problem. If you really want to prevent this from happening again, work to make sure anyone who needs psychiatric care gets it.

In this case Liz, I have to disagree. The guy is a nutbar and a gun was available... never should have been. This is not about the right to bare arms.. I don't have an issue with that. This is about the ability for this freak to get a hold of one.

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The fact that nearly everything I buy no longer has Made in Britain/the UK on it. I would be happy to pay more for goods produced in this country to help bring back the UK's manufacturing sector.

Another thing that annoys me that's related to the point above, is that most things are made so cheaply now that they don't last very long. This not only costs us more in the long-run, but is also really bad for the environment.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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The fact that nearly everything I buy no longer has Made in Britain/the UK on it. I would be happy to pay more for goods produced in this country to help bring back the UK's manufacturing sector.

Another thing that annoys me that's related to the point above, is that most things are made so cheaply now that they don't last very long. This not only costs us more in the long-run, but is also really bad for the environment.

You got it in one Magic, the result of American Greed, its called "Capitalism" and even Mr "Your Fired" Lord Alan Sugar is Guilty of that one. Remember Amstrad? most of his components were from abroad but he got away with calling his products "Made in England" because he had them assembled here. He didn't deserve to be Knighted, I would have given him a "Scrotumectomy" :o;) not laughing now Sugar Nuts are you?. :D

Kind Regards, Danny

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The direction this thread has taken has made me think of at least a couple of songs, the first of which is by Drivin' n' Cryin', the second one is by James McMurtry (son of Lonesome Dove author Larry McMurtry). James' song was banned from American radio, probably more for his use of the word "shit" than anything but some folks also like to silence the truth. Thankfully, satellite radio gave it lots and lots of airplay.

"If you can make it here, why don’t you make it here?"

"The song title for (Whatever Happened to the) Great American Bubble Factory? hit me one afternoon when I was at the dollar store getting some bubbles for the neighborhood kids. As I was standing in line, I looked down at the 'made in' label and noticed that those bubbles were made in China…..China!! That’s a long way for a bottle of freakin’ soap to travel. Come on, maybe we can’t make TVs or refrigerators or cars here anymore, but bubbles?

In my world, the first step to a renewed America and our deliverance from an unspeakable disrespect of the American workforce would be the opening of The Great American Bubble Factory. They would come from miles around to see the Willie Wonka of the New Deal….There’s hope again!!! If you can make it here, why don’t you make it here…..

We started demos for this record back in 2001 on September 10th. The next day the world was upside down and traitors were everywhere, underneath every coffee cup. Joe McCarthy was back and I just didn’t feel like I was ready to tell the story of the blue-collared optimist…"

-Kevn Kinney of the Atlanta, Georgia band Drivin' n' Cryin'

"We Can't Make It Here"

Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign

Sitting there by the left turn line

Flag on the wheelchair flapping in the breeze

One leg missing, both hands free

No one's paying much mind to him

The V.A. budget's stretched so thin

And there's more comin' home from the Mideast war

We can't make it here anymore

That big ol' building was the textile mill

It fed our kids and it paid our bills

But they turned us out and they closed the doors

We can't make it here anymore

See all those pallets piled up on the loading dock

They're just gonna set there till they rot

'Cause there's nothing to ship, nothing to pack

Just busted concrete and rusted tracks

Empty storefronts around the square

There's a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere

You don't come down here 'less you're looking to score

We can't make it here anymore

The bar's still open but man it's slow

The tip jar's light and the register's low

The bartender don't have much to say

The regular crowd gets thinner each day

Some have maxed out all their credit cards

Some are working two jobs and living in cars

Minimum wage won't pay for a roof, won't pay for a drink

If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO

See how far 5.15 an hour will go

Take a part time job at one of your stores

Bet you can't make it here anymore

High school girl with a bourgeois dream

Just like the pictures in the magazine

She found on the floor of the laundromat

A woman with kids can forget all that

If she comes up pregnant what'll she do

Forget the career, forget about school

Can she live on faith? live on hope?

High on Jesus or hooked on dope

When it's way too late to just say no

You can't make it here anymore

Now I'm stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store

Just like the ones we made before

'Cept this one came from Singapore

I guess we can't make it here anymore

Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin

Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I'm in

Should I hate 'em for having our jobs today

No I hate the men sent the jobs away

I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams

All lily white and squeaky clean

They've never known want, they'll never know need

Their sh@# don't stink and their kids won't bleed

Their kids won't bleed in the da$% little war

And we can't make it here anymore

Will work for food

Will die for oil

Will kill for power and to us the spoils

The billionaires get to pay less tax

The working poor get to fall through the cracks

Let 'em eat jellybeans let 'em eat cake

Let 'em eat sh$%, whatever it takes

They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps

If they can't make it here anymore

And that's how it is

That's what we got

If the president wants to admit it or not

You can read it in the paper

Read it on the wall

Hear it on the wind

If you're listening at all

Get out of that limo

Look us in the eye

Call us on the cell phone

Tell us all why

In Dayton, Ohio

Or Portland, Maine

Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains

That's done closed down along with the school

And the hospital and the swimming pool

Dust devils dance in the noonday heat

There's rats in the alley

And trash in the street

Gang graffiti on a boxcar door

We can't make it here anymore

Music and lyrics © 2004 by James McMurtry

Edited by Jahfin
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The fact that nearly everything I buy no longer has Made in Britain/the UK on it. I would be happy to pay more for goods produced in this country to help bring back the UK's manufacturing sector.

Another thing that annoys me that's related to the point above, is that most things are made so cheaply now that they don't last very long. This not only costs us more in the long-run, but is also really bad for the environment.

I used to have a motorcycle chain breaker that was made in England and it was very top quality. I also have a .303 Enfield short bayonet that is stamped 'Made In England' and you can see the quality and craftmanship. But nowadays the bottom line is profit at any cost and most of the junk out there is just that.....JUNK!!


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And now he'll get ALL that in prison....At taxpayer's expense.


If he's found to be insane, and therefore not competent to stand trial, he'll spend the rest of his life in an institution, which is where someone with a dangerous mental illness belongs. I firmly believe the book should be thrown at him, and if he's found to not be suffering from any mental illness/defect, I would support the death penalty in this case. However, I don't believe in executing the mentally ill or the mentally retarded. If he lacks the mens rea to commit a crime, the state (or in this case the federal government) cannot and should not, execute him.

I'd like to believe that at the end of the day, the United States is still a civilized country.

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