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Jimmy and Crowley


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I read somewhere years ago that Jimmy had studied all forms of religion and that if he had not become a guitarist could actually be a theologian. One thing I am certain Jimmy didn't follow Crowley in was - Crowley was a bisexual.

Another thing alot of people think because he was a collector etc of Crowley that he must be a Satanist- Crowley even admitted he was not a Satanist and Jimmy isn't one either. I am a Christian myself and I don't think Jimmy would be wearing a cross if he was a Satanist.

Pic taken during Led Zeppelin's last European tour in 1980


I am not saying that Jimmy Page is a Satanist or not (I could care less either way), but just because someone wears a Cross does not make them part of any religion. Some people wear Crosses for different reasons including fashion statements.

Have you ever seen the movie, Angelheart, with Robert DeNiro and Mickey Rourke? DeNiro plays Louis Cyphre (Lucifer) and he meets Rourke in a Church. DeNiro even tells Rourke not to curse because they are in a Church. Louis Cyphre respects the Church. I know it is only a movie, however, that scene says alot to me about the ways between Good and Evil.

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Back in the seventies (I love saying that!) I was fortunate enough to meet and associate with Grady McMurtry. When I asked him about Jimmy he seemed rather non-plused. Later he told me that Jimmy had contacted him and asked about becoming an OTO initiate. Grady said Jimmy wanted to join as a fifth degree since he had been studying Crowley and conducting rituals for several years. Grady flatly refused this saying "Every one starts at novice and works thruogh the degrees." Grady said Jimmy ended up joining Motta's rival OTO. (Grady was legally declaired to be the true leader of the OTO on the day he died.)

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Thanks! I guess if you believe in Thelema in theory, one can also still believe in "mainstream" religions. Meaning, I could practice Thelema and celebrate Christian holidays. I am sorry for the confusion but this is what happens when I don't have coffee in the morning.coffee.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting. Thank you for the interview.

As it's seen in a interview of 90's, Jimmy wore a t-shirt with the words "recovering catholic".

This is the link:

I think now he's not so obssesed with occultism as in the past, but I really don't think that the t-shirt means he left it. Catholicism has a part of occultism (though it's supposed to be refused), I know catholic people who believes in tharot and tries to contact with dead people, for instance. Or probably the t-shirt is only a joke.

But, I guess how such a intelligent person like Jimmy could be so involved in those kind of things in that depth. I don't want to be misunderstood, don't want to offend, I respect everyone beliefes, but it's hard to me to believe in magic. Well, I'm the first who has always interested in it, I heard lots of "strange" stories in my family, and stuff like that, but... well, maybe I'm too sceptical.

However I have to admit that if you search, you finally find. If you want to see, you will see. He might wanted to search and see, we don't know why, and he probably finished to find it.

Anyway, I'd like to know more about Jimmy and "his" symbolisms.

Yes, beautiful painting. I love pre-Raphaelites.

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Hello I wanted to join the conversation about Jimmy and Crowley. Those who mentioned his involevement with Thelema are correct. Crowley left the Order of the Golden Dawn after a falling out with some of the leaders and formed his own Hermetic Order of Thelema. If you go the Lashtal - The Aleister Crowley Society web site they have section featuring Jimmy. Aleister Crowley was and is the most recognizable face of Thelema as he is the founder, but there are many more. There is a great deal of overlap with the Golden Dawn so reading this information is helpful in understanding the philosphy. Israel Regardie's work is very accessible. I too beleive in the teaching of Magick and Thelema it is a perspective in which you view the world and your place in it; as well as a working toward spiritual awakening.

"Do what thou will is the whole of the law". In terms of his representation of the Hermit in TSRTS it was an expression of his belief system, a symbol. Thelema and Astrology are very linked and play a major part in the thelemic teachings. The Hermit in the Tarot is also associated with his/our birthdate Jan. 9. It is the 9th card in the Major Arcana. I don't think Jimmy has left thelema behind at all.

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If Aleister Crowley was called or considered to be an "evil" person or a true "Satanist" during his actual lifetime and really wanted to establish a new religion that countered "Christianity" (and if this happens to be a fact) why do alot of people consider it "sacrilege" to say that Jimmy Page was not of the same ilk? Why would someone as eccentric and talented as Mr. Page go as far as collecting almost every conceivable aspect of a man as "wicked" as Mr. Crowley? From what I have read, Jimmy Page had acquired some of Crowley's abodes, robes, books, hats, canes, and other merchandise through high level auctions and the sort.

