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Hi All,

Lets have some fun remembering when, where and how you met you partner, just for fun now, no divorce stories please, lets keep it Happy.

My Story.

When? 24-12-1982

Where? The Railway Tavern, Silvertown, London-Locally Known as "Cundys"

Why? I was there because a friend and my brother had just acquired the Pub and it was my Birthday.

Who? I met a local Girl called Kate, who was and still is just Gorgeous,and she is still putting up with me. :o

How? I offered Kate some of my Steak and Onion Pie but she refused because she liked Steak and Kidney, she did buy me a Pint for my birthday and so the Romance of the 20th century began, and it is still going as strong to this day, ahhh. ;)

Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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Hi All,

Lets have some fun remembering when, where and how you met you partner, just for fun now, no divorce stories please, lets keep it Happy.

My Story.

When? 24-12-1982

Where? The Railway Tavern, Silvertown, London-Locally Known as "Cundys"

Why? I was there because a friend and my brother had just acquired the Pub and it was my Birthday.

Who? I met a local Girl called Kate, who was and still is just Gorgeous,and she is still putting up with me. :o

How? I offered Kate some of my Steak and Onion Pie but she refused because she liked Steak and Kidney, she did buy me a Pint for my birthday and so the Romance of the 20th century began, and it is still going strong, ahhh. ;)

Regards, Danny

That is sweet, is the pub still there ?

I'm still waiting to meet mine, :boohoo:

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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I met my partner at university. We were both doing PhDs at Sheffield University, although he was in the year above me.

It wasn't love at first sight. I thought he was an annoying chatterbox when I first met him, he was the exact opposite to me! I guess the saying 'opposites attract' is true in this case! :D

But we do share a lot in common in terms of our views, and we've been together 8 years now. In fact we're getting married in the Spring. :wub:

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Hi, You Crazy Fool,

As far as I know the Pub is still there, and I'm sure, given enough time, you will meet Mr Right, one day anyways. :D

Kind Regards, Danny

Just kidding, I met him years ago, I know he was MR right way before he knew I was MRS Right...:lol:

Do you two go back to the pub?

Is there a W.L.T.M.....section on here.....:D

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Just kidding, I met him years ago, I know he was MR right way before he knew I was MRS Right...:lol:

Do you two go back to the pub?

Is there a W.L.T.M.....section on here.....:D

Good for you Fool, we haven't been back to the Pub since my friend moved on circa 1985.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, What's W. L. T. M.? :o

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Which wife do I talk about or only present partners allowed ??

Oh nuts 1st wife and mother of my adult offspring, first set eyes on here at a disco when I was 13 and she was 12, we didnt speak but we kept looking, fast forward 4 years and never spoken at school, I leave a year before she does. A year later she gets off the bus in my village at 17 and goes to work and i clapped eyes on here again, asked her out and hey presto 12 years together. Still good mates now.

Wife 2....I come back from working/living abroad after 3 years away, My kids are up in Manchester staying with me and we are invited to my dads friends kids party. Dads friend is a musician like him and invite wife no 2 around as she is a musician...When she came in it was like OMG, my kids played with her and eventually we though my kids got together :)..7 happy years together and she has her own family now as she was 7 years younger than me and we never had kids. Again friends still.

My present partner of 5 years and one day will be wife number 3 ? if I can get over the fact I have done it twice before. We met on the net on one of those dubious websites, chatetd got on, and met at a country pub in Bursledon...came away thinking she is the one. the one that might be able to cope being with such a spanner :). Watch this space as this lady will if I play my cards right beat the record of 12 years, She has the staying power :)

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Which wife do I talk about or only present partners allowed ??

Oh nuts 1st wife and mother of my adult offspring, first set eyes on here at a disco when I was 13 and she was 12, we didnt speak but we kept looking, fast forward 4 years and never spoken at school, I leave a year before she does. A year later she gets off the bus in my village at 17 and goes to work and i clapped eyes on here again, asked her out and hey presto 12 years together. Still good mates now.

