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I have decided that New England will defeat Baltimore. The Ravens will not be able to create as many turnovers as needed to offset the fact that New England is a scoring machine - too many weapons to cover. I'm still sticking with SF over NY in a close battle.

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I have decided that New England will defeat Baltimore. The Ravens will not be able to create as many turnovers as needed to offset the fact that New England is a scoring machine - too many weapons to cover. I'm still sticking with SF over NY in a close battle.

I tend to lean with you but if Baltimore can run the ball on New England, and there is no reason to think they cant, they can keep the ball away from Brady. If Brady does not have the ball often he will have to be almost perfect against a very good defense. Baltimore is their worst nightmare for a matchup. Have been all year. Remember how soundly Baltimore beat them in the playoffs last year? What has changed? New Englands defense is average at best. Flacco is the key. If he has a good game its winnable. If he is off, forget it. I think Rice can run and get four and five yard gains. He had better not drop the ball like he did last week. Baltimore if they can contain Welker and the tight end from Buffalo, well then New England has much to worry about.

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LOL as an upstate New York person I have to laugh about the hillbilly reference. The city dwellers think anything north of Westchester is dueling banjo land. It's funny really.

I never found them funny. I found them to be New York City New Yorkers that get on my last fucking nerve. Arrogant pricks that have that accent i cant stand and think they are better than everyone else. They can have their damn congested crime infested city life.

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Now you sound like a typical NY City or Long Island guy. You people think you are the only thing in NY that is of worthiness. You cant see Niagra Falls or the St Lawrence River from Times Square buddy.

Man, how bad is your memory - I'm from right around Syracuse! I know all about the hillbillies in the western tier! :lol:

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Doubts...doubts...doubts creeping into my mind.

Not so much about the SF-NYG game...I still like the 49ers and the under in that game. Walter, I too watch the NFL channel replays...and I watched the Saints-49ers replay, only this time I pictured the NY Giants in the Saints place and tried to imagine how the Giants would respond to certain 49er sets and formations and plays.

Oh, and I have to eat crow. I forget which poster I was responding to, but earlier this season I cast aspersions on his 49ers fast start and their chances in the playoffs against teams like New Orleans and Green Bay. I said they were the beneficiary of being in a terrible division and that they were beating bad teams and that their defense hadn't faced a REAL team.

Boy, was I WRONG. To whomever it was, I apologize and admit I was wrong and you have full rights to lord it over me and gloat about your 49ers.

Now, as to the New England-Baltimore game...this is where the doubts are creeping in. For the last two nights, I've dreamt about this game...meaning I've played this entire game in my dreams for two nights. I'm weird that way.

The first night Baltimore won 24-20. Last night New England won 31-20.

The thing that makes it tough, is that my dreams have often proved on the money. But this is the first time I've dreamed the same game on back-to-back nights with different results.

So which dream do I go with...Baltimore winning a squeaker or New England covering?

I'm still leaning towards Baltimore, but Brady and Welker, Gronkowski and Hernandez were scary good in my dream.

Oh, about the tv shows...you can have your Munsters and Beverly Hillbillies. My favourite 60s tv shows were The Addams Family, The Avengers, Mission Impossible, Star Trek, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Hell, Morticia Addams(Carolyn Jones) was my first MILF. And don't get me going on the luscious Emma Peel(Diana Rigg)! :drool:

Edited by Strider
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Hi all,

>I'm still leaning towards Baltimore, but Brady and Welker, Gronkowski and Hernandez were scary good in my dream.<

Branch is due for a break out game,IMHO,...What about special teams? Turnovers might tell the tale in both games.

>Hell, Morticia Addams(Carolyn Jones) was my first MILF.<

You slept with Mrs.Jones?!? :o:P:hysterical:

>And don't get me going on the luscious Emma Peel(Diana Rigg)! :drool: <

New thread? ;)


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Doubts...doubts...doubts creeping into my mind.

Not so much about the SF-NYG game...I still like the 49ers and the under in that game. Walter, I too watch the NFL channel replays...and I watched the Saints-49ers replay, only this time I pictured the NY Giants in the Saints place and tried to imagine how the Giants would respond to certain 49er sets and formations and plays.