Why is Jimmy Page filmed climbing a mountain on the night of a full moon somewhere outside of His (and former Crowley residence) Boleskine House? Was not Crowley a rugged mountain climber back in His day?

My point is: I could care less if my favorite Person in the Whole World, Mr. Jimmy Page, is/was a Satanist or not. I have loved Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin for over 27 years and I happen to consider my self an Agnostic. Sorry to say, however, Religion of ANY kind does not interest me in the least.

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If Aleister Crowley was called or considered to be an "evil" person or a true "Satanist" during his actual lifetime and really wanted to establish a new religion that countered "Christianity" (and if this happens to be a fact) why do alot of people consider it "sacrilege" to say that Jimmy Page was not of the same ilk?

I believe this has been covered many times before. Suffice to say some people are too quick to pass judgement, particularly when encountering a belief system different than their own.

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Let me try to clarify...Thelema which was developed by Crowley was to address a type of spiritual teaching akin to a combination of Theosophy, Alchemy, and psychology. The famous, "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" truly summed up Crowley's perspective. Crowley was neither a satanist or evil. During his life he was many things but most of all simply a human being seeking truth. Along that path he became misguided on several occasions and was known to be quite the drama queen. When he died in 1948 he was a raging morphine addict and penniless. Crowley, like most of us had his moments of brilliance and his moments of disgrace, he was simply human. His main point of belief, stated above, simply means everyone should embrace the true gift from God, free will. We should all follow are true path which is found through meditation, and seek it. If we do this we cannot do evil because it is our true self as revealed by God. If we do bad things along the way it means we have diverged from our true path and that is the only sin.

As a believer of pre-4th century christianity I feel, from my studies, this was the true teachings of the mystery schools prevalent during the 1st century ad and followed the teachings of Jesus accurately before the Council of Nicea destroyed the true teachings of Jesus and created what today passes for Christianity. Jesus was all about freedom and liberation of the soul-man toward his/her true journey. Crowley believed this as well. Unfortunately Crowley was no Jesus and was controlled by his passions unlike a true avatar such as Jesus. Crowley had a voracious sexual appetite for both sexes and this obsession caused the majority of his life's troubles. Jesus however was an avatar who had released himself from these human passions much like the avatars had done before him, Krishna, Osiris, Buddha, Zoroaster...through the mastery of the mysteries. Crowley had no such enlightened mentors or community to guide him so he did the best with what he had.

I hope the brief history lesson helped. Jimmy is a true seeker and at times has seen the weaknesses of Crowley in himself. I believe he understands Crowley was a visionary but ultimately a failed prophet and simply a flawed man with some great truths.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If Aleister Crowley was called or considered to be an "evil" person or a true "Satanist" during his actual lifetime and really wanted to establish a new religion that countered "Christianity" (and if this happens to be a fact) why do alot of people consider it "sacrilege" to say that Jimmy Page was not of the same ilk? Why would someone as eccentric and talented as Mr. Page go as far as collecting almost every conceivable aspect of a man as "wicked" as Mr. Crowley? From what I have read, Jimmy Page had acquired some of Crowley's abodes, robes, books, hats, canes, and other merchandise through high level auctions and the sort.

Why is Jimmy Page filmed climbing a mountain on the night of a full moon somewhere outside of His (and former Crowley residence) Boleskine House? Was not Crowley a rugged mountain climber back in His day?

My point is: I could care less if my favorite Person in the Whole World, Mr. Jimmy Page, is/was a Satanist or not. I have loved Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin for over 27 years and I happen to consider my self an Agnostic. Sorry to say, however, Religion of ANY kind does not interest me in the least.

Belief and non-belief are the same things, both beliefs. It is not a radical stretch of the imagination to suggest being an Agnostic is a belief, a belief in nothing.


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Just what the world needs - yet another book on Aleister Crowley! This one is recently published. I am also giving details of another recent publication on the Pre-Raephaelites - Jimmy gets a brief mention on p.531 regarding the Burne-Jones Tapestry 'The Quest For The Holy Grail'. It is written by by Fiona MacCarthy, entitled 'The Last Pre-Raphaelite'.

