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Whats for dinner? Cooking, dieting, excercising?


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I am about 15 lbs more than I would like to be. And at my age and with many men the weight goes into one place. The Gut. I am eating fish just about every night. And eliminating starches. Do have my bad habits though such as using half and half in my coffee and using coffee mate. I just went out and bought this coconut non dairy creamer. I am going to use it in my cereal and coffee. 0 cal and 0 fat. (SO brand)

This new Wii fitness system is amazing. I do not know how many of you have used it? The graphics are phenomenal. And its fun. I have used the sports too. I am better at the tennis than anything.

Back to the cooking or dieting. You have to really watch the oils you use. I use canola for baking, olive or coconut for cooking. The Spectrum virgin unrefined coconut oil is great stuff. You can cook fish in it. Use it in brownies in place of other oils. (I know brownies are not supposed to be mentioned here). I use lemon pepper seasoning alot on my fish. I have been having Alaskan Cod and whitefish and my favorite, Alaskan Halibut. Haddock, Salmon, Swordfish and am pretty much hooked on fish. Turkey burgers are a good replacement for regular burgers. I do not know if anyone else here is into watching their weight. But I am about to put more effort in expecially since I have a surgery coming in March.

Lastly, in case anyone should jump on me for starting a new thread, I did a search and found nothing.

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Let's see....Saturday I had a slab of ribs. Sunday was a hot dog. Monday was a pulled pork sandwich, and yesterday was pork chops. Somewhere in between I had a pint of Ben & Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" ice cream for dessert. I think tonite it's going to be a blt sandwich...just out of principle. Remember...It's not your daddy's pork.

Saw a comedian the other day who mentioned the following....

"I used to buy 36 inch boot-cut Levi's. Eventually this changed to regular-cut 36...then easy-fit 36....now I wear the 36 relaxed cut. What I can't figure out though, is why my underwear are size 42. :blink:

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Let's see....Saturday I had a slab of ribs. Sunday was a hot dog. Monday was a pulled pork sandwich, and yesterday was pork chops. Somewhere in between I had a pint of Ben & Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" ice cream for dessert. I think tonite it's going to be a blt sandwich...just out of principle. Remember...It's not your daddy's pork.

Saw a comedian the other day who mentioned the following....

"I used to buy 36 inch boot-cut Levi's. Eventually this changed to regular-cut 36...then easy-fit 36....now I wear the 36 relaxed cut. What I can't figure out though, is why my underwear are size 42. :blink:

Your cholesterol is probably off the charts. And I know, you dont care. You will when they are running that fucking catheter up your groin and pressing down to stop the bleeding and putting stents in your arteries and installing an insulin pump. Stay tuned.

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Your cholesterol is probably off the charts. And I know, you dont care. You will when they are running that fucking catheter up your groin and pressing down to stop the bleeding and putting stents in your arteries and installing an insulin pump. Stay tuned.

Whoa...there goes MY appetite.

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Why would you bring this somewhat off-topic question to the Led Zeppelin website ? if not for the fact that, as in so many other ways, Jimmy Page offers a source of inspiration ... you may need the "Jimmy Page Diet" !

Option 1 is the hardcore 1970s version : that would be a daily banana daiquiri with lots of class A drugs, all washed down with plenty of JD ... by then you won't want other food.

Less rock and roll - and yet a whole lot more practical is the mid 90s "Jimmy Page Diet" as retold here by Steve Albini :


Jack Daniels still allowed here too ! Pretty rigorous, just a little bit cranky, and quite a healthy way to eat ...

A spin through other pages on this site will also supply those inspiring before/after images of JP's weight loss/weight gain journey.. !

( For myself, though I'm no diet guru, I think your fish choices are a great start and I also believe that eating "real" food rather than processed is better for you and a much better way to tap into what you're really eating. We are all led to think that a lot of really crap food consumption is normal - so if you're in it for the long term I think you have to rethink a lot of things that we all take for granted. I would also say that - in spite of the JP/Steve Albini promises - 15lb in a month is hard going... in reality every pound lost will help you through the op. Afterwards it's up to you - but as with everything, knowledge is power.... )

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truth and beauty : how can any topic be " off-topic " in a new thread, in ramble on? :wacko:

ledzepfan77 : i have reigned in some of my bad eating habits lately, too. hardly any bread, no chocolate/lollies/chips etc also cut back on sugar in tea and coffee, having low sugar/low fat yogurts when i need sweets.

it's a slow process, but sustainable :)

good luck!

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truth and beauty : how can any topic be " off-topic " in a new thread, in ramble on? :wacko:

ledzepfan77 : i have reigned in some of my bad eating habits lately, too. hardly any bread, no chocolate/lollies/chips etc also cut back on sugar in tea and coffee, having low sugar/low fat yogurts when i need sweets.

it's a slow process, but sustainable :)

good luck!

