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Huckleberry Finn


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This irritates me in the worst way. I am going to start teaching Huck Finn to my juniors next week, and we will talk about why Twain used the N word, and what type of power it has before we start reading the book. I will also address "injun" in the same manner.

Just because we find something offensive, we have the right to change an author's words?

That's not cool.

I have never read all of Huck Finn. I'm really not a novel reader. I like to watch movies made from novels though... :)

But, as to the changing of the word "N" to the word "slave" in the Samuel Clemens book, what was said on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart made me think that it's not a good thing to change that word in that book.

The point was made on the show that the black man in the book was a slave who had run away, hence a man that is no longer a slave in his own eyes.

But, by using the "N" word, Twain makes the point, that you can run away from being a slave, but, in that world and time, you could not outrun the stigma of being a "N", according to way society thought of you.

So changing how the black man is referred to a "slave", takes away from the impact of him being referred to as "N".

Good point.

I just think it's extremely important to make sure the kids know how poorly we have (and still do) treat people whose ethnicity may not match ours in this country.

I have to disagree with part of what you said. The word is a pejorative.

"Definition of PEJORATIVE

: a word or phrase that has negative connotations or that is intended to disparage or belittle : a pejorative word or phrase"

However, at the time Huckleberry Finn was written the connotation of racism had been removed from the word. That didn't last long and the word was restored to being a pejorative. And it has remained as such. It at no time since it's creation.. due to the mispronunciation of the Latin word for "black".. has it's definition ever been "friend". The fact that the word is a pejorative does not change when specific races of people use it. It is still a pejorative.

...and I completely agree with you, Kat. I think it's important to show kids how bad the word is--and how bad it's always been. Especially in the context of this book, where Twain uses the N word to show that even the most anti-slavery biased person still thought it was okay to use the word freely.

(edited to add my thoughts on others' posts)

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Although the word "nigger" is offensive, subjecting a work of literature like Huckleberry Finn to any sort of alteration, in my opinion, is as absurd as banning novels from the Harry Potter series in public libraries for it's so called "anti-christ" sentiments! I am aware that novels from the Harry Potter series were banned in certain public libraries in certain countries. Also, I do believe that there are actually state sponsored history text books in Russia which gloss over the role of Stalin as a dictator and the part he played in denying the fact that there was indeed a horrid famine in the Soviet Union in 1931. You just cannot re-write literally works or erase history. That is "censorship" at it's worst. Just my opinion.

Edited by Emily008
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Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From Student Textbooks

By Kirsten West Savali


When politically correct pundits and journalists defended the censorship of Mark Twain's novel 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,' I watched in disappointed disbelief. At that moment, I predicted propaganda to entirely whitewash this country's history.

I didn't realize it would be only a matter of days.

After GOP members felt inspired to read the clean version of the Constitution on the House floor last week, conveniently ignoring such seismic events as slavery and prohibition, the theatrical buffoonery gave their tea-drinking stepchildren in Tennessee a brilliant idea:

Why not erase any and all mention of slavery and genocide from United States textbooks all together?

Envision it, America!

Textbooks scrubbed free of slaves' blood and government-sanctioned murder, ensuring that history books are palatable for generations of bright-eyed schoolchildren for generations to come.

After a news conference on Wednesday, about two dozen members of the Tea Party of Tennessee presented lawmakers with a list of "priorities and "demands" for the 2011 legislative session. According to the Party, it would "besmirch the image of the Founding Fathers" to be honest about this nation's history.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

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similar to disney not releasing "song of the south" here in america.....people think it's somehow "banned" but it is not.....just unreleased. i grabbed a european copy years ago and couldn't make copies for people fast enough. nothing racist at all in the movie........just some racial stereotyping which, believe me......people can handle

great childrens flick


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Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From Student Textbooks

By Kirsten West Savali


When politically correct pundits and journalists defended the censorship of Mark Twain's novel 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,' I watched in disappointed disbelief. At that moment, I predicted propaganda to entirely whitewash this country's history.

I didn't realize it would be only a matter of days.

After GOP members felt inspired to read the clean version of the Constitution on the House floor last week, conveniently ignoring such seismic events as slavery and prohibition, the theatrical buffoonery gave their tea-drinking stepchildren in Tennessee a brilliant idea:

Why not erase any and all mention of slavery and genocide from United States textbooks all together?

Envision it, America!

Textbooks scrubbed free of slaves' blood and government-sanctioned murder, ensuring that history books are palatable for generations of bright-eyed schoolchildren for generations to come.