Wife 2....I come back from working/living abroad after 3 years away, My kids are up in Manchester staying with me and we are invited to my dads friends kids party. Dads friend is a musician like him and invite wife no 2 around as she is a musician...When she came in it was like OMG, my kids played with her and eventually we though my kids got together :)..7 happy years together and she has her own family now as she was 7 years younger than me and we never had kids. Again friends still.

My present partner of 5 years and one day will be wife number 3 ? if I can get over the fact I have done it twice before. We met on the net on one of those dubious websites, chatetd got on, and met at a country pub in Bursledon...came away thinking she is the one. the one that might be able to cope being with such a spanner :). Watch this space as this lady will if I play my cards right beat the record of 12 years, She has the staying power :)

You know what they say 3rd time lucky ;)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, lets hope she doesn't do a :running: er, when you pop the question....:P

Do i get an invite ?

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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What a funny coincidence this post should come up as I just got engaged early this morning! :wub::yay:

My man and I had a celebratory photo shoot and this is one of my favorites:


By the way, I'm wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt my parents got me for Christmas. ;)

Anyway, I'll start with my story.

When? We first met in person on April 2, 2010, but it started online.

Where? We agreed to meet in the library parking lot of the college I graduated from and then went to my house where he met my parents and my dad cooked out.

Why? Once it was evident there was chemistry between the two of us I suggested we meet up. We met at the college because I didn't want to ask him to try to find my house out in the woods. We went to my house because I wanted him to meet my parents and couldn't really think of anywhere else all that great to go.

Who? My now fiance's name is Bradley but usually goes by Brad.

How? I found him on this dating site christiandatingforfree.com and messaged him on February 28. We exchanged e-mails for about a week and then began talking on the phone. We decided by the end of March to meet in person.

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What a funny coincidence this post should come up as I just got engaged early this morning! :wub::yay:

My man and I had a celebratory photo shoot and this is one of my favorites:


By the way, I'm wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt my parents got me for Christmas. ;)

Anyway, I'll start with my story.

When? We first met in person on April 2, 2010, but it started online.

Where? We agreed to meet in the library parking lot of the college I graduated from and then went to my house where he met my parents and my dad cooked out.

Why? Once it was evident there was chemistry between the two of us I suggested we meet up. We met at the college because I didn't want to ask him to try to find my house out in the woods. We went to my house because I wanted him to meet my parents and couldn't really think of anywhere else all that great to go.

Who? My now fiance's name is Bradley but usually goes by Brad.

How? I found him on this dating site christiandatingforfree.com and messaged him on February 28. We exchanged e-mails for about a week and then began talking on the phone. We decided by the end of March to meet in person.

Congratulations on your Engagement.........:toast:

Will it be a long Engagement? or have you got a date already?

You both look really happy

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Congratulations HHWCID!! :D:cheer:

Hubby and I met while we were working P/T at a video store. We met in '87 and were friends for about a year before we began dating and were married in '91. Here we are 3 kids later and coming up on our 20th anniversary :)

We are from the same town, but went to different high schools. We had a lot of friends in common and both worked at the Mall at the same time though, so I'm surprised we never met in HS.

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You know what they say 3rd time lucky ;)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, lets hope she doesn't do a :running: er, when you pop the question....:P

Do i get an invite ?

Well I think we are happy as we are, marriage is an out of date concept, We both got the T.Shirts. <_<:)

PS congrats to the geezer above, hope it all goes well forever :)

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Congratulations on your Engagement.........:toast:

Will it be a long Engagement? or have you got a date already?

You both look really happy

Thanks. ^_^

We don't plan on being engaged for longer than we have to; all we really are waiting on right now is for him to get a job. We hope to be able to tie the knot by summer. We have been set on marriage for about three months or so, we just made it official this morning.

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Well I think we are happy as we are, marriage is an out of date concept, We both got the T.Shirts. <_<:)

PS congrats to the geezer above, hope it all goes well forever :)

Marriage an out of date concept. I firmly believe in marriage, especially if children are involved, as it shows commitment to family values.

