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Hurricane Irene


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According to all the news stations here and The Weather Channel, the storm is expected to graze the Outer Banks and far eastern coast of Virginia, and make the most impact in the Northeast. Had the storm stayed on its original track, not only myself but Jahfin (who lives in Raleigh), Virginia (who lives outside of Richmond) and several other members who live inland in both NC and VA would have been fucked, to be blunt. So this has been great for us, not so great for residents of the Outer Banks and coastal Virginia, but thankfully the worst of any hurricane is in the eastern eyewall, and that is expected to stay off-shore.

Like I said in the other thread, if you live in New England, around late Sunday/early Monday, you might want to start paying attention to The Weather Channel if the storm's track hasn't changed from what it is now.

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Last I heard this evening it was possibly going to miss or skirt the eastern board of the US as a category 3. This is one powerful storm.

My thoughts are for everyone in the zone to be safe. Being a lifelong Floridian and having been through a few hurricanes the key is preparation.

That may seem obvious but some (and I've done this myself) wait too long to get their supplies ready and the stores run out.

If you live anywhere in the possible strike zone go out and get gallons of water (probably the single most improtant thing one gallon/ per person/ per day), canned food, (a can opener!) batteries, flashlights, a battery operated radio is very useful, a first aid emergency kit, any medicine you may need, and wood to board up your windows. Also, put your important papers and such in ziplock bags if you don't have a fire/floodproof safe. Those are the things we do at our house.

People should know their evacuation route and designated shelters ahead of time. Make sure they accept your pets too, or make alternate plans.

If you are told to get out, do it. A storm doesn't have to be big like Katrina to kill people.The reason I put the info about supplies before the evac info is some people wait until the last minute and/or get cut off from travel. In that case it's a good idea to be prepared in the event you must endure the hurricane at home.

I thought this one was going swing our way, but that's the thing. Hurricanes aren't perfectly predictable. I hope my friends further up the seaboard are careful and stay safe, especially in/near the New York area (where the most danger appears at the moment for damage from Irene). Keep us posted!


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Getting a little scary now as I live about an hour or so from NYC. Will be getting my food supplies tomorrow. I'm not close enough to any body of water, where the storm surge would pose a problem, but the possibility of 100+ MPH winds and 10" of rain gets me worried. Especially, with so many large trees around in the vicinity of my neighborhood. This hurricane they say could be a life changing event for the northeast with the likes of which hasn't been seen in decades. From the Outer Banks of NC all the way to Maine. This may have the affect on over eighty million people who live in this area.

The forecast path will be changing over the next several days so the impact areas may alter a bit. But better to be safe. I've never seen projected forecast tracks that have had little deviation than this. It seems like it may be catastrophic for some of us in the northeast. I hope and pray for myself, those close to me and everyone who may be affected by this monster. :smiley_pray:

A friend of mine who works for a firm that does long range corporate forecasting was a guest on CNBC earlier today and provided this:


Edited by SuperDave
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it's awesome how global warming causes so many more hurricanes on the planet these days..........unless of course there are fewer hurricanes...........which is also caused by global warming :blink:

It's awesome? :slapface:

Climate change is definitely changing things, but there's another thread for that around here.

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Hi all,

I think he was being sarcastic,.... :)

The Category 3 hurricane is slamming the Bahamas right now.


I know he was, when isn't he for the most part? There is a time for that, but not when millions are worried for their lives and property though.

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For those who are in the path of this thing, stock up on essentials, esp water, food and fuel. We had Hurricane Ike come through Galveston in 2008 and we are 40 miles inland which meant we received lots of rain, wind and were without power for two weeks. If you have a generator, make sure you have enough extra fuel since there will be a shortage right after the storm. We had to wait in long lines every couple of days to buy gasoline since our generator would use a ton of it just to power a couple of fans and a t.v/dvd player.

