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Intelligent Design or Pure Chance.........


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:thumbsup: Good for you, with men like you about maybe, just maybe us Female's will become the...

"Rulers of the World"

Now that would then be "Intelligent"....:lol:

No worries, I'm rather fed up with male chauvinism and male supremacy......I would vote for a woman President or PM any day....'tis about time we changed ain't it??!!:):):):). I'm no "salt of the earth" though......go listen to brother James Brown's song....It's a man's world :):)

This is a man's world, this is a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

You see, man made the cars to take us over the road

Man made the trains to carry heavy loads

Man made electric light to take us out of the dark

Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark

This is a man's, a man's, a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys

Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys

And after man has made everything, everything he can

You know that man makes money to buy from other man

This is a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

He's lost in the wilderness

He's lost in bitterness

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Seems to me there are many people nowadays with conflicting emotions, they desire the "better world" but still want to hang around in "this world" -- how else could you explain the reality of new retirement communities like this one ...


The Villages - Creating a Retirement Community where peoples dreams can come true

... that locate themselves only 57 miles from DisneyWorld ? ;)

Problem is, they aren't really making "this world" very much of a "better world" in the process ... :slapface:

There's a song I've heard,can't remember who sang it or what it was called,but part of the lyric goes,"...everybody wants to get to Heaven but nobody wants to die".Pretty much sums it up,I think. :D

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People in their fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties who play golf remain in God's protection even in Florida, and especially if they live near Disney World. If you live in a community where everyone pays the mouse then you need all the help you can get. Fortunately we have a Good Shepherd who helps, and He's not to be confused with confused monks.

Yes but those monks decided to take the entire celibacy thing into their own hands and got some very "unique results".

Having been to Disney World, I'll take a pass about retiring near it. I like reality better anyway.

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No worries, I'm rather fed up with male chauvinism and male supremacy......I would vote for a woman President or PM any day....'tis about time we changed ain't it??!!:):):):). I'm no "salt of the earth" though......go listen to brother James Brown's song....It's a man's world :):)

This is a man's world, this is a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

You see, man made the cars to take us over the road

Man made the trains to carry heavy loads

Man made electric light to take us out of the dark

Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark

This is a man's, a man's, a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys

Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys

And after man has made everything, everything he can

You know that man makes money to buy from other man

This is a man's world

But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

He's lost in the wilderness

He's lost in bitterness

Those words are so true. :)

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There's a song I've heard,can't remember who sang it or what it was called,but part of the lyric goes,"...everybody wants to get to Heaven but nobody wants to die".Pretty much sums it up,I think. :D

Another great John Lennon lyric - in the same song, "Everybody's smokin' but no one's gettin' high". "Nobody Told Me" is the song, I believe. Don't have the disc with me, it's from "Milk and Honey" posthumous release.


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Yes but those monks decided to take the entire celibacy thing into their own hands and got some very "unique results".

Having been to Disney World, I'll take a pass about retiring near it. I like reality better anyway.

Not sure what you are trying to say here. Are you nearing retirement age?

Edited by Silver Rider
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Another great John Lennon lyric - in the same song, "Everybody's smokin' but no one's gettin' high". "Nobody Told Me" is the song, I believe. Don't have the disc with me, it's from "Milk and Honey" posthumous release.


Cheers Walter,but I'm pretty sure that the song I'm thinking of was an old r'n b' number.I could be wrong though and I always thought 'Nobody Told Me' was a terrific track.

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Another great John Lennon lyric - in the same song, "Everybody's smokin' but no one's gettin' high". "Nobody Told Me" is the song, I believe. Don't have the disc with me, it's from "Milk and Honey" posthumous release.


Kenny Chesney had a song with similar lyrical sentiment, "Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven". Not a half-bad song, really. BTW, here's that John Lennon song you were referring to, in case you want to hear it without digging out your disc:

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You're talking about the Christ child and Saint John the Baptist. Christ is a living God. He has already been here and He has risen.

I don't remember reading anything about Mr. Schwartz throwing out protesters.






I never said that Mr. Schwartz threw out protesters, but it's true, by writing "Mr. Schwartz and Company" I connected him to Gov. Rick Scott and other ones "in charge" of what happened, which could be a false accusal ... but I really doubt it. But then again what difference does my personal opinion make.

And WHO or WHAT is it to make one opinion count above another? For example, my best friend and her sister - raised as staunch Protestants - would probably consider our glowing ideas about Our Lady as complete b.s.

