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Which wife do I talk about or only present partners allowed ??

Oh nuts 1st wife and mother of my adult offspring, first set eyes on here at a disco when I was 13 and she was 12, we didnt speak but we kept looking, fast forward 4 years and never spoken at school, I leave a year before she does. A year later she gets off the bus in my village at 17 and goes to work and i clapped eyes on here again, asked her out and hey presto 12 years together. Still good mates now.

Wife 2....I come back from working/living abroad after 3 years away, My kids are up in Manchester staying with me and we are invited to my dads friends kids party. Dads friend is a musician like him and invite wife no 2 around as she is a musician...When she came in it was like OMG, my kids played with her and eventually we though my kids got together :)..7 happy years together and she has her own family now as she was 7 years younger than me and we never had kids. Again friends still.

My present partner of 5 years and one day will be wife number 3 ? if I can get over the fact I have done it twice before. We met on the net on one of those dubious websites, chatetd got on, and met at a country pub in Bursledon...came away thinking she is the one. the one that might be able to cope being with such a spanner :). Watch this space as this lady will if I play my cards right beat the record of 12 years, She has the staying power :)

I typed nothing and it posted? Anyway, its funny as hell how you tell this story Leddy. You make it sound like a trip to the grocery store. ha. Hats off to HeyHeyWhatCanIdo for having the guts to admit you met online. So many people seem afraid to admit this? And in this day and age it is very very common. So anyway, my first marriage of 17 years ended very badly. We are not on speaking terms and never will be. It is her doing. I tried to be civil but she is just a wicked person to put it mildly. I have to see her again next summer at my oldest daughters wedding. I do not know why my daughter even has anything to do with her given all the crap she pulled. anyway, on to happier things, .like my current wife who I will spend the rest of my life with, i have no doubt and neither does she. After a rebound relationship after my divorce and some nightmarish dates from dating sites, we met at a Tim Horton's restaurant; I know it was love at first sight for me. I would propose five months later and we were married on Sept 2nd of 2006. Going on our 5 year anniversary and all is great. She has a daugther fom her first marriage, and I just cant get over how many that have been divorced have had it go bad at the magic numnber of 17. What is it about 17 years? Very strange. We have so much in common in some ways yet in others we differ. For instance, we both have to have a fan on at night to sleep. But as far as music, we have different tastes. She does like all kinds to an extent and does like Led Zeppelin, but likes country which she knows I detest. I do the cooking. She does the laundry. I was a cook in resteraunts when I was younger and have always liked to cook. We no longer have the cottage in the 1000 Islands to go to as my mother finally sold it 37 years after my late grandmother bought it. So now we are trying to figure out where we want to go. We just bought a townhouse a little over a year ago. Love the place. Its a bit of a drive from the city but that is fine with me. I had some dates where I did meet some that lied about things. Its part of the dating game. And sometimes Ill admit the thrill of the chase was fun. But also nerve wracking. I met one blind date that checked me out in a bar for a half hour before approaching me. Lied about what she would be wearing. As soon as I saw her I knew it was hopeless. But being the gentleman I am, (hold the laughter please), I did go to her place for a half hour and almost had my head blown off with an air cartridge left on a couch. After she smoked two bowls with her son it went off and missed my head by inches. I could not get out of the house fast enough. Another blind date had me meet a woman 3 inches taller than me and again I knew it was a waste of time. Sat through the meal and that was that. I had gone to a divorce meeting and the guy that ran it said, "dont jump into any relaionships>" You need time to find yourself. Wasnt he sitting in the fucking restaurant with his signiifigant other when I met this blind date from hell. I mean, the chances of him being at this restaurant were worse than me hitting the lottery. I tried to not be seen but it didnt work. Finally, I took a chance and responded to a person with no picture, and figured, with no pic she must not look very good. Man was I wrong. She simply did not want anyone she knew to know she went this route. Having no shame or moral principles any longer, I could not have cared less and posted my picture without second thought. So she actually hit the interst button first. I noticed unlike most, she did not live far. So I offered to meet her at Tiim Hortons. I arrived 15 minutes early hoping to see her first and run like hell if it looked like another disaster. I first saw a tattood woman that looked like a wrestler walk in and figured with my luck this had to be her. Not. I was getting a coffee when in she walked and almost knocked me over. The rest is history. So to those of you that are still on the market. Dont let it scare you away, the idea of meeting in this way. Its a good way to meet people. I have made many good friends here.

Edited by silvermedalist
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My first love was when I was 17 and she was 15 and went steady for a few years, broke up for a few months then moved into a flat together on Bondi Beach.

On the way there in the car we heard Kashmir for the first time on the radio in 1975.

All up we were together for 10 years or so.

I met my first wife through a friend and later on met up with her at the pub she was working at as a barmaid.

Our first date was a Devo concert Feb 6 1981 (should've known that was my first clue it wouldn't last!), we married a couple of years later and divorced about 8 years and a couple of sons after that.

My current partner I saw briefly at a karaoke party then a couple of weeks later at a mutual friends place where I slipped my phone number into her pocket and surprise, surprise she called me.

We caught up at a local RSL (Returned Services League) club shortly after for our first date, I asked her to dance and she looked into my green / hazel eyes and couldn't resist and fell head over heels in love.

Her words not mine.

As did I gazing into her dark brown eyes.

We have been together ever since, some 18 years and have two beautiful teenage daughters.

Edited by Reggie29
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come on guys, i want to hear some more stories! :)

Here's mine:

I met my wife to be in a nightclub back in 1985 through mutual friends. The Friday night after work ritual where bunches of us would hit a bar or club, absorb alcohol, and bitch or brag about our week. It turned out to be a hot, steamy, August friday night and we've been together since that night.

