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Famous people you hate


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It's hard to "hate" someone one doesn't know ie a celebrity, but it's easy to hate the persona/image that they choose to put out in the public arena & I believe everyone's passions become stirred up when they see a representation of the things they despise, in my case Fred Durst, Bill Maher, & Al Franken

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Even when it comes to folks in the public eye that I may not particularly care for I still find "hate" to be a very strong word, one I don't necessarily agree with. "Strongly dislike" would be more like it, at least from my perspective. For instance, I don't care for most of Jack Black's over the top antics but I can't really say I "hate" the guy. In fact, when he tones it down (which is very rarely), I can actually tolerate him. It may not be the best example but I enjoyed him in School of Rock.

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The word hate doesn't bother me but I despise these hate threads mostly because they achieve nothing but disdain and invariably arguments.

So in fact they actually beget hate.

Ironically, the band this forum is devoted to was from the love generation and except for a few of us old timers (some of whom are seemingly bitter and twisted too), the majority of members are from more recent generations who seem to delight in bringing people they don't even know, down.

Why? Because they don't "like" them or what they do or represent.

Get over yourselves and grow up, for the most part they aren't criminals or such and besides these threads do tend to become tedious.

If you can't say anything civil, shut the fuck up!

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I have to agree that the word "hate" is not one I would use. I don't HATE the celbs I listed, hell, I don't know them! But I do not like their performance or the personna that they seem to embrace for themselves. Thus I will not watch or listen to any of their performances.

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I agree that "hate" is a little extreme for anyone, much less celebrities I don't even know personally.

There are, however, many celebrities I can't stand / extremely dislike.

Alec Baldwin (although I do enjoy his CapitalOne commercials)

Joy Behar (it would be pointless to even attempt to begin listing all the reasons I can't stand this bitter shrew)

James Carville (it seems every word that comes out of his mouth is an effort to manipulate your perspective on the topic at hand, i.e., that he always speaks in "spin")

Bill Maher (his smug elitism is physically nauseating)

Sean Penn (he's the very personification of Hollywood elitist who, despite having little beyond a high school education, thinks the status he's attained as a celebrity qualifies him to have an opinion that should matter to the rest of us)

And countless other actors and musicians who also assume that their celebrity is a license to preach/expound/berate the rest of us that don't necessarily subscribe to their particular views, obviously because we aren't as enlightened as they are.

I have, however, resigned myself to divorcing myself from my feelings towards such celebrities / musicians when it comes to watching / listening to them.

If I limited myself to only those who had similar perspectives to my own, there wouldn't be much for me to watch or listen to.

But seriously, Joy Behar really is a disgusting, wretched excuse for a human being.

Edited by TypeO
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I'd say Fred Durst but I think he cashed in his fame card some time ago. Oh, I despise Bill Maher. Yup, that's the one. Durst & Maher share the same serial misogyny issue but where Durst is a mookish dope Maher is a smug elitist prick.

Kaiser, you give me hope for mankind. I would add Howard Stern to that odious list.

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Good for you, Jahf.

These days, having a TV is the cultural equivalent of having an open sewer running through your living room. IMO.

I would probably actually pay for cable if I could, it's more of a cost saving measure for the time being. If I want to watch movies, I rent them or watch TV shows, news, etc. online. I just can't justify paying nearly $100 a month for cable at present. I think more and more people are bypassing cable altogether by using things like Roku which is most likely going to be the wave of the future in much the same way that services like Spotify are going to be with music.

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Simon Cowell

Adam Sandler

Gotta agree about Cowell. He's a typical arrogant rich prick who flaunts his wealth.

I love Sandler in 'Punch Drunk Love' and 'Reign Over Me' (he is capable of serious roles) but most of his 'comedy' just grates on my nerves.

Charlie Sheen has to rate up there with another one I can't stand.

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LOL. I have to admit I enjoy quite a bit of Ricky's work (Extras; Brit original of The Office; that movie where he played a misanthrope dentist) but, as a person, he can be unpleasant it seems. He recently referred to Susan Boyle as a mong - not very charming to mock the afflicted. There's sometimes a strong bullying aspect to his humor (if you've got the stomach, there's a DVD feature - maybe from "Extras" - where Gervais and a male friend go to great depths in bullying, tormenting and pretty much sexually harassing a male crew member on the show).

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Kaiser, you give me hope for mankind. I would add Howard Stern to that odious list.

Why Howard? His show is a comedy show. Don't take it too seriously....plus he is pretty tame compared to many other entertainment mediums anymore.

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I enjoyed Private Parts for the most part. I also tuned into his show a number of years ago (well before he was on XM) and there really wasn't anything shocking about it. What I heard was pretty much a straight forward interview but otherwise, I don't really care for the man or what he represents.

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I'll be brief: I saw a few minutes of his tv show once where he had an obviously mentally challenged older woman take off her blouse, then proceeded to mock her body (and her mental state, with cuckoo clock sound effects) with his goonish male side-kicks.

And when the young Texas singer Selena was murdered, he ranted on about how soulless that kind of music is, and made racially insensitive comments. After a 21 year old girl had been murdered, this is. The man is scum.

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