Even the top officials "in the know" disagree about Medjugorje Doctrinal confusions in ten Medjugorje messages

"...we are surprised at how priests, parochial vicars of the era at Medjugorje, Fr. Tomislav Vlašić (who edited the Chronicle from September 11 [1981] to August 31, 1984) and Fr. Slavko Barbarić (who continued from September 2, 1984 and died in 2000) could have recorded such suspect and heretical phrases. How could they have supposed, not only that there was new knowledge that was supposed to be adopted by individual persons and by groups of the faithful who yearn for "miracles" and "healings", but that the Church herself would also change her biblical and magisterial doctrine! We have already seen various "games" about the "great sign" as well as the innovation about the change of the liturgical calendar relative to the Nativity of the Madonna. Bishop Pavao Žanić wrote several times, with arguments, about these remarks or obvious lies in the context of the Medjugorje phenomenon:

In the supplement to the diocesan newsletter of 1982;

In the "Current (unofficial) position of the diocesan curia" from 1984;

In the "Declaration on Medjugorje" at Medjugorje in 1987;

In the booklet "The truth about Medjugorje" in 1990 ...

Conclusion. We have recalled ten "suspect" messages that show sufficiently that the tower of "apparitions" from Medjugorje cannot be considered a supernatural phenomenon. Is it only a psychogenic product of the imaginations and minds of the children? Or has a strange force put its fingers into this phenomenon? One thing is sure: such phrases and messages cannot be attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the official declarations of the Church also state: it is not possible to affirm that this is a case of supernatural apparitions or revelations."

Of course, opinions can change

Holy See confirms creation of Medjugorje Commission

and we believe miracles can happen ... Let us Pray !!! B)

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What did Governor Rick Scott do? Mr. Schwartz had good reviews and appears to have been well-liked in his community.

It's too soon to draw conclusions about Medjugorje. Another hundred years will pass before they come close to sorting through the information and determining the facts. Another hundred years will pass before they weigh the facts. But they wlll look at those who said they saw her with an honest interest. They were children at the time.

As for Bernadette at Lourdes, they determined that she could not have contrived her story. Bernadette asked the Lady who she was. When the Lady spoke to her, saying "I am the Immaculate Conception", Bernadette had to repeat the words over and over to remember them so she could tell the story. At the time she had not yet learned to read or write, and had just begun to study her catechism. She was able to say the rosary, but she did not know anything about the term "Immaculate Conception", as it was newly developed within the Church around 1854, and she was far from being a scholar in the Church's inner circle.Bernadette could not have known that term, except the Lady had identified herself as such.



According to Bernadette's account, during that same visitation that she claimed, she again asked the woman her name but the lady just smiled back. She repeated the question three more times and finally heard the lady say, in Gascon Occitan, "I am the Immaculate Conception" (Qué soï era immaculado councepcioũ, a phonetic transcription of Que soi era immaculada concepcion). Four years earlier, Pope Pius IX had defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception; that, alone of all human beings who have ever lived (save for Jesus, Adam, and Eve), the Virgin Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin. Her parents, teachers, and priests all later testified that she had never previously heard the expression 'immaculate conception' from them.
According to Bernadette's account, during that same visitation she again asked the lady her name but the lady just smiled back. She repeated the question a further three times, and finally heard the lady say, in Occitan, "I am the Immaculate Conception" (Qué soï l'immaculé councepcioũ, a phonetic transcription of Que soi er'immaculada concepcion by someone not literate in Occitan). Four years earlier, Pope Pius IX had promulgated the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception; that, alone of all human beings who have ever lived, the Virgin Mary was born without the stain of original sin. However this was not well known to Catholics at large at that time, being generally confined to discussion amongst the clergy. It certainly was not an expression known to a simple under-educated peasant girl who could barely read. Her parents, teachers and priests all later testified that she had never previously heard the words 'immaculate conception' from them.

As Bernadette later reported to her family and to church and civil investigators, at the 9th visitation the lady supposedly told Bernadette to drink from the spring that flowed under the rock, and eat the plants that grew freely there,and although there was no known spring there, and the ground was hard and dry, Bernadette assumed the "lady" meant that the spring was underground. She did as she was told and dug into the dirt, but when nothing happened this caused much scepticism among the onlookers. However, the water began to flow a day or so later. Some devout people followed Bernadette's example by drinking and washing in the water, which was soon reported to have healing properties.