Ironically, we were married twenty three years ago today!

How my lovely wife has put up with me and endured me this long I have no clue.

But it does drive home the fact to me that there is an omnipotent, omnipresent force in our universe of which we understand less that what an amoeba understands of we as humans.

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Here's mine:

I met my wife to be in a nightclub back in 1985 through mutual friends. The Friday night after work ritual where bunches of us would hit a bar or club, absorb alcohol, and bitch or brag about our week. It turned out to be a hot, steamy, August friday night and we've been together since that night.

Ironically, we were married twenty three years ago today!

How my lovely wife has put up with me and endured me this long I have no clue.

But it does drive home the fact to me that there is an omnipotent, omnipresent force in our universe of which we understand less that what an amoeba understands of we as humans.

Happy Anniversary to you and your honey Jabe.

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  • 2 years later...

currently single - but my last serious one . i'd been drinking in the afternoon and i nearly got run-over except for being pulled back off the road by this lady . so i just tagged along for the night . i was that pissed i tried singing along simply reds stars . it just went from there onwards

if only slavetozep was single i would take ab holiday , then again she would n't be with the man she loves .. forget it

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currently single - but my last serious one . i'd been drinking in the afternoon and i nearly got run-over except for being pulled back off the road by this lady . so i just tagged along for the night . i was that pissed i tried singing along simply reds stars . it just went from there onwards

if only slavetozep was single i would take ab holiday , then again she would n't be with the man she loves .. forget it

sorry wes, yes very happily married :)

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Met my wife at a nightclub in 1992.

They say relationships that start in the club don't last, but we've been together 21 years, married 18.

We estimated by checking the calendar that it was probably June 14 - a Friday - when we met, so 3 years later when we got married, we chose June 17th, which was the Saturday closest to the 14th that year.

Funny, because I was slightly interested in the girl she was with, but as the 3 of us sat there, the other girl kept getting loud, pushing me to buy drinks, etc.

Now I'm more than happy to buy women drinks, but not on demand - I prefer to be the one offering.

Anyway, the other girl started talking crap about me being too cheap, let's talk to someone else, etc., and tried to get my wife to leave where I was sitting.

But she stuck around, we laughed and had fun, and she pretty much couldn't get rid of me after that, LOL.

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Mrs Nutrocker and I met in high school, 1984...she asked me for a ciggie because she'd run out, we started talking and, damn near thirty years later still haven't run out of things to say to one another! Quite possibly the only couple at our prom who dropped acid beforehand :lol: I proposed at a Pink Floyd concert in 1994. Our honeymoon was a three month backpacking trip around Europe.

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Sweet Nutrocker. An excellent story. Did she look good on acid??

Shamed though I am to admit, I nicked Mrs CP off a mate. They had arrived back hitching in Europe and I had been working away when we bumped into each other in the village. Totally hit it off. We got together on her 22nd birthday at a club in town and we have remained inseparable for 26 years. Married for 18 years and look forward to seeing her every day.

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from your picture you must be a lady timelord a timelady ?

wes, my avatar pic was taken on the night in 2008 that i met ( well, re-united, after 31 years! ) my now husband. that's why i use it - it is the day my life turned around.

i just turned 51 this may.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet Nutrocker. An excellent story. Did she look good on acid??

She always looked good on acid :lol: Asian and all that...

we are still to have our first argument after 5 years ....


The missus and I have been living together almost 25 years and a full on, blow up, yelling and screaming argument? Never...I mean we certainly do not agree on everything and have had some lively debates over the years but I am pretty sure Mrs Nutrocker and I have never raised our voices at one another in anger...she's much more laidback than I am, for one thing, I'll go off on a rant about something and she just laughs at how ridiculous I sound :lol: The thing is, we've always been very open and honest with one another -moreso than most people we know, probably- and as a result know one another so well we know how not to piss one another off :lol: ...I have seen my wife go off on people over the years -it's not pretty, she can be a real bitch when she has to be (he says affectionately)- and am glad and somewhat amazed that I have never had to face her wrath full force...Unless one of us was actually away from home on a trip we've never found the need to sleep in separate beds, let's put it that way.

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She always looked good on acid :lol: Asian and all that...

The missus and I have been living together almost 25 years and a full on, blow up, yelling and screaming argument? Never...I mean we certainly do not agree on everything and have had some lively debates over the years but I am pretty sure Mrs Nutrocker and I have never raised our voices at one another in anger...she's much more laidback than I am, for one thing, I'll go off on a rant about something and she just laughs at how ridiculous I sound :lol: The thing is, we've always been very open and honest with one another -moreso than most people we know, probably- and as a result know one another so well we know how not to piss one another off :lol: ...I have seen my wife go off on people over the years -it's not pretty, she can be a real bitch when she has to be (he says affectionately)- and am glad and somewhat amazed that I have never had to face her wrath full force...Unless one of us was actually away from home on a trip we've never found the need to sleep in separate beds, let's put it that way.

that is so lovely to hear :)

i really love knowing there are other couples out there that feel like my hubby and i do.

this is the second marriage for both of us - we both married for the first time in 1985, and both divorced in 1997 .....

we have never had a need to yell at one another, and as i said, no fights yet. i put it down to hubby being so easy going, understanding and just well mannered. i reckon that even if he was pissed off with me, he would just probably go outside and have a beer or something, and then quietly tell me what was troubling him.

i have learned so much from him about how to talk to people, reason with them etc. it has helped me numerous time when i've had nasty customers...

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