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Jimmy and Crowley


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I noticed that in the second part of the interview, someone in the public asks him something like "Hey Jimmy, what does Zoso means?", and he shows the t-shirt and says "I'm recovering catholic".

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I read somewhere years ago that Jimmy had studied all forms of religion and that if he had not become a guitarist could actually be a theologian. One thing I am certain Jimmy didn't follow Crowley in was - Crowley was a bisexual.

Another thing alot of people think because he was a collector etc of Crowley that he must be a Satanist- Crowley even admitted he was not a Satanist and Jimmy isn't one either. I am a Christian myself and I don't think Jimmy would be wearing a cross if he was a Satanist.

Pic taken during Led Zeppelin's last European tour in 1980


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This might not make any difference but Anglican churches are considered "Catholic light".

By Catholics, possibly. To Anglicans, Protestantism isn't just a watered-down version of Catholicism. Protestantism and Catholicism have radically different understandings of both the theology and the practice of Christianity.

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Pic taken during Led Zeppelin's last European tour in 1980



May have been taken in the hotel lobby in Amsterdam on June 22, 1980.

Anyway, circa 1970 Jimmy did commission Satanist Charles Pace to paint murals at Boleskine in an attempt to restore it to it's condition at the time of Crowley's rituals.

I've posted photos from my visits to Boleskine in the photo forum (search function).

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I read somewhere years ago that Jimmy had studied all forms of religion and that if he had not become a guitarist could actually be a theologian. One thing I am certain Jimmy didn't follow Crowley in was - Crowley was a bisexual.

Another thing alot of people think because he was a collector etc of Crowley that he must be a Satanist- Crowley even admitted he was not a Satanist and Jimmy isn't one either. I am a Christian myself and I don't think Jimmy would be wearing a cross if he was a Satanist.

Pic taken during Led Zeppelin's last European tour in 1980


Someone was trying to protect his soul.

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By Catholics, possibly. To Anglicans, Protestantism isn't just a watered-down version of Catholicism. Protestantism and Catholicism have radically different understandings of both the theology and the practice of Christianity.

I was referring to the rites and rituals of the structure of the Episcopal Church. The term 'Catholic Light' was a term I learned from my dad who was a devout Episcopalian. It was a humorous way of stating that. I have been to many different Protestant church services and to a couple of Catholic ones and the Catholic services reminded me more of the ones I attended every week with my dad at our Episcopal church. Not all Protestant churches have weekly communion, nor do they Follow the Rite II service as our church did(and still does).

The above picture saddens me because it shows just how deep his addiction took a toll on him. It represents how confusing your True Will with a life without limits can lead you down the wrong path.

Silly question: Christians have churches, Judaism have Synagagoes(?), Muslims have Mosques, do Thelamites have place of worship or study?

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Silly question: Christians have churches, Judaism have Synagagoes(?), Muslims have Mosques, do Thelamites have place of worship or study?

Crowley purchased Boleskine House in order to perform the operation found in The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abra-Melin the Mage. To perform it, Crowley said,

One must have a house where proper precautions against disturbance can be taken; this being arranged, there is really nothing to do but to aspire with increasing fervor and concentration, for six months, towards the obtaining of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

In The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Chapter 22), he continues:

The first essential is a house in a more or less secluded situation. There should be a door opening to the north from the room of which you make your oratory. Outside this door, you construct a terrace covered with fine river sand. This ends in a "lodge" where the spirits may congregate.

Crowley eventually sold the manor in order to fund the publication of The Equinox, Vol. III. However, he later alleged that the funds were stolen by the Grand Treasurer General of Ordo Templi Orientis, George MacNie Cowie.

When Jimmy opened an occult book shop in Kensington just down the road from Tower House, he named it The Equinox. They republished some of Crowley's manuscripts.

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Crowley purchased Boleskine House in order to perform the operation found in The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abra-Melin the Mage. To perform it, Crowley said,

One must have a house where proper precautions against disturbance can be taken; this being arranged, there is really nothing to do but to aspire with increasing fervor and concentration, for six months, towards the obtaining of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

In The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Chapter 22), he continues:

The first essential is a house in a more or less secluded situation. There should be a door opening to the north from the room of which you make your oratory. Outside this door, you construct a terrace covered with fine river sand. This ends in a "lodge" where the spirits may congregate.

Crowley eventually sold the manor in order to fund the publication of The Equinox, Vol. III. However, he later alleged that the funds were stolen by the Grand Treasurer General of Ordo Templi Orientis, George MacNie Cowie.

When Jimmy opened an occult book shop in Kensington just down the road from Tower House, he named it The Equinox. They republished some of Crowley's manuscripts.

I am going to need another cup of coffee in order to process this. biggrin.gif

How does he practice today though?

I wonder where exactly the bookshop was located because I rented a flat off of High Street Kensington at Spring Break. We were on Holland Road.

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Another thing alot of people think because he was a collector etc of Crowley that he must be a Satanist- Crowley even admitted he was not a Satanist and Jimmy isn't one either. I am a Christian myself and I don't think Jimmy would be wearing a cross if he was a Satanist.