After a news conference on Wednesday, about two dozen members of the Tea Party of Tennessee presented lawmakers with a list of "priorities and "demands" for the 2011 legislative session. According to the Party, it would "besmirch the image of the Founding Fathers" to be honest about this nation's history.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. We learn from history. So, if it's erased what the hell are we learning from? Nothing but, lies. I wonder how successful that will be..

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I'd like to think that we as a society have evolved past using racial slurs in everyday conversation. It's one thing when it's in literature, such as Huckleberry Finn, since it's used to illustrate how people talked in the time the book was set and written. It's 2011 now, though. It shouldn't be acceptable to use that word today, regardless of what medium you're using it in; book, magazine, movie, song, whatever.

So we confine it to History do we? lock it away and throw away the key hey? so you are OK with the "Nazi Way" are you? book burning will be on the agenda next I fear?

You mentioned the year 2011? then get with it, the word is just a word, it only becomes an issue when you use it in an "OFFENCIVE" way not when it is used in "HISTORICLE CONUTATIONS".

If you brush up on your Psychology you will find it is the person who gets "OFFENDED" that has the "PROBLEM" and not the one goading them in to believing what is actually being said.

If I called someone a "Fat Bastard" or an "Ugly Cxxt" well as long as they don't believe they are one then why should they take offence?

Please take a lead from your English Forefathers who are still further along the Evolutionary Path than you lot will ever be and let it roll right over your head and laugh, why? because "WE ENGLISH KNOW" that we are far more advanced than any other Race,Tribe, Nation or Peoples that has ever lived, so what can a backward people like yourselves call us that we should take as an "OFFENCE"? :o


Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa is that the best you people can do? I feel more insulted by a fish who keeps calling me "Bob". :lol:

Q. What can you call an Englishman that will offend him no end?

A. "Late for his dinner"

Regards, Danny the Uninsultable (go on then, give it a try if you don't believe me ;))

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Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From Student Textbooks

By Kirsten West Savali


When politically correct pundits and journalists defended the censorship of Mark Twain's novel 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,' I watched in disappointed disbelief. At that moment, I predicted propaganda to entirely whitewash this country's history.

I didn't realize it would be only a matter of days.

After GOP members felt inspired to read the clean version of the Constitution on the House floor last week, conveniently ignoring such seismic events as slavery and prohibition, the theatrical buffoonery gave their tea-drinking stepchildren in Tennessee a brilliant idea:

Why not erase any and all mention of slavery and genocide from United States textbooks all together?

Envision it, America!

Textbooks scrubbed free of slaves' blood and government-sanctioned murder, ensuring that history books are palatable for generations of bright-eyed schoolchildren for generations to come.

After a news conference on Wednesday, about two dozen members of the Tea Party of Tennessee presented lawmakers with a list of "priorities and "demands" for the 2011 legislative session. According to the Party, it would "besmirch the image of the Founding Fathers" to be honest about this nation's history.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

I went to the link and read the rest of the article and voted. I like how the majority of the votes were ABSOLUTLY NOT and HOW INSULTING. Very small percentage said SURE.

This tea party movement has be concerned for the coming shape of our country. Censorship to this extreme is not a good thing.

It is really silly to me that you can't use the word nigger, there I wrote it, in the context of a conversation and not have some do gooder jump down your throat as a racist. Did I accuse anyone of being one? No. As much as people don't like Dr. Laura, she was blasted for using the word in the context of a conversation. Unjustly in my opinion, but people liked to blast her any chance they got. She ended up having to apoligize on the air and is quiting public radio. Moved to satillite radio where it is easier to state the truths life.

Here is the trascript of that conversation. http://emptysuit.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/dr-laura-schlesingers-nigger-rant-transcript/

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It is really silly to me that you can't use the word nigger, there I wrote it, in the context of a conversation and not have some do gooder jump down your throat as a racist. Did I accuse anyone of being one? No. As much as people don't like Dr. Laura, she was blasted for using the word in the context of a conversation. Unjustly in my opinion, but people liked to blast her any chance they got. She ended up having to apoligize on the air and is quiting public radio. Moved to satillite radio where it is easier to state the truths life.

Here is the trascript of that conversation. http://emptysuit.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/dr-laura-schlesingers-nigger-rant-transcript/

Reminds me of the whole controversy surrounding the word "niggardly" a few years back which isn't even derived from the word "nigger", still people were fired for using it. Another example of political correctness gone wrong.