In the 145 years since Bernadette dug up the spring, 67 cures have been "verified" by the Lourdes Medical Bureau as "inexplicable" (not "miraculous"), but only after what the Church claims are "extremely rigorous scientific and medical examinations" fail to find any other explanation. The Lourdes Commission which examined Bernadette after the visions also ran an intensive analysis on the water, and found that while it has a high mineral content, it contains nothing out of the ordinary that would account for the cures attributed to it. Bernadette herself said that it was faith and prayer that cured the sick.

Where the Lady appeared in Lourdes at the grotto, the spring continues to flow.

Mirjana still sees the Lady at Medjugorje. She was 16 when the visions began. She was born on March 18, 1965. She is now 46.

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Talking about visions and and "intelligent designs", when is the Pope gonna decide it's about bl**dy time he reveals the 3rd Fatima prophecy to the world??? Isn't it time the whole mystic thing around that should be removed once and for all. or should we stiil keep on having "faith" and for how long still???!!:):):):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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What did Governor Rick Scott do?

Protesters removed from Gov. Rick Scott Florida budget signing ceremony

Gov. Rick Scott's budget scene scripted down to who could attend

"THE VILLAGES — Each detail of Florida Gov. Rick Scott's first budget signing was painstakingly considered.

From the location ­— a conservative retirement community in Central Florida — to the mini-red "veto" Sharpie pens Scott handed out as keepsakes. ... At the urging of Scott officials, Sumter County sheriff's deputies escorted a group of more than a dozen Democrats — mainly retirees who live in The Villages — from Thursday's event at the town square.

The reason?

The $69 billion state budget signing ceremony was a "private event." ..."

And Silver Rider, you might think that "Another hundred years will pass before they come close to sorting through the information and determining the facts. Another hundred years will pass before they weigh the facts." - but Fr. Lombardi says the new Vatican-approved international commission of investigation on Medjugorje" will take “a good while” to reach their completion and emphasized that the results of the commission’s activities will be submitted to the CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), under whose mandate they are operating. The commission will only offer their technical findings to the Congregation, which in turn will “make decisions on the case.” :huh:

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Protesters removed from Gov. Rick Scott Florida budget signing ceremony

Gov. Rick Scott's budget scene scripted down to who could attend

"THE VILLAGES — Each detail of Florida Gov. Rick Scott's first budget signing was painstakingly considered.

From the location ­— a conservative retirement community in Central Florida — to the mini-red "veto" Sharpie pens Scott handed out as keepsakes. ... At the urging of Scott officials, Sumter County sheriff's deputies escorted a group of more than a dozen Democrats — mainly retirees who live in The Villages — from Thursday's event at the town square.

The reason?

The $69 billion state budget signing ceremony was a "private event." ..."

And Silver Rider, you might think that "Another hundred years will pass before they come close to sorting through the information and determining the facts. Another hundred years will pass before they weigh the facts." - but Fr. Lombardi says the new Vatican-approved international commission of investigation on Medjugorje" will take "a good while" to reach their completion and emphasized that the results of the commission's activities will be submitted to the CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), under whose mandate they are operating. The commission will only offer their technical findings to the Congregation, which in turn will "make decisions on the case." :huh:

They go through a long canonization process.

Anyway, we can't blame Mr. Schwartz unless he was alive when the Florida Villages fiasco took place. Whoever heard of a state budget signing event being "private"? :blink:

Talking about visions and and "intelligent designs", when is the Pope gonna decide it's about bl**dy time he reveals the 3rd Fatima prophecy to the world??? Isn't it time the whole mystic thing around that should be removed once and for all. or should we stiil keep on having "faith" and for how long still???!!:):):):)

They have already revealed the 3rd secret of Fatima in the year 2000 from what I am reading. It is similar to what was told to Bernadette at Lourdes, penance, penance, penance.


On Saturday, May 13, 2000, the 83rd anniversary of the Fatima vision, the Roman Catholic Church, under the direction of the Bishop of Rome, revealed the contents of the third vision of Fatima to the world.

You can read the 3rd part here.


The third part of the "secret" was written "by order of His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother ..." on 3 January 1944.

There is only one manuscript, which is here reproduced photostatically.


The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917.

I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.

After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.


By Sunday Feb. 21st crowds were beginning to follow her and Bernadette's first of many official questionings started by Police Commissioner, Jacomet. Her eighth visit with the lady on Wednesday 24th.February saw the first of the messages being given: The message of the Lady was: "Penance! Penance! Penance!