Oh, and I have to eat crow. I forget which poster I was responding to, but earlier this season I cast aspersions on his 49ers fast start and their chances in the playoffs against teams like New Orleans and Green Bay. I said they were the beneficiary of being in a terrible division and that they were beating bad teams and that their defense hadn't faced a REAL team.

Boy, was I WRONG. To whomever it was, I apologize and admit I was wrong and you have full rights to lord it over me and gloat about your 49ers.

Now, as to the New England-Baltimore game...this is where the doubts are creeping in. For the last two nights, I've dreamt about this game...meaning I've played this entire game in my dreams for two nights. I'm weird that way.

The first night Baltimore won 24-20. Last night New England won 31-20.

The thing that makes it tough, is that my dreams have often proved on the money. But this is the first time I've dreamed the same game on back-to-back nights with different results.

So which dream do I go with...Baltimore winning a squeaker or New England covering?

I'm still leaning towards Baltimore, but Brady and Welker, Gronkowski and Hernandez were scary good in my dream.

Oh, about the tv shows...you can have your Munsters and Beverly Hillbillies. My favourite 60s tv shows were The Addams Family, The Avengers, Mission Impossible, Star Trek, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Hell, Morticia Addams(Carolyn Jones) was my first MILF. And don't get me going on the luscious Emma Peel(Diana Rigg)! :drool:

I loved The Man from Uncle. I am torn on this New Eng/Balt game also. All year I said that Baltimore would beat them. Now I am not so sure.

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Woah, hold on there Strider. Yvonne DeCarlo was my first milf.......your milf was not better than my milf !!!! :lol: She was also Mrs. Moses, having married Chuck Heston in the Ten Commandments. Lilly Munster was merely a short TV gig. I'll say no more here.

But I digress...........there's a lot of second thoughts about this upcoming weekend. Today I heard the projected weather forecast in San Francisco is iffy at best and Eli Manning has the flu. Neither of those things are good. The other thing is Ed Reed gently ripping Joe Flacco over the Houston game. Flacco may come into the Patriot game fired up because he has something to prove.

I continue to pronosticate then...........

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After a quick review of the thread, I've discovered who it was that gets to gloat and serve me crow: redrum! Victory is yours, sir.

Woah, hold on there Strider. Yvonne DeCarlo was my first milf.......your milf was not better than my milf !!!! :lol: She was also Mrs. Moses, having married Chuck Heston in the Ten Commandments. Lilly Munster was merely a short TV gig. I'll say no more here.

Not dissing Yvonne De Carlo at all...love her film work. To me, her career highlight is in Richard Siodmack's film noir classic "Criss Cross", starring with Burt Lancaster and Dan Duryea.

My reference was to the tv characters, not the actress, and in that regard I will take Morticia Addams over Lily Munster...and I will duel to the death anyone who says otherwise. :lol::duel:

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Barbara Eden trumps ALL though!

I can't decide if what Ed Reed is doing is getting Flaco fired up or not - something's gotta change with him. He's got all the tools to be a great qb, but still makes bonehead decisions (like my boy Tony Oh-no). The Ravens have the offensive balance to beat them all - just the bonehead mistakes and some strange play calling seem to hold them back!

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Morticia and Lily = milf menage a trois.

Anyway, I blew the wad on my picks last week going 2 for 4. Couldn't have fathomed N.O. having umpteen turnovers. But the Eli's beating Green Bay? Not in a hundred years would I have expected that. That was the game I felt was in the bag despite the personal tragedy of one of the GB coaches. What the hell do I really know?

However, I shall return at a later date with another fake c-note and post my ass kicking predictions.

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Barbara Eden trumps ALL though!

I can't decide if what Ed Reed is doing is getting Flaco fired up or not - something's gotta change with him. He's got all the tools to be a great qb, but still makes bonehead decisions (like my boy Tony Oh-no). The Ravens have the offensive balance to beat them all - just the bonehead mistakes and some strange play calling seem to hold them back!

She was smokin hot and so was Elizabeth Montgomery. Bewitched. Gee, we sure remember the good ole days dont we? Now all we need is our wheel chairs to watch the games this weekend. Ha.