Aleister Crowley The Biography

Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master – and Spy

Tobias Churton


The extraordinary life of the notorious mystic Aleister Crowley, packed with previously unpublished information – the true adventures of a spiritual thinker, poet, explorer, mountaineer, philosopher, prophet and spy

Aleister Crowley (1875–1947) was a visionary occultist, a member of the theosophical order of the Golden Dawn. Nicknamed ‘The Beast’, he was vehemently anti-Christian, and supported the use of drugs and sexual magic as a means to access deeper levels of consciousness.

For 100 years his true achievements have been suppressed, his true character deformed and defaced in a campaign of vilification unparalleled in British history.

Here is the world’s first complete, thoroughly researched biography of Aleister Crowley, demolishing the myths, establishing the facts and telling with verve and style the astonishing and exciting story of his life, including many ‘missing years’, intrigues, discoveries and adventures – all revealed and explained for the first time. Crowley’s grandson has provided exclusive access to crucial information about his family relationships, and there is a compelling account too of his work as a British spy during World Wars I and II.


496 pages

23.4 x 15.3

ISBN 9781780280127

RRP: £25

01 September 2011

This definitive biography of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the most notorious and controversial spiritual figure of the 20th century, brings together a life of world-shaking 'magick', sexual and psychological experimentation at the outer limits, world-record-beating mountaineering and startling prophetic power - as well as poetry, adventure, espionage, wisdom, excess, and intellectual brilliance. The book reveals the man behind the appalling reputation, demolishing a century of scandalmongering that persuaded the world that Crowley was a black magician, a traitor and a sexual wastrel, addicted to drugs and antisocial posing, rather than the mind-blowing truth that Crowley was a genius as significant as Jung, Freud or Einstein. Churton has enjoyed the full co-operation of the world's Crowley scholars to ensure the accuracy and plausibility of his riveting narrative. The author has also been in contact with Crowley's grandson, who has vouchsafed rare, previously untold accounts of family relationships. The result is an intimate portrait that has never before been shown, and one that has great emotional impact. The book contains the first ever complete investigation of Crowley's astonishing family background - including facts he concealed in his lifetime for fear of social prejudice. Tobias Churton also gives us a detailed account of Crowley's work as a British spy during World War I in Berlin during the early 1930s and during World War II. This information has not been available to any previous biographer.

About the Author

Tobias Churton is a world authority on Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism and Gnosticism. Holding a Master's degree in Theology from Brasenose College, Oxford, he is an Honorary Fellow of Exeter University and Faculty Lecturer in Western Esotericism. An accomplished filmmaker and composer and the writer of the award-winning drama documentary series The Gnostics, for Channel 4, Dr Churton has also written a now standard biography on Elias Ashmole (1617-92). Please consult www.tobiaschurton.com for more information.

The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination

From the prize winning author of William Morris comes a new biography of Edward Burne-Jones, the greatest British artist of the second half of the nineteenth century. The angels on our Christmas cards, the stained glass in our churches, the great paintings in our galleries -- Edward Burne-Jones's work is all around us. The most admired British artist of his generation, he was a leading figure with Oscar Wilde in the aesthetic movement of the 1880s, inventing what became a widespread 'Burne-Jones look'. The bridge between Victorian and modern art, he influenced not just his immediate circle but artists such as Klimt and Picasso. In this gripping book Fiona MacCarthy explores and re-evaluates his art and life -- his battle against vicious public hostility, the romantic susceptibility to female beauty that would inspire his art and ruin his marriage, his ill health and depressive sensibility, the devastating rift with his great friend and collaborator William Morris as their views on art and politics diverged. With new research and fresh historical perspective, The Last Pre-Raphaelite tells the extraordinary, dramatic story of Burne-Jones as an artist, a key figure in Victorian society and a peculiarly captivating man.

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Just what the world needs - yet another book on Aleister Crowley! This one is recently published. I am also giving details of another recent publication on the Pre-Raephaelites - Jimmy gets a brief mention on p.531 regarding the Burne-Jones Tapestry 'The Quest For The Holy Grail'. It is written by by Fiona MacCarthy, entitled 'The Last Pre-Raphaelite'.

