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Jimmy and Crowley


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Television feature on the Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu, Sicily, the same site Jimmy had been visiting in August 1975 when Robert was involved in a car crash on Rhodes.




Abbey of Thelema


Abbey of Thelema


Abbey of Thelema



Thanks for posting this, I checked out the video's more nonsense taken out of context. Perhaps Jimmy should purchase and refirbish it, unless of course the govt. wouldn't let him.

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Hello I wanted to join the conversation about Jimmy and Crowley. Those who mentioned his involevement with Thelema are correct. Crowley left the Order of the Golden Dawn after a falling out with some of the leaders and formed his own Hermetic Order of Thelema. If you go the Lashtal - The Aleister Crowley Society web site they have section featuring Jimmy. Aleister Crowley was and is the most recognizable face of Thelema as he is the founder, but there are many more. There is a great deal of overlap with the Golden Dawn so reading this information is helpful in understanding the philosphy. Israel Regardie's work is very accessible. I too beleive in the teaching of Magick and Thelema it is a perspective in which you view the world and your place in it; as well as a working toward spiritual awakening.

"Do what thou will is the whole of the law". In terms of his representation of the Hermit in TSRTS it was an expression of his belief system, a symbol. Thelema and Astrology are very linked and play a major part in the thelemic teachings. The Hermit in the Tarot is also associated with his/our birthdate Jan. 9. It is the 9th card in the Major Arcana. I don't think Jimmy has left thelema behind at all.

Wanted to clarify the comment about the Tarot. The Hermit card number '9' represent the birthdate of the 9th. The devil card in the tarot deck represents Capricorn.

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  • 2 months later...

Fascination with? Perhaps at this point more like an affinity for, but I would say yes, absolutely. One need look no further than the slipcase of his book for an affirmation of this. The cover of the Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes album (2000) would be another tangible example.

Steve I thought he had the single largest "private" collection?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm browsing over a book at the moment entitled "The most evil secret societies in History". It has several Chapters on the likes of the KKK, The Thule Society, The Mau Mau, Order of the Solar Temple, and so on. Chapter 2 is "Agenteum Astrum"-Orgies in Sicily. I had not a clue at the time that this was about Aleister Crowley. Like Jimmy Page, I had always had an interest in the man, only for the mystery behind him and his occult involvement/publications...(I found that interesting) But,after reading this section with much enthusiasm I have to say that he was indeed one "sick" person to be brief. Some of the things they mention here are almost too difficult to comprehend one person could do to another. He basically tortured his apprentice daily and used "spells" to seduce many women, as most of them either committed suicide later in life (after they were seperated from his wrath) or simply escaped him physically. Others became addicted to drugs, as was Crowley himself. Aside from the books he published for the respect of the occult studies, I can't see why someone would be facsinated (on a personal level) with a man so immoral and twisted. As mysterious as he was, as a person he was not one to be praised and respected by any means. He was indeed a "Beast"

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That's terribly biased source material there, Rock Historian.

In the spirit of informative information sharing, I would point you to fair, non-yellow-journalist sourced biographies such as Dr. Kaczynski's recent "Perdurabo" revised edition, Richard Spence's "Secret Agent 666" which details Crowley's previously-unbiographied activities as an Intelligence Agent/Operative before, during and after WWI, and last year's most excellent "Aleister Crowley: The Biography: Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master and Spy" by Tobias Churton. You've obviously missed the last 30 years of research and study done on the *actual* man, his life, his travels and his writings.

Here's the side to the "Orgies In Sicily" story your book *won't* tell you: Besides putting his doctrines into practice at the Abbey of Thelema, the years spent in Sicily - while commuting between Italy, France, England - afforded Crowley the opportunity to keep a tab on French and Italian naval movements concerning Tunisia and Syria at the behest of his 'beloved' country. As a curious episode, circumstantial speculation indicates A.C. may have been instrumental in the foiled assassination attempt on Mussolini in 1927. "t seems possible that [Theosophist Violet] Gibson was acting on post-hypnotic suggestion, and Crowley, in league with [Giovanni A. Colonna, Duca di] Cesaro may have had a hand in preparing her" (p. 189 of "Secret Agent 666.")

The fact is that Crowley's peccadilloes as a dominance & submission sort of bisexual weren't any great shakes. His drug addictions came as a result of medical treatments and chronic conditions, and at a time when addiction was far less understood than it is today. He didn't kill anyone in his pursuits of Ceremonial Magick, and his sexual proclivities, while somewhat unusual for the era, were no stranger than Sir Richard Burton's or Oscar Wilde's, and certainly less so than many Catholic Priests. His intellect and wit as well as his eccentricism were with him until his dying day. Actually reading of a couple of Crowley's "occult" books, such as "Magick In Theory And Practice" and "Magick Without Tears (Unexpurgated)" will quickly allow anyone with any interest in the subject the opportunity to decide for themselves if Crowley is their particular cup of Hemlock tea without any risk whatsoever to their mortal soul. These books are freely available as TXT and/or PDF files and can be found through any search engine you care to name.

