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The Great Dinner Invite Thread


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Don't start getting pedantic with me 'Strider'.. :buttsmack: I wasn't asking 'Babushka' to dinner, only Fictional Detectives...

Who is to say she is no longer with us anyway? Even if she were about 30 at the time she would only be 80 now...

At least 'fishhead' found the artical interesting... so :P

I got your back....very interesting

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I got your back....very interesting

Thanks 'fishhead'

Maybe 'Strider' belongs to the CIA / FBI, and doesn't want the Mystery solved...(as they know who she was)

But I would still invite him to my next Dinner Party... If he wanted to come... ;)

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Don't start getting pedantic with me 'Strider'.. :buttsmack: I wasn't asking 'Babushka' to dinner, only Fictional Detectives...

Who is to say she is no longer with us anyway? Even if she were about 30 at the time she would only be 80 now...

At least 'fishhead' found the artical interesting... so :P

My dear Kate, I wasn't being pedantic nor snarky. You mistook my intent...I wasn't criticizing your choices at all. I was merely addressing your last question as to why the woman hadn't come forward yet, by suggesting that it's most likely she hasn't because she is dead. Please don't sic BD on me. :D

Someone asked why there weren't more lists with high and mighty figures like Jesus and Alexander the Great on them. I don't know about you, but I like my dinner parties to be fun, with people that can carry a conversation on a wide variety of topics. If I wanted to be preached to or lectured, I would go to a church or university symposium, thank you.

Anyway, you want high and mighty, here you go: Satan, Jesus, Eve, Lilith, and Moses.

Here's another approach...

Hitler, Stalin, Torquemada, Benedict Arnold, Idi Amin...and I would poison them all.

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My dear Kate, I wasn't being pedantic nor snarky. You mistook my intent...I wasn't criticizing your choices at all. I was merely addressing your last question as to why the woman hadn't come forward yet, by suggesting that it's most likely she hasn't because she is dead. Please don't sic BD on me. :D

Someone asked why there weren't more lists with high and mighty figures like Jesus and Alexander the Great on them. I don't know about you, but I like my dinner parties to be fun, with people that can carry a conversation on a wide variety of topics. If I wanted to be preached to or lectured, I would go to a church or university symposium, thank you.

Anyway, you want high and mighty, here you go: Satan, Jesus, Eve, Lilith, and Moses.

Here's another approach...

Hitler, Stalin, Torquemada, Benedict Arnold, Idi Amin...and I would poison them all.

Well you find me one that would be more incredible to sit down with than Jesus. I am a believer but whether you are or not, you have to admit it would be quite a moment. So too would be so many other historical figures. Cleopatra, Teddy Roosevelt, Robin Hood, Christopher Colombus. Hows that for variety.

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my mother. i didn't get to spend enough time with her, and i would love to speak to her now that i'm an adult.

harpo marx . he will speak!

carl sagan. would love to know what he thinks in 2012

and instead of the zep guys, how about charlotte, maureen or even miss p or lori m .....

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Led Tiki

I've been meaning to ask what happened to him. I was having a lively conversation with him on the "Post a Picture of Yourself" thread and went back on and saw his posts and some others deleted. I searched his name to find out he had been banned. He was really nice to me so I didn't know what in the world he could have done to get banned.

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I've been meaning to ask what happened to him. I was having a lively conversation with him on the "Post a Picture of Yourself" thread and went back on and saw his posts and some others deleted. I searched his name to find out he had been banned. He was really nice to me so I didn't know what in the world he could have done to get banned.

Yep great guy, Debroah got him banned for no reason.

Edited by TheStairwayRemainsTheSame
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harpo marx . he will speak!

This reminds me of the story of Dorothy Parker sitting next to the famously taciturn President Calvin Coolidge at a dinner party. She turned to him and said "My friend bet me that I couldn't get three words out of you." Coolidge turned to her and said, "You lose."

Later, Parker got even with him...when informed of his death, she replied "How could they tell?"

Yep great guy, Debroah got him banned for no reason.

Not true and not cool.

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top 5 killers to invite:

Aileen Wournos

Ruth Ellis

Edith Thompson (who I believe was innocent)

John Christie

Elizabeth Bathory

My top five killers would be

Jack the Ripper ( just to finally solve this crime that will never be solved_

Whoever killed Jon Bonet Ramsey

John Wilkes Booth

Siran Siran ( I would have some tough questions for him)

Scott Peterson ( to tell him what a scumbag he is) and that dutch prick that probably killed Hollaway

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only five eh, let me think...

Shemp Howard

John Paul Jones

Mickie James

Steve "Sting" Borden

Elizabeth Montgomery


Elizabeth Montgomery was beautiful. Gee, I wonder if she ever listened to Led Zeppelin? I am sure she must have at one time or another. So many that are not die hard fans like us actually think Led Zeppelin is a person rather than a band. Unreal. I always correct them if I hear someone say he. I say, "its not he its a band." and then I give full details. Back to the dinner, Bonzo and Liz could not be from more different worlds and all. My guest list would certainly have to be mostly made up of those that are no longer with us and historical figures with the exception of Jimmy Page.

Wouldnt we love to know exactly what some of those people actually looked like. Starting with Jesus, and then Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Jack the Ripper, Robin Hood, Mary Magdalene.

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