Aleister Crowley The Biography

Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master and Spy

Tobias Churton


The extraordinary life of the notorious mystic Aleister Crowley, packed with previously unpublished information the true adventures of a spiritual thinker, poet, explorer, mountaineer, philosopher, prophet and spy

Aleister Crowley (18751947) was a visionary occultist, a member of the theosophical order of the Golden Dawn. Nicknamed 'The Beast', he was vehemently anti-Christian, and supported the use of drugs and sexual magic as a means to access deeper levels of consciousness.

For 100 years his true achievements have been suppressed, his true character deformed and defaced in a campaign of vilification unparalleled in British history.

Here is the world's first complete, thoroughly researched biography of Aleister Crowley, demolishing the myths, establishing the facts and telling with verve and style the astonishing and exciting story of his life, including many 'missing years', intrigues, discoveries and adventures all revealed and explained for the first time. Crowley's grandson has provided exclusive access to crucial information about his family relationships, and there is a compelling account too of his work as a British spy during World Wars I and II.


496 pages

23.4 x 15.3

ISBN 9781780280127

RRP: £25

01 September 2011

This definitive biography of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the most notorious and controversial spiritual figure of the 20th century, brings together a life of world-shaking 'magick', sexual and psychological experimentation at the outer limits, world-record-beating mountaineering and startling prophetic power - as well as poetry, adventure, espionage, wisdom, excess, and intellectual brilliance. The book reveals the man behind the appalling reputation, demolishing a century of scandalmongering that persuaded the world that Crowley was a black magician, a traitor and a sexual wastrel, addicted to drugs and antisocial posing, rather than the mind-blowing truth that Crowley was a genius as significant as Jung, Freud or Einstein. Churton has enjoyed the full co-operation of the world's Crowley scholars to ensure the accuracy and plausibility of his riveting narrative. The author has also been in contact with Crowley's grandson, who has vouchsafed rare, previously untold accounts of family relationships. The result is an intimate portrait that has never before been shown, and one that has great emotional impact. The book contains the first ever complete investigation of Crowley's astonishing family background - including facts he concealed in his lifetime for fear of social prejudice. Tobias Churton also gives us a detailed account of Crowley's work as a British spy during World War I in Berlin during the early 1930s and during World War II. This information has not been available to any previous biographer.

About the Author

Tobias Churton is a world authority on Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism and Gnosticism. Holding a Master's degree in Theology from Brasenose College, Oxford, he is an Honorary Fellow of Exeter University and Faculty Lecturer in Western Esotericism. An accomplished filmmaker and composer and the writer of the award-winning drama documentary series The Gnostics, for Channel 4, Dr Churton has also written a now standard biography on Elias Ashmole (1617-92). Please consult www.tobiaschurton.com for more information.

The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination

From the prize winning author of William Morris comes a new biography of Edward Burne-Jones, the greatest British artist of the second half of the nineteenth century. The angels on our Christmas cards, the stained glass in our churches, the great paintings in our galleries -- Edward Burne-Jones's work is all around us. The most admired British artist of his generation, he was a leading figure with Oscar Wilde in the aesthetic movement of the 1880s, inventing what became a widespread 'Burne-Jones look'. The bridge between Victorian and modern art, he influenced not just his immediate circle but artists such as Klimt and Picasso. In this gripping book Fiona MacCarthy explores and re-evaluates his art and life -- his battle against vicious public hostility, the romantic susceptibility to female beauty that would inspire his art and ruin his marriage, his ill health and depressive sensibility, the devastating rift with his great friend and collaborator William Morris as their views on art and politics diverged. With new research and fresh historical perspective, The Last Pre-Raphaelite tells the extraordinary, dramatic story of Burne-Jones as an artist, a key figure in Victorian society and a peculiarly captivating man.

I just started reading the Churton book, so far this is very good. Perhaps the first serious work about him from a scholar who knows and understands the importance of getting this right. There has been a great deal of sensational crap written about him so a scholarly work is refreshing. So far I'm not disappointed.

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I am about to read "The Eye in the Triangle- An Interpretation of Aleister Crowley" by Israel Regardie that I picked up in an occult shop in the French Quarter.

Never heard of that title let us know what you think of it. Israel Regardie is widley published on the Golden Dawn which would give the work , in my opinion, more credability.

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