Personally, I've been a student of Crowley's writings (if not his way of life) for over 30 years, and an Initiate in the Ordo Templi Orientis for almost a quarter-century. As a "prophet" he certainly has feet of clay. As an early explorer in the Psychedelic Sciences of Mind, in the literary company of men such as Aldous Huxley, William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary and Terrence McKenna, there's a good case to be made for him as a Guru. He's certainly one of the most interesting people of the 20th Century.

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That's terribly biased source material there, Rock Historian.

In the spirit of informative information sharing, I would point you to fair, non-yellow-journalist sourced biographies such as Dr. Kaczynski's recent "Perdurabo" revised edition, Richard Spence's "Secret Agent 666" which details Crowley's previously-unbiographied activities as an Intelligence Agent/Operative before, during and after WWI, and last year's most excellent "Aleister Crowley: The Biography: Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master and Spy" by Tobias Churton. You've obviously missed the last 30 years of research and study done on the *actual* man, his life, his travels and his writings.

Here's the side to the "Orgies In Sicily" story your book *won't* tell you: Besides putting his doctrines into practice at the Abbey of Thelema, the years spent in Sicily - while commuting between Italy, France, England - afforded Crowley the opportunity to keep a tab on French and Italian naval movements concerning Tunisia and Syria at the behest of his 'beloved' country. As a curious episode, circumstantial speculation indicates A.C. may have been instrumental in the foiled assassination attempt on Mussolini in 1927. "t seems possible that [Theosophist Violet] Gibson was acting on post-hypnotic suggestion, and Crowley, in league with [Giovanni A. Colonna, Duca di] Cesaro may have had a hand in preparing her" (p. 189 of "Secret Agent 666.")

The fact is that Crowley's peccadilloes as a dominance & submission sort of bisexual weren't any great shakes. His drug addictions came as a result of medical treatments and chronic conditions, and at a time when addiction was far less understood than it is today. He didn't kill anyone in his pursuits of Ceremonial Magick, and his sexual proclivities, while somewhat unusual for the era, were no stranger than Sir Richard Burton's or Oscar Wilde's, and certainly less so than many Catholic Priests. His intellect and wit as well as his eccentricism were with him until his dying day. Actually reading of a couple of Crowley's "occult" books, such as "Magick In Theory And Practice" and "Magick Without Tears (Unexpurgated)" will quickly allow anyone with any interest in the subject the opportunity to decide for themselves if Crowley is their particular cup of Hemlock tea without any risk whatsoever to their mortal soul. These books are freely available as TXT and/or PDF files and can be found through any search engine you care to name.

Personally, I've been a student of Crowley's writings (if not his way of life) for over 30 years, and an Initiate in the Ordo Templi Orientis for almost a quarter-century. As a "prophet" he certainly has feet of clay. As an early explorer in the Psychedelic Sciences of Mind, in the literary company of men such as Aldous Huxley, William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary and Terrence McKenna, there's a good case to be made for him as a Guru. He's certainly one of the most interesting people of the 20th Century.

It could be a biased source of material Walter (to a certain degree), I don't claim to know a tremendous amount about the man's personal life, (as you do) and don't really care too. I'm not as deeply involved as someone like yourself. Basically my statements came directly from the source of this book. I suppose being biased would have to be considered by the eye of the beholder and if you feel it's a true/factual manuscript of the the man's life or not. I'm not here to decide that, only posting what it reads......To be honest, I've read both good and horrible things of him way before I discovered this Chapter (on his journey). However, he had no problem calling himself a "Beast."

Explanation is : There are a few reasons for the Beast designation. The most naturalistic, is that his mother used to refer to him as "The Beast." During his occult career he began to appreciate the mystical overtones of Revelations and began to identify with the Beast [Notice how Scarlett Women take a large place in Thelema] He used 666 because it, Kabbalistically refers to the Sun, which is the center of life on this planet; and thus spiritually relevant.

Basically, in his system a Beast and the Sun are very important concepts.

The core theme of Crowley's work is simple really. Basically each human has a "true orbit" in life, and they should follow that to the exclusion of everything else. Every act of magick and yoga should relate to learning that orbit, or as we call it "True Will." I've scrolled through a copy of Liber Al: the Central holy text of Thelema; this is what his views were based on, from my understanding.