If you know someone with a Wii system workout you should take a look at it. Its incredible. Fun too. If you do the run you are going through parks and over bridges and bike riding the same. Love the graphics. As for dieting, its tough I wont deny that. I have my habits. Freeze pops are one. But they are not bad, except the sugar. I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is cooking with vegetable oil. The stuff is terrible for you. To the guy who asked me why I am bringing up a non Zeppelin topic you better go see the rules and do your homework. This is Ramble On fella. Get off of my damn cloud.

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If you know someone with a Wii system workout you should take a look at it. Its incredible. Fun too. If you do the run you are going through parks and over bridges and bike riding the same. Love the graphics. As for dieting, its tough I wont deny that. I have my habits. Freeze pops are one. But they are not bad, except the sugar. I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is cooking with vegetable oil. The stuff is terrible for you. To the guy who asked me why I am bringing up a non Zeppelin topic you better go see the rules and do your homework. This is Ramble On fella. Get off of my damn cloud.

exercise is difficult for me atm. i have foot and back spurs, and possible arthritis in the knee/hip ( yes, i'm falling apart! ). going back to the doc today, actually.

plus, i'm on my feet all day 5 days a week already. i'm hoping to lose a bit of weight through diet change, and hopefully treat the foot and leg pain, and then start exercising more.

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They most certainly are NOT. How can you say that?? Turkey is the most disgusting meat known to man, thoroughly vile. Shit, if I woke up tomorrow and turkey was the only meat that existed, I'd rather turn veggy than eat that crap.

And anyway, you don't need to replace regular burgers, unless you're eating them every day. Low-fat mince, grilled not fried. I made some the other day, perfectly healthy. You Health Nazis really bug the shit out of me. Just ration yourself to one burger a week - or if you can't manage that, try just one a day.

i think he may have been saying that turkey meat is a good LOW FAT replacement, not the actual taste ?

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Why would you bring this somewhat off-topic question to the Led Zeppelin website ? if not for the fact that, as in so many other ways, Jimmy Page offers a source of inspiration ... you may need the "Jimmy Page Diet" !

Option 1 is the hardcore 1970s version : that would be a daily banana daiquiri with lots of class A drugs, all washed down with plenty of JD ... by then you won't want other food.

Less rock and roll - and yet a whole lot more practical is the mid 90s "Jimmy Page Diet" as retold here by Steve Albini :


Jack Daniels still allowed here too ! Pretty rigorous, just a little bit cranky, and quite a healthy way to eat ...

A spin through other pages on this site will also supply those inspiring before/after images of JP's weight loss/weight gain journey.. !

LOL - this post is inspiring, and funny as hell. But after reading a description of the JP diet, I have a pressing question: what the hell CAN you eat? Meat and water, maybe apples.

"The diet as he described it is a list of prohibitions rather than a menu to choose from. No refined sugar, no wheat or gluten, no mushrooms, yeast or other fungus, nothing fermented unless distilled (beer and wine not okay, distilled booze okay), rice vinegar only, no beans or legumes, no citrus and no dairy (small amounts of non-cow cheese and parmigiano permitted)."

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Yeah, we get through cases of coconut milk. But don't use the low-fat stuff, that sucks.

You need the genuine Thai versions, ideally Aroy-D or Chaokoh. The cheaper versions are too watery and don't have any of the nice thick solid stuff.

You should try almond milk. Great. I love coconut milk too. I use coconut oil in alot of cooking.

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Does anyone ever use almond or coconut milk? Alot of these products out now, Silk, SO, and come in various flavors. Vanilla, unsweetened. I am using the almond unsweetened and I use the coconut creamer now too. I love it.

I buy the vanilla almond milk for my daughter. She's a vegetarian. But I like to use it too on my cereal.

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You should try almond milk. Great. I love coconut milk too. I use coconut oil in alot of cooking.

My husband uses coconut oil in a lot of his cooking, too. He totally upended his diet last year and has lost about 40 pounds so far.

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Coconut oil, eh? Didn't even know that existed. Wifey's never heard of it either. Will have to check that out, sounds nice - for massages too...?

Over here there it comes in a jar and is called Spectrum, the brand I get. Unrefined virgin coconut oil. Anywhere from $9-$11 a jar depending on where you get it. Great stuff. Great for cooking coated shrimp, fish, I use it to cook halibut or talapia, and you can even substitute it in the oil you would use in brownies. Gives it a coconut taste. They have other oils like hazelnut that I have never bought, very expensive. But I use Olive, Canola and Coconut. Avoid vegetable oil. Very bad stuff.

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I'm thinking of experimenting with a new dish for Paddy's Day.

It's called Gaelic Prawns.

Green prawns lightly sauteed with garlic and ginger, served on a bed of jasmine rice with snow peas, butternut, honey carrots and potatoes and covered with a dujon mustard and Bailey's Irish cream sauce.

It was inspired by the Irish vibe around at the moment, seeing it's Rory's birthday today and the Caro last night with John and Paul, not The Beatles!?

Thoughts please.

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