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I'm either placing my bets tomorrow or Saturday...$100 on each game.

One other bit of info to chew on for the Ravens @ Patriots: Belichick and Brady and their propensity for revenge. I've noticed, and maybe some of you have too, that whenever the Patriots feel slighted, disrespected, trash-talked, humiliated by an opponent they then tend to really target that opponent in their next meeting and exact revenge.

Denver, Pittsburgh, San Diego, the Jets...these are all teams that have incurred the wrath of the Patriots at one time or another and paid the price.

The fact that Baltimore stomped the Patriots last year in the playoffs, and weren't shy about crowing about it, has me thinking Belichick and Brady are working extra hard in their laboratory to formulate Baltimore's comeuppance. That worries me when I'm thinking of putting money on Baltimore.

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More thoughts about the Suggs vs. Uggs game(Ravens vs. Patriots for you neophytes)...

Okay, as they say "there's an exception to every rule". If you look at the list of teams the Patriots exacted revenge upon in my above post, you'll notice a glaring exception...the New York Giants!

The Giants RUINED the Patriots bid for a PERFECT 19-0 season in 2007. So you would think if any team would be a target for the wrath of Belichick, it would be the Giants. Yet, each successive time the two teams have played the Giants have been victorious, most recently this season.

One win could be attributed to luck, two to coincidence...but three or more successive wins and we have a trend.

Obviously the Giants have a scheme and system in place that causes the Patriots problems; you don't see the Brady Bunch scoring 40 points against the G-men. Now take a look at the Baltimore Ravens...they would seem to be a team similar to the NY Giants, right? A throwback team of strong defense with an offense based on running the ball and time of possession. You would think Baltimore would have the same success against New England that New York has had?

But apart from last year's playoff win, Baltimore has been 0-4 against Brady and company.

Which suggests one thing markedly different between the Ravens and the Giants(not to mention the Patriots): THE QUARTERBACK!

Simply stated, Joe Flacco to this point has not elevated his play and shown himself to be an elite quarterback the way Eli Manning has...hell, Eli is a couple wins away from elevating himself above his older brother Peyton Manning in my estimation.

This game, therefore, could be called a referendum game for Joe Flacco. Can he get the job done? If Baltimore's defense does its usual job and the running game clicks, all that's left is for Flacco to make the throws he needs to, with accuracy. If he can't, then maybe it's time Baltimore looked for a new quarterback.

Eli Manning had his doubters and critics when he came into the league and he shut them up. It's time now for Joe Flacco to step up himself.

A final note about turnovers...I don't remember if it was dazedcat or LedZeppFan77 who worried about Baltimore's ability to get turnovers against Brady, but a check of the stats shows that while Brady is 4-1 versus the Ravens, his TD-Int ratio is 6-6.

So yes, it would appear the Ravens defense has no problem creating turnovers...it's just a matter of whether Flacco can turn those turnovers into points.

Crikey! I think I'm talking myself into changing my bet from Baltimore to New England... :unsure:

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I'm either placing my bets tomorrow or Saturday...$100 on each game.

One other bit of info to chew on for the Ravens @ Patriots: Belichick and Brady and their propensity for revenge. I've noticed, and maybe some of you have too, that whenever the Patriots feel slighted, disrespected, trash-talked, humiliated by an opponent they then tend to really target that opponent in their next meeting and exact revenge.

Denver, Pittsburgh, San Diego, the Jets...these are all teams that have incurred the wrath of the Patriots at one time or another and paid the price.

The fact that Baltimore stomped the Patriots last year in the playoffs, and weren't shy about crowing about it, has me thinking Belichick and Brady are working extra hard in their laboratory to formulate Baltimore's comeuppance. That worries me when I'm thinking of putting money on Baltimore.


That Raven /Pats Game was 2 years ago. The Ravens played the Chiefs and Steelers last year in the playoffs. I agree with you that BIlly Boy and his Underwear Model will be preparing extra hard for this game. According to the betting line there is a one score difference Pats -7.5. Most of the point value is based on New England being a home team. Remember "scared money don't make money".


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