It is better to have tried and have it not workout. Than not to bother. ;)

But in your case I'd say your are making the right choice :P.

I don't think I said how I met my other half of 25 years (married) known for 29 years.

I was pissed as a newt and fell off the bar stool, he helped me up, and was it, love at first sight. :lol:

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Well, I met the love of my life, Jake Cooper in 6th grade during biology class. Trust me, it sure wasn't love at first sight. The guy has even tweaked my ponytail and thrown paper rockets at me and laughed! The scamp! :lol: Our parents knew each other very well because my dad and Jake's dad were co-workers and good friends. We became friends for we happened to share a lot in common (including our music tastes). We fell in love when we were in the 9th grade. It was rather inevitable, honestly. Sadly, due to circumstances beyond my control, Jake passed away on the night of February, the 11th, 2006. He was 17 years old. We had been in love for 3 years by then....I've moved on in my own little way and found someone else, but Jake will ALWAYS be a part of me. :)

Edited by Emma Jane
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^I'm sorry, Emma Jane. It's a pretty little story.

My significant other and I worked together in a Kroger chain grocery store when we met for the first time in 2001. We began dating in September 2001.

Though we are not married, we've been together for almost ten years. We've been living together for about six years. We own a home together, and without him, I do not think I could have finished my college degree.

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that must be sweet

and australian teaching a bunch of ginzos english

might as well be teaching japanese bro...it ain't gonna fly

I always got TOP marks in English and passed my HSC with excellence in OZ....and I've been teaching, interpreting and translating my life away for over 25 yrs now!!!:):).....she wants my t*n**e all the time, heheheh :)

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loads and i have known eachother since 1975.

we went to the same high school, and even went to a movie together once. he walked me home, but nothing came of it, though we stayed mates for the rest of the time he was at school ( he was 3 years ahead of me ). we often waited for our buses together and shared a laugh or two. i always thought he was such a hottie, and a great guy.

after he left school, he left our little town for the big smoke, and i didn't see him for over 30 years!

we both married and divorced around the same times. and each have 3 kids.

at my 30 year school reunion in 2008, i got talking to his younger brother who told me that loads was single. well i didn't waste any time getting in touch with him, and we met a few weeks later, and have been inseperable ever since.

last year on valentines day we got engaged, and in sept we moved in together. we plan to marry this year.

i have never been so totally happy. he makes me laugh out loud every day ( many, many times a day ! ). and he is the most caring, loving, honest intelligent, patient ...... ( the list goes on ) person i have ever met.

i just love him to bits, and thank him all the time for loving me so unconditionally.

he is just so great with my kids, esp the youngest who has aspergers. he is so patient with him, and my son adores him ( and that's saying something for an aspergers kid, let me tell you! )

sorry for rambling on .........

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loads and i have known eachother since 1975.

we went to the same high school, and even went to a movie together once. he walked me home, but nothing came of it, though we stayed mates for the rest of the time he was at school ( he was 3 years ahead of me ). we often waited for our buses together and shared a laugh or two. i always thought he was such a hottie, and a great guy.

after he left school, he left our little town for the big smoke, and i didn't see him for over 30 years!

we both married and divorced around the same times. and each have 3 kids.

at my 30 year school reunion in 2008, i got talking to his younger brother who told me that loads was single. well i didn't waste any time getting in touch with him, and we met a few weeks later, and have been inseperable ever since.

last year on valentines day we got engaged, and in sept we moved in together. we plan to marry this year.

i have never been so totally happy. he makes me laugh out loud every day ( many, many times a day ! ). and he is the most caring, loving, honest intelligent, patient ...... ( the list goes on ) person i have ever met.

i just love him to bits, and thank him all the time for loving me so unconditionally.

he is just so great with my kids, esp the youngest who has aspergers. he is so patient with him, and my son adores him ( and that's saying something for an aspergers kid, let me tell you! )

sorry for rambling on .........

That is not Rambling, what a lovely story......:)

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