Being biased all depends on if you choose to view the man's beliefs fully and respect his work contrary to the flipside that say he was totally mad and an abuser/user of drugs, women and himself to a degree.. Personally, I see both sides of the spectrum, and it has been stated many times over in various transcripts of his drug abuse/addiction, homosexuality, torture, etc-which were alll part of his life, one way or another. I could care less either way about it- as I have no connection/interest in that part of his history. I do however find him interesting for the publications alone and his devotion for the more mysterious things in life/and beyond. A standout character indeed.

Congradualtions on your studies and knowledge in the field, Im sure it's very rewarding to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The author didn't have the faintest idea of what Crowley was about, it was one of the sensationalist biographies written in the early 50's, based upon lies and yellow journalism. The first half-way balanced Crowley bio was "The Eye In The Triangle" by Dr. Israel Regardie, who was Crowley's personal secretary for several years in the late 20's thru early 30's. Regardie went on to become a Doctor of Psychology, he straighens a lot of the wilder stories out and offers first-hand knowledge of the Beast with the insights of a Psychologist.

You'll have to further define "very early" age-- there's rather a limit on how young that could be, because before a certain age and ability, one wouldn't be able to *read* Crowley with any degree of comprehension-- he doesn't write for a High-School Graduate. Crowley was an intellectual snob who believed his poetry (sometimes quite good) was as great as Shelley's. Crowley studied at Trinity College and liked to show off his knowlege of the obscure and arcane. I found his Tarot masterpiece, "The Book Of Thoth" at age 15, and his "Magick In Theory & Practice" at age 17; not having read Frazier's 12-volume Golden Bough set, and having no ability to read Greek or Hebrew, and only the most basic Latin, fully half of each of those books were unfathomable to me at the time. I'm not saying I understand each of them 100% today, but I can read the Greek, Hebrew and Latin, and appreciate them much more fully than I could 35-odd years ago. I don't know who introduced Mr. Page to the Occult, but there certainly was enough of it around London in the 50's and 60's that Jimmy, or anyone else, wouldn't have had a hard time finding connections. Most Americans outside of New York, Los Angeles, and perhaps Boston don't understand about living in a huge metropolis with a large Occult community.

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Hi all, I just wanted to make a point on the picture with Jimmy wearing a cross. Followers of the LHP, as "Satanists" are, do things that goes against their character, in order to break fetters within themselves and grow as a person. That could be something like burning a bible for someone who used to be a Catholic, as a symbolic destruction of the aspects of Christianity they feel are hindering their life (guilt over masturbation for example).

It could be Jimmy was wearing that cross purely because it represented something he didn't care for but he felt he should wear it to make sure Christianity never became a personal demon - a kind of "f**k you" to the religion, as bizarre as that sounds. I don't mean he is "anti-christian" per se, I just mean he may have felt Christianity was a negative aspect of his own character/history/subconcious but he didn't want to ignore it and have it grow into an even bigger problem as a result.

Yes, probably all crap, I just thought I'd throw it out there. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I just wanted to make a point on the picture with Jimmy wearing a cross. Followers of the LHP, as "Satanists" are, do things that goes against their character, in order to break fetters within themselves and grow as a person. That could be something like burning a bible for someone who used to be a Catholic, as a symbolic destruction of the aspects of Christianity they feel are hindering their life (guilt over masturbation for example).

It could be Jimmy was wearing that cross purely because it represented something he didn't care for but he felt he should wear it to make sure Christianity never became a personal demon - a kind of "f**k you" to the religion, as bizarre as that sounds. I don't mean he is "anti-christian" per se, I just mean he may have felt Christianity was a negative aspect of his own character/history/subconcious but he didn't want to ignore it and have it grow into an even bigger problem as a result.

Yes, probably all crap, I just thought I'd throw it out there. ;)

Yes, probably all crap. The symbolism of Cross has myriad meanings, and the variations of the symbolism are quite important-- there's a HUGE difference between a Flyflot Cross, a Jerusalem Cross, and a Rosae Crux. Crowley actually encourages the use of a cross as decor, particularly if one is living in a Barbaric Country, providing that the Adept understands its true symbolism.

The burning of any magickal symbol (including a book, such as the Bible) may physically destroy the object-- but it frees the spirit of the symbol or object from its physical bonds, and sends the essence its spirit loose upon world. This was perhaps one reason why Crowley advised the burning of the Book of the Law after its first reading.

