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Hurricane Irene


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Well, it's not coming till Sunday night, right?

I'm not exactly sure where you live LedZep342, but the NYC area, where I'm from, should start receiving the first effects from the hurricane Saturday afternoon with the worst of it overnight Saturday through early Sunday evening. They still say the storm center (eye) should pass around the NYC area or just west of. Could be a bad scenario for NYC, other major cities and metro areas on the east coast. :smiley_pray:

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South Florida received some of the outer rain bands from Irene today with some squalls. Lot of big waves and rip currents and a number of surfers were injured doing so. At least one was hurt quite seriously. Not a smart thing to do, no matter how could your are. With winds and rip currents, conditions can be unpredictable immediately. I think this was in Jupiter, FL.

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These folks ain't afraid of no hurricane, they live for 'em.


That's not the type of surf that is associated with a hurricane that is close by either. Nice waves though!

I see that some dry air from the Jet Stream has infiltrated Irene and she had been downgraded to a 2 this morning. Hope that continues for you folks in the mid-Atlantic states and coastline. We'll be thinking about you. Just hope it moves swiftly by so the rain levels don't get real high and cause the flooding they are predicting in NJ and NY. Good luck and stay safe.


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Mandatory evacuations have started for Zone A in New York, and starting tomorrow noon, the transportation system will be shut down. If the winds go higher than 60 mph, the George Washington and Tappen Zee Bridges will be closed as well.

All in all, about a quarter of a million people are being temporarily relocated because of this storm.

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Mandatory evacuations have started for Zone A in New York, and starting tomorrow noon, the transportation system will be shut down. If the winds go higher than 60 mph, the George Washington and Tappen Zee Bridges will be closed as well.

All in all, about a quarter of a million people are being temporarily relocated because of this storm.

Also in less than an hour New Jersey's Garden State Parkway, will be shut down from exit 98 on southward. That's from about the Spring Lake/Asbury Park area to Cape May. This is unprecedented as well as what Electrophile mentioned too about NYC's public transportation. The trains will be shut down as well at noon tomorrow. Stay safe everyone! :D

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Hi, everybody! Here in Brooklyn we're preparing too. Just finished stocking up on non-perishables, water, and assembling a "go-bag" just in case. we don't live in an A zone, but near it. We live in a hi-rise above tenth floor, so the husband taped up our windows. Just have to cover the guitars and piano & all other important stuff, in case our windows blow out (God forbid).

Please be safe everyone.

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We've had some showers here on the CT shoreline, some heavier than others. The last hour or so, there has been very little or no rain, As far as wind goes, very little, in the 5-10 mph range. Checking some of the Weather Channel and other cable news reports, it seems to be getting very squally in South Jersey with some very heavy rain bands with winds in the 20-30 mph range. With this storm possibly coming over NYC at high tide and that being an astronomical high tide, it could be a very big problem for NYC.

The Hurricane is expected to reenter the Atlantic off the coast of Norfolk, VA shortly. Most likely it will not gain strength but maintain itself once in this area of the DelMarVa. The conditions here in CT will be going down hill after dark and will start improving in mid-afternoon tomorrow. That's a long time. They've been saying we should expect about 21 hours of TS winds. Just gotta hope and pray it's not too bad. :smiley_pray: But it's a hurricane and may be a severe TS, when it arrives. Will not let my guard down as we will get 8-12" of rain and lots of wind on an already very saturated ground, which equals lots of trees coming down which may not take much to occur. Especially, trees with shallow roots. Not sure which trees have them. I'm sure someone can answer this.

Good luck to everyone here and elsewhere in Irene's path! :yesnod:

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Hi SD,all,

It's a common misconception that some trees have a deep root system and others a shallow one. Virtually all trees will have the bulk of their root system (95%) located very close to the soil surface -- within the top 12-18" of the soil and most roots will occur right below the soil surface. That is where necessary oxygen and most of the soil moisture and nutrients are located. Very few trees produce actual tap roots and many that are commonly considered taprooted are really only so in their youth -- they tend to outgrow that characteristic as they age. Sure, some trees will develop a deeper than normal root system in response to specific growing conditions (i.e., to access underground aquifers in very arid climates) but it is uncommon in a cultivated landscape.

Some trees are known to produce a lot of surface roots or roots that will emerge above soil level - many maples, some oaks, liquidambars, various prunus species, magnolias, etc. all share that trait, but again how likely this is to occur will depend on specific growing conditions.


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