Pic taken during Led Zeppelin's last European tour in 1980


Very interesting, thanks. Also he's been known to say "God bless" to fans as a send-off pleasantry and in his recent communication about the Japan exhibition he said his prayers were with the victims of the earthquake/tsunami tragedy. Of course you never know how lightly or seriously someone says things like that, but it's doubful a Satanist would say these things even in a rote manner. And Jimmy said years ago that he doesn't worship the devil. He's an ex-choirboy who loves his mama. :)

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Jimmy Page interview below, from Guitar World January 2008:

(Guitar World) Could we talk a little about the meaning behind your Sequence [in The Song Remains The Same movie]?

(Page) To me, the significance is very clear, isn’t it?

(GW) Well, I find it interesting that you were choosing to represent yourself as a hermit at a time when you were really quite a public figure.

(Page) Well, I was hermetic. I was involved in the hermetic arts, but I wasn’t a recluse. Or maybe I was… The image of the hermit that was used for the [inside cover] art-work on Led Zeppelin IV and in the movie actually has it’s origins in a painting of Christ called The Light of the World by the pre-Raphaelite artist William Holman Hunt. The imagery was later transferred to the Waite tarot deck [the most popular tarot deck in use in the English-speaking world]. My segment was supposed to be the aspirant going to the beacon of truth, which is represented by the hermit and his journey toward it. What I was trying to say through the transformation was that enlightenment can be achieved at any point in time; it just depends on when you want to access it. In other words you can always see the truth, but do you recognize it when you see it or do you have to reflect back on it later?

(GW) There was always a certain amount of speculation about your occult studies. It may have been subtle, but you weren’t really hiding it.

(Page) I was living it. That’s all there is to it. It was my life - that fusion of magick and music.

(GW) Your use of symbols was very advanced. The sigil [symbols of occult powers] on Led Zeppelin IV and the embroidery on your stage clothes from that time period are good examples on how you left your mark on popular culture. It’s something that major corporations are aggressively pursuing these days: using symbols as a from of branding.

(Page) You mean talismanic magick? Yes, I knew what I was doing. There’s no point in saying much about it, because the more you discuss it, the more eccentric you appear to be. But the fact is - as far as I was concerned - it was working, so I used it. But it’s really no different than people who wear ribbons around their wrists: it’s a talismanic approach to something. Well let me amend that: it’s not exactly the same thing, but it is in the same realm. I’ll leave this subject by saying the four musical elements of Led Zeppelin making a fifth is magick into itself. That’s the alchemical process.

I find it interesting that the interviewer was able to get as much info.

When GW asks a blatant question, JP closes the discussion but when GW throws oblique comments, JP opens up.

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I wonder where exactly the bookshop was located because I rented a flat off of High Street Kensington at Spring Break. We were on Holland Road.

Equinox was at #4 Holland Street. It's been many things since - beauty salon, etc. I've got photos in a box somewhere.

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Here is a very detailed link about Jimmy's symbols on his pants-the 4th album etc..

My link

Here is a pic of the site of the Equinox book store-kinda small pic though. It's doors as the occult bookstore were closed in 1979 and in 2001 it became 'theTea Room'


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I was referring to the rites and rituals of the structure of the Episcopal Church.

I know you were, but my point still stands. :) Obviously both being Christian denominations there are going to be certain similarities, but there wouldn't have been a Reformation--which was like a religious revolution--if Protestant and Catholic theology wasn't fundamentally radically different, just as many Protestant denominations are radically different from each other (Episcopalianism and Mormonism [Latter Day Saints], for instance.

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The Equinox was at #4 Holland Road. It's since been many things - beauty salon, etc. I've got photos in a box somewhere.

Oh shit! Our flat was a few doors down then. We were at 11 Holland Road. We had reservations for a different flat but were switched at the last minute due to the driver being over an hour late picking us up from the airport so we were "upgraded". If you happen to find the box, let me know, please.

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Here is a very detailed link about Jimmy's symbols on his pants-the 4th album etc..

My link

Here is a pic of the site of the Equinox book store-kinda small pic though. It's doors as the occult bookstore were closed in 1979 and in 2001 it became 'theTea Room'


Very cool David. Thanks for sharing that. So his moon sign is Cancer, which is my birth sign. Just saying... I love that it looks like a "69".wink.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a photo of Crowley's ( and Jimmy's House ) in Inverness (overlooking Loch Ness). circa 1995

quote name='SteveAJones' timestamp='1294363858' post='497797']

Fascination with? Perhaps at this point more like an affinity for, but I would say yes, absolutely. One need look no further than the slipcase of his book for an affirmation of this. The cover of the Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes album (2000) would be another tangible example.

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I bought it from a person called "Ygor"(who doesn't want his whole name written here) in an obscure town in Transsylvania.

There are in fact two copies just on sale on ebay right now, but the price is a bit high, especially since not many people really have the intentions to summon up 72 different demons, ain't it?

(So far to bullshit stories...

The picture comes from this site:


If you are really in need to purchase one of these I can send you the link)

Greetings from the other side of the ocean.

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