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Some fascinating points of view expressed here. I think Sagittarius Rising and Walters Walk have shared some informed and (in my opinion) honest insight. I've spent a substantial amount of time reading Crowley's works - his message is simple - "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law, so mote it be. Love is the law, love under Will". Sadly, the second sentence seems to be frequently omitted - despite it's vital message. Crowley (and Page's) personal struggles with addiction are just that - personal struggles (a man can have a great message but (as Walter's Walk already said) - still have feet of clay). When one is immersed in an addiction they relinquish their own Will. Crowley's book "Diary of a Drug Fiend" illustrates a journey - that resolves. Which is all well and good - it implies that the will of the true follower (despite still being a mortal and flawed human being) can triumph over such things. However - and this is the important bit (I think) - whilst in the midst of the addiction one's ability to truly follow ones true will is diminished dramatically - and the potential to get lost in ones own peccadilloes becomes increasingly perilous. The argument for going through addiction in order to gain greater understanding is touted by some - but just look at the processes involved in the Abra-Melin Operation - at least 6 months of purity - no alcohol/drugs or sex. Complete clarity. Doesn't really suggest that a path to greater power/understanding/awareness is accessed via immersion in addiction. Not that I'm saying expanded self awareness cannot be gained through getting out the other end of an addiction - I know this first hand. But I do not believe that there is any part for it to play in the pure pursuit of the true will (once the desire to pursue the true will is identified)- we are all flesh and blood - to engage in the endeavour of evolution/higher understanding/ embracing the true will is hard enough - with a clear, sharp and lucid mind - the notion of attempting such a pursuit when not in complete control of oneself on a basic level (due to addiction) doesn't bear thinking about. Tho perhaps the process of "getting through" such addictions can be seen to be an integral part of the true will - the issue is that so many (Crowley included) never transcended their personal addiction.

The sentence - Love is the Law, Love under Will - translates to me as a proviso - do what thou wilt - but under your own will (unclouded by addiction)- and not by screwing with anyone elses will .

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Some fascinating points of view expressed here. I think Sagittarius Rising and Walters Walk have shared some informed and (in my opinion) honest insight. I've spent a substantial amount of time reading Crowley's works - his message is simple - "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law, so mote it be. Love is the law, love under Will". Sadly, the second sentence seems to be frequently omitted - despite it's vital message. Crowley (and Page's) personal struggles with addiction are just that - personal struggles (a man can have a great message but (as Walter's Walk already said) - still have feet of clay). When one is immersed in an addiction they relinquish their own Will. Crowley's book "Diary of a Drug Fiend" illustrates a journey - that resolves. Which is all well and good - it implies that the will of the true follower (despite still being a mortal and flawed human being) can triumph over such things. However - and this is the important bit (I think) - whilst in the midst of the addiction one's ability to truly follow ones true will is diminished dramatically - and the potential to get lost in ones own peccadilloes becomes increasingly perilous. The argument for going through addiction in order to gain greater understanding is touted by some - but just look at the processes involved in the Abra-Melin Operation - at least 6 months of purity - no alcohol/drugs or sex. Complete clarity. Doesn't really suggest that a path to greater power/understanding/awareness is accessed via immersion in addiction. Not that I'm saying expanded self awareness cannot be gained through getting out the other end of an addiction - I know this first hand. But I do not believe that there is any part for it to play in the pure pursuit of the true will (once the desire to pursue the true will is identified)- we are all flesh and blood - to engage in the endeavour of evolution/higher understanding/ embracing the true will is hard enough - with a clear, sharp and lucid mind - the notion of attempting such a pursuit when not in complete control of oneself on a basic level (due to addiction) doesn't bear thinking about. Tho perhaps the process of "getting through" such addictions can be seen to be an integral part of the true will - the issue is that so many (Crowley included) never transcended their personal addiction.

The sentence - Love is the Law, Love under Will - translates to me as a proviso - do what thou wilt - but under your own will (unclouded by addiction)- and not by screwing with anyone elses will .


Well said there, BenRedWitch19!!! The Book of the Law says at the very beginning-- "Every man and every woman is a Star." We are all shinging beings of light in an infinite universe, a "Star in the Company of Heaven". Doing one's True Will puts one in accord with that "Circle of stars whereof our father the Sun is but the younger brother." That doesn't mean it's easy-- sometimes it's the hardest thing you'll ever do, because you have to take away and remove all those old excuses, bad habits, addictions that *prevent one* from doing one's True Will.

And you're correct: 'screwing with anyone elses will' isn't tolerated. In a perfect Universe each star and planet have their own orbit and course across ttime and space. When one interferes with the Will of another, the orbit and course of both Stars become affected, and may affect others in turn. It's true that in any contest there's a "winner" and at least one person who "didn't win", but this does not mean that "Might makes right." That which does not kill us makes us quote Nietzsche. The True Will cannot be in violation of the Rights of Man as declared in Liber Oz. Neither theft, nor cohersion, or non-consentual violence, predation or victimization is EVER one's "True Will." It may be their 'want' or their 'addictive need' or 'obsessive desire' but it's not their True Will.

