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I have always wondered about this lineup. I think it could have been very cool had it had the time to "gestate" as it were. I've never really heard Page talk about it before. I wonder what he thought of it. I get the feeling that RP felt it was a little too prog-rock with unnecessary complexity, but I think that Page's love of a good riff might have really worked well here--more specifically stringing together multiple riffs that on their own may not support a whole tune. Of the abandoned things I would have loved to see Page return to this short-lived experiment is close to the top along with the Ken Anger collaboration (and scoring in general) and Safe Sex.

I would also love to see Page re-unite with the Moroccans for an instrumental set. Also the rumors of him exploring Brazilian percussionists--yes please!

So does anyone have the inside dope on XYZ?

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Ok quite a few views with no input. Well here are a few cuts for anyone mildly interested:

The solos here are interesting to me for the following reason, and maybe I am deconstructing a bit much here--This is in the wake of the demise of LZ and he has clearly returned to the Tele--and correct me if I am wrong, but i think I am hearing the B-bender/hipshot happening here. So it makes me wonder if this in his mind is a new toy and something fresh/or is it a return to the beginning in his mind? I really love the B-bender sound in that non country setting.

Also it is interesting to me to see Page who so often gets the critique of being a "sloppy" player playing with such complex, oddly timed parts be this solid in a rough draft format. Also very interesting to see him playing against a drummer who is good and solid but about as far from Bonzo as one can get. Do these songs work? IMO not really, but who knows what they could have evolved into had there been some momentum behind them.

I also think the Page tele against the Ric bass is an interesting contrast. I remember hearing rumors of this lineup and that this was what was coming next back in those days, but frankly i forgot all about it until I ran across it recently.

The other bit of fascination I get, and i don't mean to ruffle feathers, is the break-in and the stealing of tape from Jimmy Page. A number of things about it are just inherently compelling and create a weird perpetrator profile.

First--How confident do you have to be in a lack of kharma/spirituality/spooky witchcraft do you have to be to nick something that means something to Jimmy Page given all his Crowley weirdness? I mean I consider myself a pretty skeptical guy, but damn.

Second, let's say you do have those big brass ones, and you do decide to do it. There you are in Page's place. Treasure trove of guitars and tapes--BUT YOU CAN'T UNLOAD A BIT OF IT. How do you fence Jimmy's guitar? Or stolen recordings of the most recognizable guitarist ever? The Drake theft I get--thousands in untraceable cash.

So that leaves just a psycho-obsessed fan who just wants to hear it. He wants to feel connected to his idol through this perverse violation. My point is that it is just so much creepier than a profit driven crime. And at some point he has to share it, or we would have never heard this.

What a strange place the world is, and it frankly makes me understand Page's private nature all the more.

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Ok weird thing happened. I swear i searched the forum before I posted this thread and got NOTHING. Just researched and see how many times this has been discussed. Apologies.

If you search for Chris Squire, you get results. If you search for XYZ--nothing.

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If you search for Chris Squire, you get results. If you search for XYZ--nothing.

I've tried to offer that sort of advice to those using the Search feature before but they'd rather bitch about the reasons why they should be allowed to post a duplicate thread instead. Also, if it's a common phrase you will get tons of results or if the search term is too short you will get no results at all. Also, if it's a band or artist that's been frequently discussed, sometimes it's better to search using a band members' name rather than the band name itself.

Back to the subject matter at hand, I remember hearing about XYZ back in the day and was a bit intrigued by the prospect but the stories I remember reading weren't much beyond the rumors stage so there was never a whole lot of details. Now, with the innerwebs we even get some actual soundbites which is way more than what was available to us way back when.

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Back to the subject matter at hand, I remember hearing about XYZ back in the day and was a bit intrigued by the prospect but the stories I remember reading weren't much beyond the rumors stage so there was never a whole lot of details. Now, with the innerwebs we even get some actual soundbites which is way more than what was available to us way back when.

I do remember a news article about XYZ as a new supergroup in about 1981, as you say it was really work back. then.

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I do remember a news article about XYZ as a new supergroup in about 1981. as you say it was really work back. then.

The September 1981 issue of Creem (erroneously) reported Jimmy Page and Robert Plant had booked studio time with Chris Squire and Alan White as XYZ Band. Similar reports were published in other magazines, to include Rolling Stone.

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  • 8 months later...

Ultimate Classic Rock

Chris Squire Of Yes: ‘I’d Be Happy To Work With Jimmy Page Again’

by: Matt Wardlaw

Yesterday 02/06/2012

Yes bassist Chris Squire recently revealed some more details about the spectacular rock and roll near-miss experience that nearly resulted in a collaborative supergroup featuring members of Yes and Led Zeppelin.

On the heels of the disastrous Jon Anderson-less ‘Drama’ album and subsequent tour, Squire and fellow Yes member, drummer Alan White, found themselves jamming with Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page. Musically, Page was at loose ends following the death of Zep drummer John Bonham and was searching for the appropriate entry point to get back into making music again.

Squire tells Prog Magazine that the trio were in the studio together in early 1981, working on prospective material with Elton John producer Gus Dudgeon. They laid down recording sketches for four songs, mostly written by Squire, with distant hope that Zeppelin singer Robert Plant might complete the circle and add vocals to the tracks.

It was a bit early for that however, as Plant wasn’t quite ready to get back into a band situation. As Squire relates, “Jimmy was hoping that Robert was going to come and join the party,” and even when that didn’t come to pass, the project had already served its purpose. Page, says Squire, “just wanted to get back into playing with some guys.”

“XYZ” was the working title for the collective, a nod to the trio of “ex” Yes and Zeppelin members. Two of the four songs they were working on eventually surfaced as Yes tracks.

landed on the ‘Keys To Ascension’ release while ‘Can You See’ got a new title, labeled as
on the 2001 Yes album ‘Magnification.’

Squire says that he’s still in touch with Page and that the possibilities for collaboration remain loosely plausible. “Jimmy knows how much he enjoyed playing with us and if it’s something that he ever wanted to do again, it’s always on the table,” Squire continued. “I’d be happy to work with Jimmy again, but it’s not something I am thinking is going to happen necessarily.”

But isn’t it just maddening to consider the possibilities of what the above grouping might have sounded like

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Interesting ... Never knew they worked with the late Gus Dudgen, Elton John's esteemed Producer..

Not sure of the order of events, but Jimmy purchased Gus's studio and re-named it Sol Studio.

Correction... Apparently Gus Dudgen named it Sol Studio..

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  • 1 year later...

I remember a funny interview with Robert about the XYZ project - this would have been just after Pictures At Eleven was released, but might have been around the time The Principle Of Moments was out - anyway, he said that all he knew of the project was that some Atlantic Records guy was on the same plane as Robert, flying from NY to London, if memory serves, and the guy was excited and telling Robert he had to join in. The guy gave Robert a pen with "XYZ" engraved on it. Robert placed the pen in his pocket and when the airplane touched down at Heathrow, the pen had leaked and Robert's shirt was covered in ink.

He said that was all needed to know about XYZ.

Now, we all know Robert and his penchant for telling stories and speaking with tongue planted firmly in cheek, so who knows if this actually happened, but that's Robert's account of it.

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Thanks for putting that here, Bayougal65. I read it later Friday. I really hope something comes of it. I would love for it to be officially out.

I'll second that. I love Yes, and Zeppelin (of course), and the unauthorized You Tube tracks are excellent. They took a few listens before I appreciated them, but I could have seen this being a very unique and adventurous line-up.

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