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Dr. Laura is a horrible human being, and that was even before she dropped the n-word on the radio. That said, it's not silly at all to say you shouldn't use that word. Because you shouldn't. It's a racial slur. Literature is different than everyday conversation, and by literature I don't mean The Turner Diaries. If you're reading Huckleberry Finn, or books by Richard Wright (not the late member of Pink Floyd) or any books by black authors who write about their experiences growing up in segregation and racism, are you going to read that word? Hell yes. Does that mean it's okay to just casually call a black person the n-word while talking to them about soybean futures? That would be no.

Political correctness would be having to change the name of "manhole covers" to "personhole covers" as to not offend any feminists who think everything should be gender-neutral.

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Political correctness would be having to change the name of "manhole covers" to "personhole covers" as to not offend any feminists who think everything should be gender-neutral.

And just like Children, Women should be SEEN and never HEARD. :o;):lol:

And maybe I deserve this for being so Misogynistic? :buttsmack:

Ouch, Danny

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I agree Electro, Dr Laura is a poor excuse for a human. I CRINGED when I heard her say to women calling in....you're just an unpaid WHORE...get your tubes tied.

What a BITCH!

Maybe she needs her head tied off.

And the tea (peewee) party are a bunch of hateful people.

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I need to tell you about the plight of "The Sensibles" a rare breed oF forum person, who although cannot be let out into the community, can be of use sifting through old threads that people cannot find, even when said threads are over three years old. They "dont drink, dont smoke, what do they do ?? subltle innuendo follows, there must be something inside ?" They are a numbered breed who without this function have nothing to offer the forum. But with your help by letting them spend time sifting through old topics for duplicates their day will have a purpose ...have a heart and thank you.

You may now have your thread back unharmed.

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I need to tell you about the plight of "The Sensibles" a rare breed oF forum person, who although cannot be let out into the community, can be of use sifting through old threads that people cannot find, even when said threads are over three years old. They "dont drink, dont smoke, what do they do ?? subltle innuendo follows, there must be something inside ?" They are a numbered breed who without this function have nothing to offer the forum. But with your help by letting them spend time sifting through old topics for duplicates their day will have a purpose ...have a heart and thank you.

You may now have your thread back unharmed.

Please give it up leddy, You made your point a week ago. I'm tired of people getting banned that I actually remember who they once were :mellow: .

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Please give it up leddy, You made your point a week ago. I'm tired of people getting banned that I actually remember who they once were :mellow: .

I am not banned, still here my friend :), I tell you what I will if "The Sensibles" stop butting in and also are welcoming to new forum members, they all leave because unfriendly posts.I will stop. This site rarely has new posts now, its static, 3 years ago this place was thriving, yet the people who are still here are either ego maniacs or unfriendly "Sensibles".

I have the right like everyone else to have my say.

PS I remember you, hope all is well :)

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I am not banned, still here my friend :), I tell you what I will if "The Sensibles" stop butting in and also are welcoming to new forum members, they all leave because unfriendly posts.I will stop. This site rarely has new posts now, its static, 3 years ago this place was thriving, yet the people who are still here are either ego maniacs or unfriendly "Sensibles".

I have the right like everyone else to have my say.

PS I remember you, hope all is well :)

Who's butting in? You have come on many threads here attacking and criticising almost everyone that disagrees with you but others aren't allowed to speak their minds or defend their stance on things? And you're doing a really good job ensuring people don't participate by calling people ego maniacs or unfriendly. Seems you have an axe to grind and I honestly don't understand why nor do I remember you being this way in the past :( Sorry to thread jack...

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Who's butting in? You have come on many threads here attacking and criticising almost everyone that disagrees with you but others aren't allowed to speak their minds or defend their stance on things? And you're doing a really good job ensuring people don't participate by calling people ego maniacs or unfriendly. Seems you have an axe to grind and I honestly don't understand why nor do I remember you being this way in the past :( Sorry to thread jack...

With respect I was replying to Levee. But I take your point.

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Who's butting in? You have come on many threads here attacking and criticising almost everyone that disagrees with you but others aren't allowed to speak their minds or defend their stance on things? And you're doing a really good job ensuring people don't participate by calling people ego maniacs or unfriendly. Seems you have an axe to grind and I honestly don't understand why nor do I remember you being this way in the past :( Sorry to thread jack...

PS I don't think I attack people who disagree with me, I only stand my corner and put my hands up when am wrong and say so. I only have a go or take the Mickey when someone wrongs me by either questioning my honesty or having a go after I say thanks, I didn't think that was a crime..I am a mickey taker and again do not mind when people take the mickey out of me.......you dish it , you gotta take it. Here endith the reply. AMEN.

Peace unless you pull me up for duplicate threads :whistling::)

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