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There's a song I've heard,can't remember who sang it or what it was called,but part of the lyric goes,"...everybody wants to get to Heaven but nobody wants to die".Pretty much sums it up,I think. :D

Apparently it's both a song


and a book

Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven, but Nobody Wants to Die: Or the Eschatology of Bluegrass

This song is similar but more recent (2008)

and replaces "Nobody Wants to Die" with "Nobody Wants to go Now".

Both my mother and mother-in-law would have disagreed with that, though. I can still remember my poor mother-in-law in the hospital, weak from over twenty years of dialysis (inherited polycystic kidney syndrome) and suffering from appendicitis, crying to us and the nurses to disconnect her from life support so she could die. They refused, upped her painkillers, and she managed to hold on for a couple more weeks, although she was more "there" than "here". She would drift in and out of coma, and at times she would enter conversations with her deceased relatives, so we felt she had entered an "early heaven".

After two years of chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer, my mother was "ready to go". She asked the doctors what would happen if she stopped the chemo, and she decided to let herself go naturally, as it seemed (and probably was) much less painful. The chemo had been a torturous nightmare for her to endure, and though we miss her very much we can also understand the decision she made - no hospitals for her, she remained in her home (with help from family and Hospice) instead - and in the end we hugged and held hands as she crossed over to the other side (normal breathing, then about six breaths spaced further apart, then she was gone).

Both mom and mother-in-law were in their 70's - and advanced age and illness probably do make it easier when it's time to go - but I think the fact that they had both experienced some "heaven" on earth - contact with the "supernatural" - helped alot.

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Let's assume for a second that god exists, and that he created all of this.

1. Why does he not intervene when his creation (i.e. the infrastructure or its inhabitants) malfunctions? More to the point, since he is allegedly all-knowing, and therefore knows when a major earthquake is about to occur or some goth loser's gonna go postal, why doesn't he intervene to PREVENT it from malfunctioning in the first place? Surely he has a duty of care towards us. Why is he neglecting that duty so egregiously?

2. The god/man relationship is supposedly a two-way arrangement. I'm talking about prayer here. So, how many times have your prayers been answered? Ok, now disregard those outcomes which were likely to occur anyway, e.g. recovery from serious but generally curable conditions. How many now? And what about the macro issues? How come 'two or more gathered together in his name for a common prayer' haven't yet succeeded in removing one solitary generally accepted Bad Thing, such as famine, genocide, paedophilia, Sepp Blatter etc?

I'm calling bullshit on the whole deal. The meek shall inherit nothing.

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Let's assume for a second that god exists, and that he created all of this.

1. Why does he not intervene when his creation (i.e. the infrastructure or its inhabitants) malfunctions? More to the point, since he is allegedly all-knowing, and therefore knows when a major earthquake is about to occur or some goth loser's gonna go postal, why doesn't he intervene to PREVENT it from malfunctioning in the first place? Surely he has a duty of care towards us. Why is he neglecting that duty so egregiously?

2. The god/man relationship is supposedly a two-way arrangement. I'm talking about prayer here. So, how many times have your prayers been answered? Ok, now disregard those outcomes which were likely to occur anyway, e.g. recovery from serious but generally curable conditions. How many now? And what about the macro issues? How come 'two or more gathered together in his name for a common prayer' haven't yet succeeded in removing one solitary generally accepted Bad Thing, such as famine, genocide, paedophilia, Sepp Blatter etc?

I'm calling bullshit on the whole deal. The meek shall inherit nothing.

"The meek shall inherit everything" is merely a politically UNcorrect way to say we are "pulling yer legs":):):)

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Let's assume for a second that god exists, and that he created all of this.

1. Why does he not intervene when his creation (i.e. the infrastructure or its inhabitants) malfunctions? More to the point, since he is allegedly all-knowing, and therefore knows when a major earthquake is about to occur or some goth loser's gonna go postal, why doesn't he intervene to PREVENT it from malfunctioning in the first place? Surely he has a duty of care towards us. Why is he neglecting that duty so egregiously?

2. The god/man relationship is supposedly a two-way arrangement. I'm talking about prayer here. So, how many times have your prayers been answered? Ok, now disregard those outcomes which were likely to occur anyway, e.g. recovery from serious but generally curable conditions. How many now? And what about the macro issues? How come 'two or more gathered together in his name for a common prayer' haven't yet succeeded in removing one solitary generally accepted Bad Thing, such as famine, genocide, paedophilia, Sepp Blatter etc?

I'm calling bullshit on the whole deal. The meek shall inherit nothing.

I don't know about God but I think Satan has indeed taken human form.He now goes under the name of Sepp Blatter. :D

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