Edited by MissMelanie
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Hi all,

Good advice MissMelanie.There was a recent poll here in Boston asking folks if they knew what to do in the event of a hurricane,40% had no idea.We are more use to blizzards,... :slapface:

On the plus side the ocean waters are colder around here,so this should reduce the force of the storm.


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Well, wherever it hits, I wish all of you in Irene's path good luck and best wishes that you come thru it safe and sound. Since it appears the northeast will be hardest hit, I especially send my well wishes in that direction...yes, planted, I am talking to YOU dear, since I can't seem to get a PM through to you. :)

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Hi all,

Well, wherever it hits, I wish all of you in Irene's path good luck and best wishes that you come thru it safe and sound. Since it appears the northeast will be hardest hit, I especially send my well wishes in that direction...yes, planted, I am talking to YOU dear, since I can't seem to get a PM through to you. :)

Strider,I ain't feeling the love here Bro! :P:lol:


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Hi all,

Are you a nor'easter, too KB? With your Avatar name, I just assumed you lived in Japan. Best of luck to you, too, then! Stay high and dry.

Yes Bro,Beverly,MA: Beverly

Just an FYI,a Nor'easter is a storm ;) A Down easter is a person who lives in Maine,.....ask me my favorite joke about Maine! :P

Back on topic,another model says the track of the storm might hit Worcester County,...that's where planted lives! :o

Anywho,thanks Bro,......beer,JB and duct tape at the ready! :D


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Hi all,

Yes Bro,Beverly,MA: Beverly

Just an FYI,a Nor'easter is a storm ;) A Down easter is a person who lives in Maine,.....ask me my favorite joke about Maine! :P

Back on topic,another model says the track of the storm might hit Worcester County,...that's where planted lives! :o

Anywho,thanks Bro,......beer,JB and duct tape at the ready! :D


Yes, we here in Worcester County have been told about the current track of this storm. Most of you know I work in healthcare, and I can report that several hospitals in the area have already begun cancelling appointments in their clinics for Monday. A PET/CT dept is one in particular that I could not get an appointment for for one of our patients today. The machines they use for these scans are very sensitive, and can take hours to fix, meaning a technician needs to be dispatched from various parts of the state in the event of a malfunction/power outage. Generators are typically used in emergency situations, ICU's, operating rooms, etc. I expect we will be open, though the docs will make that call tomorrow.

Thank you, Strider. I have taken a few moments to empty my mailbox!

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One channel had a model, which they said was the most accurate over time, has an interesting path. Hurricane makes land in Eastern NC, just west of Cape Hatteras, heads north over Norfolk, VA, up the Chesapeake Bay, thorough MD and DE, into South Jersey over Cape May and near Atlantic City and over NYC. I'm east of NYC so that's a bit scary as the worst part of the Hurricane is the right, which I'd be on. With the Hurricane over NYC, this becomes quite possibly somewhat devastating as one of the meteorologists said with astronomical high tides occurring at around land fall, with tides running 2-4 feet above normal without the presence of Irene. The storm surge could then force lots of water down the Harlem and East rivers and flood much of Manhattan. Pretty scary as well as what can happen on the south shore of Long Island as well with all this water. The track can still change as it's still two days away. We'll see.

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I hope you all will be safe :unsure: It sounds like central VA may not be too badly affected (of course, we're still feeling earthquake aftershocks; 4.5 at 1am this morning...) but we have lots of friends/family in NC, Tidewater and in the north east so I'm saying prayers for everyone to be safe. :( Pretty worried about the Outer Banks too.

Edited by Virginia
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I hope you all will be safe :unsure: It sounds like central VA may not be too badly affected (of course, we're still feeling earthquake aftershocks; 4.5 at 1am this morning...) but we have lots of friends/family in NC, Tidewater and in the north east so I'm saying prayers for everyone to be safe. :( Pretty worried about the Outer Banks too.

I went on vacation to the OBX couple days ago. And the waves were bigger than usual. People were already panicking for the hurricane coming. Pretty scary stuff.

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