*Discovering* one's True Will is the trick. Some people ultimately find that they're already very close to what that True Will might be because of their honesty with themselves, with their likes, dislikes, with their innate talents and abilities, while others find that there's rather a lot of work that they perhaps ought to have been paying more attention to.

You're quite right that addiction is a very severe trial-by-fire. You're correct that there are some real lessons to be learned, provided that one doesn't accidently die along the way. However, I don't think it's anyone's "True Will" to be drug addicted, but that said, there's no reason that a drug addiction would or should prevent one from doing one's True Will, just a lot of bad excuses.

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Have you ever wondered why are 418 numbered copies and 93 signed copies of "Lucifer Rising..." going to be released? ^_^

Here's a theory suggested by Ledy Mazeppa...



is a Gematria of the word 'ABRAHADABRA'


ABRAHADABRA has 11 letters

ABRAHADABRA = 1+2+2+1+5+1+4+1+2+2+1 = 22

The five letters in the word are: A, the Crown; B, the Wand; D, the Cup; H, the Sword; R, the Rosy Cross; and refer further to Amoun the Father, Thoth His messenger, and Isis, Horus, Osiris, the divine-human triad.

Also 418 = ATh IAV, the Essence of IAO

418= BVLShKIN, or Boleskine

418= RA HVVR, or Ra Hoor

418= ∑(13-31)




As it is written in 'The Book of the Law', the Law of Thelema is stated as "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law".

It is further said, "Love Is The Law, Love Under Will".

The two primary terms in these statements are Will and Love, respectively. In the Greek language, they are Thelema (Will) and Agapé (Love).

Using the Greek technique of isopsephy, which applies a numerical value to letters, the letters of both of these words when added together equal 93:

Thelema = Θελημα

Θ (Theta) = 9 +

ε (Epsilon) = 5 +

λ (Lambda) = 30 +

η (Eta) = 8 +

μ (Mu) = 40 +

α (Alpha) 1

= 93

Agapé = Αγαπη

Α (Alpha) 1 +

γ (Gamma) 3 +

α (Alpha) 1 +

π (Pi) 80 +

η (Eta) 8

= 93

The relevance of this technique is found in the art of correspondence. When two words have the same value, they are said to have a meaningful connection. In this case, it is considered significant that the two central concepts of Thelema—Will and Love—are of equal value, and therefore have a direct connection.

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Here's a theory suggested by Ledy Mazeppa...



is a Gematria of the word 'ABRAHADABRA'


ABRAHADABRA has 11 letters

ABRAHADABRA = 1+2+2+1+5+1+4+1+2+2+1 = 22

The five letters in the word are: A, the Crown; B, the Wand; D, the Cup; H, the Sword; R, the Rosy Cross; and refer further to Amoun the Father, Thoth His messenger, and Isis, Horus, Osiris, the divine-human triad.

Also 418 = ATh IAV, the Essence of IAO

418= BVLShKIN, or Boleskine

418= RA HVVR, or Ra Hoor

418= ∑(13-31)




As it is written in 'The Book of the Law', the Law of Thelema is stated as "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law".

It is further said, "Love Is The Law, Love Under Will".

The two primary terms in these statements are Will and Love, respectively. In the Greek language, they are Thelema (Will) and Agapé (Love).

Using the Greek technique of isopsephy, which applies a numerical value to letters, the letters of both of these words when added together equal 93:

Thelema = Θελημα

Θ (Theta) = 9 +

ε (Epsilon) = 5 +

λ (Lambda) = 30 +

η (Eta) = 8 +

μ (Mu) = 40 +

α (Alpha) 1

= 93

Agapé = Αγαπη

Α (Alpha) 1 +

γ (Gamma) 3 +

α (Alpha) 1 +

π (Pi) 80 +

η (Eta) 8

= 93

The relevance of this technique is found in the art of correspondence. When two words have the same value, they are said to have a meaningful connection. In this case, it is considered significant that the two central concepts of Thelema—Will and Love—are of equal value, and therefore have a direct connection.

Agree with you here on this hypothosis. It makes total sense and I would expect nothing else given the content of the release. It all goes along with the purpose and theme (Lucifer Rising) -hand in hand. .....As soon as I saw # 418 and # 93 I knew there was a reason such as this. He used the same roundabout method with the 1990 Box Set release.

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