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... how important you think it is.

Nowadays it seems like most everything is planned, from birth to death. People often plan the day and time to have their child delivered by Caesarean section so it doesn't interfere with job schedules, and funerals are often held when the families of the deceased can conveniently meet for the ceremony - which can be weeks to months after a cremation.

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My thought is that we've allowed ourselves to become detached, distanced, disconnected and desensitized to almost everything nowadays, and that something very precious has been lost -- but maybe that's just old-fashioned-feelings? :unsure:

Edited by sweetredwine
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... how important you think it is.

Nowadays it seems like most everything is planned, from birth to death. People often plan the day and time to have their child delivered by Caesarean section so it doesn't interfere with job schedules, and funerals are often held when the families of the deceased can conveniently meet for the ceremony - which can be weeks to months after a cremation.

Your thoughts?

Hi 'sweetredwine'

OK, Birth, you cant plan your own birth, but planning your own death? no thanks, i want it to come as a Big Surprise, but thats just me being the romantic old bugger that i am right? :lol:

Regards, Danny

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Of course other people plan your birth....parents, remember???!::)

Hi Spider,

Sorry to correct you but most births are not planned, they happen because males dont put something on the end of it or that females dont care if they get pregnant or not, and parents? what parents? i was delivered to my nan by a stork. :o

Regards, Danny

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If there's one thing that having four kids has taught me is that if Plan A doesn't work out, you have to be spontaneous enough to go with Plan B, or C, or...

I do believe in planning and am very organized, however, if something comes up last minute that sounds like fun, I'm all over that. I love the fun and excitement of going somewhere or doing something last minute, be it a trip out of town or popping up off the couch when I'm all settled in to go out and get ice cream because one of the kids suggested it.

So I'm pretty much a planner AND I'm spontaneous. There's a place for both, comfortably, in my life.

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He can't tell you. He's banned.

And there was rejoicing across the land...

Back to topic...yeah, I'd say I'm a pretty spontaneous guy. Sure, I've planned for certain things...Led Zeppelin concerts, for instance, took planning of military precision.

And I will plan a special Valentine's date or a birthday.

But for the most part I am a come what may kind of guy. I don't worry too much about the future...I'll deal with it when it gets here. I'm not superstitious nor religious, but I love this quote:

"If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."

Edited by Strider
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